Yoga with Georgia | Tutor/teacher
Yoga with Georgia
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23.01.2022 I have a little ritual that I do each time a new student join my Yoga Teacher Training... I take a moment to just imagine them and their journey ahead and set the intention that this course brings them all the growth, wisdom and connection that they’re seeking, Sure I can then follow up with an admin email, but even on an energetic level I want the FIRST... contact they feel from me to be welcoming and positive. This may sound super hippy dippy but I believe intention and energy is EVERYTHING and even if it only takes a few minutes of my time I think this still goes a long way! I’m interested to know, do you have any little rituals that you have around important events or transitions in life? #energyiseverything #goodvibes #yogawithgeorgiateachertraining #yogateachertrainingmorningtonpeninsula #ytt200hour #yogawithgeorgia #rituals See more
23.01.2022 My top stress relieving tip... Is it a special breathing technique, an ancient Sanskrit mantra or a fancy Yoga pose? Nope... it’s this....... Let yourself be BORED We all say how busy we are (me included ) but in truth there are SO MANY spare moments in our day for us to pause and diffuse our energy. Our nervous system is stimulated by action. So every time we fill those empty gaps by picking up our phone (the number 1 space filler) or finding the next thing ‘to do’ we stay in that sympathetic, ‘fight and flight’, go, go, go mode. So this week try this... Waiting in line for a coffee? Don’t pick up your phone. Just stand there and let yourself be bored. Got some spare time before bed? Don’t switch on the TV and mindlessly surf for something to stimulate you. Lower the lights, chill on the couch and be bored. Driving to work? Don’t put on the radio and listen to people telling you what to care about and what to fear. Drive in silence, giving your mind some space and be bored. Because there’s actually nothing boring about being bored! Being bored allows us to day dream, to imagine, to connect to our creativity, to process and assimilate all the busyness of our life. Thanks for reading this far. I hope you have a very boring week #letyourselfbebored #yogawithgeorgia #stressrelief #myyogalife #bebored See more
20.01.2022 One month of free Yoga! -
19.01.2022 Oh my gosh, what an absolute pleasure it was to practice an actual IN PERSON Yoga class, out in this beautiful natural space @polperrowines surrounded by all these amazing humans. I actually felt quite sentimental as I affectionately looked forward @yogawithdaz and around me to all these beautiful people brought together through Yoga. I realised if it wasn’t for my Yoga Teacher Trainings over the last few years that we wouldn’t know each other or even be in this beautifully taught by Daz! It’s little moments like this that remind me the importance of putting yourself out there and sharing your passion. This ripples out into the community and allows other people the opportunity to come together, find their voice and share their passion too. So grateful for every single beautiful person who has done my YTT and all the people I’ve met through the Yoga community. Here’s to getting the Yoga community back together again and another group of YTTs starting their journey of self discovery in 2021. Pictured here @coachbryce32 YWGTT1 graduate: @emilyking__ YWGTT3 graduate: @yogawithdaz YWGTT2 graduate: @life_with_tee_ YWGTT2 graduate: @yogawithgabrielle YWGTT2 graduate and my partner in life: @iandoesnthaveIG Lots of love to you all! #yogawithgeorgiateachertraining #ytt2021 #mornpenyogacommunity #yogaonthepen #yogainthevines #mornpenyoga #mtelizaytt #ytt200hour #yogawithgeorgia See more
