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Catriona Byrne

Phone: +61 438 248 096


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25.01.2022 Appropriate timing to finish another module of yoga chikitsa vyuham on world yoga day. Nearly a year of study into this deep Vedic knowledge and teachings of Patanjali and Tirumalai Krisnamacharya. Yoga is so vast and rich, it really is incredible how the ancient sages knew what they knew all through self enquiry practices. Its encouraging that Science is backing up many of these practices. Basically - TRY YOGA! Its good for you. If you’d like to join me tomorrow I’ll be teaching a hatha flow with meditation @dharmashala 6:30pm. See you then! @jvmphoto_ #chikitsavyuham #krishnamacharyatradition #vedic #yogascience #dharmashalabondi

24.01.2022 Moody skies and falling rain.... my most favourite of days to practice and retreat within. Teaching a deep hatha flow this evening 6:30 @dharmashalayogabondi if you’d like to join. Oh and the chant is back - hip hip Hurray! #yogidoulajeweller #hatha #sacredfeminiephotography #treepose #practicetothesoundofrain

23.01.2022 Let me come to you! Personalised yoga and meditation sessions in the comfort of your home or office Science had proved how yoga can boost your immune system and meditation can reduce stress. I have regular clients whom I teach in their own home and they tell me its their favourite time of the week. I can cater for small groups too. Please PM me for details and feel free to share with friends and family #yogidoulajeweller #personalisedyoga #yogatherapy #yogafromhome #yogaforimmunehealth #meditation

23.01.2022 Sunrise picnic and ocean swim with my mini tribe to celebrate and cycle round the sun No teaching tonight but see yall on Thursday and on Sunday @dharmashalayogabondi #yogidoulajeweller #birthday #lovinglife #gratitude #bronte #oceanswims

22.01.2022 Dont forget that Sunday is fathers day! If youd like to treat him to something special and unique check out my latest offerings on Etsy. Gorgeous hand engraved tribal arm cuff in raw silver and solid silver band ring. Order now and youll receive them in time for express delivery on Friday - Whooo hoooo #fathersday #tribaljewellery #etsy #yogidoulajeweller

21.01.2022 Calling in some more indigo children! Being a doula is probably one or the most privileged jobs on the planet. Spots open for April and June (booked up for May and some of August) I also assist writing birth plans, supporting cesarean birth, specialist prenatal yoga and post natal support. #doula #yogidoulajeweller #lovebirth #sisterhood #yogaandbirth

20.01.2022 Posted @withregram @shebirths The Egg Chooses Her Sperm . Some great research came out of Sweden in 2020 which turns the traditional "strongest sperm wins" belief on it's head. . It revealed that eggs have something like a tractor beam in the form of a chemical. If the egg decides it likes the sperm, its chemicals tell it to swim faster. If it’s not a fan, the sperm is sent a go-slow message.... . Interestingly the egg appeared to preference genetic diversity and may not agree to fertilisation with the partner we have chosen! . "The more diverse those genes are, the more diverse are the kinds of infections you can fight. And if your partner has a slightly different combination of these genes than you do, then you're going to produce offspring that can fight an even broader array of pathogens and diseases." explained researcher John Fitzpatrick to CNN (2020). . So goes to show that even before conception Mamas are programmed to fight for their baby's survival! . To read more click through bio. . . Edited repost @theladoula . . . . . . #birth #pregnancy #shebirths #shebirthsonlinecourse #antenatal #birtheducation #pregnancycourse #nadinerichardson #betterbirth #positivebirth #empowermentthrougheducation #healthypregnancy #happypregnancy #workplacewellness #australia #shebirthsapp #soulmamas #theshebirthsshowpodcast #doula #doulas #prenatalyoga #yoga #podcast #doula #birthmatters #matrescence #mumsmatter #birthdiversity #decolonisationofbirth See more

