Your Business Angels in Box Hill, Victoria | Financial service
Your Business Angels
Locality: Box Hill, Victoria
Phone: +61 1300 982 559
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25.01.2022 And now for some good news On the back of our prime ministers drive to have unions and employers back a proposal compact to negotiate major changes in industrial relations system that will make employing people a lot less complicated and easier we are starting to see further plans on how the government will get involved in driving our economy forward. In todays Australian financial review (Wednesday 27thof May) the federal government is working up a multibillion-dollar schem...e to construct residential houses as part of its strategy to stimulate the economy and prop up the building industry as the nation emerges from the health crisis. The scheme confirmed yesterday by Prime Minister Scott Morrison is understood to ward off the so-called valley of death in residential construction that is looming when the current projects expire. The industry was facing a decline in residential construction in 2021 of 30% and a significant reduction in jobs. This prediction was affected because of the extreme drop in migration. There is no clear policy yet, but we can assume that several packages could be included once an announcement occurs. There is a call for a $10 billion fund to build 30,000 new social housing units one of the key proposals put to national cabinet by Master builders Australia was a new home grant of $40,000 that would ensure up to 130,000 homes were built in 2021 financial year Unusual bedfellows have been working together to lobby the government for the stimulus. The CFMEU and the Master builders Australia called for the $10 billion fund to build 30,000 new social housing units to head off the anticipated investment slump. These two organisations ceased hostilities over a month ago to keep the construction industry operating and of said investment in residential and business construction was expected to fall by 40 to 50%. Lobbying the government together they are trying to offset this fall. In an amusing observation the CEO of Your Business Angels notes that if the proposal for a home grant of $40,000 goes ahead we are turning the millennium generation into a new set of baby boomers. One can comfortably assume that we will see state governments continue to provide funds moving projects forward and one can also assume to that councils will continue to spend up their budgets and works, hopefully engaging with local companies to complete these works.
25.01.2022 What is it you want? In what is a daily occurrence, I had a meeting with the client last week to talk about the development of their Business. Two great opportunities. This would mean our client would have a second business....Continue reading
25.01.2022 Preparing for survival with Your Business Angels Safe Harbour Program What is this survival for your business mean? Strategy for survival is to know that you must outlast the economic downturn, ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 We have a hero In our scramble to get our team working well from home we relied on Ken Briscoe from Comms IT to complete this task in less than 48 hours. So that is getting everyone home with a computer, online with our servers and in the cloud well-connected and with an Internet phone as well a way for our office (which has two people remaining) communicating with everybody. He also had top advise and supervise our additional team outside of Melbourne. This team consists of... over 25 people who also work in our team. The scramble and this work was completed without complaint, fuss and an incredibly professional manner. While in the first 4 to 5 weeks in I was in lockdown in my mothers apartment in New Zealand, Ken kept my old surface pro going so that I could be working with the team and my clients without interruption or issue. Arriving back in Australia my old surface pro gave up the ghost and working with extremely difficult and obnoxious security guards where I was held prisoner Opps sorry in quarantine for two weeks he negotiated with them to give me a computer that he had to buy prepare overnight so I could continue working. He also solved my problem with Wi-Fi with an Optus toggle and the Sim cards that needed to be updated so I got through an awful lot of work. Your Business Angels plans for our clients with the stimulus package and support in this new economy has been hectic and hard work and Ken and his team are a big part of our continuous ability to serve you our clients well. So, this comes firstly as a shout out and a five star, no make that 10-star gold rimmed, no make that platinum rimmed recommendation. Ken took my phone calls 24 hours a day, he took my staffs phone calls at any hours of the day and with great grace and often a wonderful humour has kept Your Business Angels operating without a hitch. We have had to deal with overloads on the Australian Taxation Office portals and Ken has been there with solutions. So, he comes with my strongest recommendation for those of you who rely on anything IT to operate your business. In my early days of this business I was told by a mentor that the secret to business and life is to turn up. Ken has certainly turned up and we are most grateful. Ken Briscoe ([email protected]) 0414 780920 Ken has always been very honest about what needs to be done, the photo demonstrates what needed to be done with some old computers we had and were wondering whether they were still usable.
