Yoga with Athanae | Sports & fitness instruction
Yoga with Athanae
Phone: +61 475 726 794
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25.01.2022 Open up, open up, and open up even more This week: 6am @xtendbarreclaremont has already flown the coop! Tomorrow: 5.15pm XB and 6.15pm Pilates flow @xtendbarrealfredcove... Early Wednesday morning flow, 6am online Thursday 5pm Power30 and Pilates flow 5.45pm at Claremont and 9.15am Friday XB Claremont. Sunday 9.15am XB and 4pm yin @xtendbarreperth and 4pm online yin. See you there See more
23.01.2022 Your aesthetic is not your identity. No matter where you work or whether you consider your work your vocation even, there'll be a vibe, an aesthetic, an identity attached to that. You don't need to buy in. Let me repeat: you don't need to buy in.... Sometimes you buy in to fit in, to not make waves, because you're scared or because you want to look cute Totally cool. Sometimes I still get caught up: thinking I need to be more 'yoga-teacher-ish': more mala beads, longer hair, less wearing shoes and more instagram stories that reflect that 'yogic lifestyle'. Truth is we all just need to feel the freedom to be ourselves. You can have an amazing corporate career without wearing heels. You can be a yoga teacher and still eat meat. You get the drift. Don't box yourself in Let life flow and practice being YOU . First three pics: me in corporate mode yes, complete with the pose (and the shoes I used to travel with ) Last couple, me just being me, eating cheese, trying to be a good human and allow others to shine their light and be the same we'll call that progress See more
20.01.2022 Link for tomorrow's Yin class has just been posted in the group - please let me know if you would like to come along
20.01.2022 Something special happens when you take a group of women out of the day-to-day and into yoga and nature
20.01.2022 I used to be one of those people who didn't have time for yin either. It just didn't 'fit' into my 'workout schedule'. I never would have imagined it would be the discipline I would come to love to teach the most; the one I felt most connected to. Yin is the remedy, the antidote to life in this modern, human world. It's provides a safe space to let the light seep in and the heart break open (figuratively; literally); it is magic on the mat and the medicine we need to allow ourselves to land softly, especially in this crazy (and dare I say it, unprecedented) year. Sundays 4pm online or 10.15am in studio at @xtendbarreperth. Come and see for yourself
19.01.2022 New moon A chance to refresh, to reset, to realign with intention and purpose. What does that *actually* mean? Some time alone to take a wider view on things, consider how your actions, your choices, your attitudes and perceptions frame the way you see yourself and the world. In this morning's 6am class I talked a little bit about macro and micro decision-making. Sometimes we think it's the big moves that change our lives (and they do!); but more often it's the consiste...ncy of day-to-day practice at whatever you choose to focus your energy on that will *truly* change your life. . Take this opportunity as you would a breath of fresh air See more
19.01.2022 So excited to be back again this year with the third Release, Recentre, Reset: a space to connect with yourself and others as we head into 2021. This is a soft landing into the new year, a safe container to consider how to approach the coming 12 months in your way, with your wisdom. More than anything, I am so happy to be doing this with my friend @sofieriksen beachside at @coastyoganorthfreo for the first time Details below, please read on if this resonates... ... We can all agree 2020 has been tough. But it has certainly delivered some gifts through forcing us to (literally) be grounded, take things a little more slowly, and notice how we respond when things don’t go the way we planned. Before we dive headfirst into the New Year, it’s time to take stock of what we’ve learned, what we leave and which lessons we carry over with us. Rather than achievement-based goal setting, this is a chance to soften and open to reveal more of yourself and allow your entry into 2021 to be led by your heart - and of course, enjoy some yoga! The third annual event of its kind, this year we move beachside to the beautiful Coast North Fremantle, where we have ocean views from our mats, and Sofi Eriksen joins Athanae Lucev to lead the yoga. We start with a yin practice to open the body and mind, before entering into some journaling time to help you clarify how you want to approach the year and set some intentions. We will provide prompts and questions to lead you into, but how you use the time will be your decision: movement, meditation, writing, alone or in groups chatting through things with Ath or Sofi, or others in the group. Journals will be provided, but you can also bring your own. A light breakfast and coffee and tea will be provided during this time, before we finish with a centred hatha practice to allow ourselves to truly release and reset with courage and grace and be ready to receive everything 2021 has to offer. We would love to see you there! Only 15 places are available. Secure yours by emailing [email protected] Date: 10 January 2021 Time: 7am 11am Place: Coast Port Beach, North Fremantle (enter south end) Ticket cost: $60 See more
16.01.2022 Keep following your heart. It's the best guide you'll ever have the privilege of meeting. And it's all yours
16.01.2022 Monday thoughts... Life is not linear, it is cyclical. Things come together and fall apart and come together again in new ways, shapes and forms. Nature shows this to us again and again and again: the moon, our vegie gardens, the ocean, the seasons, our cycles themselves...they are all little (and big) clues that, if we attune and accustomise ourselves to listen in, can gently provide an alternate shape and form to our lives than does the narrative of progress and constant progression. Maybe the biggest lesson of 2020.