19.01.2022 On New Years Eve last year I remember deciding that for me 2020 would be the year of ‘2020 perfect vision.’ In my fantasy, I imagined that all this clarity, wisdom and enlightenment would come to me in a really light, easy and beautiful way, where my life just evolved effortlessly. (Sounds great huh? ) In reality it’s been a lot more messy, uncertain, destructive and uncomfortable ... but you know what? It certainly has been a very clarifying year.... This year reminds me a bit of the story of the Hindu God; Lord Nataraja who we often see depicted dancing surrounded by a ring of fire. The fire represents complete destruction. But instead of grieving the loss, he is DANCING, embracing the opportunity to be creative, to renew and to grow. This year has looked a lot like this for many of us. It literally even started with devastating bushfires and then into massive loss and instability through the lockdown. But out of the ashes we’ve seen people find themselves. Reconnect to what’s important and rebuild themselves with more clarity, intention and purpose. 2021 is going to look VERY different for me. I’m taking my business in a new direction, starting a new studio and trying some bold new things. But if 2020 has taught me anything, it’s that there is TIME. Everything will unfold as it’s meant to... and there’s always space for a deep breath, a cuddle or even an ice cream date with your loved ones. What was 2020 revealed to you or helped to burn away? #2020 #theyearofrenewal #myyogalife #yogawithgeorgia #studentoflife #yogaig #yogaoffthemat See more
19.01.2022 Cue happy dance! This beautiful space has just had another epic week of renos and is getting more and more gorgeous every day It is all on track to welcome in my very lucky YTTs in February 2021. I feel so grateful to be able to create a space that I feel really proud of and my brain is already bursting with ideas for immersives, short courses, day retreats and much more. #staytuned ... If you’d like to follow the Reno journey check out the ‘Studio Reno’ section in my stories. Can’t wait to welcome you into this space in 2021 #mountelizayogastudio #yogawithgeorgia #mountelizayogateachertraining #ytt200hour #yogawithgeorgiateachertraining #mornpenyoga #yogaonthepen #yogastudiorenovation See more
17.01.2022 I really needed to read this right now, I hope it resonates with you too. There’s so much intense energy swirling around after the high of Christmas that it’s easy to get all caught up in it! Trust the process, trust yourself, trust this moment. ... @moonomens See more
16.01.2022 Free class and 2021 YTT Info night on Monday 21st December @7pm. I will streaming this on Facebook through my Yoga with Georgia Page and also Instagram Live! Join me at 7pm for a free 45 minute class so you can get to know me and my style of teaching. ... Then stay on from 7.45pm to hear an interview with a past student, meet some guest teachers, hear a full run down of the course and have all your questions answered! To join please follow my FB (link in bio) and be ready to join live on Monday See you on the mat next Monday #ytt2021 #yogawithgeorgiateachertraining #ytt200hour #morningtonpeninsulayoga #morningtonpeninsulayogateachertraining #200ytt #yttmelbourne See more
14.01.2022 Live Class + YTT Info session 7pm tonight! Join me for a live 45 min class to help bring presence and release anxiety before Christmas. Get ready for lots of gorgeous flowing movements, deep breaths and some precious moments to be still. #presenceoverpresents ... Then stick around to hear all about the upcoming YTT Course in Feb 2021. Meet Guest teachers, past students, hear a full course curriculum breakdown + ask any questions you have in an interactive Q&A. I’ll also be sharing snippets on IG Live @YogawithGeorgia from my phone. If you’re on FB or IG you’ll just see the LIVE screen pop up.