25.01.2022 it took a pandemic to do so! So, here is the thing, Im looking for a metaphor to write this blog about small businesses in Australia that make up 62.7% of all enterprises that have finally been recognised by the government. And ironically this recognition comes about because of the pandemic. In the initial stimulus package, self-employed ABN holders were left out of the cash boost which was a refund on PAYG payments. ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 ABOUT MONEY YOU NEED NOW TO PAY STAFF WHILE YOU WAIT FOR JOBKEEPER FUNDING The Jobkeeper legislation - a major part of the stimulus package has moved we assess as quickly as it can. We are still getting variations on how to determine if a business has had a drop in turnover and the next blog will give some information on that, though the number of variations on how to assess Jobkeeper keeps growing. Its been a big job to stay ahead. The ATO has responded to various situations... and help stop businesses fall through the cracks. Again, considering the circumstances and time restraints an amazing job. (Though we will make representation to the ATO for a group that has missed out) One problem for businesses keeping on staff is money to pay staff right now while waiting for the Jobkeeper funding. The government is pushing the big banks to give bridging finance, the phone numbers are below and we suspect that you will need considerable patience. How can we help - Each bank will be different, but will want details from you and I believe they cross confirm with the ATO that you are eligible for the loans so the application needs to be in, and we assume they will need some financial details. We are searching the bank websites now to see if we can work out what a package may look like. In the mean time if you are stuck, please lets us know immediately what we can do. As writing this we are like everyone a bit blind to how these specific loans work. But these loans will be commercially sensible, do not - repeat do not go to the likes of Prospa for this. The below list comes from the Australian Banking Association who are being chased up by the Government to speed things up. These JobKeeper hotlines are now live: ANZ: 1800 571 123 Bank of Melbourne: 1300 784 873 Bank SA: 1300 669 472 BOQ: 1300 55 72 72 Bendigo Bank web enquiry only CommBank: 13 26 07 NAB: 1800 JOBKEEPER (1800 562 533) St George: 1300 730 196 Suncorp Bank: 13 11 55 (then select 1,3,3,1) Westpac: 1300 731 073 The Australian Banking Association says "Banks are also fast-tracking efforts to streamline assessments with the ATO that confirm JobKeeper eligibility".
24.01.2022 YBA BULLET POINT NEWS #3 Please feel free to comment any of your own opinions and ideas regarding these stories.
23.01.2022 8/16/2020 6:21:49 AM Simmering old problems for business and Australia have been brought to a head because of COVID-19. They need quick solutions. As an individual and as a business owner, the responsibility as well the accountability sits with you to see your family and country through these troubled times. Whining that the governments are not getting everything right and do not have solutions for everything should for now be a thing of our past....Continue reading
21.01.2022 One of the elephants in the room what happens when JobKeeper ends? While it may seem a long way off, Your Business Angels want to discuss with you all the issues you face when the stimulus package ends into new normal exists in a very different marketplace. The Morrison government will revamp and extend the JobKeeper program beyond September. Still, we are cautioning businesses that have held onto their staff to consider whether they will be kept on after September if was not a new stimulus package. The $1500 a fortnight wage subsidy has continued to accrual annual leave and other entitlements. Should you decide or need to let workers go because your business will not bounce back to where it was, these entitlements will have to be paid out either from cash reserves you may have, or what might be a period when it is difficult to make a profit to cover these payments. Our message to our clients is do not put your business at risk because that means everybody loses if you keep people on who are not actively working while you are scrambling to wonder what to do or how you are going to pay entitlements. There is a new term now called zombie workers in who were on JobKeeper, but there is no real job for them. Letting staff go is never easy, but you must consider the consequences. You may wish to talk to us about how to shrink your business, managing with less staff, and then taking more back on, as you grow the business once we understand what is happening in the marketplace. By talking to us at Your Business Angels, we can talk about what adjustments need to be made now to survive, and we can help you with the judgement of the viability of your business and how many staff you may need. No one gets any pleasure from putting staff off, but it is pointless trying to run a business that is trying to carry pre-COVID 19 overheads. COVID-19 created a need for our team to work even more closely with our clients. We want that to be the future relationship, and we need to hear from you when you need a review, a chat or help. Stay Safe and work hard to help get the new caseload down in Victoria
21.01.2022 From YBA CEO Gavin Waring: For "just the cost of a cup of coffee" ? It might be more than you think. How much are you REALLY spending? See how it all adds up: a lunchbox and a thermos could be your next big investment!