16.01.2022 Is there anything better than starting your Friday with yoga by the beach? I don't think so SO excited to be expanding my offering starting Friday December 4 with 7.30am and 8.30am classes at @coastportbeach - LITERALLY right by the ocean, ready for a pre or post practice dip, this will be a FUN, GROUNDING and SAFE place for you to learn and explore and expand your practice More details to come, but put the date in your diary All levels welcome.
14.01.2022 New schedule - this time of the year, more than any other, is the time to take care of your body and mind <3 I'd love to see you in class - maybe the *brand new* Friday morning offering on the beach Coast Yoga North Freo or a chill Friday evening Nature of Self Yoga? Or if the groove and burn is more your thing, there's still plenty of barre to choose from
13.01.2022 ractice what you preach I talk a lot (!): in my classes, before class, after class, to my mates, to my husband, to whoever will listen... This week I even had the privilege of a national audience via a Zoom webinar I was part of. And there is a lot of discussion about taking care of yourself, time out, rest, the value of time alone and of silence and about boundaries in the mix. The tricky thing is when life gets busy (as it does) it's scary to put those strategies into... action; to stick to your guns. The alternative though is pushing through, never switching off, and burning out. So here's me, taking the rest of the day off *even though* there are a million, gazillion things I could and really should be doing. They will not go anywhere, and I'll pick up again tomorrow. Do it yourself and see how your energy changes, your breath deepens, and let the load fall away from your shoulders, if only for a few hours All this, I think, inspired by @sofieriksen doing the same last week! Pic from Liguria, where it is much easier to let the load go! See more
13.01.2022 Seek joy and laughter so relentlessly that you find it in all the little crevices of your life, then practice finding it a little more until voila! It becomes habit, and you've changed your perspective on your life and world around you (disclaimer: 100% still working on this and on lightening up but we can keep working together, right?)
12.01.2022 I've had more than a few job titles during my time: political adviser, journalist, restaurant manager, Nanny (on Mallorca: got fired from that one after the kids dug up the garden and brought it inside-that's another story ), legal secretary, cereal promo girl (actually true), studio manager...but none of them makes me as happy or as proud as being a teacher of movement. It truly is that magic place where my motivation (bring more calm, peace, wisdom, intuition and joy ...into the lives of women around me) intersects with what I'm good at and what I *enjoy* doing. That offering will shift and change over time I'm sure, but the motivation will stay the same, and I'm proud that ALL the jobs I've had and things I've done have led me to a place of reflection, perspective, and given me the ability to translate those things into my work There is no better feeling than feedback from clients who walk out of class feeling their own perspective has shifted, that their body calmed and empowered and that they have let go or uncovered something about themselves that will help their day-to-day life (or just had a GOOD TIME ) See more
12.01.2022 So important, especially if you have perfectionist tendencies, to enter softly and gently into the new year. If this period of the calendar makes you nervous or anxious, I hear you. If you feel pressure to create the 'perfect start' or 'wipe the slate clean' please remember that although it's a great opportunity to take stock and reflect, it doesn't need to be just another chance to impose impossible standards or create goals that are unreachable, dressed up as 'hustling' or ...going hard for your dreams (but ultimately just setting you up to fail). If this is relatable or makes you feel uncomfortable to read, I hope you know there is a kinder way to treat yourself. Set intentions, create goals, burn incence, read books, swim at the beach, stay in bed, drink champagne, scroll through Instagram - do whatever you like to set yourself up for this year. Just try to do it through the prism of honesty, without forcing it, and with genuine concern for your emotional and mental wellbeing. You don't need an arbitrary list of things to get done in 2021: you do need to honour and care for yourself first and you don't need to be anything except exactly what you already are happy new year See more
12.01.2022 Friday evening, 6pm, end your week with a journey back to yourself, your body and breath; your intuition and wisdom, through heart-led yin yoga at Nature of Self - so thrilled to be teaching in this special space
