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Yoga Synergy

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Address: 196 Australia Street Newtown 2042 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Blast from the past - YogaSynergy on Channel 7 Sunrise Program at Martin Place Sydney: This was a cold winters morning about 15 years ago. Our wonderful Yoga Synergy team lead by my wonderful business partner and fellow exercise-based physiotherapist Bianca Machliss went to practice in Martin Place in central Sydney City. In our group practice, we all got our blood moving and staying very warm without needing to get our heart rate up. I was interviewed about the purpose of ...our practice and gave a short more advanced demonstration of the Yoga Synergy Practice. It is quite interesting to see the response of the bystanders and the interviewers at a time when yoga was not so mainstream as it now. Actually, you should have seen the responses I got when I demonstrated on television in the 1980's and 1980's (more videos later on that!). In fact in the early 1980's I would finish my classes by getting everyone to chant 'Aum' and we would leave the all to find people outside the hall with placards and signs saying that we need to stop this behaviour as it was considered evil by some people. When I started my practice in the 1960's and more fully in the 1970's yoga was mostly unheard of. Once Maddona and Sting started practicing it in the 1990's then slowly it became more accepted. In this talk with the Sunrise program, I discuss the idea that the posture, movement, breathing and mental control exercises offered in an ideal yoga practise should be done in a way that gives artificially induced semi-stressful situations in a controlled environment that you must be able to be relaxed in. Then to use this concept as a model for how to live your life. We demonstrate some simple to complex possibilities of postures and movements. But for most people, it is better to focus on doing something really relaxing and not do anything they find in any way stressful. I suggested that the most important way to do this perhaps is by making sure that you always have access to your diaphragm and that you can breathe naturally. Thank you to all of our wonderful YogaSynergy students who got up super early to come to Martin Place in the centre of Sydney to practice and demonstrate our art and passion and please tag yourself if you are in the video. Much love to you all . ******* For more about the Yoga Synergy System developed over a 30 year period by myself and fellow exercise-based physiotherapist Bianca Machliss, to be an intelligent synthesis between traditional Eastern wisdom and up-to-date medical science, applied for the typical modern adult body and its limitations, please go to . There you can get information about all of our live and online training options

24.01.2022 I'm really proud to announce that Bianca Machliss, my wonderful business partner, and myself, at Yoga Synergy, are about to release our Ashtanga Vinyasa course. And in this course, we'll be taking you through the primary series, mainly of the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice, as it's taught traditionally. Register your interest here and watch a FREE Lecture from the course. We'll be explaining with our understanding as exercise-based physiotherapis...ts, how to make the practice accessible for everyone. So you see here, me doing a series of of the poses in their more complete form, but actually you can get good effects, physically, physiologically and mentally, by doing modified versions of these poses. And we'll show you how to do them in a way which is effective, efficient, safe, accessible, and lots and lots of fun. This course has been 5 years in filming and editing and is based on decades of personal practice and research. Thanks to @alejandro.rolandi for photos of me in my practice #ashtangayoga #onlinecourse #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #bandha #mudra #kriya #drishti #pranayama

24.01.2022 My dear friend Mangesh Khopkar Yoga , who Bianca Machliss I were honoured to have as a student at our 2019 intensive teacher training course in india, teaches children in northern India. Their work is simply amazing and this is a beautiful example of excellent teaching of young natural bodies with well developed practices coming from a beautiful cultural heritage and lifestyle. These are very demanding practices, shown here in a light-hearted way, that are mostly performed... as active movements, from the core, with relaxed and minimal natural breathing also from the core, and moving in fluid gentle manner. I believe that this is how the practice of physical yoga postures should be done. But for most modern adult western bodies, especially those who predominantly spend a lot of their day on chairs, these poses are simply to difficult and mostly if they attempted by modern western adults they are done with too much force that actually can have long-term negative effects in joints, internal organs and also on the mind. It is important to remember that it is not the shape of the posture or movement that is important, but rather the way you achieve it. And For most modern adults the best shapes to get the feeling of yoga are the simplest ones. It is the simplest postures and movements, that for most normal people, will allow the possibility of moving in a graceful manner connected to their core, while being relaxed and effortless, yet moving their blood with a low heart rate, massaging their internal organs, and nourishing the mind and body with loving thoughts and good energy, as you can see in these inspirational beautiful natural happy children.

23.01.2022 Please join me for my free talk at the spine-emotion conference online today Sunday, 18 October 2020 at 5:30 pm Sydney Australia time (click the link in my story to register)

22.01.2022 Advanced postures can help you understand how beginners and therapy clients need to sometimes work. This is a photo of me in Urdhva dhanurasana in padmasana, which is an advanced Ashtanga vinyasa posture that feels incredibly good for the hips and lower back if it is done correctly and not forced. This posture and similar postures such as Matyasana and Padma Simhasana, which also have length in the front of the hips while the thighs are actively turned out (hip extension and... external rotation) are most useful for the hips if they are entered actively. In other words, it is really important for the health of your hips to activate rear hip muscles such as quadratus femoris, which acts as a 'rotator cuff' of the hip and which draws the 'ball' or head of the femur deeper and more centrally into the 'socket'. This advanced posture is not accessible to most people so a simple alternative is to stand on one leg, 'round out' the lower back (lumbar spinal flexion) and lift the opposite leg off the floor with the knee bent, as if trying to bring your foot towards your buttocks. You should try to mimic the position of the hip (hip extension and external rotation) I am demonstrating in this photo (but only as far you can get on one leg using your own muscles and no external forces. In people with anterior hip pain, this can often give significant relief. *** If this is of interest to you please consider joining one of the training courses or membership sites. Please go to

22.01.2022 Practicing Eka pada bakasana To master this posture you don't just need strong arms but you need to be able to voluntarily bend your spine forward using your rectus abdominis (the ‘six-pack’ muscle) like an upside down half sit-up. In this position you need to fully lengthen the psoas muscle of the raised leg, which leaves your back feeling amazing, Because your source muscle guys from the inner thigh to the vertebrae of the lower back. This practice is of course best done... by breathing diaphragmatically, as this give strength with relaxation; and in addition, because the diaphragm connects to the psoas, every diaphragmatic inhalation lengthens and releases the psoas further. Tight psoas is the source of many peoples' back pain as it tends to compress the lower back. If you would like to learn more please consider coming to our YogaSynergy membership site available at Thanks to @olajasyoga and @virginiebrunefluidity for bringing me to one of my favourite places at one of my favourite times not so long ago when we could travel!