20.01.2022 Happy Guru Purnima!!! The full moon today marks an auspicious date in the calendar. Today is the day to take a minute and honour your teachers. Traditionally it is celebrated as a festival in India, Nepal and Bhutan by the Hindus, Jains and Buddhists. The Sanskrit word Guru itself means one who removes ignorance (Gu meaning ignorance and Ru means remover). In India, the Guru-Shishya (student) bond is seen as a pure connection which helps the student achieve greater heig...hts. The teacher is referred to as the Guru (the one who sows seeds of knowledge and eliminates darkness). My yoga journey began 20 yrs ago in the foot hills of the Himalayas with a beautiful man who offered to teach me yoga every morning at sunrise in the mountains for donation. I doubt he is even alive yet alone on instagram. It was a truely magical experience and one that changed the course of my life. He was a genuine yogi, so full of spirit and light and devotion. Since then ive had many teachers but in particular I want to pay homage to @rickandfranks who I practiced with for over 10 yrs and @debmanoy - the original owners of Dharma Shala. He then introduced me to his teacher and teacher of many teachers the sparkly Clive Sheridan. Like my teacher in the Himalayas he doesnt have any presence on social media. But he holds the wisdom and spirit of the vedas powerfully. I am eternally grateful for his guidance, experience and wisdom. Come practice with me tomorrow evening at 4:30pm Dharmashala Yoga Bondi . BIGGEST love xCatx @ Bondi Beach See more

20.01.2022 Ive heard many lovely words used to describe how people feel after yoga class. Floatatious was a new one though!! The pic sums up how one of my clients felt after yoga class this morning and here are her own words....Hi Cat, loved this mornings class - heres a quote, please feel free to use it "I left your class this morning feeling positively floatatious - still holding that feeling hours later - thanks! - Ruth" #magicofyoga #yoga #yogidoulajeweller #privateyogasydney #privateyoga

20.01.2022 BREATH is everything..... the yogis say your life span is determined by how many breaths you take. Breathing slower, more effectively and through the nose is crucial for overall health and well-being. Come practice with me tonight 6:30 @dharmashalayogabondi #yogidoulajeweller #breath #pranayama #hathayoga

19.01.2022 **SPECIAL discount and a surprise gift with purchase to help spoil a loved one for this mothers day. Im offering 10% off my three most popular pieces in the double sided shell Koru range. All hand made and set in sterling silver. Each piece is unique and unbelievably the perfect spiral and eye colours occurs naturally. Mother nature is so clever hey? We simply polish and lacquer them then set them into silver. Spirals represent the never ending cycle of life, peace & harmony. They come gift wrapped with a little info sheet on what they signify. Hop onto my site to purchase - oh and POSTAGE IS FREEEEEE AUSTRALIA WIDE! Woooo hooooooo :0) #yogidoulajewller #mothersday #motherdaygifts #korujewellery #fibonaccisequence #louisasetonphotography

19.01.2022 Dont forget that Sunday is fathers day! If you’d like to treat him to something special and unique check out my latest offerings on Etsy. Gorgeous hand engraved tribal arm cuff in raw silver and solid silver band ring. Order now and you’ll receive them in time for express delivery on Friday - Whooo hoooo #fathersday #tribaljewellery #etsy #yogidoulajeweller

18.01.2022 Happy international day of the midwife! (A day or two late I might add) but never the less I wanted to acknowledge all the incredible birth workers who are on the front line of welcoming new generations earth side. What a huge job! This is a picture of me with the beautiful @simplelifestrategies Zoe and her baby Winston a few months after I supported her incredible journey of pregnancy and birth. He decided to present himself in a posterior position i.e lying on his mamas b...ack so it was a mammoth effort in labour for her. She went through several midwife shift changes in that time. The last one I remember distinctly changing the course of the labour. She was very experienced, calm and clear. Birth is incredible and women are literally #DIVINE. Sending huge amounts of humble appreciation and gratitude to all the midwifes and birth workers out there. @louisasetonphotography #yogidoulajeweller #internationaldayofthemidwife #birthworkers #doulalife #posteriorpresentation #divinefeminine #simplelifestrategies #louisasetonphotography See more

17.01.2022 Another welcome home gift! A bounty of goodies from my veggie patch. Ive spent all morning blending these beauties into a myriad of smoothies and juices. And now I have buckets of fuel for my compost and so the cycle continues. #yogidoulajeweller #feelinggood #yogifood #growyourown #liquiddetox # @ Bondi Beach

17.01.2022 This is the serene setting that Ive been teaching private yoga in. The plants are absolutely incredible and the Buddha statue has the kindest eyes. Thank you @deedeepreston for bringing this ancient practice into your beautiful home. #privateyoga #serenehomes #privateyogasydney #personalyogateacher #ancienttraditions #yogidoulajeweller

