Yoga & Bodywork with Gabrielle in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Sport & recreation
Yoga & Bodywork with Gabrielle
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Address: Gypsy Road Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 Yes! Give yourself permission to take rest dear ones. Treat yourself like you were a puppy: Pats, naps, more pats, maybe a feed, nap again. Or do yin yoga and get a massage. Doctors orders.
24.01.2022 URGENT HELP REQUIRED PLEASE SAVE OUR SUNSHINE COAST WILDLIFE PLEASE SHARE LIKE CRAZY This is our urgent cry for help. As you know the bush fire has really a terrible impact. We have no idea how many animals exactly need our help, but we imagine it’s going to build and build (gulp). The fire is still burning and it's a huge area. Our animal sedation drugs are $55 per 5ml. An adult kangaroo requires all 5ml. We have been unable to enter the burn zone but we want to be able to sedate and treat all the injured animals when we get the green light. It pains us so much to think about how many animals out there may need our help. This is a cry for your help. Just $5 from each and every one of you, the cost of a cup of coffee would help us so much. It would be the best $5 you spent all week I promise, but one that will help save our injured animals. Please donate here:
24.01.2022 Yin Yoga here Weds 4pm Elixir for the low back Fluidity. Stillness. VitalityYin Yoga here Weds 4pm Elixir for the low back Fluidity. Stillness. Vitality
24.01.2022 Friends, my next adventure is with Shanti Atma Yoga in Spain! Supporting this stellar Yin Teacher Trainer in a bid to educate all our fellow Yin lovers on the how why and what of this incredibly beneficial and transformative practice. I know it's soon but 2 places have become available if you or someone you knew feels the call. Or put it in your back pocket for November (Bali)
24.01.2022 "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl This week we explore the spaces between. The moment after fullness and before emptiness. It is a completeness that is both fully satisfied and available to what comes next. We will move through the lense of the earth element to embody grounding, presence, and spaciousness. Tuesday: 6pm Power Flow, Marcoola Ba...lance Yoga Studio Wednesday: 8:30am ZenTHai Flow, Mt Ninderry ZenThai Shiatsu Centre 6pm Yin Union Yoga Collective Cover Teachers Thursday: 6:30am Power Flow & 6pm Yin Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio See more
24.01.2022 An incredible gathering of sacred souls as we blessed our Hamuman Temple. This communion of hearts reminds us all of the gifts we share, communing with presenc...e and sacredness. Each moment a prayer, every breath a ripple of grace carrying us back home. We remind ourselves and each other that presence, compassion and heartful joy are the gems within the healing paradigms. We are a reflection of each other and of nature. The precious interwoven threads of gold that wrap us in community, by the creek at the base of sacred mountain. We bow in deep gratitude for the listening, the non forcing and trusting in the divine enchantment of fluid flow. When the mind is fluid, as is the body, as is the heart and as is the spirit. We acknowledge the ancestors of the land and nature spirits that guide us back home. Deep respect to the lineage of teachers that embody the practice of loving awareness. We bow to the great masters, teachers and students who continue to show up to the potency and evolution that is @zenthaishiatsu Today we blessed Hamuman Temple with a great array of colourful souls. We played, prayed, danced and sung. Are hearts opened as we shared in movement and bodywork. Deep gratitude Gwyn Williams dear friend and guide A joy to be with each of you! A joy to hold space with you Matilda Moon soul sister, co-creator #zenthaishiatsu #zenthaiflow #movementisfreedom #5elementbodywork
23.01.2022 Yin of Freedom. 5pm Friday, live here. The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom
21.01.2022 Hello again friends, for anyone looking for quality online resources Tara Brach, one of my favourite thinkers/psychologist/meditaion teacher has made a whole page of free mediations and talks to guide us through this time. There's even a half day retreat in there. huge thanks for the generosity of teachers and friends. Go gently friends
21.01.2022 Heart-full connection, deep listening, and fluid movement coalesce in this potent bodywork modality. Join me to explore your somatic landscapes , energetic pathways, and quality mindful rest. Feel free to reach out with any queries or booking requests.
