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25.01.2022 Shedding the layers Just like this lizard, shedding what we have outgrown is an ongoing journey. This year has brought so much into our conscious awareness - collectively and individually, that perhaps previously may have gone unnoticed or attracted only a momentary glimpse. I've felt many opportunities for acceptance and being with what is. At times, this has been subtle, other times anything but! Layer upon layer, the unfolding, the journey, the challenges, the gifts... I...t's not always easy to simply sit with what arises, but herein lies the beauty. Taking time to be and rest awhile here without agenda takes courage and trust. Think of it like sitting alongside a dear friend needing support. There's nothing to fix, it's your presence that is empowering. This is the space of deep healing. Coming back to simplicity is a potent resource, one that is easily discounted by the mind and yet one that is greeted with a subtle familiar softening in the heart. Valuing time to be, space to breathe, listening and connecting with spirit, source. Powerful, wise teachers I warmly invite you to join our next Sacred Circle on 30th Dec. Illuminated by the last full moon of 2020, we will come together in sacredness to give thanks and honour all that has been and open our hearts to the bountiful blessings of the new year. More details on my website Link in bio All are welcome Just as you are #sacred #shedding #trust #gratitude #nature #deeplistening #selfcare #sacredcircle #2020 #allarewelcome #innerresonance #community
25.01.2022 Sound is powerful. What we receive thorough each of our senses has a profound impact. Imagine for a moment hearing harsh words... a love song... a jackhammer, the ocean... notice how the vibrations of each one invites different responses in your body. Instruments of healing such as Tibetan singing bowls, Native American flute and shamanic drum bypass the logical mind, creating a bridge of connection with the subtle. Being held in this vibration is incredibly soothing and re...laxing. Experience these beautiful healing sounds and soften into deep relaxation and restoration REST IN HARMONY Sat 5th Dec 6.30- 8.30pm Connect the Dots, Oatley $45 Immerse yourself in 2hrs of sound healing, yin and guided meditation. GUIDED MEDITATION Tues 1st Dec 8pm Online via Zoom As a way of giving back to the community, I am offering a monthly online meditation during summer Free event but registration is required. Visit my website or DM End of Year Sacred Circle Details coming soon! SUNDAY YIN 4.30pm Connect the Dots, Oatley An hour of gentle restoration to round off the weekend and prepare you for the week ahead Bookings via Connect the Dots website or Wellness Living app Visit my website to see more info about all my offerings and join my mailing list to hear first about what's coming soon Link in bio #rest #soundhealing #sacred #sacredcircle #healing #singingbowls #naf #nativeamericanflute #shamanicdrum #meditation #onlinemeditation #guidedmeditation #peace #sydneyyoga #yogateacher #innerresonamce #connection #community #yoga #yinyoga #selfcare
23.01.2022 Profoundly grateful to the beautiful souls who joined me in Sacred Circle last night. We came together with open hearts, gratitude and deep trust in communion with the ancestors and Spirit.. and the magic unfolded This morning, I received this beautiful testimonial: "If you want to immerse your senses in a healing experience rich in sound and traditional ancient wisdom, then treat yourself to one of Naomi's sacred circles. She guides you through a gentle, yet loving expe...rience, that will leave you feeling connected to everything seen and unseen. Naomis circles are healing and so soul nurturing. Thank you Naomi." Tomorrow night I'm offering a free Guided Meditation to welcome in the New Year at 8pm Sydney time via Zoom. Just DM your details and email address if you'd like to join. All are welcome Deeply grateful to walk this path and step into my light holding sacred space and honoring the ways of the ancient ones. I'll be holding regular Sacred Circles in 2021. Please visit my website and join my mailing list for updates Link in bio #gratitude #sacred #sacredcircle #crystals #lemurian #community #connection #communion #nature #motherearth #trust #ancientways
20.01.2022 Dreaming. Believing. Trusting. Growing. 2020 2021 Coming together in sacredness is the way of ancient cultures. With presence and trust comes an opportunity for deep listening, honest expression and lightness. Each person is welcomed and respected, just as you are. Personal choice is valued. It is truly a privilegeto hold sacred space, to honour these ways of connecting with our hearts and each other through ceremony, ritual and embodiment practices.... 2020 has been a year like no other. As the last full moon of the year lights up the evening sky, I invite you to join me in Sacred Circle and ceremony to honour the gifts and challengesof 2020 and set clear intentions for 2021. Please bring: Journal and pen Cushion to sit on Water bottle A sacred item - this could be a personal item, such as a crystal that will return home with you; or something from nature, like a flower or stone You are also welcome to bring a small plate of food to share afterwards Herbal teas will be provided DETAILS End of Year Sacred Circle Wed 30th Dec, 7pm - 9pm Suite 2, 16 Boyle St, Sutherland $35 To register, visit my website Or send me a DM. Payment via direct deposit taken recently at Sawtell - nature's magical art reflecting life #sacred #sacredcircle #Fullmoon #2020 #ritual #selfcare #gratitude #ancientways #intention #community #harmony #ceremony #sutherland #sydney #sawtell #nature #beach