13.01.2022 Check out this little preview of this morning’s Yin class ‘The Netflix Special.’ A class designed to balance out the body as we not only come out of the Winter but also out of lockdown. (What a double whammy!) In this time we’ve typically been a bit more sedentary, spent more time inside, on the couch, eating heavy foods and watching Netflix. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a bit like our natural inclination to hibernate. But if we don’t balance it out we can start to... feel a bit blocked, stagnant and ‘bleh.’ Think of it like having a rock trapped in a river, over time it’s going to create a build up of debris decreasing the flow and purity of the water. It’s the same in our body. That ‘block’ might be a stuck feeling in the mid back or it might be a trapped feeling such as anxiety. This practice has been designed to really work through these adhesions, leaving us really open, energised and free. Some other ways you might choose to move energy through you post lockdown is 1. Jump in the ocean. Water is always so cleansing 2. Do some vigorous exercise and get your heart pumping 3. Get a massage and work through any parts where you feel a bit ‘stuck’ 4. Dance it out! Not only will this do all of the above, but it’s really emotionally freeing too! If you’d like to practice this deep and freeing Yin class, jump onto my Online Platform (link in bio) where there are hundreds of other classes plus live classes too! Happy post hibernating peeps #yogawithgeorgia #onlineyogaclasses #yinyoga #yogawithgeorgiaonlinestudio #yogaforbetterposture #hipopeningyoga #yogaforflexibility #Yogaig #yinyogasequence
13.01.2022 Meet some of the incredible Guest Teachers who are part of my Yoga Teacher training team. I’m really passionate about providing my students with diversity of teaching styles and backgrounds. Like I’ve said before, I’m not interested in creating ‘mini Georgias’ but instead empowering my students to find their own voice and have exposure to teachers who are dedicated to their practice and really authentic in their teaching. I’ve been making making connections and together my team for the last 5 years and I could not feel more proud of the group of teachers that will be contributing to the 2021 course. Reminder: today is the last day for the early bird special, so if you’d like to join please get in touch. @life_with_tee_ @emilyking__ @the_peninsula_midwife_and_yoga @lisacarlyle @lisacarlylemeditation #yogateachertraining #ytt #morningtonpeninsulayoga #200houryogateachertraining #mtelizayoga #yogawithgeorgiateachertraining #becomeayogateacher #ytt200hr
12.01.2022 2020 started with an incredible class of 108 people that raised over $2000 for the Bushfire appeal.... But then only a few months later we were all locked away from each other in a reality we could have NEVER imagined. Through the change, discomfort, rebuilding and obliteration of all previous comforts, I’ve realised the following to be true...... -The healing power of nature. Whenever the world got a bit too intense, a walk in nature helped me remember the bigger perspective in life. -The importance of community. I’m soo incredibly grateful for the way the Yoga community got around me and gave me support, purpose and friendship throughout this year -The importance of self love, respect, care and friendship. When everything around us changes we need to be able to come home to ourselves and feel supported by the most important person in our lives- ourself -Life truly is made up of little moments... Morning cuddles in bed, a contemplative shower, a chat with a stranger, appreciating a sunset, a quiet cuppa by yourself. These moments have much more impact on our life then the ‘highlight reel’ we often portray to others. -The only constant in life is change And so here we are. A whole new year ahead of us and a crazy journey behind us. But as always we are simply HERE. No other place exists except in our mind. What are we going to leave behind and what has become more clear for us after the year that changed everything? Thank you everyone for your enduring loyalty and positivity- each and everyone of you mean so much to me. I look forward to sharing lots more with you in 2021 and I truly wish you have a beautiful New Year. Namaste, Georgia xo See more
09.01.2022 Have you ever held your breath in a deep kiss? Squeezed someone you love so tight that it’s taken your breath away? Kept the sip of a beautiful drop of wine in your mouth for a moment longer before swallowing? Stretched out your body in the morning and paused at the top of the elongation? Closed your eyes and breathed in the air at sunset and just paused in that moment before exhaling. They say that the sacred pause between the top of the inhale and the release into the n...ext exhale is a glimpse into the feeling of ‘samadhi’ or bliss. This helps us FULLY feel into the present moment (which is why we naturally do it in the examples above, as it helps us hold onto those beautiful moments a little longer.) If you feel like life is rushing a little quickly try this... -Inhale 3 seconds filling up with this beauty of THIS moment -Linger at top of breath and appreciate it -3 seconds -Exhale 3 seconds -Release and surrender anything you no longer need -3 seconds Repeat for 3 rounds I’ve posted this flashback of 4 month old Johnny because I feel like life’s moving a little too quickly lately and I want to remind myself to slow down, cuddle my kids, breathe in their gorgeous smell and remember how precious every moment is. #pranayama #kumbhaka #slowdown #pause #yogawithgeorgia See more
08.01.2022 A little reminder from Johnny that even if right now you feel like him in the first picture.... Of EVEN if you feel like him in the second picture.... This moment WILL pass. ... It always does. Before you know it you’ll feel like him in the third or fourth picture. But I truly hope for you, you feel like him in the last picture. That’s true joy. And remember, no matter what it is youre feeling - it could be worse. I mean, your 4 year old sister could have cut your bangs with craft scissors #thistooshallpass #itsallgonnabeok See more
06.01.2022 Tune in for a free Vinyasa class and find out all about my upcoming YTT in February 2021. I'll have a fun and interactive presentation of the YTT curriculum and breakdown of the study hours, an interview with a past YTT student and plenty of time for Q & A.
