Yoga Vibrations | Sports & recreation venue
Yoga Vibrations
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25.01.2022 Feeling the start of the week, like me..? School being back on comes with its stresses and excitement.... and lots of commitments, running around, pickups, drop-offs sometimes to several different schools, work back in full force, lunch boxes and many more. It CAN get overwhelming to say the least. This is definitely the right time for sound massages!... It definitely helps you relax and reset and even improves the quality of your sleep. But above all, it feels amazing Contact me if you feel it might be just what you need right or if you have any questions. You can also come and see me this Sunday at the Northey st Organic Market. First treatment is already booked for 6.30am. Take some time out for you, receive these sound vibrations and replenish your soul! #soundhealing #fillyourcup #therapybowlmagic #bodyandsoulneedvibrations #northeystorganicmarket
25.01.2022 There it is! After many weeks of talking about it, planning it and dreaming it, the time has finally arrived! Check out THE event I have been the MOST excited to organise and put forward.... Join us at Dance Culture on Saturday August 7th for a powerful 8-hour gong bath sleepover! The gongs will be played continuously from Saturday 10 pm until Sunday 6 am while you have a sleepover. Super powerful! Cannot wait to see you there! Peggy - Yoga Vibrations #fillyourcup #soundhealingmagic #gongpuja #gongsleepover #yogicsleep #energywork #meditation #soundmeditation #getgrounded #begonged #soundbathworld
25.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone!!! We just play with the wind and sand over here Have the best time wherever you are ... #yogaoffthemat #fillyourcup #soundofthebeach
24.01.2022 BB 30 day Challenge Jedi Fight Club! - day 32 What a journey! SO much happened in my body but so much more in my head! It was great having the support and the knowledge of being part of this massive community of Back benders, work through my fears and trust my body. It was so good to see everyone joining and progressing through the challenge.... My wall walks are just starting to feel more comfortable... I can now start to feel the way towards the wall. Will definitely keep a daily ww routine... not 20 at this stage though. Probably more like 10-15 a day at this stage. Also learnt about balance (again)... too many BB and the lower back is not happy. These is a need for everything in balance: as many forward falls as BB, twists and inversions. Loving it! #wewalkthewall #jedifightclub #workthroughthefear #healthyspinehealthymind #BBcommunitylove See more
24.01.2022 Yes! I will be at the #northeystreetmarkets tomorrow Sunday. Ill keep my fingers and toes crossed for the rain to NOT be crazy! So, I shall see you there for some deep Sound Relaxation and Bowl massages.... If you know that you will be coming and do not want to be disappointed, send me a message and book a time. Treatments start at 6.30 am :) Individual Sound Healing treatments are 30, 45 or 60 min and range from $40 to $85. See you at the farm! Cant wait to feel the feels of Northey st #bowlmagic #fillyourcup #soundhealing #lookafteryourself #yoga_vibrations_brisbane #sundaymagic
22.01.2022 Jedi Fight Club BB Challenge Day 3... I can see the floor!!! Now, to open these shoulders and take that leap of faith! #wewalkthewall #jedifightclub
21.01.2022 Love it when I come home and realise I forgot to put these away last night #whenyouforgettocleanup #nicesurprise #lovethesebabies #bowlmagic
20.01.2022 Such a strange sensation to be getting ready to practice my last ever class @bardonyoga Will miss seeing this lion in all its majesty staring at all of us. But... before... we must party
20.01.2022 This Sunday should see the return of the Nepali Bowls Sound Healing and Bowl massage! Yayyy! Just on time to reset and refuel before school starts back in a few days. It will also be the New Moon, which, once again, is the perfect time to set intentions and think about the direction you wish to take in this new moon cycle.... I cant wait to share this #bowlmagic again after a month off. Please Note that in case of rainy weather, I will not set up the stall and will postpone treatments to the following fortnight. The sound of the rain on the tent, although beautiful, would interfere with the sound and vibrations of the bowls. You are always welcome to contact me to enquire or book individual sound sessions. Fingers crossed, I will see you @northeystreetcityfarm for another beautiful vibrant market! #northeystreetmarkets #youtime #endofschoolholidays #hanginthereschoolisalmostback #Fillyourcup #nepalibowlmagic #individualsoundhealing
19.01.2022 Jedi Fight Club 30-Day backbend challenge DAY 1. That will be the very first challenge that I ever do AND any regular practice that I do with my 2 amazing daughters! Thank you @ally.archibald , @megansaffigna at @bardonyoga for the guidance and motivation! You guys are Amazing! #jedifightclub #wewalkthewall #bestwaytostart2020
19.01.2022 Sharing some good vibrations. I have been waking up with this song every morning for almost 9 months now and cannot get sick of it! The lyrics are just so positive and happy and I think we all just need to hear some happy words right right! Stay safe, stay healthy all of you everywhere in the world!!!