20.01.2022 arch 2021 and March 2022 As this blog is about a prediction for the above dates. My predictions come from my personal and business experience, as well as operating Your Business Angels through downturns and calamities other global downturns that we seemed to miss for reasons such as a mining boom and often just luck....Continue reading
20.01.2022 Do not waste a tax loss This has been a difficult year, and your business may have made a tax loss. A tax loss is when the total deductions you can claim, excluding gifts and donations, are greater than your total income for an income year.... If your business makes a tax loss, you may be able to: Offset the loss in the same income year against other assessable income, or Carry forward the loss and claim it as a business deduction in a later year. If youre a sole trader or in a partnership and want to offset a tax loss, first check if you meet at least one of the non-commercial losses requirements. If you do meet the requirements, then you can offset the loss against other assessable income (such as salary or investment income) in the same income year. If you do not meet the requirements, you can defer the loss or carry it forward to future years. For example, you can offset it when you next make a profit. If your business is a company, you can generally choose the year you want to claim a deduction. Confused do you have a question about making the most of a tax loss Call Your Business Angels 1300 982559 or contact us
19.01.2022 Your Business Angels CEO Gavin Waring On Leveraging The Budget
19.01.2022 Dont be a bloody idiot the lawyers are seeing our lockdown as a great opportunity Sorry here is another burden for you... Employers are financially liable if their staff (and we assume subcontractors) contract coronavirus at work. As the sobering effects of the latest stage of lockdown kicks in, we need to make those who have subcontractors and employees (in your teams of 5) to have not only your COVID safe plans in place, but daily staff registration even for outside construction work in place and practiced. Last week, Victorias workplace Safety Minister Jill Hennessy confirmed employers could face charges under newly introduced industrial manslaughter laws where they are found to have failed in duties of care relating to spread of the infection. Already the lawyers are making statements about what they may be able to do. Maurice Blackburn principle lawyer quoted in Tuesdays Financial review said tests comparing samples of the virus with other known cases could be used to establish liability. Specialist genomic testing has been used to trace infections and other public health problems, including outbreaks of food-borne bacteria. That may become highly relevant when it comes to sorting out who contracted COVID from and whether that exposure was likely to have risen in the workplace. Consider your liability if you dont have a COVID safe plan in place and practiced Penalties of up to 20 years and fines of as much as $16.5 million could be imposed if staff die after contracting coronavirus at work. Worksafe Victoria is requiring employers to notify them of confirmed COVID-19 cases among employees under changes made through the Occupation health and Safety Act. Especially on building and construction sites our clients have been well trained in risk assessment and safety, now the Government has made you liable so you need to do risk assessment and initiate safety measure for something you cant see. Please please please if you have not completed your COVID safe plan and you are working with others, even working at a distance. If you are struggling with this call Your Business Angels and we will map one out for you, but you must implement it. Please = please please be strict about the register of anyone who is working on your site that includes the driver who just delivered the tiles to be noted in the register. The register as well as the plan must be active even when we come out of Stage IV as the authorities will want to blame a small business for anything. Queries, anything, please call Your Your Business Angels
19.01.2022 Im always talking about watching your money. New real time data shows that spending is returning to normal, at just 3% below pre-crisis levels (June 22nd report). While this evidence confirms mortgage deferrals and other hardship measures are supporting spending, it also suggests that we may be simply kicking the can down the road until September or after when stimulus measures and bank mortgage holidays come to a grinding halt.... The Australian Banking Association has released new figures showing 429,000 mortgages had been deferred, totalling $153.5 billion. The evidence suggests that these hardship provisions are supporting spending. Comparing people who received mortgage deferrals with those who did not, there is very little difference between levels of discretionary spending. Many people on hardship have experienced income reductions. Without hardship provisions these people would have to cut their spending significantly in response. Become sensible do not face a cliff in September. These trends show that come September, we will be staring down the cliff face. Mortgages will need to be repaid, those in hardship will further clamp down on discretionary spending, having a catalytic impact on the economy. It could be a double-whammy if the hardship provisions end at the same time as Government support. We are starting to see now some great ideas coming forward from the government and I think a big stimulus package will be heart starting the domestic building market. Ideas around the moment is social housing which includes the development of 30,000 new houses as well as bringing in a new home owners grant of $40-$50,000 that would really kick things on. But whatever happens it is going to get tough. You need a tough advisory and accounting firm to stop that can from rattling down the road, stabilise your business and your budgets, keep you in sweet with the tax department and not only help you survive but to grow your business. Your business Angels is the best choice.