16.01.2022 A new dawn and a new day! and what a magnificent day it is out there. If you'd like to practice some feel good yoga with me this morning jump onto at 10am for a grounding hatha class - $5.99 and will be available for 12 hours after it goes live. BIG love xCatx

16.01.2022 This is 1 hr of Pranayama (breathing exercises) squashed into 23 seconds! How cool are the passing clouds? I sincerely feel that yoga, meditation, pranayama practices and mindfulness are absolutely vital at this time to give ourselves (and the planet) the best chance of maintaining our health and well-being through this difficult time. For those interested I practiced : The sunrise circular stretch, Banda triumph (standing), Agni sari, banda triumph (sitting), Bastrika, then the slow rhythms - Nadi shodana and Anuloma Veloma. Chanting or singing is also really really beneficial to raise your vibration and energy now. Also take time to practice self awareness at every given opportunity. If youd like to dive into some of this eastern wisdom dm me. #yogidoulajeweller #pranayama #vagaltone #prana #lifeforce #mantra #immunehealth #awareness

16.01.2022 Grateful for my home and this space I get to practice in. This time of year is so intensely busy that time for meditation is so important. Have had the most blissful morning with my dear friend @deborah_psychickinesiology chatting about life and our wonderful travels through India many moons ago. If you’re feeling that silly season strain join me later today @dharmashalayogabondi for a strong yet nourishing yoga flow. We’ll finish with a spacious meditation helping to balance all the external crazy vibrations #deephathaflow #dharmashalayogabondi #yogidoulajeweller #spiritualfriends #gratitute #ganesh

15.01.2022 Reminder to BYO mat to yoga tonight peeps 6:30 @dharmashalayogabondi #yogidoulajeweller #yogapractice #dharmashalayogabondi

14.01.2022 A beautiful evening to celebrate solstice, the great conjunction and to plug heart felt love and healing back into Gaya. Candles, cave, sage, cacao, intention, ocean waves, kids, rain, offerings, music. Thank you @tanyacurmi for holding wonderful space. Take time of the busyness and bring yoga, gratitude and ritual into your life. It’s wonderful! Hope to see y’all at yoga tonight 6:30pm @dharmashalayogabondi #yogidoulajeweller #ritual #greatconjuntion2020 #cavemeditation

14.01.2022 Finish your weekend with yoga, breathwork and meditation. Join me for a Deep Hatha Flow today 4:30 @dharmashalayogabondi #yogidoulajeweller #dharmashalayogabondi #treepose #louisasetonphotography

14.01.2022 Today is the beginning of something very exciting in my world. I am about to embark on a 2 year post graduate in Yoga Therapy. The traditional teachings of Krisnamancharya and the ability to teach yoga to an individuals needs has always been of great interest to me. Recently I have been fortunate enough to use yoga as a healing modality for students with cancer and also applying it weekly to a group of recovering ice addicts. SO ill be offline for the next 5 days as I div...e into the first module. For my students @myasana see you next Thursday at 9am and for my students @dharmashalayogabondi ill see you on Tuesday evening 6:30 and again next Sunday. All my private clients see you next week. Remember to book in advance! Classes are running at capacity. LOVE! xCatx #yogidoulajeweller #yogatherapy #dharmashalayogabondi #myasanayoga #neebeginnings #divingdeeper #yogaforaddiction #yogaforcancer #healingjourney See more

14.01.2022 Resetting the nervous system, harmonising with the rhythms of nature. Sunshine on our faces, birds singing in our ears, fresh air. If you can get out in nature - do it! #harmonising #familybushwalk

