Yoga with Apiwan R | Sport & recreation
Yoga with Apiwan R
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25.01.2022 New to yoga? Yoga 101: A Beginners Guide to Practice, Meditation, and the Sutras 2. What Does Hatha Mean? The word hatha means willful or forceful. Hatha yoga refers to a set of physical exercises (known as asanas or postures), and sequences of asanas, designed to align your skin, muscles, and bones. The postures are also designed to open the many channels of the bodyespecially the main channel, the spineso that energy can flow freely.... Hatha is also translated as ha meaning "sun" and tha meaning "moon." This refers to the balance of masculine aspectsactive, hot, sunand feminine aspectsreceptive, cool, moonwithin all of us. Hatha yoga is a path toward creating balance and uniting opposites. In our physical bodies we develop a balance of strength and flexibility. We also learn to balance our effort and surrender in each pose. Hatha yoga is a powerful tool for self-transformation. It asks us to bring our attention to our breath, which helps us to still the fluctuations of the mind and be more present in the unfolding of each moment. By Yoga Journal
25.01.2022 Don’t forget our Yoga class tonight Lalor Park Community Hub! Just 5 weeks left until our Xmas break
25.01.2022 #weirdthingsyogido I find comfort in squatting especially after a long day at the zoo. It help to stretches my groin, lower back, sacrum, calves, ankles and feet. Just waiting for my Little Sunshine while hes at the playground with his new friends.
25.01.2022 Maybe you can practice this today!
24.01.2022 Tomorrow Agenda: - Shoulder opening You will need a yoga strap or towel - Backbend bring yourself and yoga blocks - Adductors bring yourself and dont forget to breath in class... See you tomorrow on the mat Yogis at Lalor Park Community Hub Day: Wednesday Time: 7pm-8pm Fee: $14 for drop in Feel free to contact me if you have any enquiries. Regards, Apiwan R
24.01.2022 Join me on the mat tonight for some balancing poses. Where: Lalor Park Community Hub Time: 7pm-8pm Fee: $14... If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me. See you on the mat! Regards, Yoga with Apiwan R
23.01.2022 Practicing yoga is challenging enough... try practicing with a toddler who has so much to ask.
23.01.2022 Dont forget to join me for yoga class tomorrow (Wednesday) 7pm Lalor Park Community Hub
22.01.2022 It has been a busy week of deep cleaning at home! My body is sore... . I was out of bed early this morning to get my potluck ready for Xmas! So glad that I managed squeeze in an hour of practice this morning. I included plenty of backbend, hip opening and twist (for my digestive system). My only practice for the week and my body feels so good already! Happy Xmas to you
22.01.2022 I know its getting colder and colder and its harder to get out of bed Bring yourself to the mat to join me for Tuesday 6am yoga class
21.01.2022 What is moderation? Moderation is a specific kind of balance. It means recognizing that too much of any good thing is bad. Join me for Yoga class tonight at Lalor Park Community Hub Date: Wednesday 25 No 2020... Time: 7pm-8pm Fee: $ 14.00 BYO mat Contact me for more information. Thank you, Yoga with Apiwan R
21.01.2022 New to yoga? Yoga 101: A Beginners Guide to Practice, Meditation, and the Sutras 1. What Is Yoga? The word yoga, from the Sanskrit word yuj, means to yoke or bind, and is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline. A male who practices yoga is called a yogi, a female practitioner, a yogini.... The Indian sage Patanjali is believed to have collated the practice of yoga into the Yoga Sutra an estimated 2,000 years ago. The Sutra is a collection of 195 statements that serves as a philosophical guidebook for most of the yoga that is practiced today. It also outlines eight limbs of yoga: the yamas (restraints), niyamas (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyani (meditation), and samadhi (absorption). As we explore these eight limbs, we begin by refining our behavior in the outer world, and then we focus inwardly until we reach samadhi (liberation, enlightenment). Today, most people practicing yoga are engaged in the third limb, asana, which is a program of physical postures designed to purify the body and provide the physical strength and stamina required for long periods of meditation. By Yoga Journal
21.01.2022 Hi Yogis Lalor Park Community Hub I hope you had a good break. Don't forget our weekly date on Wednesday night from 7pm-8pm.... Looking forward to see you on the mat.
