Young Engineers Canberra, Australia in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Education
Young Engineers Canberra, Australia
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 490 808 138
Address: 9/55 Stuart Street, Griffith 2603 ACT 2603 Canberra, ACT, Australia
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25.01.2022 Our first Spring Holiday Camp held at Chapman Primary School was super fun! We built so many amazing LEGO models based on the theme of the day, learnt some coding, painted, played some games and had an awesome time together achieving the mission of the day. What was truly amazing to witness was the level of creativity and the problem-solving ability kids have if we just let them think freely. Our programs are not just about teaching engineering and learning to code. We aim a...t cultivating a mindset of curiosity and a sense of wonder so that our future generations can solve the problems of tomorrow. If you still haven't registered, you could join our camps at Braddon (06th/07th Oct) and Queanbeyan (08th/09th Oct). Visit #creativity #problem-solving #future #21stCenturySkillsIf #yecanberra #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #Canberramums #Canberradads #canberraliving
25.01.2022 All the lights of the world cannot be compared even to a ray of the inner light of the self. Merge yourself in this light and enjoy the festival of lights!
24.01.2022 1. Bees Are Vitally Important to the Ecosystem Bees have changed very little over the last 100 million years or so since they first evolved. Since that time, th...ey have become integral to a healthy and thriving ecosystem. Their co-evolution as pollinating insects is vitally important to the life cycles of some plant species. This has been a peaceful and mutually beneficial semi-symbiotic relationship for eons, but modern use of pesticides threaten this incredibly important relationship. It is estimated that around 70% of the crops we eat rely on the interplay of plant and bee. Bees have been hit hard of late and their extinction would be a critical blow to the healthy continuation of the ecosystem at large. Their loss would be tragic but perhaps we could create alternatives. 2. Sharks Help Keep Other Species in Check Sharks, as fear-inducing they might be, play vital roles in the ocean. Primarily, as apex predators, they help maintain other species populations. Various environmental and man-made activities have been damaging their populations for decades. 3. Fungi Are the World's Recyclers Fungi come in many shapes and sizes. Some will rot our food, others provide us with penicillin and yet others taste great on a plate. Put simply, without the wide variety of fungi the world over life on Earth would quickly run into serious trouble. Fungal species provide vital roles in releasing nutrients back into the food chain when plants and animals die. They are, in effect, the world's recyclers. Yet despite this many species are facing extinction from pollution and agricultural activities. 4. Bats Are Vital To Protecting Some Food Crops Bats occupy a vital niche in the ecosystem by providing an essential 'service' - insect regulation. Their bug-munching habits help keep crops like Bananas, Mangoes, Dates and, even Tequila, thriving. Some species also provide vital pollination strategies for some plants. Bats activities can be translated into literally millions of dollar savings in the use of pesticides. They also tend to be a good indicator of a healthy ecosystem. Some species of them are currently threatened and many local authorities around the world now protect them. Loss of habitat from building works, wind turbines, and other manmade hazards are putting some pressure on global populations. 5. Earthworms are the Recuperators of the Earth Earthworms provide a critically important role for the Earth's biosphere. Their busy lives are spent aerating the soil and enriching it with much-needed organics and minerals from their excrement. They, in fact, the unsung heroes of the garden and the world at large. But Earthworms are coming under serious threat from the excessive use of manure and ever acidifying soils. Lower pH soils appear to have serious impacts on the earthworm's ability to reproduce. 6. Phytoplankton Are the Lungs of The Earth Generation of oxygen is far greater from the Earth's oceans than the puny contributions of forests on land with phytoplankton producing around 2/3 of the world's atmospheric oxygen. They also form a vital role as the foundation of the food chain. It cannot be understated just how important these micro-organisms are to live on Earth. Without them, the amount of free oxygen in the atmosphere would be considerably lower making it very uncomfortable indeed to live on our planet. 7. Ants Are Vitally Important to Ecosystems And last but by no means least we have ants. These militarised bugs like earthworms, provide vital recycling activities in ecosystems around the world. They are also directly predated upon and are an inspiration for development in AI. Rising global temperatures could have serious effects on ant populations the world over. 8. Coral Reefs are Vitally Important for Many Coastal Ecosystems Coral reefs are both incredibly beautiful structures but also provide vital roles in the local ecosystems. Reefs provide sheltered lagoons behind them and act as a foundation for complex food webs. Changes in sea level and temperatures the world over are threatening the future of many coral reefs the world over. 9. Cyanobacteria are the World's Main Nitrogen-Fixers Cyanobacteria, like many other microscopic organisms, can be found in all conceivable habitats around the world. Think of somewhere, and you can bet you'll find some form of cyanobacteria there. They provide various functions for ecosystems from anoxygenic photosynthesis to, most importantly, nitrogen-fixing (diazotrophic) activities. Some species also provide vital roles under the umbrella term phytoplankton. Cyanobacteria, unlike others on the list, need to be saved from themselves. Blooms in cyanobacteria from the release of fertilizers into waterways can cause serious deoxygenation and devastation of affected ecosystems. Via:
24.01.2022 What will your kids be doing January 11-22? If there's even a remote chance that they'll be attending a STEM workshop.. this is for you. Until 23rd November, you can score yourself a 10% discount coupon to the best engineering workshops throughout Australia. No fees, no credit card, no cancellation clauses. You can chose to redeem it anytime in December or January (subject to availability). More info at No extensions... the 10% discount coupon avai...lable until 23rd November only. #YECanberra #21stCentuarySkills #STEM #Edutainment #nationaldinosaurmusuem #Canberra #ACT #Queanbeyan See more
