Yoga with Gaynor in Eltham, Victoria, Australia | Yoga studio
Yoga with Gaynor
Locality: Eltham, Victoria, Australia
Address: 28 Kurrak Road 3091 Eltham, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 An amazing experience and last time I know there were many of you that couldn't make it and asked me to give you notice for this time So here it is .. don't miss it this time - looking forward to welcoming you all there :-) Everyone was amazed at the last session so come along and be amazing :-)... Namaste
24.01.2022 Good Morning Yogis - YAY WEVE BEEN GIVEN ANOTHER DAY <3 Happy happy Tuesday everyone :-)
24.01.2022 Highly recommend this event to ALL just a unique experience <3
23.01.2022 Strong reminder people when someone so young and whom we all identify with in some form or another passes - there are no guarantees when we come in to this world. The expectation that each soul will live to 80 years plus is one that we all hold in hope but there is no guarantee that this shall be. Blaming and being angry when this happens is not only futile but it is also based on false expectation. We need to live our lives, love rather than hate, give rather than hang on to... and find peace in our greatest challenges for it is that which allows us to grow and evolve <3 This is the greatest respect that we can attribute to those that are 'forever young' - anything else is disrespectful and futile! LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULL AND WITH LOVE is your greatest mantra for 2017 <3 Bless you all and may you thrive!
23.01.2022 Awesome session tonight dedicated to creating love and light - we opened up the heart and projected an abundance of love out to a world that so desperately needs that right now - we filled the stadium!!
23.01.2022 Magic Monday morning Dazzle the world with your magic yogis 6am this morning when magic started for me
22.01.2022 YAY ITS YOGA <3 - a beautiful blissful afternoon in a blissful place, talking about Yoga, answering your questions about Yoga, practising Yoga with pranayama breathing and relaxing with a blissful meditation <3 Learn a five minute energy routine to start your day blissfully... Hear about how the poses keep you healthy and long lived Join Yoga teachers Catherine and Gaynor for an afternoon of Bliss - enjoy, relax and escape with essential oils available for you to use to make for blissful breathing Bliss balls to eat and enjoy Basically its all about Bliss LIMITED spaces and we are already half full <3 Dont put away - think Yoga today - contact Gaynor 0401 597 250 or Catherine 0408 362229 - secure your spot - precious time for you <3 Saturday 12 May 2pm - 5pm Contribution for your Bliss - $40
22.01.2022 Listening to my daily Eckhart Tolle fix I was listening to the power of "Being in the Present Moment" Eckhart Tolle is a great spiritual teacher who wrote the mind bending best selling books - 'The Power of Now' and 'A New Earth' I highly recommend to anyone wanting to learn more about living a happy life and why we are here :-) In today's yoga class the message came through that we MUST all practise living in the present moment - engaging our five senses - irrespective of we are doing - never making anything you do a 'means to an end' See ALL that is involved in your actions Breathe deep and be aware of any smells Listen intently and be surprised at what you hear Touch what you are holding and really tune in to how it feels The Present Moment is the only place where life exists - too often our mind with its endless thinking drags us away and we "miss life" Today the fur kids and I went on our daily walk I chose not to get irritated at Jasper, my beautiful dog with his moral obligation to water every branch, leaf, blade of grass and tree he passes - I took the time to breathe deep, looking around me. I saw brightly coloured wildflowers where before I would have only seen bush and scrub I saw a bright red lady bird moving between the blades of green grass As we walked i listened and noticed all the different songs of the many birds in the trees I saw so many varying shades of the colour green in the bushes and trees I smelt the rich and delicious smell of the pine trees lining our path I saw the depth of the colour green of the pine trees as their heads touched above us, against the rich blue of the sky I saw how the leaves of the bushes sparkled as the sun touched their surface As I walked I stopped Jasper for a change and gathered some of the wild flowers - for my mother who has dementia and doesn't walk anymore. She loved them and I saw how she lit up at the sight of them - I realised that this was probably the only time in her life that with her dementia she is now forced to slow down and actually 'see life' Its amazing, when you slow down, take the time to stay in the moment not becoming involved in your thoughts - how much life there is to see and how you see, feel and experience life in everything you see <3
21.01.2022 A lovely Yoga client of mine is selling her beautiful cards for all occasion at this new market in Diamond Creek :-) I personally love these cards and so I am happy to share with you all! You really have to see these cards to enjoy how beautiful and unique they are - each one a gift in itself <3... Please come along and see for yourself the beautiful range that Sara promotes - I would love to see you there <3
