The Art of Balance in Frankston South, Victoria | Meditation centre
The Art of Balance
Locality: Frankston South, Victoria
Phone: +61 424 620 539
Address: 40 Woolston Drive 3199 Frankston South, VIC, Australia
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23.01.2022 Morning meditation from our meditation course ‘Let the Light in’ Thank you all for creating sacred space for yourself and for allowing me to facilitate . It’s been life-changing . Initially with the aim to help us navigate out of lockdown... we have been meditating together since July . ... We will take a break from coming together on zoom in January . Please let your meditations continue. Healing your self and the planet . Be in touch if you’d like to register your interest and I’ll talk to you. Much love, Bettina #meditation #learntomeditate #connection #sacredspace #emotionalintelligence
21.01.2022 The posture, the asana, is simply the vehicle . Let’s remind ourselves of that. See you on the mat, zoom and f2f. Few mats left for today.... #love #connection #asana #qualitiesoftheheart #shoelace #yinyoga #surrender See more
20.01.2022 The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. Joseph Campbell . Thoughts?... . Few opportunities left to practice with me this year - tomorrow, Friday 930am; Saturday 830am; Sunday (Zoom only) 930am; Monday 930am & 7pm; Tuesday 930am . See you on the mat #yoga #meditation See more
20.01.2022 G r a t i t u d e . The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see-Mary Davis Now this is today’s schedule and I am grateful for all these opportunities to connect and to help you boost your mental and physical health. ... Tonight’s f2f in studio class has got 2 mats left. Let me know if you want the mat in the studio, or if you want the zoom link. Also, some news coming your way. #bestclientsever #facilitatechange
17.01.2022 Peeps, you are just awesome Can you believe it? One of you wonderful people paid for my 90min massage with the one and only crazily amazing Kythie @elementalwellnessmelbourne today Like being grateful for my kindness and guidance . Thank you. Thank you. That’s so kind and generous . I was speechless (and you know that never happens), and I cried. Ask Kythie.... Thank you anonymous divine person. Thank you to all of you . Together we navigate, grow, hold on, let go, laugh, cry, breathe, sigh, eye roll, topple over and celebrate . I am so proud of us and so grateful. 2020 made us stronger and yet softened us like no other year! See you on the mat! Selfcare at its finest . #selfcare #bestclientsever #gratitude #thankyou
16.01.2022 C o m m u n i t y We are making strong and meaningful, beneficial connections both in our professional and our personal lives... As we come out of lockdown, here in Melbourne, we consider our connections, our communities, we step into the full potential of ourselves and give ourselves fully to those connections that see us, hear us, foster us and let us grow. This was our card for the week yesterday Community. How fitting, as we come forth as a community f2f ...and online to celebrate and uplift. See you on the mat. I appreciate our yoga, meditation and wellness community so very much. Each of you uplifts and heals the planet. #lightworker #healer #mindset #community #headandheart #love #yogacommunity See more
15.01.2022 H a p p i n e s s is the highest form of Health. Choose to aim for happiness. Do the work. Happy Sunday you beautiful human.... #happiness #sundayvibes #sunflower #selfcare #summersolstice #yoga #meditation #healing #feeling See more
15.01.2022 How good is it to be back in the studio? Words cannot explain . Thank you to the zoom yogis for embracing our small face to face yoga group. And thank you returning students for being so responsive and respectful of our restrictions, guidelines and of each other,... Much love and gratitude . Thursday nights class is booked out f2f; Thursday morning 930am has got a few mats left. Be in touch to book. See you on the mat. #studioreopening #bestclientsever #femaleentrepreneur
14.01.2022 Now 2020 you have provided a great opportunity to re-assess our values in life. And with that we let go of a lot of stuff. I for once know and own the fact that I thrive on social interactions, on variety and on cerebral stimulation, thinking, communicating, connecting. So a day like today, fills my soul and makes my heart sing.... Today’s schedule: out of the house to the gym for a group exercise class home to teach an in studio yoga class up the road for 1hr of meditation with the glorious Bec home to give a wonderful client a remedial massage out for lunch with the cherubs Makes coming home for house work do-able Your turn.... What do you need, to light your soul and fill your heart? #weekendvibes #fillyourheart #lightyoursoulonfire #findyourpurpose #gemini #love #dharma #yoga #meditation See more
