Pinar O'Connor | Yoga studio
Pinar O'Connor
Phone: +61 477 755 917
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25.01.2022 Bu Meddy Teddy. Sahip oldugum en tatli yoga yardimcisi diyebilirim... Kendisi genelde genc yogilerle olan calismalarimiza katiliyor ama artik ailemizin de vazgecilmez bir bireyi oldu, Atlas ve Nova ona bayiliyorlar! Özellikle genc ve cocuk bireylere yoga pozlarinin dogru hizasini aciklarken veya yoga oyunlari oynarken Meddy’den cok faydalaniyorum. ... Özel ihtiyaclari olan arkadaslarimizla olan yoga seanslarimizda da, onlar icin güvenli ve kapsayici bir alan yaratmama yardimci oluyor. #seniseviyorummeddyteddy Peki ne tür özel ihtiyaclardan bahsediyor olabilirim? Hazir olun, liste uzun ve tûm bunlar icin yoganin kanitlanmis faydalari var: Solunum fonksiyonlari: skolyoz, astim, kistik fibrozis, alerjiler #astmiçinyoga #kistikfibrozisicinyoga #alerjilerekarsiyoga #skolyoziçinyogaterapi Otizm: spektrum uzerinde az veya cok islevli, Aspergers dahil #otizmicinyoga Dogustan olan durumlar: skolyoz, Down Sendromu #downsendromuyoga Beyinde bozulmalar: serebral palsi, epilepsi, gelisim bozukluklari, anksiyete, PTSD #serebralpalsilicocuklar #serebralpalsilihayat #serebralpalsiicinyoga Duyusal bozulmalar: görme duyusunda azalma, isitme kaybi, duyusal sureclerde bozulmalar Yatak istirahati gerektiren durumlar: kanser, yeme bozukluklari, ameliyat sonrasi, kronik yorgunluk, fibromiyalji #yemebozukluklariicinyoga #ameliyatsonrasiyoga #kanseriçinyoga Kisitli hareket: sandalya kullanmak durumunda kalan cocuklar ve gencler, kirik kemikler, serebral palsi Sindirim: enkoprezi, kabizlik, yatak islatma, obezite #obeziteilemücadeleediyoruz #yogaterapi Endokrin: hormonel, tiroid ve adrenal durumlar, diyabet #yogavediyabet #yogavetiroid Bu liste daha da genisletilebilir. Yoganin fayda saglayabilecegi genis kitlelere ulasmasi icin, buradayim. Kafanizdaki kimler yoga yapabilir tanimini yenilemis olmak dilegiyle... Sevgiyle kalin
25.01.2022 This is one of the most inspirational videos that I have watched recently... The wisdom of Youth keeps blowing my mind. Sky, She put tears in my eyes. Had the goosebumps,... Wow! See more
20.01.2022 Merhaba yeniden... Aylar önce sosyal medya detoksuna girdiimden beri geri dönüp dönmemek konusunda bir çok özyanstma yapmam gerekti. Sizlerin de tabii gördüü üzere bir süredir pasif ama aktif buralardaydk. Nedense bir saklandk gibi oldu ama halbuki çoooook meguldük, hala da öyleyiz. Sanrm bundan sonraki 20 yl böyle geçecek. Burada Corona'ya dair yasaklar rahatlatlmaya balatld. Yüzler biraz daha tebessümlü sanki geçen haftaya göre. Atlas ve Nova hzla büyü...yorlar, biz de öyle... Her gün! az da olsa yoga yapyorum. Bu aralar bol bol okuyorum, yazyorum. Grup aktiviteleri döndüünde yoga örencilerimde tekrar bir araya geleceiz, imdilik ben diploma programm bitirmeye odaklanm durumdaym ve online doa mentorluk eitimine baladm geçen hafta. Çok keyifli eyler öreniyorum. Paylaacam ileride bu konuda enteresan eyler, belki bakarsnz. Sizler naslsnz? Gerçekten soruyorum. Instagram blog, günlük, ve sevdiklerimle iletiimde kalmak için kullanamadm, bo bo vakit öldürdüümü hissedersem hesabm tekrar dondurmak isteyebilirim. Siz de böyle kafa karklklar yayor musunuz bazen sosyal medya kullancs olarak? Sanki bazen donuklayor, ve bir manasz gelmeye balyor. Bazen de iç styor, insan artyor. Ben buray bende etki uyandran, bir an, bir söz, bir metin, bir fotograf paylamak için kullanyor olacam ve okuyan sizlerin de keyif almasn umuyorum. Hello again. I have been here but not so here in the way I have used Instagram lately. I gather it is important to have boundaries with social media use but it can be very genuinely connecting, which was highly felt during Corona self-iso period. Especially for a homesick mumma. After quite a bit self reflection, we are here, sharing our bold smiles and questioning minds with you. Hope you all have got through iso with ease, restrictions are on ease too. I have been very busy with my counselling studies, which I am absolutely loving and learning a lot from! I have also started an online nature play mentor training, which gives me heaps of inspiration already. How are you doing? Really. Share your inspiration too! See more