20.01.2022 I want you to imagine lying back comfortably with a cushion for your head and a nice warm blanket for your comfort Ky our sound healing facilitator creates a sound with crystal and brass bowls, together with his phenomenal throat singing, creates sound that resonates with every cell in your body, as you lie back and relax, allowing the sound to shift blocks in your body that may be blocking the energy flow that keeps you feeling alive, happy and full of great health. Its a... select, cosy environment, everyone smiles and we all feel welcome and safe. Why don't you join us on Thursday night for this truly unique experience that will leave you feeling AMAZING - that really is the best word to describe the effect that Ky and his soul moving sounds has on you. Its a true heart and soul experience - <3 felt by the heart and stirred in the soul <3 I warmly invite you to experience this for yourself, have an intention clear in your mind before you join us and be prepared for a shift - whether that be a challenge you are facing in your life right now or a healing that you wish to take place - be it for yourself or someone you know and love <3 I guarantee that you will feel great and make that connection that has the power to create miracles in your life experience! This Thursday 17th March - 8.25pm At the back of Going Green Solutions shop 946 Heidelberg-Kinglake Road Hurstbridge Please call me on 0401 597 250 if you have any questions or concerns - DON'T LET ANYTHING STOP YOU FROM THIS AMAZING NIGHT <3 I look forward to welcoming you all there Namaste with love and light Gaynor
19.01.2022 A Wonderful Experience tonight with Sound Meditation Healing with Ky - feeling great, inspired and energised! Thank you to the wonderful Ky - tonight we were an amazing force and everyone felt fantastic and left happy and wanting more - thank you for sharing with us your incredible gift :-)
19.01.2022 YOGA IS ON TOMORROW MORNING AT RIVER OF YARRAMBAT - Join us tomorrow there is no better way to start your weekend as we set an intention "for the best weekend ever" - just look at the view <3 Looking forward to seeing you all there :-)
18.01.2022 LOVE Lemongrass essential oil? I use this particular oil most of the time when I am teaching Yoga. When applied to the chest it encourages me to breathe deep t...hroughout my practise and keeps me focussed As well as having powerful antioxidant, anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties, lemongrass is also noted as being a great helper in relieving stress and anxiety, relieving headaches and migraines and has been acclaimed as a pain reliever too. I am known as a human lemongrass diffuser for my love of this oil and its fresh, uplifting smell <3 I have decided to promote this as a Christmas Special offering 10 sessions of Yoga with Gaynor as a gift voucher with a free 15ml doterra lemongrass for $120 - the perfect gift for someone you love. This offer is only available to new clients - however for my existing clients whom I cherish, there is an offer with the rollers - as below - 2 for $15 normally $10 each! Essential oils and Yoga - two 'must haves' for a happy, fulfilled and awesome smell life <3
18.01.2022 If you haven't heard of or "liked" my "Love Essential Oils With Gaynor" face book page, please join the love NOW Great offers throughout the year, discounts offered and a special as shown below for Christmas <3 Too great to be late - join now and just experience the bliss of a gift from the heart <3
16.01.2022 Emily Coupe walked into Grasshopper Yoga Studio one day - a young, beautiful tall girl with a smile that gave out light like the sun! I am so proud to say that I shared energy with this amazing being and so happy that I got to share yoga with her - the most meaningful practise <3... Emily has left Melbourne going to Los Angeles to take up an acting career - she has produced a music album which is available on iTunes and to top it all she is a profound Yoga Teacher too. Her amazing light continues to dazzle us with her insightful blog, which I am so gifted to have read and now so blessed that I can share with you! Emily has a profound understanding, for one so young, about life and how it works - I strongly urge all of you to read her blog, apply it to your life and keep referring back to it so you can internalise this because she truly has captured the secret to living the life you love <3 I love you Emily, sending you love and light wherever you are shining <3
16.01.2022 What is in your emotional first aid kit? I teach in yoga that as electro magnetic beings it’s very important to have those fuzzy feel good things in life that make us instantly feel good - organised and available to us whenever we hit a hump in the road. Obviously there are those feel goods that aren’t instantly available on a daily basis but do have organised in your mind those that are, for it is vitally important that you are able to switch your mood and have your vib...rational frequency high to keep attracting positive life experiences into your day This week was super challenging for me and below I have posted some of the things that lift me and make me smile everyday Why don’t you work on your emotional first aid kit today - think of things that make you happy and make sure you use these when you hit a bump in your life journey Please be generous and comment below and tell all of us what yours might be, to help trigger others to identify theirs
15.01.2022 I am blessed to participate daily in this awesome practise - please watch this and you will understand why you should be blessed too <3