18.01.2022 We know all about it BUT.. The team at Your Business Angels has been across Stimulus II since it was first released and have been working with our clients anyway. If you have any queries, please contact your client coordinator. ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 There is no economic modelling for a pandemic. I was just starting writing and got to 2714 words so if you have the time.. If you mistreat money it will leave Your new relationship with money must include change of habits and culture. Budgets do not work; they are simply a way we tell lies to ourselves....Continue reading
17.01.2022 Roast Beef and Vegetable Soup Your Business Angels CEO Gavin Waring shows just how much food you can make for a small amount of money, while saving a LOT!
17.01.2022 Is your company in need of debt reduction What was your business like before Covid-19? Were you struggling anyway, with the various coloured letters coming from the Australian Taxation Office? Were you finding it hard to meet superannuation? Have loan repayments always been a problem?... Let me ask you another question... If you were not carrying the debt that you are carrying now, would you have a vibrant and forward-looking business? Because if this is you, then Your Business Angels could certainly help you get your business back in order and help you move forward. There are several strategies and ideas, post Covid-19 stimulus package, that we can help you implement to help you clean up your business and move forward. If you are sick of the pressure and worried that sooner or later, you will be called to account for lingering debt, give Your Business Angels a call and let us find a solution.
17.01.2022 Kicking the can down the road again Thursday, August 20, 2020 Support for eligible residential and commercial landlords is being extended. Victorias moratorium on rental evictions and rent increases will be extended until the end of the year. The laws, introduced in late March to protect tenants suffering financial distress because of the pandemic, were due to expire on September 29.... Rental increases and evictions for both residential and commercial tenants will now remain banned until December 31. "Nobody should be worried about losing a roof over their head right now, particularly given the circumstances around social distancing," Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas said. Land tax relief for eligible residential and commercial landlords is also being extended, and the potential discount has doubled from 25 per cent to 50 per cent. The Victorian Government is also setting up a $60 million fund to support small commercial landlords, who may be eligible for payments of up to $3,000 per tenancy. Commercial landlords will now also be required to provide rent relief in proportion with the fall in turnover experienced by eligible tenants. For businesses that have a commercials lease, there will come a time when this continuing extension will stop, and businesses and landlords and their financers will need some sensible solutions. If you have a commercial lease, now is the time to be talking to the landlord as well as the agent. After so long without full turnover, many businesses, especially those ion hospitality and retail will never be able to recover a turnover that could repay the balance of what is owning on a lease. At the same time, landlords could face a long period of an empty building if they came in too hard at the ends of the period. Now and not latter is the time to have an offer and work solutions, rather than just kicking the can down the road. See more
17.01.2022 Watch this space With Virgin Airlines in administration we can watch how the top end of town reconstruct an airline so that it can be still the second airline in Australia and also be far more competitive. You have a sense that this is going to happen because you start to see Qantas start to talk about how competitive its going to be and give this new airline a baptism of fire while the head of REX airline has said that the airline would head for another financial disaster u...nless it was completely restructured including rewriting its enterprise bargaining agreement. In a nutshell Virgin airline went into administration owing billions of dollars. A large amount of this money is unsecured so it seems that a lot of lenders will take a serious haircut. There are a few lenders who have security over planes but in the scheme of things any deal would be better for the lenders than losing everything. Bidders for the airline will be looking at putting just the right amount of money up so that creditors can walk away with some money and some dignity and they get an airline at a bargain basement price stripped of debt and possibly a new enterprise bargaining agreement with staff who desperately want to come back to work. In a nutshell a lot of Australian businesses may be pondering what to do with their large amounts of debt their loss of income in the last two months in coming years and how to survive and keep the brand in the business of put together. At Your Business Angels we will be watching carefully what the authoritys corporate watchdogs etc. allow and make of this. Right now, many businesses are surviving because they arent paying their financial debts, their landlords and are getting funded to hold their staff in place. Over the next few months businesses will need to start thinking about what they really do to restructure and survive what could be a very difficult recession for up to 3 or four years. Your Business Angels following our Toward Safe Harbour program can possibly have the answer for your business. It wouldnt hurt to stop and discuss your companys situation and have a strategy in the medium term which means you survive first and then return to be a successful company