06.01.2022 Start the year by saving yourself $500! Early bird special for the upcoming YTT has been extended to Jan 7th for those (like me) who still can’t quite get their head around the fact that it’s January 2021 in 4 days! Enrol and pay for YTT by Jan 7th and take a massive $500 off your fee. ... Then nothing more to think about except deepening your yoga practice, meeting like minded people, learning more about yourself and heading away on a beautiful 4 day retreat! Let’s make 2021 the best year yet to sign up! #yogawithgeorgiaytt #200hourytt #morningtonpeninsulaytt #yogaallianceteachertraining #ywgtt #yogateachertraining #mountelizaytt See more
05.01.2022 It’s funny how so much of ‘finding yourself’ as an adult is just getting back to who you were and what you loved as a child. So grateful for my little teachers always leading me back to myself #myyogalife #yogamum #beachbaby #yogawithgeorgia
05.01.2022 Trying to practice what I preach this morning, taking a little ‘me time’ on a beautiful Photography Hike through Arthur’s Seat. Sometimes as a Mother or partner it’s easy to lose your individuality. You can start to blend your personality and interests into those that suits or appeases the people around. But I believe it’s so important to keep those little things alive that keep ‘you, you.’ Photography and hiking has always been a passion of mine and so today it was so... refreshing to just set off, on my own and take this time to fill my own cup. Now I can return home feeling inspired, enthused, recharged and therefore give my loved ones the best of me (not what’s LEFT of me.) What is your little thing that fills you up? Please share below! Thank you @holistic_hikes and @janisalwayshashercamera for facilitating such a beautiful experience. #morningtonpeninsula #yogawithgeorgia #yogaonthepen #myyogalife #mornpenyoga #photographymornpen See more
04.01.2022 One of the biggest fears for potential YTTs is the idea of teaching in a studio. People imagine that they have to be the type of person to teach in a fully packed out class of 25 year olds in a trendy inner city studio. I have had plenty of my YTT graduates do that really successfully, however what I love about this course is it really helps people find THEIR voice, THEIR purpose and service THEIR community. ... The following pictures are all graduates of my course, none of them are Georgia clones, none of them have followed a ‘conventional path’ but they absolutely have all found their confidence, passion and purpose through the experience of doing Yoga Teacher Training. @talamaya_ : Sheridan did my very first YTT. She used to work in high fashion for the likes of Sportsgirl and Witchery. Since graduating from YWGTT she has created an amazing ethical, organic & sustainable company making beautiful loungewear. @the_peninsula_midwife_and_yoga yoga Amy is an incredible midwife & has a passion for helping women & babies feel safe & healthy. She runs beautiful prenatal and Mums & Bubs classes privately & at @lavanayoga and @ploverwellbeing @thedowndogchristinadarras Christina is a talented artist and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher and has fused the two creating really incredible exhibitions and delivering philosophical and creative classes with little artists touches such as handmade cards at the end of their practice. @mish.malcolm is a beautiful Mum and has created amazing community based events such as the Yoga teepee and workshops @emuplainsfestival and gorgeous family Yoga classes @yogawithdaz is a down to earth Yoga teacher, carpenter & nature lover and teaches Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga through summer and is also teaching Yoga in the Vines for @hothutyoga @yogabliss_mornington has set up a beautiful studio from her home where she creates special workshops such as this one pictured as well as beautifully created custom events & classes @zamin.wellness is passionate about Yoga & essential oils and runs beautiful workshops combining her two loves. Continued in comments... See more
02.01.2022 Thanks to this random old gentleman for this timely and beautiful reminder . . #trueloveiswhenwethinkofthehappinessinotherpeople
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