14.01.2022 Posted @withregram @plasticfreemermaid The BAN on Plastics we’ve been asking for is finally here! In a sexy series of events, NSW announced their ban on a number of single-use plastics, and just hours later WA announced plans to fast track its plastics bans in the unbelievable race to rid this country of single-use plastics and the necessary and heavily harmful resulting pollution. Best day ever.... NSW Lightweight plastic shopping bags will be phased out within six months of the legislation passing. Plastic straws, stirrers and cutlery, polystyrene cups, takeaway containers, cotton buds with plastic sticks and microbeads in personal and cosmetic products, will be phased out within 12 months of when the waste plan is legislated Within three years, the government will review a plan to phase out heavyweight bags like those available for purchase at supermarkets, plastic cups and bowls including lids and fruit stickers. WA Plastic plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, stirrers, straws, thick plastic bags, polystyrene food containers, and helium balloon releases banished by 31 December this year four years earlier than its initial 2025 target. By the end of 2022, no more plastic barrier/produce bags, cotton buds with plastic shafts, polystyrene packaging, microbeads & oxo-degradable plastics. Takeaway coffee cups & lids with single-use plastic materials have also been added to the Plan for Plastics. Survey finds 98 per cent of Western Australians support action on single-use plastics ALSO IN NSW By 2030, councils across NSW will have to provide a separate bin for food scraps! to stop things such as leftover foods from entering general waste red bins headed for landfill. This is to deliver on govt’s commitment to achieve zero emissions from organics in landfill by 2030. Activism works. Thank you for all the actions you showed up to, petitions you signed, reusable bags you brought, it all has added up to create that tipping point to create meaningful legislation to give our oceans the chance to heal. #nsw #wa #plasticsplan #plasticsban #banthebag #plastic #plasticpollution #plasticfree #plasticpollution #plasticfreejuly

13.01.2022 This Sunday! Orrca’s annual whale census. Lovely day out for the whole family. Register your interest and find your nearest location @orrcaaustralia

13.01.2022 **FREE** online class tomorrow morning 8:30am. Go to Instagram for the live story/class. Ive been missing teaching and am so looking forward to being of service to all my yoga community out there again. Big love xCatx #yogidoulajeweller #myasanayoga #alignclass #onlineyoga

12.01.2022 You beauty.. what a glorious day. Up with sun for daily #sadhana before a full day of teaching yoga If youre interested in this ancient practice let me know. Gratitude! #yogapractice #ancienttraditions #meditation #rhythmsinnature

11.01.2022 Join me tonight 6:30 @dharmashalayogabondi for my last class of 2020 before I head off on a road trip until mid Jan. Love xCatx #yogidoulajeweller #dharmashalayogabondi #lastclassoftheyear

10.01.2022 With solstice nearly upon us and a rare planetary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn about to happen, taking time to practice yoga and mediate will reconnect us to the greater rhythms in nature. Its good to remind ourselves that we are a mere blip on this bigger picture. We are tiny macrocosms of this great macrocosm. Effected by the rhythms of nature, we may not feel or realise this as we spend so much time hanging out in the frontal lobes of the brain (ie. thinking). Practicing yoga is a way of reconnecting to our true essence and the creative source of nature that sustains our every breath. SO having said all this - come and practice with me at a NEW TIME of 8am @dharmashalayogabondi Would love to see your shiny faces there. Biggest love xCatx #yogidoulajeweller #yoga #summersolstice #hathayoga #microcosmsofthemacrocosm

09.01.2022 This picture depicts perfectly the feeling of staring into the unknown. It also depicts strength and a sense of being connected to something bigger than me. My heart aches for the sadness and panic humanity around the globe is currently experiencing. Its been an overwhelmingly intense time for me personally (hence my silence here). When all of my and my partners income streams rapidly began to vanish I really freaked out. With no end in sight and civil liberties like swi...mming in the ocean taken away I felt like the earth was being pulled from underneath me. I was teary and panicked and super depressed. However I knew my yoga practice was my go to retreat space. Spending more time in nature would bring the equilibrium back I needed to pick myself up and be the best version of myself for my kids and for everyone. There was choice. I turned off the news - keeping informed but choosing not to feed into the immense fear surrounding me. If you are healthy - be so grateful for that and hold onto it by continuing your self care routines. Having a high vibration is absolutely crucial! Do yoga, pranayama to maximise vital force, meditate, laugh more, eat less animals and up your Vit C & Zinc plus get out into nature as much as you can. When we take time to sit quietly in her embrace we harmonise with her vibration and our nervous systems sigh a big sigh of relief. Every teeny bit of feel good feelings matter now. Adapting to the way Im exciting to bring you online classes which are zooming your way tomorrow 10am Sydney time. For my friends around the world Id love you to jump on! Biggest love to everyone! Smiling healthy and happy Cat xxx @louisasetonphotography #yogidoulajeweller #dharmashalayogabondi #yogaoine #staringintotheunkmown #vibratehigh #pranayama #yogaeverydamnday #louisasetonphotography See more