17.01.2022 Sundays are for playing Feeling pretty High on Chi after the Esoteric Acupuncture event held Shambhala Yoga Shala yesterday! Loving the ripples into my day.... #soundhealingisthebest #raisethevibration #gettingreadyforhotyoga #lovemylife #feelingsupportedbytheuniverse #fillyourcup #followyourvibration #yoga_vibrations_brisbane
16.01.2022 As I hear most people I run into tell me that life has been SO incredibly busy, especially in the last couple of weeks - which is also very true for me! - I also hear that my home country is going into lockdown tonight and that many others are following. I am finding this duality quite challenging to handle... on one hand, I feel so lucky and blessed that our life here in Queensland is pretty much back to normal while the rest of the world is ‘bunking’ down to face another of stagnation and social isolation. And in the other hand, here in the luckiest place to live right now, I find more and more people struggling with being ‘back’ to that crazy rhythm we were used to pre-madness. Although we CAN get back to our busy lives, we also CAN slow down and take that time out to honour our body’s natural rhythms. Let’s slow down, ground ourselves and send nurturing and healing vibrations to the rest of the world. Every single being needs it right now. Together, let’s raise our vibration to support every single one of them and every single one of us. Let’s send our energy to support humankind’s while many many people’s mental health is about to be challenged to the next level. Together, let’s meditate and unite our energy to help every one get through this... together #meditatetoelevate #meditatetogether #raisethevibration #keeptheunity #fuckcovid19 #lockdown #reconfinement #bestrong
15.01.2022 I dont usually see this so early in the morning... but today: done! All vibed up and a coffee away from bringing some sound vibrations to @northeystorganicmarket . #whenyouhaveabookingfor630am #seeyouthere #bowlmagic #fillyourcup... #soundhealingonSundaysrock See more
14.01.2022 Classes are still on! Remember to BYO mat or at least a towel to put on top on mats if you need to borrow one. Tonight, well spend time in Pranayama and connect with our breath a little longer than usual... we all need to release a little tension I think... Keep good hygiene and breathe Together we will get through this ... #crazytimes #sickofhearingtheCword #sticktogether #bekind #dontpanic
14.01.2022 At this stage, I WILL be at #northeystreetmarkets this Sunday. I use sanitiser in between sessions and always use clean towels for each person. We live in crazy times... I have caught myself in a state of apprehension several times and can feel anxiety emerging from the constant reminders about the global situation.... Right now feels like everyone needs a Sound healing session! We need to be relaxed and reduce our cortisol levels for our body (and immune system) to work properly. Come see me and give yourself a break from the global madness. Lets all breathe together, ground ourselves and connect back to Mother Earth. There is still tons of beautiful things to turn our awareness to and bring our vibration to a more relaxed state. Love, Meditate and Be kind. See you on Sunday #soundhealing #magicbowl #dontgiveintothefear #bekind #connectionmatters #yoga_vibrations_brisbane #fillyourcup #staywellstayhealthy
14.01.2022 Aligned #soundbathworld #soundhealing #meditation #soundmeditation #fillyourcup
14.01.2022 A little advice when my dear friend :)
14.01.2022 When the need to look after the plants you neglected kicks in at night... #planttherapy #asgoodassoundhealing #yoga_vibrations_brisbane
13.01.2022 Meet me every Tuesdays at 7.15pm for 1h-1h15 of movement and relaxation at Fabulous Physical Fun in Ferny Grove. Classes always start with pranayama breathing, follow with a more or less strong Vinyasa flow and finish with a deeply relaxing and meditative sound bath. To get there, pretend you are going to Coles Ferny Grove and you will see the pretty pink front of the Fabulous Physical Fun studio.... Come and try tonight! Today is always a good day to start! See you on the mat #yogaeverydamnday #fillyourcup #powerandsound #getsweatybeforeyouchill #bowlmagic #vinyasaisthebest
13.01.2022 Todays rain was such a blessing! A beautiful gift for Christmas Now... Lets prepare for a flourishing new decade! Todays rain was such a blessing! A beautiful gift for Christmas Now... Lets prepare for a flourishing new decade!