13.01.2022 Meditation and Pranayama . Last journey of meditation and breathing for 2020. Starting tomorrow morning at 630am. We create sacred space, we breathe, we calm our nervous system. The internal work we do in yoga & meditation is never just for ourselves. It helps our families, our communities and ultimately the planet.... Stay calm this festive season. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you the zoom link. Details on website or in this image. Xo Bettina #meditation #mindfulness #yoga #pranayama #breath See more
12.01.2022 Happy Summer Solstice Celebrating the longest day and shortest night here in the Southern Hemisphere. Celebrating the height of summer, celebrating our connection to the sun and the earth. Summer connects is to our inner fire. It reminds us that we, like the sun, have that fire to sustain, to create and to shine. We have a responsibility to burn as brightly as we can. #burnbright #shineyourlight #sun #earth #nurture #summersolstice2020 #summer #summerinmelbourne #love #yoga #meditation #sunset #yogamum #mondaymotivation
11.01.2022 B a c k b e n d s Good morning, a question for you, how do backbends make you feel? Most of the time? What comes up for you, how does your body respond hearing this question? ... How does your body feel when I’m backbends? Do take notice of your body’s response of your physical feelings and sensations. It is important information. Me, I love backbends. The feeling sensations are often resistance though, and discomfort, tightness.... before sensations of freedom, energy surge, etc You? #camelpose #ustrasana #backbends #love #yoga #meditation
11.01.2022 Ta Da . Heart full . Thank you dear ones for creating this magical, sacred spacious stillness in our yin yoga and sound meditation tonight . Sleep well and have a wonderful #summersolstice2020
10.01.2022 Out celebrating with these crazies . End of an era - I salut every yr of 2020 VCE student who kept up focus, learning and completed Vce! You guys can do anything - shine bright and change the world . #classof2020 #vce2020 #parenting #love #seventhseries #yogateacherlife
10.01.2022 Do you have a morning ritual? Do you set an intention, do you greet your heart, draw a card, meditate, move, read? ... Feel free to share, we’d love to hear. . #ritual #commitment #love #meditation . #dreambig #newmoon #letgo #intentions #magic #yoga #meditation . #meditation #yogacommunity #bestclientsever #yoginisofinstagram #connection #yogacommunity #yoga #meditation #shineyourlight #mindfulness #emotionalintelligence #pranayama #healing #staypeaceful #reopening #liveyogaclasses #reflexology #remedialmassagetherapist #yogateacherlife #mindbodysoul #yogafrankston #frankstonsouthyogastudio #yogacommunity #melbourneyogateacher #yogamorningtonpeninsula
10.01.2022 All smiles after our morning meditation today . We connect to our breath, we connect to the cosmic energy, we wake up and calm our nervous system. We find clarity for the day ahead, we set intention for the day, we make better more aligned decisions, we’re more happy, we can deal with stressors much better. We foster better sleep and a sense of connection and community . We have one more round before the year is out. December breath and meditation journey is coming.... Book now. email, website. Let me know you’re interested. See you on the mat today, 11am Yin, 7pm hatha vinyasa ZOOM and FACE TO FACE. #wednesdayvibes #wednesday #love #meditation #pranayama #yoga #mindfulness See more
08.01.2022 Happy Hump Day . Shine your light and find the joy in all you do . Today’s schedule: 630am meditation. 11am yinyoga. 7pm hatha yoga.... Your choice of zoom or f2f studio classes . #humpday #love #yoga #meditation See more
07.01.2022 New Moon New Intentions New GoalsLetting Go Releasing Dreaming Big It is always our choice to co-operate with the energies that surround us. Let’s make the most of these few days with the supportive energy of dreaming big... . And then of course take action.... I’m dreaming of being able to come together like in this pic, connect, breathe, chant, move, facilitate change. See you on the mat, for another week of letting go and dreaming big . . #dreambig #newmoon #letgo #intentions #magic #yoga #meditation See more
06.01.2022 We are all on a journey... Practicing kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others is paramount Kindness and self-compassion towards yourself tonight? I have 2 mats left in tonight’s 7pm #hathayoga class. ... You’re welcome to join on zoom any time #zoomyoga #compassion #love #kindness #curiosity #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #sunset See more