20.01.2022 New to yoga? Yoga 101: A Beginners Guide to Practice, Meditation, and the Sutras 3. What Does Om Mean? Om is a mantra, or vibration, that is traditionally chanted at the beginning and end of yoga sessions. It is said to be the sound of the universe. What does that mean? Somehow the ancient yogis knew what scientists today are telling usthat the entire universe is moving. Nothing is ever solid or still. Everything that exists pulsates, creating a rhythmic vibration that the ...ancient yogis acknowledged with the sound of Om. We may not always be aware of this sound in our daily lives, but we can hear it in the rustling of the autumn leaves, the waves on the shore, the inside of a seashell. Chanting Om allows us to recognize our experience as a reflection of how the whole universe movesthe setting sun, the rising moon, the ebb and flow of the tides, the beating of our hearts. As we chant Om, it takes us for a ride on this universal movement, through our breath, our awareness, and our physical energy, and we begin to sense a bigger connection that is both uplifting and soothing. By Yoga Journal See more
20.01.2022 Dont forget our Yoga Class tonight at 7:15pm via Skype. See you on the mat!
19.01.2022 Yoga at Lalor Park Community Hub Make a date on your calendars and looking forward to be seeing you on the mat! NEW TERM... Date: 2 Sept- 2 Oct 2020 (8 classes, Wednesday ONLY) Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm (NEW TIME) Fee: $80.00 per term OR $14.00 per class BYO Yoga Mat & (if possible) props Book your space now as we have limited space due to social distancing. Feel free to contact me if you have any enquiries Regards, Apiwan R
19.01.2022 This new moon in Taurus gives us the opportunity to question old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.- @astologyking This new moon ends up on Earth Day. Now is the time to question our relationship to Mama Gaia and to each other. Now is the time to be the stewards of change we hope to usher in the dawn of a new tomorrow.
19.01.2022 A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms. Zen Shin Listen to your body and dont look at your neighbour.
19.01.2022 Dear Yogis Lalor Park Community Hub A gentle reminder that there will be no Yoga class tonight (Wednesday 26th August 2020). The new term starts on Wednesday 2nd September 2020.... Please feel free to contact me if you require further assistance. Have a good break and enjoy your night off. Regards, Apiwan
19.01.2022 Yoga from the comfort of your own home Join me! Day & Time 1. Tuesday 6:00am - 7:00am 2. Wednesday 7:15pm - 8:15pm... Location: Skype Fee - $8 / class - Bundle options are available. Please contact me for more details. - Payment via bank transfer before class Booking is required as I dont want to jam up our internet. Please feel free to contact me if you require further information. Regards Yoga with Apiwan
19.01.2022 2 more classes till end of the term.. Time flies! Join us tonight for some Yoga and Relaxation. Looking forward to be seeing you on the mat!
17.01.2022 Yoga Classes Location: Skype Day & Time... 1. Tuesday 6:00am - 7:00am 2. Wednesday 7:15pm - 8:15pm Fee - $8 / class - Bundle options are available. Please contact me for more details. Payment via bank transfer before class. Booking is required as I dont want to jam up our internet. Please feel free to contact me if you require further information. Regards Apiwan R
16.01.2022 A man is as young as his spinal column. The spine, for Joseph Pilates, was the key to physical and emotional well being. Neutral spine alignment is everything. If your spine is stiff at 30, he once said, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.... Pilates develops the deep muscles of the back and abdomen to support your spine, and focuses on breathing to promote better posture.
15.01.2022 Its important to appreciate the smaller things in life, especially when things around you are so uncertain. Being thankful for what you have, no matter what you have, can go a long way for you now as well as improve your overall health deeper into the future. There are things to be thankful for, even in times like these. It might just be the feeling of a warm coffee in your hands.
14.01.2022 Whats for tonight? - Easy twist - Half split and variations - Open Twist Warrior 1 - Pyramid and twist variations... - Standing forward fold - Seated wide legs forward fold - Seated wide legs side bends - AND SAVASANA See you on the mat tonight yogis at Lalor Park Community Hub at 7pm-8pm. There are still space available. Join us - $14.00 drop in - BYO mat and props Regards, Apiwan Rattanapimol
13.01.2022 The husband: isnt it uncomfortable? Me: Nope, its quite comfortable #weirdthingsyogisdo
13.01.2022 Last day of the term tomorrow! Join me for some backbend and twist tomorrow night at Lalor Park Community Hub Next term date: Wednesday only, 2nd Sept - 21st Oct 2020. ... Contact me if you hve any questions. Regards, Apiwan
12.01.2022 First class back tonight after 3 months. Cannot wait to see you on the mat. New time: 7pm-8pm Social distancing & hands sanitizing apply
11.01.2022 She said listen to your body and he sure did!
10.01.2022 Dont forget to join me tonight for a Yoga practice via Skype This morning, I woke up not knowing what day it is..