23.01.2022 "If we teach today as we thought yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow." Our strugle is to equip them for tomorrow, today! #yecanberra #futureleaders #STEMEducation #Actprimaryschools #edutainment #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberramums #canberradads #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberralocals... #caberralife See more
21.01.2022 Sunday Humor: Sometimes its so difficult to outgrow playing with Lego. If the same is requested by your kids, now just take them to Dinosaur Museum on 5th or 12th of December to learn about Dinosaurs and also to build a motorized Lego Dinosaur. How cool is that? Click the link for more information.
21.01.2022 We are so sadden to hear this happen on our own soil. Thank you for all the rescuers who managed to save around 50 of them. You are our heroes and surely it would have been a very difficult task.
20.01.2022 An eye opener for all of us! We take grant of this beautiful planet. What we need to remember is that we are only the tenants and need to leave it as a better place or at least the same way to the next generation. Lets join hands to preserve our mother nature. We need to leave this world for our children! #yecanberra #ourworld #weloveourworld
19.01.2022 Our Awesome Adventure Park came together so beautifully. First day of Young Engineer's Canberra camp was super fun. We designed a theme park and built it on our own. So many rides, bumper car games and other fantastic LEGO designs. We also got to paint and build some awesome stuff. What a fun filled day we have had! Tomorrow we build a city. If you still haven't registered, you could join our camps at Braddon and Queanbeyan. Visit #yecanberra #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #Canberramums #Canberradads #canberraliving See more
19.01.2022 The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation. We at Young Engineers would take every step to make that possibility a reality. We believe that every child is unique and everyone should be given the opportunity in their own chosen field. #yecanberra #creativity #problem-solving #future #21stCenturySkills #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #Canberramums #Canberradads #canberraliving
18.01.2022 Sunday Humour -------------------------- Our children's world is changing rapidly. We all are stepping into a unknown territory. Let's give them all the possible tools to be equipped to face it confidently. #yecanberra #creativity #problem-solving #future #21stCenturySkills #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #Canberramums #Canberradads #canberraliving
17.01.2022 Isn't it amazing to see that future is already here. We are glad to inspire young students to conceptualise the future and to influence their imagination to be future ready. #yecanberra #creativity #problem-solving #future #21stCenturySkills #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #Canberramums #Canberradads #canberraliving
16.01.2022 What do people who love dinosaurs, trains and Young Engineers all have in common?
15.01.2022 Sunday Humour ------------------------- Sometimes Education is not always taught in Class Rooms, you also need to have common sense. We try most of the time give them practical knowledge blended with theory. Thats why YOUNG Engineer's is the best STEM program in town. #yecanberra #edutainment #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberralocals #canberramums #canberradads #canberraafterschoolclubs
15.01.2022 Sunday Humour: Sometimes the solution for a big problem is very simple, however only the trained mind could see this. It is important to equip our childrens mind from small age toface the future. #yecanberra #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs... #caberralife #canberramumsinbusiness #canberramums #canberradads See more
14.01.2022 New year with new hopes! Young Engineers -Canberra is excited to expand and bring our STEM program to many more children in the ACT and Queanbeyan . If you wish to be a part of the Young Engineer's club, contact us to bring our program to your school. Partner with us to inspire the next generation of innovators one child at a time! Email us on: [email protected] or complete the form
13.01.2022 Sunday Humour: Isn't this happening? Our kids going to step in to a world completely different from ours. The occupatiins from another 10 years going to change rapidly. AI, Robotics and Coding will be just another language. Lets equipped them from now to face the new world. We at youn Engineers try to contribute in a small way for our young generation. #yecanberra #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawome...ninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #canberramums #canberradads #canberraliving See more
12.01.2022 Motivation Mondays We encourage our students to ask any number of questions and make any number of Mistakes. We know that, asking questions means they are keen to learn. This is why we have limited number of students per instructor to ensure they get the right attention they deserve. We know the curious child today will become a better leader tomorrow. #yecanberra #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawome...ninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #canberramumsinbusiness #canberramums #canberradads See more
10.01.2022 Young Engineers Canberra is going to Canberra Miniature Railway! If your little ones love trains and are Lego masters, this is the perfect opportunity to explore engineering and robotics with us. The parents also can bring a picnic to enjoy on the lawns while they wait for their little ones. Go to the following link to see more details and book your child's place today! Limited spaces available. #yecanberra #CanberraMiniatureRailway #creativity #problem-solving #future #21stCenturySkills #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #Canberramums #Canberradads #canberraliving
09.01.2022 Sunday Humour Science is all about exploring the possibilities. Our children should be allowed to question everything and that is how the curious minds will develop. We see many of our students going beyond our teaching and build their own models. We always encourage this, as that is how new inventions are being introduced to the world.