05.01.2022 It’s been a marvellous week. Thank you to all who came back to the studio and to those who kept smiling behind the camera. Thank you to all my treatment clients too. ... Remember the good you do to yourself always benefits those around you and the greater community too. Enjoy your weekend and your gently exploring our new freedoms. Next practice is tomorrow. Sunday, 930am on zoom only, no one in studio . Be in touch to book and get the link if you like to join us. Xo Bettina See more
05.01.2022 Sunset after yoga . Summer in Melbourne . We’re coming alive after lockdown, Iso, and all the fancy bits 2020 presented us with.... Perfect spot and time for dreaming big, setting new goals and intentions... ... Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse everyone . #sunset #yoga #meditation #lettinggo #intention #goalsetting #newmoon #solareclipse #melbourne #olivershill #sankalpa See more
05.01.2022 Make sure that there’s nothing holding you back from your greatness dear one. Shine your light, do you. You all are amazing, the peace makers, joy bringers and healers of the world So proud of you all. Grateful for you sharing your energy with me in yoga and meditation . See you on the mat, today at 930am and tomorrow at 830am. #fridayfun #yoga #meditation #yogateacherlife
04.01.2022 I trust you made the most of this glorious evening here in Melbourne . This is what I did on my evening off. Sunset watching. I’ll keep Tuesday night free until restrictions ease and there will be more demand for evening classes. I will see you for meditation and yoga tomorrow . Face to face and online on zoom. ... Goodnight, rest well. #tuesdaynight #sunset #yogacommunity See more
03.01.2022 Yoginis on the loose... we talked meditation, yoga, mindset, life, 2020, business, men, hopes and dreams... she’s a gem this one @lisacarlylemeditation . Thank you Lisa, you make the world a better place. The girlfriend banter is the bomb . ... ‘When head and heart are aligned, we find our tribe’. #gratitude #love #girlfriendbanter
03.01.2022 Best time of the year... when it is still daylight after the evening yoga class . Go watch that sunset We still have a full week of classes to go. Including next Tuesday, 22/12. Go grab your mat, and I’ll see you in studio or on zoom for awesome end of year practices .... #sunset #studiowithaview #love #yoga #meditation #nature #balance #healing See more
02.01.2022 Pinch punch first of the month The last of 2020 - what quality will you need to manifest and cultivate to see this year out peacefully, to reconcile with 2020, to support yourself? It’s a question that requires feeling into your body, into your heart. Take your time answering it.... I’ve asked it in class since yesterday. My answer is: ‘self-compassion’ . It’s been a massive year I’d like to hear from you : what’s your word for December? #decemberenergy #decemberlove #beyoself #summerinaustralia #fullmoon #lunareclipse #gomukhasana #standingpigeon See more
02.01.2022 Our message for this week Financial Constraints Money moves to and through my life, bringing benefits to all.... This is the affirmation card that found us at the end of our morning meditation at 7am. It fascinates me how when in this connected state, in this resonating with the cosmos energy, we hear, find & see what is relevant. It’s magic and it’s science. Money moves to and through my life, bringing benefits to all. It’s also still possible to join us for our meditation and Pranayama journey in December. Be in touch. Have a magical day .
01.01.2022 Honouring our emotions and validating them is different to getting caught up in them . You will find it useful to learn the difference. It will reduce the overall stress level in your life, it will free up your energy for daily activities you enjoy, it will increase your overall level of happiness . I guide you there in meditation and yoga.... Our next meditation and breathing round starts tomorrow. Our next zoom yoga class is today 930am . #sundayvibes #trikonasana See more
01.01.2022 H a p p y. F u l l. M o o n . Holding on and letting go - trust that the outcome will be ok; as you release that which no longer serves us . PS: we may not have come back to the studio with that density and not with any physical adjustment either. BUT our hearts are all in! Fully! Connected with our hearts . Thank you peeps for being so awesome . Happy Full Moon ... #fullmoon #gratitude #friendship #love #yoga #meditation
01.01.2022 Cleansing, clearing, replenishing #magic #manifestation #sunset #melbourne #morningtonpeninsula
01.01.2022 The greatest way to make sure your contribution to the world is filled with loving kindness, is to ask yourself, what fills my cup today? What does fill your cup? Is it test? Is it yoga. Is it a slow walk in the garden? Is it art? ... Do tell. Do fill. See you on the mat. Few f2f spots left for our upcoming classes. Bettina #fillyourcup #selflove #selfcompassion #connection #lovingkindness #yoga #meditation #yogastudiowithaview See more
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