15.01.2022 Your Business Angels made submissions to the Victorian government More like complained about the responsibility for an employer and their liability if anyone caught COVID-19 on a work site. I write to the premier, the health minister and the minister in-charge of Worksafe I do not expect a reply anytime soon, as they are very occupied, but eventually I will get a response. But, I also wrote to my member in Box Hill Paul Hamer who I appreciate always gets back to me when I h...ave a complaint, a compliment or feel I want to update him on the plight of SMEs in Victoria. Here is his full reply to my concerns over new liability with COVID-19 Thank you for sending this through. As I am sure you are aware, the existing Occupational Health and Safety Act includes a range of duties on employers to ensure a safe workplace is maintained. The workplace manslaughter laws only apply where there is a breach of specified existing duties under the OHS Act. The laws do not create any new duties under the Act. For the purposes of workplace manslaughter, the organisation must have both breached the duty owed to the employee by its negligent conduct AND the breach of the duty must have caused the death of the victim. It is intended that the existing common law test for criminal negligence and causation apply, which is an appropriately high standard considering the significant penalties for the new offence. Although ultimately it is a matter for the courts, the mere fact that a worker contracted the virus in the workplace would not appear to establish either causation or negligence. On 28 July 2020, temporary regulations were approved under the OHS Act that specify when employers and self-employed persons must notify WorkSafe of a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace. Failure to notify WorkSafe can result in a penalty. It is clear from the data that a lot of transmission has been occurring at workplaces, and these regulations are driven by the need to control potential new workplace outbreaks as soon as possible. I understand that there may some confusion as to how these laws apply, and I will pass your concerns on to the Attorney-Generals office. There are two key points 1) Have your COVID plan, and registration of everyone coming in and use it. Also 2) If someone has any symptoms even the usual cold that we all can work through, send them to the doctor and home after testing or until you know. Sorry, nothing is easy. Stay safe.
14.01.2022 Your Business Angels CEO Gavin Waring, "Just Because It's A Zombie Company... Doesn't Mean It's Not A GOOD Business"
13.01.2022 23/08/2020 11:13:47 AM Please Share with your friends, Family and Colleagues in Business. The bubble edition - Topics 1) Bubbles (and again where is he going with this?)...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Using the Precis accounting system saves in time a minimum of 208 hours a year instead of sitting in front of an accounting package. If they are billing at $65.00 per hour, we are allowing them to make an extra $13,520 more. Plus there is the additional value in not paying on average over $780.00 a year renting the accounting system. Our accounting fees using Precis allow you to make more money over and above our accounting fees.
07.01.2022 Turnup A Silver screen actresses words are important now as ever The secret to life is just to turn up.... About 17 years ago, I flew to Kota Kinabalu in Borneo to see a mentor who was running a conference. I had drawn a blank in business growth, and I felt I had some challenging barriers to cross. It was also a chance to finish a book I was writing How Not to Commit Business Suicide, and there was a beech and warm weather. The first night I had a chance to talk with Colin, I explain my various dilemmas and then waited for his reply. I guess I was expecting a sort of silver bullet, but he said, keep going and make sure you turn up. Colin quoting Mary Pickford also went on to say, never be scared to change tactics, but make sure you have chosen a good strategy. Turn up comes in many forms. To turn up to be on time, to turn up to see the job is completed and to turn up because you do not yet know how to solve a problem. Turn up means that you can see for yourself what needs to be done. It also means that you turn up to understand the accounts, the financial position of your business and deal with compliance and keeping yourself and your business of the ATO radar. It also means turnup and make sure. Do not just assume. Turning up is a good business practice, no matter what form it could take. Our current disaster in Victoria would not have happened if a few people bothered to turn up. If the HHS, the state government in any form, or the unions had turned up to see what was going on in the quarantine hotels in Melbourne, we would be in a better circumstances than we are today. At the inquiry been conducted into the quarantine fiasco, Mr. Menzies a manager at Ridgeway Hotel told the inquiry he did not see anyone from infection control, who were contracted by DHHS, at his hotel from mid-April when the first guests arrived until the latest outbreak occurred. No one bothered to turn up to a vital part of managing COVID and returning Australians. Everyone just assumed everything was alright. The lesson never assume anything in your business. Turn up and check everything
07.01.2022 Mark from our team has done it again, he has successfully gained remission of interest and penalties for another client today but this time on their personal tax debt, our lucky client will be getting a very nice refund from the ATO of over $80K that he had already paid. Thats got to make any one smile at the moment. Its great having an amazing team working all together to get the best we can for each client
07.01.2022 Airline industry is constantly reinventing itself and makes for interesting and sometimes inspiring reading. While we wait to see the outcome of the sale of Virgin Airlines I am fascinated with developments in the airline industry, and what it does to continue to provide a service and/or survive. As the pandemic continues to sweep the globe, it has catastrophically impacted airline operations. Restrictions on domestic and international flying have reduced schedules to a mer...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Thursday Morning Irony The sale of black-market tobacco products cost the community approximately $647 million in lost excise revenue in 201718. This is money that could have been used to fund essential community services. Thats about the same amount Netflix was transferring to the Netherlands tax-free before the pandemic. (Its a lot more now) ... Im trying to work out who is ripping us off more, illegal tobacco growers or multinationals?