08.01.2022 Watched this huge beast launch itself out of the water yesterday just off Coogee. Pics taken on board by @Davetozer I have 3 spaces left for tomorrow afternoons trip leaving Rose Bay at 1pm. Just like covid laws well keep our safe distances from the whales (unless they come to us!) A percentage of proceeds will go to Orrca. The reason I do these trips is to raise awareness around marine mammal conservation. We can all do our bit. Please note its a plastic free event - BYO bottle water. Hot soup and rolls will be served too - yum. Click here to book your spot :

08.01.2022 Rings rings rings!!! More hill tribe adornments. Prices start at $20 for the stacking rings to $85 for the big square piece. **FREE** shipping and will get to you in time for Mothers Day. And dont forget the 10% discount on my koru shell range too. Link to the shop on my site in my bio. Happy shopping! #mothersdaygift #hilltribesilver #yogidoulajeweller #finesilverjewelry

08.01.2022 What a beautiful welcome back... this guy clearly not observing social distancing. Thanks for all who came and helped support @orrcaaustralia Ive been offline for over a week and it felt super nice not to be a slave to this little square device. Bellingen and the Byron hinterlands were an absolute treat! Back to @dharmashalayogabondi tonight inspired and ready to flow. 6:30pm - new super offer of $17 p/class when you purchase a five class pass for only $85. Hope to see you there! #yogidoulajeweller #hathayoga #charterscene #whales #humpback

08.01.2022 I’ve heard many lovely words used to describe how people feel after yoga class. Floatatious was a new one though!! The pic sums up how one of my clients felt after yoga class this morning and here are her own words....Hi Cat, loved this morning's class - here's a quote, please feel free to use it "I left your class this morning feeling positively 'floatatious' - still holding that feeling hours later - thanks! - Ruth" #magicofyoga #yoga #yogidoulajeweller #privateyogasydney #privateyoga

08.01.2022 Posted @withregram @oceans247 SOUND ON By @cainedelacy The peaceful world of a baby it's mum and a singing escort in the shallow water. Did you know every male humpback has a unique song? Taking a small crew out to see them up close as they travel north. Sunday 4th July. All proceeds going to the #orrcasociety DM me for details

07.01.2022 **FREE SHIPPING** Australia wide and in time for a lovely mothers day surprise. The hammered bangle is $55 and the plain stacking ones are $25 each. Link to the shop in my bio. Read on for details... Beautifully hand carved in fine silver these hill tribe bangles are made from fine silver. Ive been sourcing and working with jewellery from the hill tribes for over 15 years now. There are 6 major hill tribe groups between Burma and Northern Thailand - these are from the Karen tribe. Each design carries a unique Karen family signature and is kept within the family for generations. They are made from 98% silver and the beautiful geometric patterns are reflective of their strong connection with the earth, the spirit world and their culture. #yogidoulajeweller #finesilver #mothersdaygifts #tribalbangles #stackingbangles #karentribe

07.01.2022 A beautifully soft sunrise to ease us into the day with @thisismichellecaley before a full day of teaching yoga #gratitude #sunrise #yoga #friendship

06.01.2022 Posted @withregram @orrcaaustralia WELCOME TO THE WORLD LITTLE ONE! At around 2pm today, a tiny newborn calf Humpback popped up to say hello to our Researchers at Potter Point in Kamay NP, NSW. We believe this youngster was most likely born in Bate Bay where we had seen mum swimming in close to shore before she very slowly made her way north out of the bay and past our team. ... This little whale was very light grey with its dorsal fin and tail fluke still folded. It awkwardly swam next to mum trying to keeping up to her slow pace. It was a very special moment for our Research Team to see one so new but not unheard of in NSW waters. We record a few each year from our various research location! Fingers crossed this little one has a safe migration north where it can rest and grow a little stronger. photo credit Leesa Pratt ORRCA member

05.01.2022 Counting down..only a handful of spaces left for this weekends trip. Leaving Rose Bay at 1pm, 3 hrs sailing and watching these incredible mammals. Soup and warm rolls served and a percentage going to the Orrca society. Click here to book your spot

05.01.2022 One week ago.... a lost world.. so magical #greegullytrek #trekking #oxleywildriversnationalpark #gondwana

05.01.2022 Some exciting projects on the boil in my world. Post Grad in Yoga therapy starting soon New ETSY store open AAAANNNNNDDDDD its whale season again! Whoop whoooooop! As most of you know I organise annual eco whale watching trips from Rose Bay. Raising awareness AND funds around marine mammal conservation. Ive been invited to be a tour guide on a stunning sailing yacht for this seasons migration. Only 10 places per trip so super intimate. Plastic free and supporting O...rrca (of which is a trained rescuer) Here are some playful common dolphins who came to check us out the other day during our search for the first migrating whales. WTS for more info coming sooooooon on of the above. BIG love xCatx #yogidoulajeweller #dreamjobs #yogatherapy #postgradeyoga #yogaeverydamnday #commondolphins #whalewatching #etsy #handmadejewellery #orrcasociety See more

