Yeronga District Residents Association in Fairfield, Queensland | Community organisation
Yeronga District Residents Association
Locality: Fairfield, Queensland
Address: PO Box 6351 4103 Fairfield, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Were looking for someone willing to volunteer and donate their time and expertise to help manage our website under the community network portal. Please email me at [email protected] for more details, thanks Ian
25.01.2022 For those who don't receive Cr Johnston's newsletter here is her view on the RSPCA site development application.
25.01.2022 Hi everyone, the topic of traffic on Fairfield Rd was discussed at our 23 August General Meeting and as an outcome of this our local state member, Minister Mark Bailey MP, has written the attached letter to the Lord Mayor requesting a review of Fairfield Road congestion.
25.01.2022 For those who dont receive Cr Johnstons newsletter here is her view on the RSPCA site development application.
24.01.2022 Hi all, the Hyde Road Community Forum outcome was covered in last weeks City South News. The article suggests that we are shelving activities and wont be seeking additional community input with regards to any potential rezoning of the Hyde Rd industrial precinct. This is not quite correct. We believe that the Community Forum outcomes report is a very good reflection of community desires and expectations for the area and copies have been distributed to those developers who attended the Forum. It is now up to them to consider the communitys views and incorporate them into their plans. The YDRA will continue to remain open to discussions with any developers and to provide a link to the community.
24.01.2022 Hi all, the Hyde Road Community Forum outcome was covered in last week's City South News. The article suggests that we are shelving activities and wont be seeking additional community input with regards to any potential rezoning of the Hyde Rd industrial precinct. This is not quite correct. We believe that the Community Forum outcomes report is a very good reflection of community desires and expectations for the area and copies have been distributed to those developers who attended the Forum. It is now up to them to consider the communitys views and incorporate them into their plans. The YDRA will continue to remain open to discussions with any developers and to provide a link to the community.
23.01.2022 Hi everyone, we now have a draft outcomes report for the Hyde Rd Community Forum. If you dont receive a copy through the YDRA mailing list please email me at [email protected] and Ill send you a copy.
21.01.2022 If anyone would like to volunteer to be the minute taker for Tuesday nights meeting please let me know, [email protected],au
20.01.2022 YDRA committee member, Susanne Cooper and I met with the Chair of the City Planning Committee, Councillor Julian Simmonds and two senior BCC staff members on the 12th September to discuss the Forum outcomes. The meeting went very well and topics ranged across the background behind the Forum, its outcomes and Councils views towards development generally and with inner city light industrial areas particularly. They made very positive comments about the design and intent of th...e Forum, with its focus on positive outcomes and a future vision. Cr Simmonds reiterated the Lord Mayors previous advice to us that Council remains committed to strategic inner city industrial areas and that any proposal to rezone such areas would be looked at very closely. We expressed specific concern over the Paint Factory Enquiry by Design process and Cr Simmonds confirmed that any community consultation activities undertaken by a developer would be carefully assessed by Council with regards to the degree of community involvement and representativeness of community views. We left hardcopies of the draft outcome report with the group and have subsequently provided each with a digital copy.
19.01.2022 Dear YDRA community, The YDRA will be having its AGM from 7pm on Tuesday 12 March at the Yeronga Services Club. As many of you are aware there were no nominations for executive positions last year so immediate past-President Rob Gilshenan will open the meeting with the intention to call for nominations for President, Treasurer, Secretary and committee members. A regular General Meeting will be run by the incoming executive/committee immediately following the AGM. Please also note that the $10 per household annual membership dues for all members and will need to be paid at the commencement of the meeting as only financial members are eligible to vote. Membership forms will be available for completion at the meeting.
18.01.2022 Dear YDRA community, I am very sorry to advise of the passing of Lionel Tighe. For those you who were not aware, Lionel was Treasurer of the YDRA for many years and a tremendous community supporter of schools and church, devoting much of his time to working for the betterment of the community, especially campaigning to persuade Queensland governments of all political persuasions of the need for a more logical and equitable way to arrive at land valuations, and thus the value of residential land in Brisbane. There will be a Service celebrating Lionels life at St Fabians Church tomorrow (Monday) commencing at 10am. I understand that refreshments will be served at the Yeronga Services Club after the funeral service and interment and that everyone is welcome, even those who cannot make it to the Funeral. The family would like to see us drop by the club to remember Lionel over a beer. The Courier Mail announcement is: TIGHE, Michael Lionel, 86, peacefully passed away, 24th January, 2017, in the company of Family. Devoted Husband of Margaret, Lionel is survived by his Sons, Patrick, Stephen, Peter and Jonathan, and Grandchildren Kaitlyn, Bridget, Liam and Zoe. "A path forged, a journey taken, a life well lived, a rest well earned. "There will be a Service in Celebration of Lionel at St Fabians Church, Yeerongpilly, Monday, 30th January, 2017, commencing at 10 a.m. Best regards, Ian
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, we'll be having our next General Meeting at the Yeronga Services Club at 7pm on Tuesday 23 August. I'll post more details closer to the time. Hope to see you there!