22.01.2022 This posture is called Kulphasana. Kulpha means ankle and obviously this quite an advanced posture that gives you quite an amazing opening in the ankle that is against my chest. Less obviously I am consciously activating a tha-kulpha bandha in my right ankle. Tha-kulpha bandha is an expansive co-activation (simultaneous tensing) of antagonistic (opposing) muscle groups around the ankle joint complex. In this case I create this ankle bandha by: *** pressing into the base of t...he big toe which activates the muscles behind the ankle, *** pulling back my big toe itself, which activates the muscles on the front of my ankle and, *** pulling the outer foot towards the knee, which activates the outer ankle. These activations not only stabilise the ankle but also encourage blood flow to the ankle. This ankle bandha can more simply be used in almost any posture that has the foot off the floor, such as niralamba virabhadrasa, niralamba padangusthasana, sirsasana and also postures where the feet are on the floor but are not taking full body weight such as baddha konasana and janu sirsasana. Tha-kulpha Bandha and ha-kulpha Bandha (which also uses the outer ankle muscles but includes gripping with the toes to activate the rear ankle and lifting the top of the foot to activate the front of the ankle) are really great to use for the prevention and healing of ankle sprains. ********** If this is of interest to you please consider joining one of the training courses or membership sites. Please go to ****** Thank you to Donatella Parisini for her amazing photography of me in Byron Bay. #anklesprain #yogasynergy #yogatherapy #simonborgolivier #donatellaparisini #yogaanatomy #yogaphysiology #physiotherapy

21.01.2022 TIPS TO MASTER HANDSTAND: In this practice video with @jengenest from our current online intensive @yoga_synergy training course, we are activating many muscles throughout our body to maintain our posture and our grip, especially on this quite wobbly bridge floor. It is even more challenging to have the head down as I have. If you wish to work towards doing this fun posture then for me it took the following things to master it: ... (1) regular wrist and arm vinyasas oscillating between ha-mani bandha and tha-mani bandha (open and closing the fists in the 24 main positions of the arm from wrist to shoulder) - for years I have been doing 2-3 sets of 240 repetitions daily (only takes about 5 minutes to do 240); (2) working up to doing a 5 minute handstand against the wall (doing 2 breaths of 15 seconds in and out per minute helps to keep you calm and to make time pass faster!); (3) good understanding and application of ha-uddiyana bandha, tha-mula bandha (so you can still breathe powerfully with your diaphragm into your abdomen yet allow your body to be firm but calm (sthira sukham asanam)); (4) good understanding and application of tha-amsa bandha (co-activation of opposing muscles around the shoulder joint complex) to stabilise your shoulder and give additional stability to your trunk; and (5) while in the handstands against the wall practicing to lift one arm off the floor at a time and this will build strength and later help in free-balancing. Thanks to Jennifer Genest @jengenest for practising with me, and for being so amazing to work with. And thanks also for the making the fun music with me too!

21.01.2022 Join fellow Yogis from all around the world for Yoga Synergy’s Online Teacher Training. Learn from Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca Machliss who have trained thousands of Yoga Teachers over 30 years. Study online courses and have direct weekly access to Simon and Bianca via live zoom classes. Find out more or book yourself in and start your studies today. PLEASE SHARE WITH A FRIEND YOU KNOW WHO WOULD LOVE TO BE A YOGA TEACHER ... . . . . . .#onlineyogateacher #onlineyoga #SIMONBORGOLIVIER #Yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogachallenge #yogapose #yogaeveryday #yogateacher #yogapractice #yogajourney #yogadaily #yogafit #yogalover #yogaretreat #yogaflow #YogaForLife #yogalifestyle #yogaphotography #yogacommunity #yogalove

21.01.2022 The full library of the epic Embodiment Conference is back up online and available to watch free this weekend THIS WEEKEND Please register and get your free ticket at Another chance to connect with more wonderful speakers and teachers from the conference. ... A few people asked me for a link to my talk after they missed it too - this is your chance! In my class I guide you through 10 safe, accessible & effective spinal postures, with simple movements and natural regenerative breathing that improve spinal health, enhance immunity and circulation while creating a calm peaceful mind. Our spine and trunk are able to move in 5 main directions, which are like 5 dimensions. * Dimension 1 includes lengthening & shortening the trunk & increasing intervertebral disc space. * Dimension 2 includes bending forwards & backwards. * Dimension 3 includes side-bending to left & right. * Dimension 4 includes twisting to left & right. * Dimension 5 includes trunk expansion & contraction, which significantly improves circulation & breathing. This practice is very effective for the relief of back pain and other joint problems. It also improves blood flow and increase energy levels while reducing anxiety and allowing you to enter a meditative flow state.