11.01.2022 Tonight... this is just for me... Just because I can #selfcare #mentalhealthisimportant #soundhealingmeditation
10.01.2022 Day 1 of the Jedi Fight Club 30 days Backbending Challenge. Here we go again... Back to being miles away from the floor... excited to see the magic happens with consistency ... #jedifightclub #backbending #wallwalks
10.01.2022 I have decided to give tomorrow a miss... cannot rest with the fact that I might be passing on unwanted organisms. Will get back to you about in 2 weeks... well have to see where the world is at and how we go about it.... For now, I think there is way too much uncertainty. Stay safe and healthy out there! Sending you all lots of love and positive vibrations #crazytimes #stayhealthymyfriends #lovelifeandfillyourcupfrom home #nomarkettomorrow
09.01.2022 And again this Sunday! Follow the subtle and powerful vibrations of the therapy bowls and connect with your inner self while sinking a little deeper in relaxation. One-on-one sound healing sessions start at 6.30 am on Sunday and usually finish around 2pm.... Hopefully, this time the weather will be permitting. Although, the sound of the rain on the gazebo top can be soothing and quite relaxing, it might not be as nice if combined with getting wet at the same time Cant wait to feel the buzzing energy of the @northeystorganicmarket this Sunday! See you there #northeystcityfarm #soundhealingbliss #fillyourcup #timeoutforthesoul #nepalibowlmagic #comesayhi
08.01.2022 Day 15 of 30 of the @jedifightclub Backbending challenge. Today 15 ww! Totally next level! That kid is amazing ! I thought the video was quite funny wirh Rubz casually jumping in to so 5 ww in no time !... #wewalkthewall #jedifightclub #onedayIwilltouchthefloor! #suchasweetheart See more
07.01.2022 I'm going to kick start the new year by joining the 30-day backbending challenge hosted by Esak Garcia and Jedi Fight Club. Would you like to join me? The more friends doing it together, the easier it will be. When you register you will be sent an instruction video of how to do the wall walks. Wall walks have revolutionized my yoga practice and my back health. Register here:
07.01.2022 Its been a while... Glad the body remembers somehow! Cant fit in a full practice in today so I thought I should get some walk walks done before sitting on a chair teaching most of the day. Well, surprise surprise... shoulders are tight! Will definitely have to bring wall walks back into my daily practice!... Heads up for Sundays #soundhealing at the #northeystorganicmarket... it looks like it might be properly raining at this point, so will need to decide on Saturday if going ahead with it or taking the day off. In the meantime, #keepmoving #breathe, #fillyourcup , do #yogaeverydamnday and maybe try #wallwalking ! It is so energising and grounding all at once, its amazing #wewalkthewall #jedifightclub #littlebylittleitwillbecomeahabit
06.01.2022 Beltane blessings and wishing tree for our street If you come by, take a little time, grab a ribbon, write your wishes and intentions and hang it on the tree for some Spring magick #wishingtree #beltaneblessings #halloweenwithatwist
06.01.2022 Yoga in the park continues while we wait for the next round of 20 weeks of Healthy and Active program to kick in. The only difference is that it will be $10 for each class. It’s pretty awesome that we get to continue on the work we have all done in the last 20 weeks! It is so rewarding to see every one being committed to their practice even on the occasional crazy windy, rainy, cold days! ... We meet behind the all abilities playground, 120 Olearia st West, Everton Hills. Please, let me know if the $10 would put a strain on your budget and stop you from practicing and we can find a solution for you to keep practicing with us. See you on the mat! #fillyourcup #yogainthepark #healthyandactivemoreton #healthyactivelifestyle #yogaeverydamnday
05.01.2022 Call my all sound practitioners Gong, drums, voice, didgeridoo, bowls It’s a GREAT proposal to generate a 8,000-strong tsunami of sound in conjunction with the Uluru healing rituals and the Jupiter /Saturn conjunction on December 21st!... Let’s do it! We can do it from our lounge room or perhaps create an event around it.