08.01.2022 Looking back at the creative work we accomplished with our little innovators as they end another successful term with Young Engineers, Canberra. Stay tuned for more fun with STEM with more students and schools. Young Engineers STEM Lab, a place to be curious and creative while having fun!
06.01.2022 Inspiring Science!
05.01.2022 We have exciting news! Young Engineers, Canberra is partnering with The National Dinosaur Museum of Canberra to bring your kids an unique experience to explore science and engineering together. Join us for this edutainment adventure where past meets the future. To see more details and book, follow the below link; Limited places available. ... #YECanberra #21stCentuarySkills #STEM #Edutainment #nationaldinosaurmusuem #Canberra #ACT #Queanbeyan See more
05.01.2022 Much awaited Holiday camp is back. This Holiday we will have only two days and book your seats before its too late. Queanbeyan High School - 30th June 2021 - Merici College 6th of July -
05.01.2022 We were honored to be part of the STEM Day event at Campbell Primary School last week. In line with the 'Girls in STEM' theme our workshop was focused on highlighting the Female Innovators of the 21st Century and then we went onto building and coding a Lego model. Thank you, Campbell Primary school executive team and the faculty for letting us inspire so many students especially girls to take part in STEM. We were told the kids would have loved to have us the whole day in th...eir classrooms! This kind of feedback is what makes our efforts worthwhile! #STEM #canberraprimaryschool #yecanberra #GirlsinSTEM #coding
04.01.2022 How fun was it to make a Ferris Wheel on our own. After building the Ferris wheel students got the opportunity to enhance their model by adjusting the speed of the wheel, adding ramps, making sure the people on the Ferris wheel will not fall, etc.. When imagination meets the scientific explorations, children will amaze you with their innovations Pheonix, Katana, Riley and Sebastian add their creativity to their Ferris Wheel. Our little innovators in the making! At Young Engi...neers workshops we engage with every student. That is the best way to see the potential of our kids and every time we are amazed by it! Visit our website for more information on our Holiday camps and After school Clubs. #yecanberra #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs
02.01.2022 Sunday Humor Wow can this be the true? Can anyone come forward and say this is not true and they have actually met someone from future? Even if time travel will never become a reality, we will always thrive to guide our students for face the future. We truly believe we are doing it step by step. #yecanberra #creativity #problem-solving #future #21stCenturySkills #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #Canberramums #Canberradads #canberraliving
02.01.2022 Sunday Humour Hmmm.. What skills do you think will become relevant in the future?
02.01.2022 Don't worry we got your back. We got few more spots left. It will not only occupy your child, it will also inspire them to look at the world around us differently. The best gift for your child during this Holidays. Go to our website to book your seat. #yecanberra #edutainment #STEMEducation #girlsloveSTEM #canberraprimaryschool #canberrawomen #canberraeducation #canberrawomeninbusiness #canberrabusinesswoman #canberrasmallbusiness #canberraafterschoolclubs #actholidaycamps
02.01.2022 Always Was, Always Will Be.
01.01.2022 Not all heroes wear capes... some just wash their hands Whilst super speed, super strength and flying are pretty ‘handy’ skills, we say washing your hands... regularly for more than 20 seconds is the best superpower anyone can have in the fight against germs and viruses. When out and about, you can also use hand sanitiser with at least 60-80% alcohol if soap and water isn’t around and your hands aren’t visibly dirty. 2020 has been a challenging year, but thanks to superheros like you, the ACT has managed to have no new COVID-19 cases for more than 12 weeks. Like superheroes, Canberrans are stronger when we work together. Thank you for your great work
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