21.01.2022 90min Yin Yoga TONIGHT 5pm Mt Ninderry Healing Centre 350Ninderry Rd, Ninderry $10 suggested donation... A metal element exploration of mindful movement, meridians, & meditation. Join me as we offer ourselves up in reverence for the conjunction of breath, body, and awareness. I look forward to welcoming you this evening
20.01.2022 Deepest gratitude to the Yogaharta community in Seaford. It's been an amazing journey sharing yin yoga and community with you these past few months. If you've been touched by our Friday night classes or still curious to explore this more spacious and internal practice, I'd love to see you tonight 5:30pm for my last regular Yin session before moving north for the winter.
19.01.2022 This strikes a cord with me. I’ve been calling it ‘Productivity Blues’ or describing these as symptoms of feeling like we have to earn our right to be alive rather than being in awe of the inherent value in aliveness itself.
19.01.2022 Friends, For those of you in Melbourne and in need of some TLC, make some time and get down to this incredible offering. ZenThai Shiatsu offers a level of freedom and connection like no other methodology I’ve experienced. Do it now!
19.01.2022 The heart of the human being is no different from the soul of heaven and earth. In your practice always keep in your thoughts the interaction of heaven & earth, Water & Fire, yin & yang. - Morihei Ueshiba If you’ve been meaning to make time for yourself to find balance & stillness, tonight is your last chance to join me for a special 90min Yin Yoga at the beautiful Zenthai Healing Centre in Ninderry.... Tonight we explore the interplay of water & fire to bring about equanimity and a deep connection to self & others. 5pm tonight $10 suggested donation See you there x
19.01.2022 More sounds for Yin. From me with love. Remember Yin is an energy. An approach. You don’t have to be doing yoga to get slow, still, and observe. Enjoy!
19.01.2022 To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of metta. Through lovingkindness, everyone & everything can flower again from within. Sharon Salzberg, Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness This week at Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio join me as we embody Metta through our asana practice, cultivating the ability to embrace all aspects of ourselves and the world. ... Tuesday 6pm Flow Thursday 6:30am Flow & 6pm Yin Look forward to seeing you on the mat
19.01.2022 Incase you’re ever in doubt... the world is full of magic! Just look in your backyard.
18.01.2022 Walking barefoot has so many benefits for the body - firstly when we're shoeless we pay more attention to where we tread, when I'm focused on my step and the to...uch of the ground I become present. There are points on the feet that correspond to the bodily organs and when stimulated, stimulate in kind. Take the space between the big and 2nd toes (kidney point), walking on the ball of our feet nourishes the kidneys for improved body health and chi flow. Overall skin health of the feet increases, when I first began to walk barefoot I thought they would end up dry and cracked, however I'm finding the opposite is true, my feet are strong and youthful - I do notice that when I wear shoes for a few days in a row the skin begins to dry out. Barefoot walking stretches all the little muscles in the feet which promotes stability and good posture. If we wear shoes then the subtle movements and flexes of an agile foot disappear and are replaced by the stomp stomp stomp of continuous heel landings. Start slow (especially if you have had prior foot injuries) and walk on grass or indoors, the more you use your feet naturally the stronger and healthier they will be.
18.01.2022 Hi Friends, Today’s class unfortunately cancelled. I made an ouchy! Back moving next week. In the meantime remember that Yin is a container for subtle curious awareness. Go outside and take a moment to feel the wind on your skin, the sounds that surround you, and the big open sky above. Notice the colours, fragrances, textures, and sounds that mark the aliveness of each moment. Be with them and relax into presence.
17.01.2022 Rainy day Yin at 5pm Sunday with beautiful Gabrielle Pocket
16.01.2022 What magic awaits behind door number 1? Come and find out. TODAY at 3:30pm yin yoga and sound healing. A few last minute places available. Join us! Yogaharta Seaford
15.01.2022 The experience of sound is at the very core of human consciousness, and it can be a powerful tool for healing - Dr. Jeffrey ThompsonThe experience of sound is at the very core of human consciousness, and it can be a powerful tool for healing - Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
14.01.2022 I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. - Maya AngelouI've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. - Maya Angelou
13.01.2022 What is Zenthai Shiatsu? I hear so many of you ask... This is a unique healing technique, blending Zen Shiatsu, Thai massage, and Osteo techniques. It creates an experience of deep relaxation and connection as well as a profound sense of harmony for both the practitioner and receiver. Check out this gorgeous short video to get a real sense and visual on what this methodology can look like in the flesh.
13.01.2022 Despite being perceived as something of a Grinch, I’ve always felt very strongly against fireworks - the noise, the pollution, instant gratification that seems to leave pollutants in the air long after the oohs and aahs have faded away. Now there is a very legitimate and necessary reason to say NO to fireworks this year.