16.01.2022 Hi all, weve now finalised the Hyde Road Community Forum Outputs report and Ive sent a copy around the YDRA mailing list and forwarded to Cr Simmonds and BCC City Planning staff. Very minor edits to the draft from a few weeks ago. If you didnt receive a copy and want one please email me at [email protected]
16.01.2022 If anyone would like to volunteer to be the minute taker for Tuesday night's meeting please let me know, [email protected],au
16.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who attended the Hyde Road Community Forum tonight. A great evening, very well attended with some good outcomes. Well consolidate everything over the coming weeks and post it on our soon to be live website.
16.01.2022 Dear YDRA Community, Some of you may have seen the attached in last weeks City South News. The article was based on a meeting of the City Cat Alliance held last Tuesday (7 Feb) in which the YDRA was represented by Rob and Kylie Gilshenan, Lesley Schoenwald and Margaret Fay. As a little more detail, a City Cat Alliance committee has been formed in an effort to raise the possibility of having the Brisbane City Council City Cat service extend its commuter services upstream fro...m the current last stop at the UQ St Lucia campus stop near the Eleanor Schonell Bridge. This initiative is being led by Shirley Raven on behalf of a large number of Tennyson residents, along with recent visitors to the Brisbane International Tennis tournament, who have expressed a positive interest in the possibility for the City Cat service to come to their neighbourhood. With both the TOD and Yeerongpilly Green developments now under construction, in excess of 2,300 people are expected to take up new residence in the area over the next 3 years. A formal E-petition is being prepared by the City Cat Alliance as part of a wider effort to engage with the local community in order to establish if there is support within the communities of Yeronga, Yeerongpilly, Tennyson and Sherwood for this transport service. I will provide a link to this petition once it is available. In the meantime if you have any feedback, comments etc please email them to me at [email protected] and I will pass on to Shirley. Regards, Ian
16.01.2022 Well be having our next meeting at 7:30pm on 29 November 2016. Once again the Yeronga Services Club are donating a room for us to use. If you are able, please show the Club your support by having dinner there before the meeting. Were fortunate to have Pam Bourke, a founding and active member of the Kurilpa Futures community organisation, as our guest speaker for the evening. Kuripla Futures has been an effective advocate for West End and Pam will be speaking on Being an Ef...fective Community Organisation: Lessons Learnt from Decades of Advocacy. Pam has a professional background in community development and social planning, and has worked at senior levels for local government. Whilst the YDRA area doesnt have quite the pressures of West End, the issues are still very similar and relevant to our struggles against inappropriate development. Hope to see you there.
14.01.2022 Hi everyone, well be having our next General Meeting at the Yeronga Services Club at 7pm on Tuesday 23 August. Ill post more details closer to the time. Hope to see you there!
14.01.2022 We're looking for someone willing to volunteer and donate their time and expertise to help manage our website under the community network portal. Please email me at [email protected] for more details, thanks Ian
13.01.2022 Hi everyone, have added a link to "Cracks in the Concrete" for those interested in attending.
13.01.2022 As you will be aware we held our AGM on 29 March in which office bearers for 2017 were elected. With the exception of our long time Treasurer Ron Goeldner, who decided that the time was appropriate to hand over the reins, your committee renominated for their positions and were elected unopposed. Sharon Wilson very kindly nominated for the Treasurers position and was also elected unopposed. Your 2017 committee comprises: President: Rob Gilshenan... Treasurer: Sharon Wilson Secretary: Ian Callow Minutes secretary: Marie Harvey Committee members: Susanne Cooper and Lesley Schoenwald At present we have a lot less financial members than contacts which leaves us short of funds to do anything much. If you see the value of the YDRA and would like to become a financial member Sharon will be able to collect your membership form/2017 dues and issue receipts at her McGraths Real Estate office (443 Fairfield Rd). Only $10 per household. As a final thing, we would like to thank Ron for his many years on the committee of the YDRA, his insights and leadership have been inspiring and his love of the YDRA area is apparent to all.
12.01.2022 Hi everyone, we now have a draft outcomes report for the Hyde Rd Community Forum. If you don't receive a copy through the YDRA mailing list please email me at [email protected] and I'll send you a copy.