09.01.2022 Happy Saturday everyone! Stay calm and enjoy the weekend See you all in class next week. #proudplantparent
09.01.2022 Firstly, how is the 3rd pose for beginners? How many can you do? #3 is out for me and I wont be doing it anytime soon. Maybe when I can do a proper push up 20x non stop, lol
08.01.2022 Tonight's yoga with me Lalor Park Community Hub
08.01.2022 Keep moving with me! Practice your yoga with me during this lock down! Join me on the mat from the comfort of your own home! Location: Skype... Day & Time 1. Tuesday 6:00am - 7:00am 2. Wednesday 7:15pm - 8:15pm Fee - $8 / class - Bundle options are available. Please contact me for more details. Payment via bank transfer before class. Booking is required as I dont want to jam up our internet. Please feel free to contact me if you require further information. Regards Apiwan R
06.01.2022 Hi Yogis at Lalor Park Community Hub There will be no Yoga class on Wednesday 23rd & 30th December 2020. Allow your body to rest for the next 2 weeks and I will see you back on the mat!... Happy Holiday Yogis! I will see you back on Wednesday 6th January 2021
06.01.2022 6am Class starts tomorrow! Location: Skype (contact me for username) Day: Tuesday Time: 6:00am - 7:00am... Fee: $8 per class* - Payment via bank transfer before class - *Bundle payment option is available (contact for more info) - Booking require Please feel to contact me if you require further information Thank you, Apiwan R
05.01.2022 Hello friends! Please help to like the page below. It’s for my Little sister’s graduation project at Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand Thank you so much for your help.... Regards, Api
05.01.2022 May your beautiful soul Rest In Peace. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Fightmaster Yoga
04.01.2022 No class this week Lalor Park Community Hub New term starts next week. Watch this space for more information.... Regards, Apiwan
04.01.2022 3 years ago today was my first class at Lalor Park Community Hub . Then, I wouldnt have guess that I am still running the class until now. It has been a blessing We were strangers then but now we have become friends. Wednesday night has become our favorite meeting place. Thank you everyone for your support and allowing me to guide you through your yoga practice.... Lots of love. Api
03.01.2022 A friend of mine is running yoga classes all day (Sydney, NSW time). Are you working from home & need a break in between? Check out his timetable. #supportlocal
03.01.2022 1 space left for this Wednesday class Due to social distancing, the class is kept at 15 pax. Thank you for your support
02.01.2022 New to yoga? Yoga 101: A Beginners Guide to Practice, Meditation, and the Sutras 5. How Many Times Per Week Should I Practice? Yoga is amazingeven if you only practice for one hour a week, you will experience the benefits of the practice. If you can do more than that, you will certainly experience more benefits. I suggest starting with two or three times a week, for an hour or an hour and a half each time. If you can only do 20 minutes per session, thats fine too. Dont let time constraints or unrealistic goals be an obstacledo what you can and dont worry about it. You will likely find that after a while your desire to practice expands naturally and you will find yourself doing more and more. By Yoga Journal
02.01.2022 It's not too late to join me tonight for Yoga at Yoga at Lalor Park Community Hub Time: 7pm-8pm Fee: $14 for drop in BYO Mat... Our class is cap to 15 pax. Booking is require.
02.01.2022 Rushing for a meeting? Need to calm down? Try Alternate Nostril Breathing It helps sharpen your concentration and mental clarity when your mind is dull. It provides equal amounts of oxygen to both sides of your brain. It is a great exercise to do before an important event where you need greater focus, like and exam, interview, or important meeting!
01.01.2022 Yoga at Lalor Park Community Hub NEW TERM Starts today Date: 4th Nov 2020 - 24th Feb 2021 (15 classes, Wednesday ONLY)* Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm (NEW TIME)... Fee: $150.00 per term OR $14.00 per class *no class on 23rd and 30th December 2020
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