12.01.2022 Melbourne/peninsula Friends, Anyone interested in this incredible oriental therapy full of magic and connection, this is the course for you! Sally Meredith is an incredible facilitator. You won't regret it.
12.01.2022 Just for a moment, let yourself just BE here. Let yourself stop becoming more, or better, or different. - Adyashanti Back to Bali tonight for three weeks of BEING... Being with the elements. Being with community. Being of service. Being myself. Human Being. ... ZenThai Flow here I come. See you on the other side Zenthai Shiatsu
12.01.2022 I want to know what sustains you from the inside, when all else falls away. - Oriah Mountain Dreamer How are you nourishing yourself these days? Not only the food you eat but the people, places, images, and inner narratives you roll with. This time of the year when the summer starts to droop heavy, just before the decline towards autumn, is the perfect moment to implement some self-care rituals that will support you both inside and out as we hurtle into the belly of 2020.... Join me this week for some yoga style nourishment: Tues 6pm Power Yoga - Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio Weds 6pm yin - Union Yoga Collective Thurs 6:30am Power & 6pm Yin - Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio Sat 7:30am Hot Hatha - Yogi Studio Sun 5pm yin - @Union Yoga Collective
12.01.2022 Hey Yinsters, Playlist for deep introspection, holding space for you to drop in towards sensory awareness. It's about 60mins long. Enjoy
12.01.2022 Last Monday night Yin TONIGHT! 5pm - 90mins - $10 350 Ninderry Rd, NinderryLast Monday night Yin TONIGHT! 5pm - 90mins - $10 350 Ninderry Rd, Ninderry
12.01.2022 Yin of Totality: welcoming in all of ourselves Today 5pm @Art of ConnectionYin of Totality: welcoming in all of ourselves Today 5pm @Art of Connection
11.01.2022 Soundscape for today’s practice friends. Or any day really.
11.01.2022 Because it's the only day we have... Thank you to the ZenThai family for reminding me how to celebrate the best day of my life, every day. Last day in Bali this time round. What a majestic burst of cosmic gypsy dust! Deep and delightful gratitude I'll be back ... Zenthai Shiatsu
11.01.2022 Thank you Zenthai Shiatsu community and Ninderry Centre for joining me yesterday in a deep dive into the essence of water, harnessing all the senses towards greater self understanding. We were steeped in deep listening and held in honest and compassionate reflection. All the gratitude family. You know who you are. Join the magnificent Abby Bowyer next Tuesday at 10am, Ninderry Centre Or find me at Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio.
11.01.2022 Soma-nauts! This is a must listen. And a little window into what makes me tick. So listening to this whilst weeding this morning turned so many lights on for me. Not the least of which was someone perfectly articulating and legitimising what underpins my bodywork and yoga practices. It was such a refreshing reframing of the body-mind relationship and a conversation much broader than the boundaries of any one individual’s skin. Thank you Christine Caldwell and Jacob Kyle, what and excellent interview.
10.01.2022 This guy! So much inspiration and information being absorbed here at the ZenThai Flow training in Bali. Thank you Gwyn Williams and Sally Meredith for the stellar experience deep into the heart. So much sweet ambrosia has been gathered. Can't wait to return to Melbourne and share with community. Join me on 6th April at Yogaharta Seaford For a deep dive into Zenthai Flow!
10.01.2022 Honoured and excited to be sharing on Tomorrow at 5pm - The Yin of Perception: cultivating clear sight and focus. Connect with the link above for a free 14day trial and check out all the inspirational offerings this community has to offer. PLUS join me on in live Zoom session tomorrow at 5pm.
10.01.2022 Bali! So good to be back. Under the majesty of Mt Agung and preparing for three weeks of yoga, chi gong, and Zen Thai Shiatsu. What a blessing! I'll be out of contact for a spell. See you on the other side
10.01.2022 Ok so I dropped off the map a couple of months back to go and study with this school and inspiring individual Gwyn Williams, ZenThai Shiatsu. So profoundly moved by this practice, way of life, and community, have now moved to the Sunshine Coast to deepen my relationship with the elements and step more fully into participation with life through further study of this unique and holistic approach to wellness. Check this video by Julian Reinhold for a lil taster of the magical elixir that is ZenThai.