21.01.2022 ACTIVATING & LENGTHENING MUSCLE GROUPS IN HATHA YOGA POSTURES: It is really important to know and practice postures that cause obligatory muscle activation of the shortened (agonist) muscle groups, and lengthening and reciprocal relaxation of the opposing (antagonist) muscle groups. Almost any muscle or muscle group can be activated (ie made to generate tension) during any posture, but the most useful postures for eliciting a muscle activation are those that oblige a muscle g...roup to become activated. This means that the posture can not even be attempted without some basic activation of that muscle group. This is especially helpful for those people who have no body awareness in a particular part of the body. Column 1 of Table A1 lists each pair of muscle groups that represent the primary movements of the main non-spinal joint complexes Column 2 of Table A1 lists some of the postures that each muscle group must be activated to attempt the pose. Column 3 of Table A1 lists some of the postures that each muscle group will be lengthened or stretched relative to the anatomical position (savasana). This is part of a appendix table from the book by Bianca Machliss and myself entitled ‘Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga’. This stand alone book is also the text book for our Yoga Synergy course of the same name. We are about to launch our online 200 hour teacher training intensive. To learn more please go to #Onlineteachertraining #yogateachertraining #onlineyoga #teachertraining #physiotherapy #bandha #mudra #kriya #pranayama #breathwork #corestability #coremobility #spinalwaves #spinalmovements

20.01.2022 Please check out my new podcast where I was interviewed by the brilliant Michael Daly on the Being Yoga Podcast. In this talk I first discussed my opinions on the purpose of life and how, if you don’t have a purpose, why it’s useful to ascribe a purpose, and what my suggestions for useful purposes are. Secondly, I discuss how this condition manifests on a physical and physiological level inside your body and the 5 main things you have to stop doing to prevent this naturally. Thirdly, I also speak about the 4 main things you have to do to encourage this to happen inside you body so you can manifest it in the world around and with the other consciousnesses you Intrac with. Finally, I give practical tips on how to use posture, movement, breathing and mental control to enhance your life and develop meditative, zone-like, flow-state practices, with all their many benefits for health, happiness and longevity, in static positions, dynamic movements, and also in every day life.

20.01.2022 How do you deal with depression or loneliness: This is a controversial topic. Depression and loneliness have adverse effects of many peoples. These two things don’t just affect individuals negatively. When someone is depressed and/or lonely it can have negative effects on the people they live with, the people they work with and their environment in general. Obviously, there are many approaches to deal with these two very important issues. It is also important to have an indiv...idually prescribed treatment for each person. I have had the honour of being invited to speak on this subject at the AVAIYA University Free Online Summit on How to deal with Loneliness and Depression beginning on 23 November. I will be talking about How to Experience More Happiness & Loving Connection in Your Life with Safe, Accessible but Effective Posture, Movement & Breathing. The two most important things that enable this that I share are the ways to use simple posture, movement and breathing to calm the nervous system at the same as enhancing the flow of blood in body while maintaining a low heart rate. Calming the nervous system involves bringing a dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest, relaxation, rejuvenation and regeneration response) over the sympathetic nervous system (the flight, fight, freeze or fear response). In this state, there is a sense of connection with the dominant subconscious emotions being love, peace, safety and trust. Enhancing the flow of blood through your body can be done with 11 circulatory pumps other than the heart and when you enhance blood flow with a low heart rate you feel very invigorated. When all your body cells start to share the good energy and loving information that permeates when the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant and blood flow in the cardiovascular system is enhanced while maintaining a low heart you feel amazing and begin to live totally in the present moment. At this time your body generally starts to feel very warm and connected throughout and have love and trust as the dominant subconscious emotions. It is very hard to feel lonely when your body is totally connected within itself and to the present moment. It is very hard to feel depressed when energy-carrying blood is rapidly moving through your body and invigorating you while your heart rate remains low. These are some of the things I will talk about on the summit and I also talk about in our courses at YogaSynergy We try to address issues of improving blood flow while staying in our therapy course at and also in our boost your energy course at Click on the link below to reserve your place in the AVAIYA University Summit on Overcoming Depression & Loneliness FREE transformational online event now.

20.01.2022 Try a FREE lecture from our highly accliamed Yoga Therapy: Therapeutic Applications of Posture, Movement and Breathing Online Course. Is this Course for You? Would you like to learn how to use yoga to assist in healing ailments and managing conditions?... Are you interested in how traditional yoga, modern exercise and physiotherapy can be brought together? Are you experiencing persistent problems and not finding ways to alleviate them? Would you like to learn more about how your body works? Do you have chronic pain? Sample the course for FREE here

20.01.2022 These photos are from the textbook by Bianca Machliss and I on the Applied Anatomy And Physiology of Yoga. These photos come from the appendix of the book in which we detail the nature of two of the most commonly used locks or bandhas , namely uddiyana and mula bandha . Most people don’t realise that these bandhas have two opposing forms. They have a positive pressure form (ha-bandha) and the negative pressure form (tha-Bandha). The positive pressure uddiyana (ha) bandha is t...he one that’s best to use for the chest and the negative pressure (tha) form of mula bandha is best to use for the abdomen, especially when doing strength positions or exercises which involves protecting your spine. The other versions of these bandhas are only really useful in energetic practices and during breath-control. However, Many people are inappropriately using these locks in the way that can cause physical or physiological problems by over-expanding the chest and over-constricting the abdomen. It’s much better if you compress the chest and expand the abdomen and make it always in the way that, although the abdomen might be firm you can still breathe into it. **** Our Synergy Online Course is a more lecture orientated course, on the ‘Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Posture, Movement and Breathing’ that gives to the keys to how to get the best effects from any series of posture, movement and breathing. This course does not just tell you where your muscles and bones are but more importantly it tells you what you do with them. You can locate this course at:

19.01.2022 LAST CHANCE .... Unlimited Summer Yoga Pass Purchase Now Online for only $188 9 weeks of unlimited classes, 7 times to choose from, fabulous price.... Summer is knocking on our door at last!!! We can’t wait for the relaxed schedules, warm vibes, outdoor adventures, and quality time with friends and family. It’s also a fabulous time to deepen your yoga practice! Our bodies move better in the warmth so take advantage of the great price on our $188 for Unlimited Yoga classes from 30th November to 31 January 2021 On sale until Friday 13th only. Early bird price ends Friday 13th November after that the price will be $220 Purchase

