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Yoga With Tammie in Bridges, Queensland, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Yoga With Tammie

Locality: Bridges, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 407 767 201

Address: 75 Lees Road 4561 Bridges, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Needing help in switching off & turning your back to the outer energies in the world atm ? Come and try my Long Slow Deep specialty class . The focus is to tune back into our own inner frequencies without the distractions from the outer world ... . We target the hips, hamstrings and lower back.... it’s 2 hrs of releasing trapped energies and emotions that have built up and been stored in these areas! ... Come join me in this divine class to restore the mind, body & soul putting a spring back into your step September 13 th @ 4:00pm Cost is $22 with nibbles provided afterwards . * numbers are limited so please msg me for your spot on the mat! Namaste Tammie

24.01.2022 Do you feel the chill in winter? I sure do!! It’s hard to keep motivated in keeping up your yoga practice or any exercise for that matter during the cooler months! But............... You don’t need to stand on your head like this snow yogi to keep you warm this winter I’ve got you covered with HEATING in my yoga studio . ... There’s nothing better than having a warm enough environment to get more stretch out of your poses!! Warm muscles = a better yoga practice !! Be strong with your self - discipline to turn up on the mat even when your cozy house calls you to stay in .... Yoga will help build your immune system for the coming winter months and also helps you to de- stress your life !! Win win Namaste Tammie

23.01.2022 Classes are still happening this week Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday . Hope to see you on the mat ! Namaste Tammie Classes are still happening this week Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday . Hope to see you on the mat ! Namaste Tammie

23.01.2022 Last 2 classes of the year with this specialized class . Come join me in a beautiful yoga sequence called Long Slow Deep . . This yoga class gives you space and time helping you to reconnect & recharge in your daily life. Come and find your JOY CENRE with me . 22 Nd November @ 4-30 pm ... 20 th December @ 4-30 pm Cost is $22 with nibbles provided afterwards . Message me to book your spot . Namaste Tammie

23.01.2022 Mindful Friday’s this quote! How do you center yourself? Namaste Tammie

21.01.2022 Today is the 21/12/2020 and it’s a super powerful day ! It’s a summer solstice (in Australia) , we also have the star of Bethlehem , it’s also called the great conjunction, ( because Jupiter and Saturn are close together in the western sky ) and the Aborigines are also having a ceremony called the magic box tonight in Uluru at 9:04 pm . What does it all mean for us ? It’s the bridging of a higher awareness in all of us , creating an energy shift of new light.... a new... era of consciousness.. What should we do? Take a moment sometime today to just be in stillness , have bare feet connected to the earth, meditate on all the blessing so far for this wonderful earth . Your intention through your mindfulness is to feel the presence of the universe inside of you , sending Mother Earth as much love & healing vibes as we can . Breathe into that stillness and your soul will show you the way Quiet the analytical mind , relax your physical body and create that beautiful intention of connection of one and all , as we help change the frequency of Mother Earth into more unity & love . Cleansing , energizing & reinvigorating her . I wish you all the magical healing of this special day as you open your heart to the miracles and blessings that connect us all ! With Metta Tammie #westernskies#meditation#healing#yoga#starlover#aboriginalculture#unity#love#motherearth

20.01.2022 Long Slow Deep Feature Class is happening again on the 25 th October @ 4 pm. Class goes for 2 hrs allowing us space and time to move more deeply into our poses it’s especially beneficial for the hips hamstrings and lower back . ... Cost is $22 and nibbles provided afterwards Message me to book your spot as numbers are limited . Namaste Tammie

18.01.2022 Thank you to the beautiful yogi’s who have booked in so far 2 spots left in the December class if you want to experience this beautiful sequence, otherwise msg me if you would like to be put on the waiting list . Namaste Tammie

18.01.2022 The Winter solstice is a natural time of reflection on the darkest day of the year . It’s also the perfect time to set plans and intentions for the next part of your life cycle. It’s such a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal, restoring and self reflecting. Movement , dance and YOGA ASANAS are wonderful ways to experience a connection with all the directions of your life!! In yoga ...mountain pose is a beautiful pose to feel grounded with the earth and to feel ...light in the upper body. Here’s a little ritual to start your winter solstice journey in the right way:- In your mountain pose let your hands rest by your sides turning the palms outwards to receive and be open.....let those shoulders relax Face the East - it’s the rise of new beginnings, new opportunities and brings in fresh energy for your day. Face the South - it’s your area of rest and reflecting on what you can bring to the world through your passions, purpose and actions in life. Face the West :- where the sun sets and go inwards to dream, relax, heal & rest. Face the North:- this is your direction of stability, wisdom, protection & our connection to all of our ancestors . Now tune in to feeling the light inside, the presence of your higher awareness, your most vibrant love , your truest self......allow yourself to just BREATHE & BE , feel alive and connected to that inner light..... to the earth to the sky and all the directions of life . Reflecting on your journey is a wonderful way to celebrate a solstice and a natural way to connect with your life’s divine plan, to feel a deep connection to the oneness that’s in all of us and the natural world. I hope you enjoy the depth of this beautiful day !! Happy solstice Namaste Tammie