12.01.2022 Dear YDRA community, We are having our next meeting at the Yeronga Community and Services Club (the RSL) at 7pm Monday 24 July 2017. The speaker for the evening will be Gabrielle Ahern who will talk about mangrove ecology and the positive affects it provides to the Yeronga/Fairfield/Tennyson waterways.... Gabrielle is an ecologist with experience studying marine, aquatic and terrestrial environments through her Marine Studies degree from the University of Queensland and contracts with ecological consultancies. Photography is something she does in her spare time and she communicates science by producing stories about the environment. Her reports: Mangroves: The Secret Weapon in the Carbon Battle ( and Dugongs Starve as Climate Change Takes Their Food Supply ( were published by Cosmos Magazine this year. As usual we encourage you to support the Services Club by having dinner there beforehand. We look forward to seeing a everyone there.
11.01.2022 For those who didn't receive my email from last night here is a summary of the Hyde Road Community Forum held on the 12 July. The evening was very successful with about 130 or so people attending, including representatives from both the development community/Hyde Road landowners. What was especially pleasing was the fact that both Minister Mark Bailey and Cr Nicole Johnston were able to attend. Their support plus that of our Federal member, the Hon. Graham Perrett, MP who ver...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Dear YDRA community, Our local MP, Minister Mark Bailey, is organising a rally this Sunday 4 June 2017 at 10am to call on the Lord Mayor to commit funds for backflow valves in Yeronga and Fairfield. The rally will be held at Robinson Park, Fairfield. Minister Bailey has organised an online petition at: Please pass on and I hope you are able to attend.
10.01.2022 Hi all, we've now finalised the Hyde Road Community Forum Outputs report and I've sent a copy around the YDRA mailing list and forwarded to Cr Simmonds and BCC City Planning staff. Very minor edits to the draft from a few weeks ago. If you didn't receive a copy and want one please email me at [email protected]
10.01.2022 Cr Johnston also provides an update on the Yeronga Bowls club.
08.01.2022 We will be holding our 2017 AGM at the Yeronga Services and Community Club at 7:30pm on Tuesday 28 March. All management committee positions will be declared vacant, nominations called for President, Treasurer, Secretary and committee members and voting on these positions conducted. Please note that only financial members of the YDRA are eligible to vote. Ill send around nomination and proxy forms before the meeting. Immediately following the AGM, the incoming Executive will... run a regular general meeting. We are very fortunate to have James Cordwell as a speaker for the meeting. James is a Marine Parks and Plastics Pollution campaigner with the Australian Marine Conservation Society ( He has a background in environmental conservation (marine and terrestrial) was a park ranger with Park Victoria and is a keen landscape photographer, writer and diver. We hope to see you all there. As usual if you have any questions please email me.
08.01.2022 Dear YDRA community, I am very sorry to advise of the passing of Ron Goeldner. As many of you will be aware Ron was an extraordinarily strong supporter of the Yeronga community and was actively involved with YDRA for many years as President and, most recently, as Treasurer. He was a great inspiration for me and his passion for our district was one of the reasons I became involved in the YDRA. I know that he regarded working with a range of stakeholders to ensure that the arm...y land in which Rhyndarra House is located was developed as single dwelling residential land rather than medium or high density as one of his most significant achievements. His community spirit extended well past the YDRA and, although in recent times he concentrated primarily on the Yeronga West Neighbourhood Watch, he also served for many years as the President of both the Services Club and the Hyde Road Kindergarten. There will be a Service celebrating Rons life at St Fabians Church next Wednesday 1 August commencing at 10:30am. Best regards, Ian
06.01.2022 For those who didnt receive my email from last night here is a summary of the Hyde Road Community Forum held on the 12 July. The evening was very successful with about 130 or so people attending, including representatives from both the development community/Hyde Road landowners. What was especially pleasing was the fact that both Minister Mark Bailey and Cr Nicole Johnston were able to attend. Their support plus that of our Federal member, the Hon. Graham Perrett, MP who ver...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Hi all, Yeronga Hyde Road Kindergarten are having their 2018 Open Day and Bake Sale this Saturday. A great cause to support.
05.01.2022 Dear YDRA community, Thanks to everyone who attended tonights AGM/General Meeting. A new Executive and Committee was elected as follows:... President: Rob Gilshenan Treasurer: Kate Redford Secretary: Laura Bos Committee: Sharon Wilson, Marg Fay, Peter Cooper, Doug Feinbloom, Paul Hey, Steve Dunn Regards, Ian
04.01.2022 Hi all, very interesting event this coming Wednesday 5 Oct at the Powerhouse regarding the future of tin and timber in Brisbane.
03.01.2022 Hi all, E-petition for the City Cat Alliance is at:
01.01.2022 The latest plans for the RSPCA site were also discussed at the 23 August General Meeting. Our local Tennyson Ward Councillor, Nicole Johnston, is watching this very carefully and provides a good summary of the development and its many issues on her website:
01.01.2022 Hi all, disappointing to hear that the development application for the RSPCA site has been approved. Here is the story from this weeks South City News.
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