19.01.2022 If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn . . . If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight . . . If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive . . . If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself . . . If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy . . .... If a child lives with jealousy, he learns to feel envy . . . If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty ... BUT If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient . . . If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident . . . If a child lives with praise, he learns to be appreciative . . . If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love . . If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.. If a child lives with honesty, he learns what truth is . . . If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice . . . If children live with recognition, they learn to have a goal. If children live with sharing, they learn to be generous. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and those about him . . . If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live . . . So true
16.01.2022 Here is my beloved friend Belle, and the beautiful video which she made by combining our joyful photos practicing partner yoga during our past training. You can follow her journey on HART AWAKENING Hope it lightens up your day and gives you some ideas for funky yoga moves you could with your loved ones!
15.01.2022 Did you know that Fibromyalgia Awareness Day started in 1998? Since then millions of people have embraced May 12th as a day to share with others what it is like to live with #fibromyalgia and this is what I would like to do today as well On the day this photo was taken, we were having a very positive day with my babies and I was mentally coping well. However I had a dual reality; which was severe #widespreadpain & #jointstiffness . I practice #yoga everyday. If I haven’...t, my life quality would be even lower, that I don’t want to imagine how it’d look like. By the way for those who might not know this fact about me; I was diagnosed with severe fibromyalgia when I was 14 years old. I had no car accidents etc, but I believe it was pretty much the education system being the real trigger of distress. (Sorry for #blamegame but it is very real for me.) Since then I’ve tried many different approaches to managing my condition, and most of them were very temporary relief. Also, this was the first reason I got attracted to the practice of yoga as well. It was not about the handstands (no offense), it was about the #therapeutic aspects of yoga... I can tell you, it definitely works. The need for asana practice also brought a deeper philosophy into my life, which I am very grateful for. Although, the reality is I am still in well-managed ongoing pain and it is not visible. You cannot see I am sick, which is good in a way I guess. On the other hand, it creates difficult situations when I expect the empathy (for people with similar conditions as well) in silence. Today, I am not being silent about it. It might be a useful fact to keep in mind, there are people out there who are very resilient and keep showing up but by getting through great difficulties and they might do well with some extra help and understanding. Do you have anyone around you who have an #autoimmunedisease or alike? Enjoy the 28th Anniversary of May 12th #fibromyalgiaawarenessday day Thank you for reading For the furtherly curious mind, welcome to see: Turkce yorumlarda. #lifewithfibromyalgia #invisibleillness #yogatherapy
13.01.2022 Let’s try this together with our young friends too. It is a great spinal stretch for their study-bodies (screen-bodies as well)! I have got introduced to this great sequence by Stacey Louise (founder of Inspired Kids Yoga) at a training. Now, happily, spreading the love to greater circles... ... Enjoy