15.01.2022 Ok Yogis I have the puppies ..... when should we start ...
15.01.2022 Why not make this weekend just perfect? The sun is going to shine and it will be warm. Rivers will look amazing in the morning - beautiful view of the pond shimmering in the sunlight and the stunning trees lighting up in the early morning sun.... Its a surreal atmosphere, essential oils and soul stirring music with a beautiful relaxing guided meditation at the end of Yoga - you will glow and feel great Join us at 8.30am - 9.30am - 28 Kurrak Road, Yarrambat - just bring you in comfortable clothing and don't forget your smile <3 Prepare to feel amazing <3
11.01.2022 Its been challenging times of late for both myself and it would appear many of my clients Sometimes challenges are concentrated and we can be bombarded and start to feel overwhelmed - often this is because we hang on and defend and fight, rather than releasing and letting go. Always remember that every challenge is a gift, it is through our greatest difficulties and in dealing with the most challenging of people that we learn the greatest life lessons that keep us moving f...orward through life And thats exactly why we are here - its all about growth <3 Take care, embrace your challenges and let go of that which you cannot control Peace <3
11.01.2022 Today we had a fabulous Yoga class at Grasshopper Yoga studio with lots of young children attending and inspiring us :-) Just to let you all know that all classes will be running throughout the school holidays and i encourage well behaved children to attend with their family - providing a vital and youthful energy to our Yoga <3
11.01.2022 GREAT NEWS!!! We have a date!!! - Saturday afternoon 1st of May 1.30pm - 3.30pm Cost will be $35 for 2 hours of inspiration, yoga and meditation Due to costs of renting the studio for that time and limited spaces, I will require the class to be paid for before the day and ask interested Yogis to please private message me for the banking details.... There is a cut off number and I expect the room to fill up fast, so please be prompt and don't risk leaving too long to secure your mat, Symmetree Yoga and Pilates Studio - Saturday 1st of May 1.30pm - 3.30pm Rivers of Yarrambat 28 Kurrak Road Yarrambat
11.01.2022 The perfect compliment for your Yoga experience is to breathe with Essential Oils For the month of August I am offering a SPECIAL "triple AAA" with the following three NEW oils specifically created with Yoga in mind giving you a heightened and uplifting practise with a beautiful doterra diffuser to enjoy your oils at their best for the price of $150 including free postage! PLEASE message me to place your special order for the month of August only... Specific Blends available in rollers at only $10 each Energy Blend, Blend for headaches, Blend for protection from colds and Calming blend all available now <3
11.01.2022 Monday morning wisdom with my favourite spiritual mentor <3 Enjoy your Monday - come and stretch into your day with us at Grasshopper Yoga Studio 56 Eucalyptus Road, ELTHAM - 9.30am - 10.45am <3
10.01.2022 There is a profound truth in this and indeed is applicable to any relationship Namaste
10.01.2022 Just another great reason for maintaining Yoga practise <3
10.01.2022 A challenged life is a blessed life for we learn so much through our challenges and gift others the gift of example The past two years have challenged me beyond belief - however I am here and can now be a far better Yoga teacher than I was before as a result of my experiences To all my wonderful clients who have contacted me enquiring about classes I am planning a fortnightly yoga class at rivers of yarrambat - the intention is for 2 hours of yoga and this will include valua...ble energy exercises, inspiration, yoga and meditation I am looking for interest in this class at this beautiful venue and wanting to know if people would prefer a Saturday or Sunday afternoon? Please let me know and let’s all get together and be able to connect and heal and recover with hope, love and light in the next month
09.01.2022 Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. Eckhart Tolle ... Today I enjoyed my last 6am Yoga class at Eltham Leisure Centre - together with these beautiful ladies, every Tuesday morning for the past 3 years, we have created a space of love, light and peace, at a very special time when the worlds energy is quiet and at peace <3 I will miss our time together but recognise that its time <3 ... Thank you for the energy <3