04.01.2022 Wishing every one an amazing New Decade! i will be by the beach until the end of January... so there will be NO market this Sunday @northeystorganicmarket One-on-one sound healing will be back there on January 26th. I will be charged up and ready to go, full of mother natures vibrations. ... Enjoy the market for me or enjoy your own holidays... and Ill see you in a couple of weeks! #soundhealing #bowlmagic #mothernatureiscalling #fillingmycup #fillyourcuptoo #yogawithsandyfeet #wewalkthetrees
04.01.2022 Tonights plan: Lets work together on stepping that foot forward ;) Come and play at 7.15pm tonight at Fabulous Physical Fun in Ferny Grove. You can try 3 classes for $39... pretty good, hey..? If for nothing else, come for the sound bathed savasana!... See you on the mat! Note: if you havent been there before, make sure you come at 7pm to have the time to fill up a health form. #yogaeverydamnday #soundbathbliss #stepforward #fillyourcup #yoga_vibrations_brisbane #getsweatythenmeditate
03.01.2022 Day 19 of 30 BB challenge. Yoohoo!!! Finally made it to the floor and back It feels so much deeper and stronger! @ally.archibald - thank you! When you introduced me to ww, the very first time, you said to me With fear, the only way is Through!... and today for some reason, your words kept popping into my head all through the day... so tonight, when I went to the wall without expectation, feeling more than thinking: boom ... Thank you also @jedifightclub for bringing my focus on the feels instead of the floor And of course, it was so nice to experience this step with my beautiful Ruby She was as excited as me!! So nice to now explore this whole new feeling! #wewalkthewall #jedifightclub #bardonyoga #bbonholidays #bestwallinthecampsite #lovethebeach #mudjimbabeach See more
03.01.2022 Well... turns out our hen might be a rooster! Hilarious crowing! Sounds like a kid learning the trumpet
03.01.2022 Finally! I feel warm!! Winters in Brisbane are fabulous but I have spent the last week really struggling to warm up my body! Made my way to Bardon Yoga for a 26+2 class to try to get a break from feeling frozen!... Oh my... after almost a whole month off the heat, I was super challenged! At first, I was still feeling cold, even after 20 minutes in the hot room! But, by the time we hit the second set of Trikonasana, I think my body was choked that it had to switch the cooling system on! Tonight was the first time EVER I had to leave the hot room and take a break from the heat! Feeling so spaced out, pins and needles in my hands, light headed as if I was really drunk! Thanks @patogirl2 for checking on me And finally, for the first time in a LONG time, I feel my body is able to regulate its own heat!!! All I needed was some hot yoga!! Thanks to @kazuyo_cumming at @bardonyoga for an amazing 26+2 class tonight We know whats good for us but its only when we DO it that it works! Never again will I leave my hot yoga practice for a month! #bardonyogahasyourback #feelinggrateful #hotyogafortheendocrinesystem #afterhotyoga #yogafeels
03.01.2022 Watch out!!! The time has been changed from 9:02 pm to 7:32 pm (Uluru time)... so 8:02 pm in Brisbane
02.01.2022 It is the Perfect time to set an intention for the coming year! Were still under the influence of the New Moon... it is the best time to reflect on what has been and set intentions and goals to direct your energy towards. Follow the energy of the moon as she lifts you into action and grows to her full moon.... I have been observing this pattern for many moons now and I have to admit that when you pay attention, you can feel it quite clearly. Connect with your inner self to close the year and start the new one fresh. Ill be at the market really early tomorrow with my first booking already at 7am! Nice and early is also a lovely way to start the day @northeystorganicmarket #yoga_vibrations_brisbane #setyourselfupfor2020 #setyourintentions #bowlmagic #soundhealingtherapy #fillyourcup #marketsaretheplacetobe
02.01.2022 More of Sundays play This sound #soundhealing #soundhealingbowls #fillyourcup #lovethatsound #yoga_vibrations_brisbane #waterfountaininabowl
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