18.01.2022 Simple Tips to help to Arm Balancing Postures and Push-up positions: Arm balancing postures like this one can be very exhilarating but this twisted lotus balance is not for beginners. You can also get similar benefits and exhilaration out of something as simple as kneeling kneeling push-up. These exercises can energise you by increasing your circulation and they are also good at developing chest, arm and core strength. When done correctly they can also help relieve and preve...nt back and neck pain and can give direct stimulation to the heart and lungs. To get the best results: *** move from your core by trying to move your upper limbs in the same direction as your navel and your lower limbs the same direction as your pubic bone *** offer resistance to the floor or from one limb to another limb (in the posture shown in this photo I am pushing my pubic bone and my right thigh to the right side while trying to move my navel, chest, neck and arms in the opposite direction) *** have the palms flat on the floor but grip with your finger tips *** press more on the inside (thumb-side) of the palms for better force transfer from the forearms to the wrists *** squeeze the heel of the palm inwards (as if trying to turn the palm out) in order to stabilise the elbow *** tighten the underarm muscles by pressing the arm pits in the direction they are pointing *** generally bring the shoulders over the over the finger tips (for most arm balances) *** spread the shoulder blades and lengthen the skin between the shoulder blades in the upper back *** push the sitting bones and lower trunk toward the same direction the navel is pointing until the front of the abdomen becomes firm without sucking the navel to the spine *** breathe into your firm abdomen to give you relaxed inner power that can be maintained for a long time without stress *** don’t do anything that feels painful or is potentially dangerous for you ***** If you like this sort of stuff you can find lots more in our online courses at And also in a membership site classes **** #yogaanatomy #yogasynergy #armbalance

17.01.2022 There is only one reality, but there are many ways that reality can be interpreted. B.K.S. Iyengar . .... . . . . . . . . . . #newtownsydney #yogasydney #sydneyyoga #yogaclass #yogasynergy #simonborgolivier #biancamachliss

17.01.2022 Gadjasthana - the 'elephant stance' - one of my favourite postures. It is so strengthening for the lower limbs, plus once you straighten the knees to bend forward you can really feel an opening in the flexibility of the hamstrings due to the reciprocal reflex effect of the quadriceps on the hamstrings. If it is too hard you can simply bring the feet closer and bend the knees less and instead of calling it the 'elephant stance' call it the 'horse stance'. If you is still find hard you can step the feet closer still and bend the knees even less and call it the 'Shetland pony stance'! Best instructions for this posture include following: Make the outer feet parallel with the outer thighs Have the inner feet slightly turned inwards. Push the sitting bones down and forward Move the top of the hips back Lengthen the lower back Squeeze your heels inwards Push the base of your big toes outwards. Bring your lower front ribs inwards and Lengthen the upper back This is a photo from one of the first large Yoga Synergy and I are proud to say that some of these brilliant teachers are still teaching with us in sydney at Yoga Synergy after several decades. ***** If you like this sort of information then I share a lot more of it in my Online course entitled 84 Postures for Strength, Flexibility and Fitness, Which is available at

17.01.2022 Hi Everyone I am honoured to have been invited to present a session on the special zoom conference call for the FREE online version of this years Burning Man at 10am Australian Eastern Standard time Thursday 3rd September 2020. I will be discussing and answering questions on "How to Access the Benefits of the Meditative State Using Safe, Accessible & Effective Posture, Movement, Breathing & Mental Control for Health, Happiness & Longevity To join this free live event please go to

16.01.2022 This is a little bit from my course on 84 postures for strength flexibility and fitness. In this short video I explained a little bit about what I’m doing in a series of simple to advanced postures. *** If you are interested in learning some of these things, I teach the basics of them in all our online courses and in our membership site but the course that most talks about this sort of work is available at under the name ‘Asana - 84 Postures biomechanics'... - Find out more here. We also many other online courses. *****ONLINE YOGASYNERGY "ONLINE YOGA PASS" (OYP) WITH BIANCA MACHLISS & SIMON BORG-OLIVIER: Bianca Machliss and I offer Online Yoga Classes where we regularly share our most recent teaching in the form of classes we pre-record and regularly film and upload into our library. Currently, all the classes here are pre-recorded, but we may eventually do some live classes as well. On this OYP monthly membership site, the main emphasis is Bianca and I teaching our versions of the 6 main YogaSynergy Sequences. Bianca & Simon's YogaSynergy monthly membership is available at

16.01.2022 QUESTION: 'Can you explain the ‘Bohr Effect’ in simple terms’ and how it implies that when you exercise for many reasons it is essentially best to breathe as little as possible. MY ANSWER: The ‘Bohr Effect’, very simply, would say that if you have oxygen which is carried with Haemoglobin, the red pigment in blood, and it’s travelling through your blood, it might come to, for example, your big toe, and would say "I’ve got oxygen, does anyone here in the big toe want oxygen?" A...Continue reading

15.01.2022 ARDHA BADDHA PADMA SIRSASANA instructions and tips: The hardest thing about doing this posture in this beautiful setting was the incredibly large number of insects trying to eat me. I am trying to remain as calm as possible in this photo! Mostly I teach and practice really safe, accessible but simple but effective posture movement and breathing. This is a really fun pose but it is definitely not for everyone. ...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Breathe less to Eat Less!!! The only proven diet is eat less and you live longer diet. By reducing your minute ventilation and breathing less than normal you can increase your carbon dioxide levels thus decreasing your pH and hence your needs for high-protein and acidic foods. In my practice of posture, movement and breathing I endeavour to do more things and increase my energy levels while remaining as relaxed as possible... To achieve this I unblock the passage of energy by practicing in a way that allows me to: Tense Less while getting stronger. Stretch Less while getting more flexible. Breathe Less while getting more energy. Think Less while being more productive. Eat Less while getting more nutrition. I also move actively from my core. And I breathe actively from my core. This really promotes my ability to digest food, easily absorb nutrients, eliminate toxins from my body, and help me make the most out of my diet. I have been a vegan for nearly 40 years, mostly living off raw living food. If I have to do something important that requires a lot of energy I will often not eat for days in preparation. We recently completed a month of juice fasting, and some water fasting and have now been eating only one meal a day of raw living (mostly) organic or home grown food for one month. I feel amazing. Thank you to add to Jennifer Genest for sharing this journey with me, also for preparing tonight’s meal, and playing the lovely Piano. If you want to learn more Consider joining our intensive 200 hour training course at beginning soon. Please go to our website for details of our online training with pre-recorded video and 100 hours of live zoom classes with myself and my wonderful business partner Bianca Machliss who is an exercise based physiotherapist and has been an incredibly talented teacher of yoga for decades.