10.01.2022 Yin lovers, Who wants to roll around on the floor with me? Is Yin yoga something you want right now? I'm thinking 45min sessions with a lil movement or breath to begin. Tell me what you need - duration. time of day. body region. theme. Let me know so I can offer something relevant to where you're at.
10.01.2022 Hey beauties, my response to our current predicament has been to go to ground somewhat. I am bolstering my internal stability with long walks, mediation, and nourishing food. I will move back into sharing yoga here once the bear in my head is less snarling and more playful. In the meantime here’s a repost that I found super useful for recognising and articulating behaviours that might be arising within or around us. Go gently friends. Charming and useful, about coping wit...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Sunshine Coasters! I’m back in studio this week, exploring stability and centre. The inner and outer scaffolding that support us as we navigate this wild life ride. Look forward to seeing you on the mat Tues: 6pm power Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio... Weds: 6:30am yoga 8am yin @CGM Pilates 6pm yin Union Yoga Collective Thurs: 6:30am power 4:30pm& 6pm Yin @Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio Sat: 8am Yin CGM Pilates Let’s get curious together
09.01.2022 Zenthai Shiatsu treatments available in Coolum & Cotton Tree. This is a deeply transformative modality combining Thai Massage and Zen Shiatsu to bring about physical and emotional freedom. It is a floor based therapy that alleviates pain and tension, promotes deep rest, and cultivates balance in body and mind. Looking forward to meeting you on your wellness journey, ... Gabrielle DM for Bookings See more
08.01.2022 "The Possible's slow fuse is lit by the imagination" Emily Dickenson This week in the Sunshine Coast we contemplate this idea - that we are only limited by our beliefs and habit patterns. Join me as we trace new pathways with the body and mind, remembering we are unbounded potential waiting to be explored. Tuesday 3rd... 6pm Zenthai Flow @Yogi studio Marcoola Weds 4th 9:30am & 6pm Happy hips Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio Thurs 5th 6:30am Power Flow 6pm yin Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio Sat 7th 7:30am Power Flow Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio See more
08.01.2022 For anyone who has been wondering what I’ve been up to these past weeks... this says most of it. So honoured to be part of the Zenthai family. Blessed!
08.01.2022 Combine the vibrational realignment available through sound with the physical, mental, and energetic benefits of yin yoga and VIOLA! You get the best Saturday afternoon of your life. Join Inner Soul Sound and I this Saturday 6th April at Yogaharta
07.01.2022 "Only from the heart can you touch the sky." - Rumi Join me for one more bonus class this week as we move through a heart flow to ignite a sense of freedom and aliveness. *Tomorrow Sat 7:30am Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio
07.01.2022 Friends! I'm back teaching in studio. After so much time apart I've been really relishing the amplified experience of concentration that practicing in a group can bring. This week we will cultivate focussed attention, that we may walk through life with clearer perception and understanding. ... "Drishti organises our perceptual apparatus to recognise and over-come the limits of 'normal' vision." - David Life, Yoga Journal We come to yoga not only to work with the physical body but to use our embodied experience as a lense through which to see beyond the surface layer of things toward deeper truths or insights. I hope you can join me. Weds - 6:30am Vinyasa & 8am Yin CGM Pilates Weds - 6pm Yin Union Yoga Collective Sat - 7am Vinyasa & 8:15am Yin CGM Pilates
07.01.2022 I thought I would offer up a Yin sequence in pictorial form so you can take as much or little time as you like with it. This is an Earth Element sequence for inner stability and integration. Instructions:... Before moving in to the first shape, take a few moments to arrive in whatever space you have chosen. Sit comfortably. Place the hands on the body somewhere that feels supportive. allow yourself to breath into the space where hands and body meet. In this way, locating yourself in space and time as solid and present. Take a few rounds of slow even breath here - in and out through the nose if possible. Take 3-5mins in each pose with a 5 -10breath rebound between each. Rebound can be taken lying flat either on the back or belly. If you feel the need to move around between poses make some gentle gestures after the rebound phase. Enjoy a long svasana at the end, relaxing the fullness of your body weight into the loving embrace of the earth beneath you. Props: If you don’t have a block handy use some books or stack up some pillows. I have offered variations on what you might see in class with me to minimise the use of props for those who don’t have any. I have also pictured variations on some of the poses so you can play with options to suit your body. If you know another safe variation. Go for it. Be creative and create support for yourself with what you have around you. Tips: There are little practice notes in the caption on each image. Focus on your breath and relationship to the ground. Be mindful of any pain indicators arising and adjust or exit the pose accordingly. Enjoy and be kind to yourself. EDIT: create space to drop in with sound. playlist here:
07.01.2022 I love this! focussed attention in action. Joyful presence that unbinds psychic clench as we move through the world one step at a time.