19.01.2022 When did you last take time to be still? Living in a society that values action and always fitting in more, it can be a challenge to even realise how important slowing down is. How would it feel if you valued action and stillness equally? I wonder what might change in your life? Action, stillness and everything in between are all welcome and needed at different times and in different ways. It's for each of us to find our unique path and ways to adjust as we seek to maintain t...he balance. Notice in the symbol, there is a dot of yin (dark) in the yang (light), as there is a dot of yang in the yin. Feminine and masculine, light and dark are always present, just in varying degrees. Getting the balance right often means choosing what we need over what we want. Yin Yoga is a pearl of wisdom, a profound teacher of stillness and presence. An accessible floor based practice, we stay in each shape for several minutes, supported by props. There is time to leave the demands and noise aside and soften into stillness. SUNDAY YIN 4.30pm @connect.the.dots.oatley An hour of yin with a sound bath to finish. Book via Wellness Lining or visit my website Link in bio All are welcome Just as you are Please bring your own mat and props. If you wish to use studio props, bring a towel or blanket to cover them #yin #yinyoga #pentaclepose #savasana #sundayyin #Oatleyyoga #yogaclass #stillness #balance #yinyang #presence #meditation #soundbath #rest #replenish #selfcare #innerresonance
18.01.2022 Learning from nature, listening with all my senses, trusting. Feeling the subtle deepening every day on my walk. This time in nature is imperative for me. Today's messengers from the winged ones. I was followed on my walk today by 3 crows. Found 3 white cockatoo crest feathers, 3 large and 3 small tawny frogmouth feathers and 3 white cockatoo feathers. And came across this lorikeet sitting on a nest in the grass by the river bank. Magic Also blessed to bump into the lovely... @tracy.stirzaker, what a treat!! At the end of my walk, I came across a dead baby bird. Prayers, ritual and a simple burial ceremony. Deeply grateful for these profound moments being guided by Spirit #feathers #gratitude #wingedones #spirit #listening #afternoonwalk #blessings #ancestors #learning
18.01.2022 The tawny frogmouth feather family in my custodianship has grown to eleven after my walk tonight, plus some special little soft and fluffy body feathers. Today's finds were noticeably smaller feathers. It's exquisitely moving and profound how I feel their energy in my body when we are close by and emotions unexpectedly arise as I am drawn to a particular spot on my walk... and then, with a subtle sense of connection and familiarity, the moment we find each other... pure magic. Thankyou Spirit Deeply grateful for this medicine as I walk this bridge #tawnyfrogmouth #spirit #sacred #nature #deeplistening #trust #gratitude #transformation #medicine #11
17.01.2022 Urns of 2020: Rising from the Ashes It was such a privilege to visit this inspiring exhibition and opening night. It's a beautiful story of birthing a dream to bring together 30 urns, 30 artists and 30 charities. It's also a personal story of courage and celebration, growing a family business from the heart. Everything Liz from @iconicamadeinitaly does is heartfelt. Whether you're inspired by her story, the story of each urn and artist or the urns themselves, check out the ...exhibition! For anyone who can't make it, these incredibly unique urns are all part of an online silent auction with funds raised being donated to a charity chosen by each artist. Please support this amazing exhibition Gaffa Gallery and the silent auctions. And soon there will be a documentary about this wonderful journey too!! Congrats Liz, the artists and Gaffa Gallery. Not to mention the delicious authentic southern Italian catering from The Italian Garage. too!! #risingfromtheashes #urnsof2020 #iconica #artisans #exhibition #art #dreams #charityauction #reachforthestars #openingnight
15.01.2022 TONIGHT is the time to immerse yourself in an evening of self care, relaxation and restoration. Soften your body, quieten your mind and drop into your heart. Here we'll rest awhile ... 2 hours of nourishing Yin yoga, guided meditation, breath work and soothing sound bath awaits you REST IN HARMONY Sat 5th Dec 6.30-8.30pm At Connect The Dots in Oatley Please bring your own mat and props. Studio props can also be used with a towel to cover them DM for more info or visit All are welcome Just as you are #yoga #yin #restore #meditation #rest #yogaworkshop #Sydneyyoga #sydneyyogateacher #Oatley #harmony #soundbath #saturday
14.01.2022 Join me tomorrow evening for a very special Full Moon Sacred Circle. As this extraordinary year comes to a close, it's time to come together in the sacred ways of our ancestors, honouring all that has been and choose what we take forward into the new year. Register at or DM.
