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YOGA today

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 414 710 523

Address: 15 View St North Perth 6006 Perth, WA, Australia


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21.01.2022 SUMMER SOLSTICE 2020 Saturday 19th December 4.30-6.30pm North Perth Town Hall Purchase tickets:... $35 per adult KUNDLAINI YOGA ~today~ LAST WEEK OF CLASSES IN DALKEITH, NORTH PERTH , KINGSLEY 14-18 DEC. 2020 / RTN MONDAY 18the JAN 2021 Blessed is the season which Engages the whole World in a Conspiracy of Love. ~Hamilton Wright Mabie~ Sat Nam We are part of a conspiracy of love. The upcoming festive season is only days away and that should give us time to allow us to be agents of good, agents of light, and agents of miracles. What gifts can we bring into this world for the coming year and what are the gifts we learnt that we can share as we let go of the 2020, the year that heightened our senses and awakened us to our true selves. What wise messages of hope can we share? The 3 wise kings of old, who traveled by starlight, were wonderful guides. May our lives be about giving to other beings, following the light, and always allowing to trust that the miracles of life are worth honoring. Life is full of miracles and we are one of those miracles! I have been blessed and am in gratitude for your presence and commitment to the teachings of Kundalini Yoga. It has served me well and I know it has served you too. I shall miss the beautiful spirits and lights that uplifted me. We will meet again in January 2021 with our hearts open to receive what has been longingly awaiting us!! I wish you wellness, joy, peace and divine light. In conspiracy with love and with deep gratitude, Jude/Jiwan Shakti

14.01.2022 The wound is the place where the light enters you. ~Rumi~ Sat Naam blessed beings, developing our internal guidance system to stay on course amidst this continuous chaos will help us walk our path with clarity. What no longer works for humanity is disintegrating, and this creates anxiety for many of us. Our awareness is fueled and nurtured with our spiritual practice, this guarantees a safe passage throughout these very unstable, unpredictable, unique and space. Everything we are experiencing right now is part of our spiritual journey. Yes. Everything. We may not realise it or recognise it but that's exactly the way it is. These experiences are important lessons to learn and important lessons to teach. This is not an easy road to travel on but it can be beautiful. Remember we are not alone. We are guided by spirit with each and every step we take. When the mind is festering with troubles and our hearts are sore and torn, in silence and in listening, we can find healing, like the steady flow of the ocean's waves. Holding hands with stillness and then the slowing down will gradually take over. Our breathing deepens and our hearts remember calmness. With this new perspective open to us, serenity is restored and difficulty can begin to look like an invitation to open a door to new growth. Mother nature supports us in this, with trees waving to us as the wind gently blows it, the green grass cooling the soles of our feet, and the sounds of mother nature chanting and singing to us. Friendship with nature is an invitation and entails a willingness to be alone, aloneness is anything but lonely. Solitude gradually clears and cleans the heart till a true tranquility is reached. An intimate connection with the world develops as the heart opens to aloneness. Beauty of nature can be used as an ointment to gently relieve the pain of loneliness and releases the caged mind and removes the unnecessary troubles we carry. Realization comes through compassion, devotion, gratitude and reverence not through complicated kriyas. ~Yogi Amandeep~ May you be showered with Blessings May petals serve as a carpet under your feet May the sun replace dark clouds in your life May you feel safe through LOVE that surrounds you...everywhere. I look forward to our meeting with love, blessings and in gratitude. Jude/Jiwan Shakti [email protected]


10.01.2022 You are alive by breath, you are a product of breath, and your realization is through breath. The moment you are in touch with your breath, the universe pours into you. ~YB~ Sat Nam ... Pranaa is the essence of life - the universal life force energy that sustains us. The more prana we are able to take in, the better our body will function. Majority of the time we do not pay much attention to the way that we breathe - or how we take in life force throughout our daily lives. Many people breathe in a shallow way, only allowing the pranaa to reach the upper most portion of the lungs and do not understand the concept that breathing down deep into the belly stimulates and energizes the nadis. This kind of shallow breathing pattern actually creates anxiety because it keeps the body in a state of lack by depriving it of that essential life force. Hence when we go into shock, the words used to get us back into a life flow is 'Breathe Deeply'. We will be practicing a Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation, as we travel into the time of the year when our nerves are triggered by many events and situations during the upcoming festive season, this kriya releases tension accompanied by nervousness. The exercises derive powerful effects from the sequence of glandular stimulation and the use of praanayam. Meditate on Our Own Praana when practiced correctly and regularly this meditation benefits us with mental and physical youthfulness; we will have a constant flow of energy therefore not getting tired; this flow of breath will make us basically intuitive and be universally sensitive - retaining this energy to be young, happy and optimistic. Wahe Guru! (Nadis are the astral tubes made up of astral matter that carry psychic currents. It is through these Nadis (Sukshma, subtle passages), that the vital force or Pranic current moves or flows. Since they are made up of subtle matter they cannot be seen by the naked physical eyes. There are more than 72,000 - 350,000 nadis. When we rub the soles of our feet and the palms of our hands we stimulate the nadis) May All Beings Be Blessed With Peace and May Peace Begin With You