05.01.2022 The next grant from the State Government has been released (sorry for Victoria only). Its very under-whelming however there are additional grants coming through that can be matched with several our clients. Here are the dot points on the new Grant You need to log in with the Victorian DGPR login, so we cannot complete it for you, however, if you need help then make a phone appointment with your client coordinator. Our client coordinators will be fully briefed Tuesday (most of our team are already briefed). If you had the $10k grant before this should be easier than for others. You will need utility bills (under personal name just confirming it is you) as well Worksafe certificate of currency, as well as other supporting documents. If you do not have JobKeeper, then you will not get this grant as we understand it. This closes 33 days We suspect (hope) that there may be more support coming soon, such as the CBD business support fund, Night-time Economy Support Program, Regional Tourism Accommodation Support Program, and others. There seems to be a hint for more, and we will try and update you as we see opportunities for our clients. Cheers Stay Safe
04.01.2022 Hi Gavin, I am just send a note to let you know that I have been a client at your company for nearly 2 years now and it has been the best experience I have had with an accounting firm after nearly 40 years of business. ... The efforts you all go through to do the best for your clients is very pleasing and 4especially the relationship I have with my client co-ordinator Melanie Vincent. She looks after me very well, and efficiently, hassling for things when I need to do them, answers or finds out the answers from others when I ask questions. Mel, probably like your other Client Co-ordinators are your front line and Mel represents your company very well. Thanks to you, Mel and your team I sleep easy at night knowing things are done and done right Regards Michael Worth
03.01.2022 Are we stuffed No, but the way people are spending money at the moment they are brain dead and oblivious to what is going to happen in Australia. Below is a summary of what will happen in the economy. We at Your Business Angels are working on a program that will allow all business owners to make a real assessment of their business we will have more about this next week and how it will work. We want everyone to be a winner in these times. While we scramble to stay up with w...hat we can and cannot get for our clients in stimulus packages for our clients, its worth repeating, and again, and again, and again, and again, and back, its going to get messy financially. Simply be careful with your money, find new habits. Meanwhile The announcements of what our position might be have been released, and we are heading for the worst recession since the one that was around from 1949. That never ended to the mid to late 70s, and as a child, I grew up in a household where things were tight by comparison now, but then I was a child, and life was pretty good with what we had. Here are some key points from the federal governments economic update from a press release issued by Josh Frydenberg and Mathias Cormann: It all becomes hard to absorb millions use to sound a lot, now billions are just a number. The underlying cash balance is forecast to decrease from balance in 2018-19 to an $85.8bn deficit in 2019-20 and a $184.5bn deficit in 2020-21. Net debt is expected to be $488.2bn (24.6% of GDP) on 30 June 2020 and increase to $677.1bn (35.7% of GDP) on 30 June 2021. Compared to the 1949 recession that went over 120%. Despite the support to the economy from the measures the government has taken, real GDP is forecast to have fallen sharply in the June quarter by 7%. Thats a massive drop in cash and business in the economy so that many businesses wont survive. However, the easing of health restrictions in line with health advice is expected to deliver an increase in economic activity from the September quarter and beyond. On a calendar-year basis, real GDP is predicted to grow by 2.5% in 2021, after a fall of 3.75% in 2020. The unemployment rate is forecast to peak at about 9.25% in the December quarter, although labour market conditions are expected to strengthen beyond 2020. Real unemployment is much higher than this. Frydenberg said Australia had faced a "health and economic crisis like nothing we have seen in the last 100 years" and the economy had taken a big hit.