14.01.2022 Coming Soon a brand new online course from Yoga Synergy and Simon Borg-Olivier. Ashtanga Vinyasa. Try a FREE lecture here. Detailed instructions for every posture while watching two practitioners perform them at different levels PERFORM THE TRADITIONAL ASHTANGA YOGA VINYASAS IN A SAFE AND EFFECTIVE MANNER LEARN SAFE, ACCESSIBLE, AND EFFECTIVE, BUT EASIER VERSIONS OF EACH POSTURE HOW TO TEACH THE ASHTANGA VINYASA YOGA FIRST SERIES TO ANY LEVEL LEARN HOW TO USE 18 DIFFERENT BANDHAS IN YOUR PRACTICE TO IMPROVE STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY Try a FREE lecture here.


13.01.2022 This photo montage gives some simple points to focus on for backward bending that can be applied to almost any back bending (spinal extension) posture. One of the key instructions shown in this photo is the idea of breathing into the abdomen and out from the chest. This gives the best effect if you: *** Lengthen your Psoas at the hips (hip extension) and immobilse L5-S1... *** Breathe in to your abdomen (use your diaphragm) *** Breathe out from your chest (ha-uddiyana bandha) = The psoas muscle can then extend your spine from T12-L5 (and not L5-S1) because the diaphragm attaches to the psoas, which joins to T12-L5. This is explained in great detail in our online anatomy course and in the book of the same name. And we will be teaching all of this and more in our forthcoming online YogaSynergy teacher training course with Bianca Machliss and I starting soon To learn more please go to #yogasynergy #simonborgolivier #yogateachertraining #yogaphilosophy #yogatherapy #yogaanatomy #yogaphysiology

13.01.2022 Join us for the Air sequence - starting in Newtown on Monday 3 August. Book your pass online. In Ayurvedic terms, Air (Vaayu ), the wind, is backdrop of our environment (the surroundings that we may not always notice). Air is the second lightest element next to ether, in that we can perceive it both visually, and tactilely (in tree branches moving in the wind or in the feel of it on our skin). The intention with which we practice this sequence is to move the stale energy of winter, and bring a lightness to the being, increasing mobility and movement through all our systems.

12.01.2022 All my life, I have revered trees, every day playing in nature. This is my birthday practice. My yearly celebration of life with thanks. Thanks to everyone who sent me good wishes for my birthday. Practising in nature is something which energises me. And this is my fig tree. I've played with it for 25 years. And before that I had a big gum tree about the same size, that was perhaps also a few hundred years old, that I would practice with, talk to, and enjoy the company of. ...Continue reading

12.01.2022 BOOK NOW FOR ONLINE TEACHER TRAINING We have adapted our highly acclaimed 200 hr Teacher Training program into an Online Teaching program for the current circumstances. Book now. GET STARTED TODAY WITH OUR ONLINE COURSE ADVANCED YOGA FUNDAMENTALS.... Live Zoom classes start in early October. Due to changed rules during this COVID-19 pandemic, Yoga Alliance have allowed our online Teacher Training courses to be certified. Learn a scientifically based method for practicing Yoga and for Yoga teacher training called the ‘Yoga Synergy Method’. Develop a virtual community and form invaluable relationships with fellow students from all round the world Enjoy the flexibility of a structure that allows you to work at your own pace in the comfort of your own environment.

11.01.2022 Try a class today with both Bianca and Simon. Find out more about our Online Classes here. With regularly uploaded classes from both Bianca and Simon, this is an opportunity to practice with highly experienced teachers from the comfort of your own home.

10.01.2022 This is one of my favourite old photos of Bianca Machliss and I am in India many years ago Here are some tips on how to do this wonderful wonderful posture and backbending in general: Backbends can be done in many ways but the most important key is to lengthen the front of the body without shortening the back.... This photo montage gives some simple points to focus on for Natarajasana that can be applied to almost any back bending (spinal extension) posture. One of the key instructions shown in this photo is the idea of breathing into the abdomen and out from the chest. This gives the best effect if you: *** Lengthen your Psoas at the hips (hip extension) and immobilse L5-S1 *** Breathe in to your abdomen (use your diaphragm) *** Breathe out from your chest (ha-uddiyana bandha) = The psoas muscle can then extend your spine from T12-L5 (and not L5-S1) because the diaphragm attaches to the psoas, which joins to T12-L5. This is explained in great detail in our online anatomy course and in the book of the same name. And we will be teaching all of this and more in our forthcoming online YogaSynergy teacher training course starting soon To learn more please go to

10.01.2022 ADVANCED FUNDAMENTALS: Essentials for practicing & teaching safe, effective Yoga. FREE Lecture.

10.01.2022 I’m very proud to announce that I’ll be teaching at the Embodiment Conference, which is a free online conference from the 14th to 25 October 2020. * It is probably the biggest online conference of it’s kind ever done, with around 1000 Presenters and already about half a million attendees! * I will be talking about effective posture, movement, breathing and mental control for health, happiness and longevity, and I will be giving a simple and practical session that most peopl...e can follow and benefit from at 4pm Sydney time Sat 24 October. * Please register and get your free ticket at