13.01.2022 Full moon blessings to you Be gentle with yourself as this Cancer moon illuminates the sky and opens our hearts. Take a few moments to quieten and attune to your breath. Listen. Soften. Feel. Coming together at potent times such as this is the way of ancient cultures. Gradually in the West we are remembering and reconnecting to these sacred ways of being and attuning to the lands and ancestors. ... If you would like to join our Sacred Circle tonight to honour these times and open your heart to 2021, please send me a message. It will be an evening of deep connection and gratitude. We will anchor in the present moment through guided meditation and sounds of flute, shamanic drum and singing bowls. There will be opportunities to listen, share what's in your heart and journal, held in a safe healing space of sacred ritual and acceptance. All are welcome. Just as you are Link in bio #Sacred #fullmoon #cancermoon #heart #openheart #love #fullmooncircle #listen #beheard #receive #sacredcircle #embodiment #spirit #community #connection #endof2020 #gratitude #allarewelcome #meditation #soundhealing #deeplistening #restoration #intention #newyear
13.01.2022 Tired? Busy? As the end of the year approaches, now is the time to connect and restore REST IN HARMONY Yin, Meditation, Sound... 2 hours of deep rest, listening and subtle alignment. Including a summer yin practice to balance the Fire element, guided meditation to invite clarity, breathwork to calm your nervous system and sound healing to soothe your being. Allow the noise and busyness of this extraordinary year to drop away and replenish your body, mind and spirit This is a gentle guided season open to all. My intention is to support you to explore your experience of inner resonance Saturday 5th December 6.30-8.30pm at Connect The Dots, Oatley $45 For more info and registration visit Or book via the Wellness Living app (search for Connect the Dots) All are welcome Just as you are #yoga #meditation #rest #selfcare #soundhealing #restore #yinyoga #peace #connection #calm #Oatley #sydneyyoga #yogateacher #innerresonamce
07.01.2022 During December, I'm taking time to explore gratitude - the joyful, uncomfortable and painful. Acknowledging the range of gifts from this extraordinary year. I'm really looking forward to the End of Year Sacred Circle. As the light of the full moon fills the sky and our hearts, we'll come together in gratitude for 2020 in all its facets and invite space for creativity and expansive vision for the new year. I will guide you through embodiment practices such as meditation, soun...d and gentle movement, with trust, presence and gentleness. In this sacred, safe space, we will rest in our hearts in circle and ceremonial ritual, honouring this ancient way of being in community, listening and healing December Full Moon Sacred Circle Wed 30th Dec 7pm- 9pm Sutherland Places are limited Early bird special ends TODAY Link in bio or DM #sacred #fullmoon #sacredcircle #gratitude #meditation #embodiment #community #2020 #vision #intention #circle
06.01.2022 What is a Sacred Circle? A small group of people coming together, honouring connection, listening deeply and attuning to our inner wisdom. Supported by simple embodiment practices such as guided meditation and gentle movement, we connect with our experience as it is in the present moment. With honour, respect and spontaneity we. share what's in our hearts. This is the way of our ancestors, the ancestors of the lands. It is truly wonderful and nourishing to connect in this w...ay. Space is held for each person to be, just as you are. Join me for a very special Full Moon Sacred Circle on Wednesday night at 7pm in Sutherland. For more info, send me a DM or visit #sacredcircle #sacred #meditation #endofyear #fullmooncircle #fullmoon #community #connection #ancientways #ancestors #sacredness #deeplistening #presence #holdingspace #allarewelcome #innerresonamce #sutherland #southsydney
04.01.2022 Coming together in sacredness is the way of ancient cultures. With presence and trust comes an opportunity for deep listening, honest expression and lightness. Each person is welcomed and respected, just as you are. Personal choice is valued. It is truly a privilege to hold sacred space, to honour these ways of connecting with our hearts and each other through ceremony, ritual and embodiment practices. 2020 has been a year like no other. As the last full moon of the year ligh...ts up the evening sky, I invite you to join me in Sacred Circle and ceremony to honour the gifts and challenges of 2020 and set clear intentions for 2021. Please bring: Journal and pen Cushion to sit on Water bottle A sacred item - this could be a personal item, such as a crystal that will return home with you; or something from nature, like a flower or stone You are also welcome to bring a small plate to share afterwards Herbal teas will be provided DETAILS End of Year Sacred Circle Wed 30th Dec, 7pm - 9pm Suite 2, 16 Boyle St, Sutherland $30 Earlybird | $35 from 17th Dec To register, visit my website Or send me a DM #sacred #sacredcircle #Fullmoon #2020 #ritual #selfcare #gratitude #ancientways #intention #community #harmony #ceremony #sutherland #sydney
01.01.2022 I'm really looking forward to holding this end of year Sacred Circle on 30th December. Coming together in sacredness is the way of ancient cultures. Through embodiment practices such as guided meditation, music and gentle movement, connection with your body brings connection with spirit, with your heart. You are warmly invited to join us. Please DM or visit my website for more info - link in bio #sacred #sacredcircle #Fullmoon #december #endofyear #connection #spirit #embodiment #sutherland
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