02.01.2022 Five things to remember as we move forward in business before and after Covid-19 You cannot have missed what is happening. We live in a different world where a new language includes terms like social distancing, social lockdown, quarantine, and essential businesses are part of news and conversation....Continue reading
02.01.2022 Sunday 9.24 am 26th July "Whats this got to do with me? A lot. If you take the governments goals and imitate them, it may be a way to your business salvation. So, we got that out of the way! ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Moving a market There is from what we are finding out a lot of work in the trades in the marketplace - it just may not be where you have worked previously. You may need to move to a different market using your skills.... You might need to travel a little further or to a different place. Your rate might be down a little bit - while you prove yourself in your new market, but there is work out there. We have reports on councils spending their budgets - anything from upgrading toilets in town halls to changing disabled car park signs. There are constant announcements from state governments who are spending money to keep the economy going. In Victoria the government has announced a $2.7 billion spending spree to bring work and to the community with development on infrastructure. This includes $1.2 billion to build 10 more schools and upgrade 57 more as well as the beginning of social housing which we believe will be a cornerstone of Federal and State new infrastructure soon. Maintaining the housing industry is important but the work in other areas that you can apply your trade can occur. While the state government plans to generate work for 3700 direct jobs, we do not know who gets the head contracts and how you can plug into that now. But you need to be vigilant and watching the various tender websites. Further pressure on both the state and federal governments maintain that the governments need to become more active in the housing market. Master builders Victoria wants a boost to the first home buyers Grant and the elimination of stamp duty for at least six months to increase housing demand. The property Council of Australia has called for a new migration plan it is dubbed welcome to Australia scheme. Housing has for many years been fuelled by migrants who come with enough money to buy their homes and by maintaining emigration the housing market can continually be filled. On the flipside of this it is worth noting that there has been an increase in the number of rental houses as properties come from short-term offers such as AirbnB and reduce demand from investors. Housing demands had been dropping before Covid 19, and commercial property demand was not expected to keep pace with stronger supply in the near term and therefore it was likely that vacancy rates would rise in office rents would fall. Fletcher, New Zealand builder operating in Australia has already reduced its New Zealand staffed by a thousand people and is talking about further redundancies in Australia of 500 people. As we said, workers out there in but do not expect it to be where you have been working in the past and be prepared to shift your market and look for work elsewhere.
01.01.2022 Is the jobkeeper a subsidy for large businesses that have for years gotten away with not paying their small business suppliers? Is Jobkeeper corporate welfare? What needs to happen at a Federal Level to flatten the negative cashflow spike small businesses have always faced? While Jobkeeper was such an important piece of legislation to keep people in work, and we support it whole heartedly, what else should have happened to keep small businesses who are a key part of the busin...ess fabric in Australia going? Listen to the blog by Gavin Waring, CEO of Your Business Angels.
01.01.2022 Overconsumption - how much stuff do you need? I am always wondering how much stuff is enough. A friend of mine, who started out as a consultant to Your Business Angels said, if you treat money badly it will leave you. ... Buying stuff, you do not need is certainly one way for it to leave you. Below is an article from Monocle, a magazine in print and online I subscribe to. Its interesting how some businesses have approached the Black Friday consumption gluttony. FASHION / GLOBAL Not buying it Black Friday isn’t just about price reductions. Even retailers who don’t offer discounts can experience a big uplift in revenue and traffic as today’s event, along with Cyber Monday, simply gets more people shopping both online and in shops. However, an increasing number of brands are challenging the overconsumption. New Zealand-US trainer company Allbirds is raising its prices by $1 (0.80) on the day, donating proceeds to the climate movement, while UK outerwear label Belstaff is giving 10 per cent of sales profits to the Big Issue Foundation, a charity for the homeless. Outdoor-clothing brand Patagonia, meanwhile, has donated all Black Friday proceeds to environmental organisations since 2016. Explaining her own companies’ decision to support charities instead of offering discounts, Baukjen de Swaan Arons, founder of womenswear brands Baukjen and Isabella Oliver, says: It’s been such a difficult year and as an ethical and sustainable brand we don’t feel that it’s right to participate and encourage hyper-consumerism. We believe in buying less and buying better. It’s an easy sell if you ask us.
01.01.2022 From the CEO Gavin Waring Sunday Morning 8.18 am Are we heading for a train wreck in the economy no, the train is needing to go slowly over a very creaky bridge, and you need patients, show determination, and have true grit to get through. OH yes, you also need to stay close to Your Business Angels client coordinators who are there to help in any way possible. 8.18 am Sunday, and my house is quiet. I am in my home office, and this is the time I catch up on newspaper article...Continue reading
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