12.01.2022 On March 22 I took a fast decision to start teaching online. That night the studios I was teaching at closed. Two days later I was diagnosed with a pretty nasty chronic respiratory disorder - yup - just as we went into lockdown. It has been a strange, heartbreaking, and unexpected year, but it's given me (and hopefully you) some wonderful gifts too: the realisation that we can stay connected in spirit, if not physical presence; the capacity to reflect on what's really importa...nt to us (and what we can leave behind), and the ability to operate from a place of gratitude, rather than expectation Online yoga will return in 2021, and online barre continues through Xtend Barre Through technical glitches, losing audios, bad Zoom links, many behind the scenes 'wtf?' moments (), some naps on the floor and me learning to stay in the frame, I thank EVERYONE from Perth to Sydney to Italy to Singapore who has attended online classes this year - it kept my spirits high when I wasn't allowed to leave the house and I truly believe it kept us all healthy and positive while we dealt with some very uncertain circumstances #perth #yoga #online #covid #gratitude #uncertainty #healthy #happy #health #xtendbarre #yin #flow #zoom #move #movement #functionalmovement #breathe #calm #asthma #bronchiectasis See more
12.01.2022 Hello! Welcome - there are a fair few of you new to the page in the past couple of weeks. A reminder that if you'd like to participate in classes via Zoom or FB to either comment below so I can add you to the private group, or email me at [email protected] so I can pop you on the weekly email with links to join :) ... If you are unsure about joining please message or email me and we can work through any concerns :) We spend a lot of time focusing on breath and doing this!
11.01.2022 Tuesday morning back in Perth, back at the desk, reflecting with gratitude on a simply beautiful weekend of yoga, walking, delicious food and deep rest with some gorgeous women @juliemeek1
09.01.2022 Hello, hi. Here's a question for you: what personal narrative can you start to shift beyond today? It's soooooo easy when you're 'doing the work' on yourself, to get in a bit of a rut; an old 'oh that happens because in the past xyz' and 'I used to be like this' or 'this happened to me so...'. And that's totally legitimate. It's a normal consequence of focusing on working out patterns or thoughts that have led to certain outcomes, or held you back. And also, just 2020: there's already a lot to deal with (understatement of the century...) But eventually it's nice to let that weight fall away, and allow some clarity to settle, and then find the space to refocus and redirect your energy PS new moon is a perfect time to do this PPS chance to engage with this energy tonight at 6pm @natureof.self
06.01.2022 Things you'll never hear me talking about in class: earning or deserving (food, or anything else- you already deserve everything); tightening, or firming (they don't make a lot of sense when talking about the body) - all these conversations do is play into an already-crowded space of toxic wellness and fitness culture, where (especially) women feel pressure to move, eat or live in certain ways to attain aesthetic goals. Not on my watch Deviating from this narrative is HARD (I know because I've been there) and SCARY, but the freedom on the other side is So come to my classes to feel better, to get stronger, to improve your health and to get to know yourself better. Play the long(evity) game and BE YOU
06.01.2022 Why self-care is fundamental, not an optional extra - a round-up of my comments at the NAWO - National Association of Women in Operations national RU OK Day event yesterday.
06.01.2022 And that's a wrap on in-person teaching this year: from Lesser Hall community classes in the early part of the year to a retreat with @juliemeek1 in Margaret River, further training in pregnancy and yin yoga and pilates, to 500-odd studio classes, it's been a privilege Always learning, always looking for better and more mindful ways to help you bring awareness into your own bodies. So happy that consciousness of the importance of movement, breath and presence is coming to the fore; so grateful I chose to take this path* *except when I have to carry bolsters around #2020 #yoga #breath #mindfulness #pilates #barre #energy #together #flow #yin #community #work #life #freoyoga #joblove #passion #movement #perth
03.01.2022 I've been asking a lot myself this week: what if it were easy? What if I just let the load go? Made it uncomplicated, trusted the path. Got out of my own way? How powerful would THAT be? I think it feels a lot like freedom - a palpable sense of relief in knowing that everything I need, I already am.... What's stopping you? Do you get in your own way?
01.01.2022 Gentle Monday reminder that perfectionism is a disease that stops us from enjoying freedom, from playing, from even simply trying to do things *just in case* we turn out not to be -perfect- at them. Allow yourself the space and time to experiment and the joy of releasing expectations on yourself, to let go of things that are not good for you EVEN if that requires a small or large change of course and I PROMISE beautiful things will unfold (you might even have a go at all those things you wanted to do, but were too scared to )
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