09.01.2022 Every moment is a fresh beginning. ~TS Elliot~ Sat Nam The past week has been an adventurous revelation for me as a lot was revealed. I was in light and dark days of my soul, some would call this period 'confusion and forgetfulness'. Practicing the kriya Strength to Sacrifice helped me see and remember to deepen into myself and experience all that is within. Some days came along and knocked me down harder then I would have expected. And then the next day comes along ...with a handshake then knocks me down, I wondered how I managed to pick myself up! That hurt! We are reminded that sometimes we are so attached to our patterns thinking the world will end if we start to change them. We can want change and still fear the outcome of what we want, we fear our own greatness, our own light. If there wasn't any darkness there would be no light. We all take different paths, some are more difficult than others. but in the end, all that matters is whether or not that path is the one that will lead us home. In every moment in our life we are given a blessing. When we focus on being grateful for this blessing and not our expectations, we are easily able to live in contentment and acceptance. Be grateful for everything that is in our life There is no perfect life sometimes it is the worst things that open up opportunities and deliver oneself to freedom, from darkness to light. We are here to become conscious and free, aren’t we? And in our freedom we are to serve other beings. To do that we have to get in touch with our essence, our true nature. It is when we are in touch with something larger than this body we understand that we are on the divine path having a sacred experience every day with everyone. Wahe Guru! Meditation for Human Quality- opens the power of the Fourth Chakra. The Heart Center is the first chakra at which we have a distinct sense of our self. As human beings we are filled with extraordinary qualities that define us, creativity, compassion, kindness, endurance and intentions. When we feel blocked in our life, we tend to call on and rely on reactions and emotional reflexes. The First and Second Chakras are below human. The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Chakras are beyond human, so it is the area of the heart that we can fulfill our nature. The greatest result is that it connects us with the inner sense of being human. Nothing can change the pattern of human destiny until the devotion is so strong that one is willing to sacrifice his patterns. And when that occurs, life is grantedly changed. Elevated consciousness is a surety. Happiness is around the corner. ~YB~ Do you know your heart? Take all the time you need, my loves. I'm right here with you

07.01.2022 Sat Nam Our conflicts, problematic situations that we come to, all the difficulties we are in are not haphazards, any uncomfortable situations we step into are not by chance or by coincidence. They are ours. And they are ours for a very good reason, designed specifically to lead us to road blocks that will redirect and lead us to ourselves. We do not travel in the right direction unless there is something prodding us and directing us to walk toward the right direction.... The love that lives in us will constantly point our sights, telling us "Look here!" "Not that way! this way!" That part of us that loves us so much that it does not want us to lose our way or slide down an 'easy' road that doesn't belong to us, the prodding gives us the chance to recognize that there something guiding us to true love. That true love will go to many, extreme measures to wake us up, it will make us suffer greatly if we it block out and do not listen, feel or relate to the directions given. That's true loves job, there is no other thing it knows or can do, it's purpose is to direct us onto the righteous path to become our true selves. When life is high pressure, the aura needs to be strong, so we can project the radiance of our soul. In Kundalini Yoga tradition, the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human being is recognized as the 8th chakra: the aura or the circumvent field. Through this chakra we go beyond the physical body, this chakra contains the powers of all the other energetic enters. When the aura is weak, we seem vulnerable, depleted and negative. Imagine how our lives would be if we changed our perception from being an ordinary person to someone that embodies divinity and is open to infinite abundance. Living in full acceptance and great appreciation of our real and true self. Wahe Guru! ONE DAY OR DAY ONE. YOU DECIDE.... With love, blessings and in gratitude, I look forward to our meeting,

07.01.2022 You suppose that you're the trouble, But you're really the cure. You suppose that you're the lock on the door, But really you're the key that opens it. It's too bad that you want to be someone else. You don't see your own face, your own beauty. Yet, no one's face is more beautiful than yours. ~Rumi~... Sat Nam We all have the key to open our hearts, to unlock the doors that hold us back from really seeing our beauty and fully investing in our self, the True Self, to reach our full potential. Each time we hold back, each time we limit ourselves, each time we shrink from a challenge we minimize our True Self, we dim the light that only wants to shine its brightest light helping us see our glorious self in full strength. Our lives are not an unending self-improvement project and our hearts are not a venue to be undertaken, mastered and completed. Perhaps today was never going to be the day when we figure it all out, get all the questions answered or resolved. The days are just too creative and we are just too alive! What a relief it is and also uses so much less energy to just close our eyes, spread our wings out to the sides, open our hearts to fall into love with ourselves, with our beauty and with our spectacular spirit. Fall into the Openness of our hearts. Wahe Guru! We will be practicing a Kriya for Purifying the Self, and the meditation will help us realize that we are a Spiritual Being with Unlimited Potential.

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