09.01.2022 Lessons I have learnt in the past few day and its all about love <3 1. There is a time for reaping and a time for sowing Reap the seeds and fertilise with love... and know when the time is right the seeds will grow <3 Not everything happens when we expect it too - to start any fire and keep it burning you need fuel - your desire and love for what you want is the fuel <3 2. Take a leap of faith into the unknown If you feel something with the heart - follow the love, it will never be wrong 3. Open your heart to others <3 We are all connected - irrespective of who the person is, when you approach from the heart, you will always know the love <3 4. Stay Connected to those that you love <3 Irrespective of where they are, love is the most powerful force in the Universe and will always be felt by the spirit, clothe every thought with love and perform every action with love 5. Be Grateful for the love <3 An attitude of gratitude brings more of what you love into your life 6. All you need is love <3 The feeling of love is the highest frequency that you as an energetic being can emit, if you could wrap every thought in love, if could love everything and everyone your life would be transformed 7. Trust the Process <3 LOVE - LET GO AND LOVE YOUR LIFE <3
09.01.2022 Do you have a favourite song that is soft, beautiful and has lovely words? Would you like to hear it in your Yoga practise? I am looking for recommendations for sweet music please for a new playlist - all suggestions will be followed through :-)
09.01.2022 You know you become the company you keep? - as human beings we have an innate desire "to fit in" - This needs direct awareness to the body on an energetic level because if you are in the company of negative people, without awareness 'to how you feel', you can start to absorb their negative energy.... Of course Yoga teaches us to 'tune' into the body and be 'aware' of the language of the body which communicates to us through feelings :-) making it easier to be aware of when you start to feel bad. Last night we all came together for another amazing night with Ky and for our bodies to absorb powerful, cleansing energy. - Ky cleared the room and everyone there of any residual negative energy. We lay back, relaxed and focussed on our breath allowing for a powerful healing to take place on a cellular level, as Kys' mesmeric throat singing, crystal bowls and tibetan bowls tones filled the room with a myriad of rhythmic sound that our bodies absorbed. We all left feeling so great for having being there, basking in the surreal energy - each with their own story to tell of their awesome experience <3 Join us on the third Thursday of every month to experience this wonderful journey - I look forward to meeting you there :-)
08.01.2022 "the magic of Monday" 43 participants in my Yoga class that has to be a record for group fitness - Yoga is amazing <3
07.01.2022 <3 YAY YOGA IS ON FOR YOU TOMORROW MORNING <3 How great it would be for you to join us - for those of you that normally work this is a great opportunity to join us and rejuvenate and catch up - refuel and ground yourself and remember how awesome yoga makes you feel <3... 9.30am -10.45am at Grasshopper Yoga Studio, 56 Eucalyptus Road Eltham
07.01.2022 There will be NO Yoga class at Rivers of Yarrambat this Saturday morning and next Saturday morning due to renovations to the room :-) Exciting times ahead as I hear the room is to be freshly painted, nice floorboards and pendant lighting installed :-) Join us to see the new changes on the 25th of June - I hope to see you all then... Namaste and stay safe Gaynor xo
07.01.2022 As from February 6 2017 - Yoga classes held at Grasshopper Yoga Studio - 56 Eucalyptus Road, ELTHAM will start at a new time of 9.15am and last for an hour so finishing at 10.15am Looking forward to seeing and welcoming you all there <3
05.01.2022 Its all about love <3 and feeling that love life just gets better and better :-) Felt the love this morning doing what I love <3 Hugs from everyone as they left Yoga and beautiful Judy says to me "You have the best job - you get hugs when everyone arrives and hugs when everyone leaves"... I have to agree Judy - just LOVE the love and just LOVE all my lovely clients <3 This morning I spoke of taking Yoga into your everyday life - no matter what you do - practising mindfulness - being present and using the five senses to do this, develops your sense of how your body is feeling - which is intuition talking to you - language of the soul :-) I decided to 'practise what I preach' and when I got home, I gathered up the fur kids and we went on a beautiful walk in the glorious sunshine. I stayed present - using my sight to bask in the wonderment of the trees and the sunlight on them - the happiness of the dogs, tails wagging, mouths wide open as they indulged in drawing prana through their bodies and fuelled on the fuel of life - breath! I heard the birds and noticed how they all sound different and sing a different song - the symphony of nature at its best I felt the sun on my shoulders and revelled in the warmth of the sun I tasted the wonderment of being alive, basking in the sunlight, reviewing the beauty of nature and listening to natures finest song Its all SO good <3 Namaste and I wish you all the love you can tune into <3 and thats really all it takes! Bless you all <3