17.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all the beautiful souls out there. Sending you lots of big love hugs & healing vibes ! Namaste Tammie #christmas #yogaforlife #gratitude #love #happiness #localbusiness

14.01.2022 Both sessions of the long slow deep yoga sequence has been booked out! If you would like to be on the waiting list please msg me . Thank you to the yogi’s who have already booked in . I can’t wait to share this beautiful sequence with you all this Sunday and on the 20 th December !! Namaste Tammie

14.01.2022 Yoga is still on for the school holidays Monday’s 8-15 am Tuesday’s 5-30 pm Wednesday’s 5-45 pm Namaste Yoga is still on for the school holidays Monday’s 8-15 am Tuesday’s 5-30 pm Wednesday’s 5-45 pm Namaste

10.01.2022 When a yogi student gives you a Christmas gift and they know you so well!! Thank you Sue Saddington for giving me a laugh ! Love it #christmas#specialyogis#gifts#love#gratitude

10.01.2022 Even on your FOGGIEST of days there’s always LIGHT at the end of the tunnel! RISE UP & SHINE Namaste Tammie ... #nofilter#naturelovers #yogamindfulness#loveyoga #rise&shine#youvegotthis See more

10.01.2022 Woo Hoo .....still needing some yoga in your life? I have you covered classes are still happening next week helping us to stay calm for the Christmas season The Studio will close for 2 weeks and recommence from the 11/01/2021 .... Hope to see you on the mat ! Namaste Tammie See more

09.01.2022 OM...... The deeper & slower the flow of your breath, the more your navel Centre will activate & develop! Some tips on practicing your Om’s - pronounced A-U-M * close your mouth to start with and say Aa feel the sound resonate inside your head Centre ....... * now say U inside , you will feel the sound in your heart Centre ..... *lastly say Mm inside and you will feel it resonating through your navel Centre .... Your OM needs to go from A to U from U to M . The deeper your breath the more harmonious the sound Next time you OM out loud take a deep breath and connect your head , your heart and your navel as one Connecting not only within ourselves but also with others sharing our unique selves on a much deeper level . Namaste Tammie * if you listen carefully even geckos love to join in on our divine OM’s

08.01.2022 It’s a new dawn Happy Friday Yogi’s Sunrises are just as spectacular as sunsets . Starting your day off on the right note is a fantastic way to foster positivity for the rest of your day. Appreciating all the colours in your immediate world brings about magical healing properties that are already in us .... Making us totally aware of the present moment !! Are you noticing and appreciating life’s subtle messages??? Namaste Tammie #yoga #sunrises #nofilter#magic#lifeisgood

05.01.2022 This yogi is having a break... see you all in a week’s time on the mat !! Namaste Tammie

03.01.2022 In the mist of all that you are, rise up and shine like the dawn of a new day, be as solid & strong as a mountain Namaste Tammie #magic#natureswonders#mtninderry#

01.01.2022 Weekend Wishes Wish upon a How do you manifest the good in your life? I find with the help of Mother Nature we can wish , create , think, do & be being in our present state of mind ....we get more clarity when we have the time and space , to create and fulfill our deepest dreams and desires . ... What’s your weekend wish? What’s your dream? Looking at my 2 Nd photo it reminds me of fire in the belly ..... so fire up those intentions of yours and start manifesting your best life!! We are all connected we are one ... Namaste Tammie

01.01.2022 Tree Pose - Vrksasana In the midst of all of life’s distractions can you rise up from the earth , and be as stable & strong as a tree? A tree is patient, stable & deeply rooted , it offers shelter and always has your back . So by doing tree pose in yoga we learn to stand tall & proud , enhancing our self worth and confidence. We face our life’s challenges with grace and ease ! The physical benefits are amazing in balance poses, we build strength in the legs especially ...our ankles and calves . We stretch the thighs, groins, torso and shoulders .Tone the abdominals and challenge our hips. helps relieves sciatica and is fantastic for sacroiliac and pelvic health . It’s also a wonderful antidote for our spine. We breathe more deeply in tree pose as we have more space in the diaphragm which then in turn helps expand the lungs! Mentally we are balancing & centering ourselves , calming the flight/ fight response system inside of us. By expanding our chest we also open up our heart center. Tips for your tree pose * take your time * work from the ground up * find a point of focus that doesn’t move *widen your peripheral vision (think soft gaze) * the higher you reach the more stable you will feel. *use a wall if you need too. If the eyes harden , or the mind wanders or the mind is agitated your balance will waver....BE EASY When doing your tree pose think about growing awareness for your self, gain confidence as you stand as tall as a tree ROOT DOWN to RISE UP There are 4 stages in a tree pose look at the pictures for a variation that will suit you. 1. Toes on the floor 2. Foot inside the calf area 3. Foot inside the thigh area 4. Shoulder problems brings arms out to the sides for branches of the tree. Rise up and be a tree , your body and mind will love you for it!! Namaste Tammie

01.01.2022 Happy New Year Classes start back next week from the 11 th January Monday’s @ 8-15 am Tuesday’s @ 5-30 pm Wednesday’s @5-45 pmHappy New Year Classes start back next week from the 11 th January Monday’s @ 8-15 am Tuesday’s @ 5-30 pm Wednesday’s @5-45 pm

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