06.01.2022 Yin Lovers, TONIGHT 5pm we gather for a deep dive into our interior landscapes: fascia, meridians, energetics & meditation. I would love to welcome you at the new Hanuman Temple at the Zenthai Healing Centre in Ninderry. 90mins Yin Yoga to connect with the current that flows through you. $10 suggested Donation.
05.01.2022 4pm TODAY Yin & Breath for focus & Clarity See you then 4pm TODAY Yin & Breath for focus & Clarity See you then
05.01.2022 Honoured to be offering ZenThai Shiatsu this week at Eumundi Market. Weds 13th & Sat 16th Nov 7am - 2pm. Pre Bookings welcome. DM me for more details... "Of all the gifts we can give to people, the gift of our touch is one of the most priceless. Through our hands we convey a kind of radiance. A warmth seeps out from our inner fire, a wrap for someone's chill, a light for another's dark." Jan Phillips in Divining the Body
05.01.2022 Just stunning! Stop and smell the flowers. Marvel at their beauty. And their fragility. There is time to blossom and time to go into the quiet spaces, gathering energy to re-emerge when natural momentum strikes. The flow of Life will soon pull us back onto a purpose-filled path (if it hasn’t already). Until then, or when you can, smile and enjoy. Magic is everywhere.
04.01.2022 Humbled to have the opportunity to learn and grow alongside this community of bright souls at Zen Thai Shiatsu Level 1 training, Mt.Ninderry, over the weekend. Hearts and minds were blown as we stretched our capacity for connection and compassion through acts of presence - Breathe. Wait. Listen. Feel. I am reminded again that less really is more. Deep gratitude to all Look forward to our next collision in the cosmic soup.
04.01.2022 This week friends; we align ourselves with the energy of the season, embracing the full abundant High Summer through the practice of great-fullness. See you on the mat
03.01.2022 "Even fleeting and seemingly trivial instances of interpersonal touch may help people to deal more effectively with existential fear and remove self doubt" - Sander Koole, Dutch Researcher Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Now taking bookings for Zenthai Shiatsu Wednesdays & Fridays... Message me here for details See more
03.01.2022 Yin Yoga for Connection: tuning in to your energetic center. Tomorrow 5pm live at ART OF CONNECTION - Movement, Meditation, Mindfulness OfferingsYin Yoga for Connection: tuning in to your energetic center. Tomorrow 5pm live at ART OF CONNECTION - Movement, Meditation, Mindfulness Offerings
03.01.2022 I'm back in the studio friends. This week we continue to explore the four Buddhis virtues, moving into Equanimity/Upekkha through the lense of our asana practice. "Every moment of equanimity is a moment of waking up from the delusion that things should be as we want them to be." - Toni Bernhard Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio... Tues 6:30am Vinyasa & 6pm Vinyasa Thurs 6:30am Vinyasa & 6pm Yin Look forward to seeing you on the mat
02.01.2022 Join me next Sunday 7th April at Yogaharta for an introduction to Zenthai Shiatsu, partner yoga, and the art of touch. I just can't wait to share this one. Guaranteed smiles and connection. No partner needed. Just bring your willingness and warm hands. Booking essential - Mindbody
01.01.2022 Friends, This is my friend, Haylee. She has an incredible talent for art and bringing through deep truth and wisdom in the form of symbols that catch the subtlety and majesty of the human experience. Her work touches my heart with inspiration and wonder as I know it will yours. Check it out and send some support her way. Viva la independent art!
01.01.2022 'When you reach for the stars, you are reaching for the furthest thing out there. When you reach deep within yourself, it's the same thing in the opposite direction. If you reach in both directions, you will have spanned the entire universe' - Vera Nazarian Join us this Sunday at Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio for a super juicy 2hr Yin journey through breath, fascia, meridians, and mediation as we align ourselves with the expansive energy of the season. Hello Spring! Sunday 8 ...Sept 1-3pm Marcoola Balance Yoga Studio Bookings essential: MindBody See more
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