05.01.2022 To provide a heightened experience to your yoga class, I am introducing "Bliss Balls" from Monday of next week. Bliss Balls are delicious made by my daughter Giselle from naturally healthy ingredients and flavoured with our Doterra therapeutic essential oils - which will be exclusively available for free for a limited time for all my Yoga clients attending my Grasshopper Yoga Studio classes. As well, I am promoting my range of Doterra essential oils and will have informati...on available for the particular oil that will be diffused during our class Roller bottles will be available for purchase, made up with a specific blend of oils targeted for individual sensations that will enhance your Yoga experience Very excited about introducing these special touches to our Yoga - I know the heightened awareness and the willingness to breathe deep when I am using essential oils in my practise and to have a taste sensation with Bliss Balls after our beautiful Yoga will be the perfect end to a unforgettable experience <3 I hope to see you soon at Grasshopper Yoga Studio 56 Eucalyptus Road, ELTHAM Monday and Thursday mornings 9.15 - 10.15 a precious time for you <3
02.01.2022 There will always be challenges in your life and 'unconscious people' will gift you with the biggest challenges. We need to welcome these people because they force you to be more present and provide the best opportunity for you to grow Think of your body - if you want to make your body stronger you go to the gym and/or exercise and what is exercise? It is making life difficult for the body - you are giving the body challenges that were not there before - through being chall...enged beyond its comfort zone, the body becomes stronger. In the case of spiritual growth we need all those unconscious people to challenge us or presence would not intensify and arise within us. There would be no spiritual growth. Regard these unconscious people as blessings - a necessary part of being here on this planet at this time - welcome them when they make life difficult for you. The important part is, is that unconscious people do not pull you into unconsciousness yourself - that is the ultimate challenge. Make this your spiritual practise - relationships are your spiritual practise and when you realise this, it makes it much easier to deal with these people and situations that challenge you <3 Stay present, dont react, breathe deep and just BE with the feelings that arise within you and dont become involved by reacting to them whether they are situations or people :-) Namaste <3
02.01.2022 My mother passed in August of last year and I felt lost. Gone was a large part of my purpose for everyday, I no longer had a role and my title of carer for 7 years was now stripped away. What I gained as a result of those 7 years in caring for her was immense and it is my intention to share those vital insights with you all. I moved to Hobart in January of this year, knowing that a change of energy was vital to my recharging... To all my devoted yogis that I left behind in Melbourne, I have not forgotten you and my online classes, meditation and inspirational chat will be up and running very soon. To my long term followers I appreciate your support, please stay tuned as I share 'gifts of life' with you that I promise will not only inspire you, more importantly they will change the way you see life too Bless you all and I commit to being a regular presence - please like and most importantly contribute in the comments to be assured of seeing my posts - you dont want to miss what I have to share Namaste Gaynor
01.01.2022 YOGA WILL BE ON THIS SATURDAY AT RIVERS If you haven't joined us for a while why don't you come along and share in some awesome energy - I would just love to see you and your body would just love you for the experience <3 8.30am - 9.30am... Beautiful new playlist, lemongrass essential oils and a relaxing guided meditation - all set the scene for an unforgettable experience
01.01.2022 With Yoga everything is possible <3 Amazing just how I want to be <3
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