10.01.2022 This is Meddy Teddy. The cutest yoga prop ever I guess... @meddyteddy He is mostly joining the younger yogis in their practice but he is part of our family too at the moment. Atlas and Nova adore him! ... He is great to use while talking about alignments to a young person, or to play yoga games with. When I work with my friends who have #specialneeds , Meddy is a great buddy to have, holding a very safe and inclusive space at all times for their needs. What type of special needs my friends may have? When we say special needs, we are referring to a range of conditions. Embrace yourself, a wide range of conditions... and with all of those, #yogacanhelp ! These areas are particular passion of mine, in delivery of yoga practices. Here is that looong list: Respiratory conditions: Such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, allergies #yogaforrespiratoryhealth Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): across a spectrum from low to high functioning, including Asperger Disorder (AD) #yogaforautism #yogaforaspergers Congenital conditions: Down’s Syndrome #yogafordownsyndrome Brain impairment: Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, global developmental delays, anxiety, PTSD #yogaforcerebralpalsy #yogaforepilepsy #yogafordevelopment #yogabeatsanxiety Sensory impairment: Visual impairment, hearing impairment, mutism, sensory processing disorder (SPD) #yogaforsensoryprocessing Conditions requiring bed rest: cancer, eating disorders, post surgery, fatigue, fibromyalgia #yogaforcancerrecovery #yogaforeatingdisorderrecovery #postsurgeryyoga Limited movement: Children and young people in wheelchairs, broken bones, cerebral palsy Digestion: Encopresis, constipation, bed wetting, obesity #yogafordigestivehealth Endocrine disorders: Hormonal, Thyroid and adrenal conditions, diabetes #yogaforendocrinehealth #yogacanhelpdiabetes #yogaforthyroidhealth Behaviour altering: Attention Deicit Disorder (ADD) + hyperactivity (ADHD) , Oppositional Defieance Disorder (ODD) , Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) #yogaforocd #yogaforadhd #yogaforodd #yogaforadd #meddyteddylove #meddyteddyyoga #elementsofyouth #yogaforspecialneeds #yogaforspecialchildren
08.01.2022 "Anne olduunda anlayacaksn..." Klie geliyor kulaa ama ne kadar da doru bir söylemmi. Bu sevginin tanmn yapmak gerçekten zor. Ama haftaya deneyeceim, günlük yazlarmdan alntlarla bir iki kelam edeceiz anne olmak, genç anne olmak, ve uzak ülkede annelie adm atmak hakknda. Bu fotorafta gördüünüz benim güzeller güzeli annem. Büyüme döneminde çeitli süreçlerde (mesela ergenlikte) yeterince deerini bilemedigim canim annem. Benim ve ailemiz için sonsuz feda...karlklardan saknmam anneciim. Anneler günün kutlu olsun. Yanyana olacamz zaman beraber de kutlayacaz. yi ki varsn, iyi ki bu dünyaya gözlerimi senin kollarnda açtm. Seni çok özlüyorum, beraber atlacamz maceralar sabrszlkla bekliyorum #annelergünü #annelermelektir #annelergunu Happy Mother's Day to all the gorgeous mothers out there! You can see my beautiful mother in this photo, holding me so lovingly in her arms. I miss her very much and I see that it takes a lot of maturity to develop the appreciation which I have for her now. I definitely needed to become a mother myself in order to understand what was this about: the unconditional love of a mother, the real struggles of a mother, the life of a mother as a satellite!!! She was the moon, keeping our family together, in harmony, working very hard at all times. I miss her so much and I cannot wait to live close by so she can get to know my children and new Me as a Mother. Not so long, in a year's time, we will be holding each other exactly like this!!! Except, I am not so tiny anymore... #mothersday2020 #loveofamother #youngmother #mothersareangels
06.01.2022 Have you heard of this before? | The Spotlight on Yoga Series: Chitta Vritti As much as I love to practice yoga asanas for their anatomical benefits, yogic philosohophy has also a lot of contribution to my life and to my teaching. Therefore, the following blog articles will be exploring few important aspects which lie at the basis of yoga philosophy. For full article, please visit the Blog section in my website. Link provided as: ... A little summary: Chitta Vrittie means causes for the modifications of the mind. In the Yoga Sutras written by Patanjali, there are five classes of #chittavritti listed, which create pleasure and pain for humankind. These are: 1) Pramana - A Stand or Ideal 2) Vipartaya - A Mistaken View Which Is Observed To Be Such After Study 3) Vikalpa - Fancy or Imagination, Resting Merely On Verbal Expression Without Any Factual Basis 4) Nidra - Sleep 5) Smrti - Memory, The Holding Fast of The Impressions of Objects that One Has Experienced The Causes of Chitta Vritti are known as: 1) Avidya - Ignorance or Nescience 2) Asmita - The Feeling of Individuality 3) Raga - Attachment or Passion 4) Dvesa - Aversion or Revulsion 5) Abhinivesa - Love of or Thirst for Life Has any of these concepts were new to you? Do they resemble anything you have explored before? Please feel free to leave me a comment below and start a discussion. We, as practitioners, mentors, parents, students, are all very precious pieces of the same mosaic. Make your contribution to the wholesomeness of a picture, give us inspiration or share your inner wisdom. #yogaphilosophy #chittavrittinirodha #chittavritti #mindmatters #yogafelsefesi #yogafelsefesivezihin #zihingelisimi