10.01.2022 Flexibility: When I first started doing physical yoga it was so much about being flexible and strong in my body. But as the years passed it became clear that it was much for important to be strong and flexible in in your physiology and even more flexible and strong in your mind. On a physiological level for example, to be able to practice your yoga or exercise, to feel just as good and be just as capable in the heat as much as in the cold (flexibility in temperature), and to... be just as functional when you either super alkaline from hyperventilation (breathing more than you need) or super acidic from hypoventilation (breathing less than you want), which is flexibility in pH. Many years ago we approached Sri BKS Iyengar about giving adjustments in yoga and asked him 'what is the most difficult adjustment to make in people?' He smiled and pointed at his head and said 'the mind'. Whenever I think I know anything for sure in yoga or life I remind myself and pleasantly find that I don't really know much at all. I try not to get attached to any ideas or way of thinking. There is no right or wrong in anything it seems, everything has a time and place, and if yoga is about being flexible the most important part to stretch is your mind. Thanks to Emma Balnaves for this photo of me trying to find balance in body, breath and mind in Eka hasta vrsikasana (one handed scorpion handstand posture). ********** I really miss teaching about the essence of yoga. These are strange times for sure. I’m really happy to say that my wonderful business partner Bianca Machliss and I are about to do an intensive live online training Please see details

10.01.2022 Join us for Air sequence - starting on in Newtown on Monday 3 August. The sequence will go for 9 weeks (teachers, times and booking link below). Students and teachers are loving our return to the original Synergy course format. The energy and focus with the one consistent group is a really special thing so come along and experience it for yourself if you didn’t last sequence. Find out more and to book your pass...

10.01.2022 Join Bianca, Eriko, Tamara and Catherine for Yoga at Newtown. We're running 8 week pre-booked courses. BOOK ONLINE We welcome newcomers and have different levels of class. With this system you will be working on one sequence for the 8 weeks, building up to a silent flow through practice together to music! We have a COVID-19 Safety Plan, so there's a minimum of 10 people needed to run a class and a maximum of 20 to allow adequate spacing.... The next course we will be teaching the Ether Sequence and these will start in the week of Monday 5 October. See online for times and levels. Location: Community Hall, 196 Australia Street, Newtown We have a COVID-19 Safety Plan, so there's a maximum of 20 to allow adequate spacing. The next course we will be teaching the Ether Sequence and these will start in the week of Monday 5 October. BOOK HERE

09.01.2022 Due to changed rules during this COVID-19 pandemic, Yoga Alliance have allowed our Online Teacher Training courses to be certified. Register your interest to find out more. We have adapted our highly acclaimed 200 hr Teacher Training program for the current circumstances. COMING SOON - This course will qualify you as a fully certified Yoga Instructor.

08.01.2022 The ‘Salute-to-the-moon Sequence’ (Candra namaskara vinyâsa) is a very effective exercise to build arm strength while mobilising the spine and releasing your psoas muscle. *** Instructions and notes on how to execute the ‘Salute-to-the-moon Sequence’ (Candra namaskara vinyâsa): ...Continue reading

08.01.2022 Thank you, Profesor Marc Cohen for taking the time and making the effort to write and get published this great scientific review article on the therapeutic benefits of using heat in fighting viruses in this special time in the world. I have had the privilege of working with Marc and even doing some research on the effects of posture, movement and breathing on blood flow at RMIT University for more than 10 years. He makes so much sense.... Here is an extract ... "Enveloped viruses such as SAR-CoV-2 are sensitive to heat and are destroyed by temperatures tolerable to humans. All mammals use fever to deal with infections and heat has been used throughout human history in the form of hot springs, saunas, hammams, steam-rooms, sweat-lodges, steam inhalations, hot mud and poultices to prevent and treat respiratory infections and enhance health and wellbeing." (Marc Cohen) I think external heat is so great for health, but it is also important to keep moving and doing things and be able to develop and maintain heat within our bodies without the need for external heat. Hence, I always encourage the practice of posture, movement and breathing that will improve your blood circulation (and joint health) but also keep in you in a calm and peaceful state. I refer to this internal state as when you are sharing good energy and loving information inside yourself. Not only is this good for your immune health but it is also a great way to model your life with other people and the rest of the world. I refer to having a healthy blood circulation with a low heart rate as 'sharing good energy in your body'. When I am talking about sharing 'loving information' I refer to having dominance of your parasympathetic nervous system (the state of rest, rejuvenation, relaxation and regeneration) over your sympathetic nervous system (the state of flight, fight, freeze and fear). I really agree with Marc when he suggests that relaxing in a hot sauna or hot bath is great to enhance your blood flow and help your immune health for a number of reasons. And I mainly teach that for ideal health, happiness and longevity your practice of posture, movement and breathing should mostly try to make you feel like you are in a warm bath being massaged by someone who really loves you.

08.01.2022 Try a FREE Lecture from our upcoming Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Online course with Simon Borg-Olivier Upavistha Kona Vinyasa (‘Wide Angle Forward-bend Sequence’) About the Course... Whether a novice, an advanced practitioner, or a long-time teacher, you will benefit greatly from this online course. Among other things, you will learn: * Detailed instructions on how to get the most out of each posture in the primary ashtanga sequence (and many clues for more advanced practices) * How to perform the traditional ashtanga yoga vinyasas in a safe and effective manner * How to do safe, accessible, and effective, but easier versions of each posture * How to make the ashtanga vinyasa yoga first series accessible to everyoneIn depth discussion and instruction on breath-control and breathing in each posture * Practice sequences showing two practitioners working at different levels in each posture and movement * Verbally and visually instructed sequences for anatomical precision, and for a safe and energising practice * In depth explanation and instructions on how to use 18 different bandhas in your practice to improve strength, flexibility, and circulation of blood and energy in the body

