Yarrawong Preschool and Early Education Centre in Orange, New South Wales | Nursery
Yarrawong Preschool and Early Education Centre
Locality: Orange, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6393 8080
Address: 2 Yarrawong Place 2800 Orange, NSW, Australia
Website: www.orange.nsw.gov.au/yarrawong
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22.01.2022 This afternoon our Budyabudya toddler room tried some locally grown fruit from Jodies garden, some yummy feijoas. The children were each given a butter knife so they could cut their fruit up, before trying it. The fruit is quite sweet as well as a little bit sour so it was good to see the children trying something new.
20.01.2022 Have you read the beautiful book ‘For All Creatures’? It talks about being grateful for all life and we had opportunity to share it with the Wilay children today. A baby magpie was found, dead, this morning under the tree where all of Yarrawong has been watching fascinated as a nest was built and mum and dad flew in and out on important Magpie business. How sad. But what a great conversation was had about death, decay, feelings of sadness and ways to celebrate life. The children decided it was important to eat cake after we buried the baby magpie.
18.01.2022 'I sat and waited for you to come back. To return me safely to my little backpack. Lost and alone, left on the ground. I am now in the Lost and Found.'... Do any of these lonely items of clothing look familiar? If they do please let us know! If they are not claimed in the next week any extra items will be donated to charity
17.01.2022 Crowns for all. What a privilege it is for me to unlearn what I was taught in school and relearn Australian history through the very wise eyes of the Wilay children. I think one of our children came up with a pretty perfect idea for our countries reconciliation journey yesterday. We started the day making cardboard crowns because a couple of children decided they were queens and of course they needed a crown. Then someone wanted to be a king so we did a bit of research becaus...e there was doubt that kings wore crowns too. After looking at some ancient portraits of English kings it was declared acceptable for boys to call themselves king and wear a crown (as opposed to the boy who decided he wanted a crown so he must be called queen). Solater in the day when we were creating our poster titled We are all in this together as part of our learning about Reconciliation Week many of the children were wearing glittery pieces of cardboard on their heads and walking a little taller and prouder than usual. The children were asked to provide words that describe what they thought being together meant so we could write these on the poster. Reggie declared that it means everyone should be allowed to wear a crown. It doesn’t get much more profound than that does it? What a wonderful place Australia would become if we all respected and treated each other as royalty- you know the fairy-tale kind that are awesome and special; not necessarily the real royals ;) Teresa.
17.01.2022 Over the past few weeks we have helped celebrate some of our friends birthday and joIned in as we made their cakes. This is an exciting time as all sing happy birthday and get to watch as the candles get blown out. Cooking with children provides practical experience with many essential skills such as following directions, and measuring. Getting involved in cooking helps your child to develop fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, and even early concepts of maths and science.
17.01.2022 Today Roger the natural resources officer from Orange City Council joined the educators and children from the Wilay room on a wetlands guided walk. There has been an increase in bird activity in and around Yarrawong so a small adventure through the amazing wetlands that surround us was a great way to do some learning on country. Roger spoke about the importance of caring for country and looking after the trees so the birds have safe homes. Roger pointed out the different species of trees and also what was a safe plant or a weed. The children were very inquisitive and had lots of questions for Roger to answer. Some children also took time to sit and just listen to nature surrounding them.
16.01.2022 Today some of the children were very busy getting some seedlings planted in the gardens for spring and summer. Today we planted watermelon, rockmelon, cucumber, gaint pumpkins and some herbs. There are some green thumbs emerging across the rooms at Yarrawong.
16.01.2022 From the 19th through to the 25th of October children at Yarrawong will be taking part in the Aussie backyard bird count run by Birdlife Australia. There is an app that allows children to count birds they see in the environment around Yarrawong. The app is free to download to your smart phone and can be done from anywhere in Australia.
14.01.2022 We have some fantastic new books. Each book was donated by someone from the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak. The children have been enjoying discovering new characters and stories. Thankyou very much Orange Daybreak.
