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Roxy Yoga in Lakes Entrance, Victoria | Sport & recreation

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Roxy Yoga

Locality: Lakes Entrance, Victoria

Phone: +61 417 050 226


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23.01.2022 Red, pink, violet and cream, and all the colours in between. Spring feels extra special to me this year. The blooming of flowers feels more symbolic than ever as we emerge from the depths of lockdown. I’m so excited to have some freedoms back yet also recognise the benefits of the slower life in lockdown. #stopandsmelltheroses #slowliving #easydoesit #stkilda

21.01.2022 Love this Choosing how you focus your attention can shift your thoughts and change your reality. #powerofthought #powerofpositivity #payattention #mindfulness Credit: @mindfulmagazine

21.01.2022 Love you @keagravs - always too long between catch ups #foreverfriends #friendswhoarefamily

19.01.2022 Random acts of kindness. Friends or strangers. Giving or receiving. Brightens everyone’s day

19.01.2022 2020. The year the universe told us to wake the fuck up. To listen, learn, and act. .. Wake up, Australia is burning and Mother Nature is suffering. Wake up, a disease is spreading across the globe and we need to work together, not against each other.... Wake up, people of colour are suffering every single day because of racial injustices that are so deeply ingrained in society. .. It’s time for change. We need to care for each other equally. We need to care more for our planet and all living beings. We all have a right to be here and to live in peace. But some of us have far greater privilege in the current world. So how can you use your privilege to make a change for the better? Start by learning. Make small changes. Be resolute in your actions to make this world a better place #antiracism #climatechange #covid19 #bushfiresaustralia #wakeup #bethechange #resolutionforarevolution #educate #blacklivesmatter #ignoranceisachoice #wecandobetter #weareone

18.01.2022 Feeling so much better after some movement. Making shapes always shifts my mood and energy is a positive way and is an essential part of my day. What are your daily essentials? #movementpractice #yogaismedicine #yogaeveryday

18.01.2022 A bit late to the party for yesterday’s #ftfhandstandchallenge with @axisyoga_ ... but late is always better than never right! Handstands build Popeye forearms Do days 1-4 and tell me you disagree I’m pretty excited for all these handstand gold nuggets every day in May #handstands #handstandpractice

16.01.2022 Sunshine and beach is all I need #purebliss #summerlovin #stkilda

16.01.2022 One silly set of sisters

14.01.2022 The light at the end of the tunnel (moving house) is being next door to this Daily walk and meditation spot sorted

12.01.2022 Life is full or twists and turns, ups and downs. But it’s the challenges that help us learn and grow. Looking forward to a new year and a new decade. And to spending more time upside down to deal with life’s up sides and down sides

12.01.2022 Jazzzz Makes me so happy! #jazz #livemusic #southmelbournemarket #jazzfestival #swingdance #ppmj

12.01.2022 Yoga tribe appreciation + new classes online soon I had the privilege of recording some more yoga classes for @axisyoga_ online with my fave yogis Look out for ... - sassy shoulders with @franksmartin_ - glorious glutes with me - and a bunch of new classes with always amazing Amelia At times like these I am especially grateful for my yoga practice and my yoga tribe. I don’t know how I’d get through this long period of isolation without moving and nourishing my body each day and staying connected with likeminded souls. What is keeping you sane in isolation? #axisyoga #yogateacherlife #yogaonline #yogaeverydamnday #yogatribe #keepingsane

12.01.2022 #blacklivesmatter #BLM #blackouttuesday #theshowmustbepaused

11.01.2022 Happy birthday to my amazing Mum! How lovely to finally make it home after months of lockdown. Seeing my favourite people and doing my favourite things #heartisfull #mumsarethebest #lakesentrance #90milebeach

09.01.2022 Shoulder flossing. As someone who has tight and weak shoulders I thoroughly appreciate this little drill. Thanks for gifting it @axisyoga_ That’s day 6 down of #ftfhandstandchallenge and we’ve transitioned from hands and wrists to shoulders. That’s the amazing thing about handstand practice - it really is a whole body practice

09.01.2022 Climbing the walls #ftfhandstandchallenge @axisyoga_ #inversion #handstandchallenge #handstanddrills

08.01.2022 This is me, totally blissed out post yoga practice. I have practiced yoga pretty much daily for a number of years now because I love how it makes me feel and how it gets me out of my head and reconnects me with my body. As someone who has always had the tendency to overthink, procrastinate and worry, I have found yoga to be the best way for me to focus and calm my mind. However being a thinker, I also love to move intelligently and am drawn to educated and experienced yoga te...achers who think critically and aren’t afraid to break the yoga mold to better serve their students. One of these teachers is @lara.heimann - founder of the fabulous @lytyogamethod I hope to join Lara and the team for the next LYT teacher training to expand my knowledge of safe and effective yoga teaching so I can support my students to have a long, healthy and happy yoga practice (and life!). I believe everyone should have the opportunity to move well and minimize discomfort through understanding their bodies and how to move intelligently. The more I know as a teacher, the better I can educate and support my students. Happy 51st Lara! X I hope I’m not too late for this comp #LTY2learn

05.01.2022 A quote from @patnourse - honestly I didn’t know who this guy was until I read an interview with him. Turns out he loves food, like I do, and he says clever things so I think that makes him quotable This unique experience forced upon us by coronavirus has highlighted a lot, especially how much we all crave connection and community. Whether an introvert or extrovert it is important to all of us to gather and share meaningful experiences. I hope something good to come from is a greater focus on community and less on individualism which has been the predominant western way for so long. In yoga, the word namaste has a deep meaning which relates to connection, to seeing that we are all one and letting go of ego driven individualistic mindsets to show respect and compassion for others. So namaste to you beautiful people #community #postcoronaworld #namaste #weareallmadeofstars #gonnagetthroughthis See more

04.01.2022 The air has been incredibly crisp and clean lately. It’s definitely one of the positive outcomes I’ve noticed come from isolation. What positive outcomes have you noticed? Perhaps less stress? More connection with people, even if it is via technology? Time to learn a new skill, or take up old hobbies? It’s amazing what we can accept to be normal just because it is always that way, even though it’s really far from normal, natural or enjoyable. I hope the environment continues to get some respite from us humans and that our new normal involves a whole lot less pollution, less stress and more fulfillment. #iso #covidlife #whatisnormal #melbourneskyline #pointormond #elwood #wintersky

03.01.2022 Yeah that’s L for lost. How you feel when you think you’ve secured a home only for it to be pulled from under you and with only a couple of weeks left to find a place. Ahh, the joys of renting. I’m sure it will all work out and I know our situation could be so much worse right now so I am grateful for all the things we do have. We are very lucky to still have our jobs and our health. Thinking of everyone who is going through some form of stress at the moment. Know that it’s only temporary #impermanence #gratitudeattitude

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