08.01.2022 We are about to start teaching on our 200 hour intensive online training course. In lieu of everyone’s ability to travel and teach live in person, we are now about to launch our first fully online intensive training course. In it you will get 100 hours of live zoom classes with my wonderful business partner Bianca Machliss, (who like me, is an exercise based physiotherapist and a long time yoga teacher) and I.... You will also get access to an more 150 hours of prerecorded class video material. You will get access to 3 of our best online courses including those dealing with the Applied Anatomy And Physiology of yoga, the fundamentals of teaching and the secrets to how to work with 84 key postures for strength flexibility and fitness. You will also get access to our membership site and online classes and much much more. Obviously it is not possible to become an experienced teacher with simply 200 hours of training, but completion of this course does give you a Yoga Alliance teacher training accreditation. Having taught teachers all around the world for more than 30 years we are very confident that we can give you the best possible result in this 200 hour certified course to help you teach yourself, most importantly, and also how to share this information with others, to get the best results on a physical, physiological, and mental level, for health, happiness and longevity. To learn more please go to Simon Borg-Olivier

07.01.2022 AntiGravity, Bandha, Ashtanga and I Miss India !!! I have missed teaching in India this year. This was me just hanging around having a good time in Goa at the @thegrooveyogafestival a few years ago.... Actually this posture is more intense that it looks as it was quite hard to hold on to the tiny bridge of the doorway with my fingers tips. Mani bandha (simultaneous tension of the opposing muscles around the wrist) definitely came in useful here. Hanging off things either passively (e.g. on an inversion swing) or actively (like I am demonstrating here) can be really great to traction the spine and release stiffness in parts of your body. While hanging passively can be really beneficial for many people, occasionally it can irritate or damage some joints by over-stretching the weaker less stable parts of your body. In this photo I am activating many muscles throughout my body to maintain my posture and my grip on the door. This has the additional benefit of creating expansive (tha) bandhas that stabilise joints and encourage blood flow without needing to overstimulate the sympathetic nervous system or unnecessarily increasing heart beat. To maintain a state of calmness in this posture one of the main things I am doing is connecting with the parts of my body that have dual control between conscious and unconscious mind, which include my diaphragm, pelvic floor, jaw, tongue, lips and eyes. I connect with my diaphragm with slow abdominal breathing into my abdomen that has been firmed by the way I am doing this posture. The combination of being in the flexed lotus posture plus using my arm muscles gives a 'stretch reflex' activation of the rectus abdominis (the main muscle of bending forward) and my spinal extensors (muscles of bending backwards). This spinal agonist-antagonist muscle co-activation creates an expansive (tha) mula bandha (like the one created in the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga practice) that allows you to remain firm but calm (sthira sukham asanam). If you would like to learn more about these subjects please consider our live or online courses at Thanks to @hanna_witte_photography for her excellent photography. Repost from @thegrooveyogafestival #yogasynergy #yogaanatomy #yogaphysiology #grooveyogafestival #antigravityyoga

07.01.2022 This is an old photo of me when I was studying pole yoga (Mallakhamb - meaning literally the wrestlers pole) with the wonderful teachers and students of the 'Maharashtra Mandel' in Tilak Road, Pune, India. I had the honour of training with these guys every afternoon on all the 8 x one month long trips I had to Pune to study with Sri BKS Iyengar from 1985 to 1997. I would usually do practice or class with Guruji or his brilliant son or daughter in the morning and then Mallak...hamb in the afternoon. This exercise, a type of yoga on a pole, gave me such insight into ground-based yoga. I had to learn to use the inner thigh muscles, as well as the muscles at the back of my knees, and the pulling muscles of my arms to hold the pole, and this I then I really put into my Yoga practice and teaching. Just before starting this practice in 1985 I had completely torn the ACL ligament in my knee and damaged my lower back in accidents and it was this pole practice and the understanding it gave me about moving from my core, bandha, floor yoga and really breathing from the core. This really helped me understand what many of my teachers including Mr Iyengar and my Ashtanga teachers were trying to teach me, and to really help me heal my injured knees and spine. We actually had two of these poles at our Yoga Synergy schools in Sydney for quite some time. I would so love to now get some more poles for me and my kids to use. I used to only climb the pole, but my incredible teachers in Pune used do crazy things like run for the pole and do an aerial back flip and catch the pole with one leg and then spiral to the top of the pole and do a one arm handstand then do a backflip of the pole! Actually I first learnt the one arm planche (Eka hasta mayurasana) on a pole in Pune in 1986 and managed to even chip my front tooth on my first attempt when I fell from the top of the pole! Exhilarating stuff for sure ! I love that in this photo the two expert boys in the background are looking at me with that look of when is this guy going get off the pole so we can do some real mallakhamb!!! #yogaanatomy #mallakhamb #yogateachertraining #iyengar #yogaphysiology #internalmartialarts

06.01.2022 Try a FREE LECTURE from our highly acclaimed Essential Training Online Course. Advanced Yoga Fundamentals: Essentials for Teaching Yoga. Simon Borg-Olivier

06.01.2022 NEW ONLINE COURSE from Yoga Synergy. Try a FREE Lecture. Asthanga Vinyasa Whether a novice, advanced practitioner or long-time teacher, you will benefit greatly from this online course. You will have 16 weeks access to the course material.... You will learn: In depth explanation and instructions on how to use 18 different bandhas in your practice to improve strength, flexibility and circulation of blood and energy in the body Detailed instructions on how to get the most out of each posture in the primary ashtanga sequence (and many clues for more advanced practices) How to perform the traditional ashtanga yoga vinyasas in a safe and effective manner How to do safe, accessible, and effective, but easier versions of each posture In depth discussion and instruction on breath-control and breathing in each posture Practice sequences showing two practitioners working at different levels in each posture and movement Verbally and visually instructed sequences for anatomical precision, and for a safe and energising practice Instructions on how to use your eyes, and the purpose of dristhi