06.01.2022 Hello everybody, thanks for all the feedback and words of gratitude & love. You definitely encouraged me to continue using social media very intentionally. I am truly blessed to share this wisdom with you. We will be in touch Herkese merhaba, bana vermis oldugunuz tûm geridönütler ve tesekkur mesajlari icin tesekkur ederim. Beni sosyal medyayi yapici bir sekilde kullanmaya tesvik ediyorsunuz. Bu derin felsefeyi ve erisilebilir pratigini sizlerle paylasmak benim icin bir onur. Iletisimde kalmak dilegiyle
02.01.2022 There is a reason why I chose to integrate yoga into my work with children and young people. Perhaps I knew it would be a great improvement of my tool kit in facilitating diversity of children, even who require special considerations... Also, I knew from my own experience that #yogacanhelp with many aspects of the self, and wanted to pass it onto others. Yoga is so multidimensional that we could pick a part of it to focus, and still we would end up with a lifetime of ...material to work with. (I am only at the beginning of this journey, and probably, 10 years later, it will still feel the same.) Whether it is the breathing element (#pranayama ), the relaxation (#yoganidra ), the lifestyle components (#yamasandniyamas , Ayurveda) or the movement element (asana - mostly practiced), this ancient system has an abundance of healing to offer. I feel very lucky to be in the position to practice yoga and share-my-practice with others, especially with the people who need it most. Those of you who are drawn to helping others or themselves through yoga, what is your Why? I love this: When we get clear on the WHY behind WHAT we did, lt has more meaning and it helps to anchor us during times of uncertainty or challenge. So today, I would like to invite you to think about your Whys behind your Whats ... Feel free to share your self reflection with us, even if your what is nothing to do with yoga. Inpiration comes through connection... Why you do what you do? #whyyoudowhatyoudo #ayurvedalife #abundantyoga #yogaforspecialneeds #yogaforyouth #yogaforeverybody
02.01.2022 Today we had a beautiful private session with a new member in our yoga family. We have explored a few fundamental concepts of yoga and talked about the spinal condition scoliosis, and how yoga can help to support this. I brought a very much loved book from BKS Iyengar to share and left it behind as reading material. Then I came back home to do some more work, and read a great newsletter which brought two amazing quotes to my day, that I would love to share with you: I.... The scientist, astronomer, and author, Carl Sagan, on the magic of books: "What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is a proof that humans are capable of working magic." Source: Cosmos, Part 11: The Persistence of Memory II. The cellist, composer, and conductor, Pablo Casals, on being unique: "Each second we live in a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that never was before and will never be again. And what do we teach our children in school? We teach them that two and two make four and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all of the world, there is no other child exactly like you. In the millions of years that have passed there has never been another child like you... You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is like you, a marvel? You must cherish one another. You must workwe must all workto make this world worthy of its children." Source: Joys and Sorrows: Reflections by Pablo Casals, page 295 Let me know how did you feel after reading these quotes? I have sparkles in my mind & heart... Thank you for great content James Clear :)
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