13.01.2022 This week we have been enjoying watching the planting of some of our drought effected gardens with bush tucker plants! We are sad that we can't show our families as yet but here are some photos. Enjoy
13.01.2022 Today the children from the Wilay and Wibigang rooms enjoyed some fresh home grown carrots from Addison and her family. The children love a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for morning and afternoon teas.
13.01.2022 'I sat and waited for you to come back. To return me safely to my little backpack. Lost and alone, left on the ground. I am now in the Lost and Found.'... Do any of these lonely items of clothing look familiar? If they do please let us know! If they are not claimed in the next week any extra items will be donated to charity
12.01.2022 We have a collection point here at Yarrawong if you are able to help out families from all over the central west staying here at the local Ronald McDonald house while recieveing medical treatment please bring them in. The house is staffed 24 hours a day 365 days a year by volunteers and runs on donations from the community to keep its doors open to care for families in times of need. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.
12.01.2022 Today saw the children and educators come together as one to acknowledge country this morning and join with playschool to see how they acknowledge country all over Australia. As a centre we used our own yard to hold a march for NAIDOC Week and as requested by some children just like previous years post march celebrations needed to include the all important sausage sizzle!
11.01.2022 This week we have been enjoying watching the planting of some of our drought effected gardens with bush tucker plants! We are sad that we can't show our families as yet but here are some photos. Enjoy
10.01.2022 It's a girl!! A huge congratulations from all of us at Yarrawong to Carlie, Dave, Jack, Cadence, Cohen on the safe arrival of Camila!
10.01.2022 For the march today the wibigang room choose to wear the clothes we usually wear out and about in community during NAIDOC Week celebrations and events in previous years. Also a video of our centres acknowledgement of country that is used across our service daily from the nursery through to our preschool room.
09.01.2022 We would love some feedback about our outdoor environment. If you have a few moments take our survey. THANKS. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/STCT6BV
09.01.2022 Meet Wambiyala (wam-bee-al-ha) Birrany (beer-ain), means echidna boy in Wiradjuri. His name was chosen by the children in the Wilay room. Wambiyala is a visiting mascot from Jess at the Koori Curriculum based on the Central Coast of New South Wales. So far in his time here at Yarrawong, Wambiyala has had many adventures including flag raising for National Sorry Day, building ganyas with the children and supervising some art. The children have made sure that Wambiyala has a safe and warm place to sleep.
07.01.2022 What a difference a week makes. Last week we had a baby magpie found fallen from the nest. Today the children were very happy and excited to see that the nest has two baby magpies in it. There were comments from some children about how happy the magpie parents must be that they still have babies. The children were talking to the magpies as they were looking down at them watching the nest. They are getting very good at learning a magpie call.
07.01.2022 National Reconciliation Week runs from 27th May to the 3rd of June each year. Its is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Today marks the end of National Reconciliation Week. During the week the children have been reading books such as Sorry day and Sorry Sorry. There have been many conversations about how we can work together for bette...r world for everyone. Jodie will be putting together a series of photos involving Yarrawong children and families, staff as well as our wider community with love hearts on their palms as a way of showing support for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. If you would like to be involved please send us a picture of your 'hearts in hands' by email or in the comments. Thank you! See more
05.01.2022 Yesterday saw the start of National NAIDOC week. The children tuned into the live stream of our official opening ceremony and flag raising. There were some very excited children to see some of our local Elders that we see often on the big screen. Exploring the art work poster brought about some great conversations about the colours on country and out and about in the yard here at Yarrawong.
03.01.2022 We have a collection point here at Yarrawong if you are able to help out families from all over the central west staying here at the local Ronald McDonald house while recieveing medical treatment please bring them in. The house is staffed 24 hours a day 365 days a year by volunteers and runs on donations from the community to keep its doors open to care for families in times of need. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.
01.01.2022 Today is Early Childhood Educators Day! A day to say thankyou and acknowledge the dedication of our wonderful educators We say thankyou to the families, management and each other for their support - and for the morning tea goodies and for our lunch yesterday!
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