06.01.2022 Today I was asked Do you have any suggestions on how to do ‘Slow Complete Yogic Breathing? My Answer: Complete yogic breathing has many physical and physiological benefits if it done properly. Physically it can mobilise your spine and ribs as well as massage your internal organs. Physiologically it can calm the nervous system, increase body heat and blood flow, reduce appetite and give tremendous increases in energy levels. However, it is harder to do than many people think...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Spots still available for the Ether Sequence at Newtown which started this week and will go for for 8 weeks. If you haven't booked in please do. We are limited to 20 people per class. Teachers, times and booking links are below.... There are still places in the following classes: Thursday 6.30am Thursday 6pm Saturday 9.30am and Sunday 8.30am. As per last sequence, we need a minimum of 10 people to run the class and have a maximum of 20. Book now to get your place. You will be booking a spot for the 8 weeks in one class which is unfortunately not transferrable to other nights to make up classes you might miss. As you can appreciate we need to balance the numbers and so cannot have the flexibility to do make up classes. Mon 6pm, Catherine (Vinyasa Level 1) FULL Tue 6pm, Tamara (Vinyasa Level 1) FULL Wed 6pm, Bianca (Dynamic Level 2) FULL Thu 6.30am, Tamara (Vinyasa Level 1) Thu 6pm, Catherine (Vinyasa Level 1) Sat 9.30am, Eriko (Vinyasa Level 1) Sun 8.30am, Eriko (Vinyasa Level 1) Book now

05.01.2022 Visit us online for more info about our Unlimited Summer Yoga Pass.

04.01.2022 Happy birthday Guruji BKS Iyengar. This remarkable photo was taken in 1988 in his 70th year. It was during my 5th visit to India and my 3rd visit to study with this great master. Mr Iyengar taught me the secrets of how to be relaxed in any situation (posture, movement or life activity). Here are some of the secrets I learnt. These are the keys to meditation, real yoga & success in life.... RELAXATION TIPS: Relaxation is an essential component of health that allows your immune system to function optimally. It is important to be able to relax in every static posture & dynamic movement or activity. To be able to reset your nervous system & your subconscious mind, it is important to relax five key regions of your body: (1) your arms, (2) your neck, (3) your pelvic region, (4) your abdomen/waist region, (5) your face. Relaxing these five regions, either just generally by thinking of them, or by connecting more physically and perhaps moving each of the parts gently, will help you to reset your nervous system and more easily relax and enter a state of parasympathetic dominance and coherence. It is enough to simply think of each part and mentally relax it but often it is useful to gently move each part, ideally smoothly in a wavelike fashion or curved paths in the following ways: (1) Arms - gently move your fingers, gently roll your shoulders. (2) Neck - move your neck by drawing a small gentle infinity sign or figure 8 from your chin or the base of your throat (3) Pelvis - relax, open and gently expand your pelvic floor (relax your urethra, perineum and anus, it can help to pretend go to the toilet without actually going), move your hips small circles, move your toes (4) Waist - if standing you can drop your hips (like a weight on a string which is your spine), let your abdomen expand and become bloated, breathe into abdomen and passive breathe out (5) Face - make saliva and swallow it, gently move your jaw, gently move your lips, blink a bit, roll your eyes up and down and if possible clockwise and anticlockwise. Thank you Guruji for everything I learnt from you, and also for being such a great inspiration to us all.

03.01.2022 NEW CLASS UPLOADED - Simon has uploaded a sequence to our Online Yoga platform. A beginner to intermediate level version of the Synergy fire sequence where he is verbally instructing all the practice. The practice includes the full introductory sequence and the salute to the moon. This is then followed by the last posture of the standing poses. The floor postures include the squat twist and then there is the possibility of doing some arm balances. Be gentle and don't force... this practice as it is quite strong to do all of it. Have fun and always make sure it is feeling good while you are practising. Not doing online Yoga with us? Try a FREE Class with Simon here.

03.01.2022 I am thrilled to be lecturing and teaching at the Free Online Kumbhaka Festival 2020, which is from 20-23 November. Meet the world’s most inspiring breath-holders. Those who’ve gone deep within themselves and their environment. And experienced the highs both in mind and body. Join us over one weekend in November (20-23) to hear from yogis, freedivers, breathworkers and climbers online from the comfort of your home. All to celebrate the transforming practice of kumbhaka (hol...ding your breath)! Register for details, latest news on speakers and reminders on the day. Free access for 48 hours and charity donation thereafter. Save your free spot in this amazing online conference by signing in at Who is this for? Yoga teachers - experience new practices and feel more confident to introduce kumbhaka in your classes Freedivers - be inspired by stories from divers around the world and learn new training techniques Climbers - better understand how breath-holding could benefit your performance and incidence of altitude sickness Breathworkers - get new ideas for breathing practices, visualisations and intention setting

02.01.2022 Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open. B.K.S. Iyengar

02.01.2022 At Yoga Synergy Newtown we're running 8 week pre-booked courses. We welcome newcomers and have different levels of class. With this system you will be working on one sequence for the 8 weeks, building up to a silent flow through practice together to music! Community Hall, 196 Australia Street, Newtown We have a COVID-19 Safety Plan, so there's a maximum of 20 to allow adequate spacing.... The next course we will be teaching the Ether Sequence and these will start in the week of Monday 5 October. BOOK USING LINK IN BIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . #newtownsydney #yogasydney #sydneyyoga #yogaclass #yogasynergy #simonborgolivier #biancamachliss

01.01.2022 Learn from acclaimed, experienced teachers and physiotherapists, Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca Machliss. Our three Yoga Teacher Training courses start you on your Teacher Training journey. Our four Skill Building Courses build on your knowledge across important areas of skill and practice including the Biomechanics of Postures, Pranayama, Spinal Movements and the movement of Energy through the body for increased vitality.... Watch a FREE Lecture to see which course is right for you.

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