05.01.2022 If youre desperate for a face to face 1:1 (and bespoke) yoga practice please let me know. I have a wonderful space with ocean views or can take it outdoors. Read on for a lovely review from a student of mine who I taught this morning. Ive been practicing yoga for a couple of years but wanted to learn more advanced pranayama/breathing exercises to incorporate into my morning routine, especially now, during these times of uncertainty. So I approached Catriona for a 1:1 pran...ayama class. I loved it. Catriona has so much wisdom and knowledge, and its just a pleasure to learn from a teacher like this. Her gentle voice and calming presence make it a safe experience for a practitioner. We did a 45mins of breathing exercises followed by a relaxing shavasana. I felt energised and calm at the same time, ready to rock my day. I will definitely come back for another class. Thank you, Catriona #louisasetonphotography #yogidoulajeweller #privateyoga #personalyoga #pranayama #vitalforce See more

05.01.2022 As mamas were programmed to fight for our babies survival even more conception Read on for new and fascinating research

04.01.2022 I’ve been quiet on social media of late as I've been off grid and out in the wilderness in the Oxley wild rivers national park and trekking in the Gondwana rainforests. What a trip. Super tough going, but stunning Dunghutti country. It was a massive recalibration, challenge and a cleanse. From nudie swims and over 40 river crossings, to mice in my pack pack, a punishing decent down the ridge of a mountain, stumbles, snakes, tears and too many laughs with my legendary GF's to mention. Thankfully my strong yogi legs got me through (just). SO now back in the flow and teaching every day but if you’d like to join one of my school classes id LOVE to see you . Tomorrow night @dharmashalayoga 6:30pm for a strong flow, Thursday morning 9am @myasana for Hatha and meditation Sunday 4:30pm for a deep hatha flow and next week some **new early morning classes**. #yogitrekker #bondiramblets #greengullytrek #trekkers #oxleywildrivers #gondwanaland See more

04.01.2022 Rainy morning... set your day up right and practice with me online @dharmashalayogabondi 10am this morning. Sorry for late notice! Hope to see you on the mat. #yogidoulajeweller #parsvokonasana #louisasetonphotography #onlineyoga #dharmashala

04.01.2022 Good morning Surya Teaching a private sunrise class today. What a joy! #yogidoulajeweller #sunrise #privateyoga #namaskars #bondibeach #nature #gratitude

04.01.2022 Sunrise is a powerful time to meditate and open the pineal gland. Your health is your wealth and its never been more important to introduce self care routines into your life. Come see me 9:30am for align class #yogidoulajeweller #myasana #pinealgland #yoga #hathayoga

03.01.2022 THE FACE OF EXCITEMENT!!! First class back today @dharmashalayogabondi - 4:30pm. Come join me! Bookings essential Spaces are limited so get in quick. BYO mat. Om shanti squeals and joy! #yogidoulajeweller

01.01.2022 A new dawn and a new day! and what a magnificent day it is out there. If youd like to practice some feel good yoga with me this morning jump onto at 10am for a grounding hatha class - $5.99 and will be available for 12 hours after it goes live. BIG love xCatx

01.01.2022 Calling in some indigo children :0) Spaces open for doula bookings.. see below xxx

01.01.2022 Ooooh I wonder what Loveland looks like? These tribal beauties heading off to Colorado in the USA today. Link in bio to my Etsy store if you fancy treating yourself or a loved one. #yogidoulajeweller #lovelandcolorado #tribaljewellery #etsysellersofinstagram

01.01.2022 Join me tomorrow morning at 10am for hatha flow. Gentle focus on lateral side bending to help open the chest promoting respiratory health. Look forward to friends around the globe jumping online and practicing with me. Click here to register for your $5.99 class. **Note if time doesnt align you can purchase and practice later** Om Shanti peace and love xCatx #hathayoga #onlineyoga #respiratoryhealth #dharmashalayogabondi #lateralbending #gentleflow #yogidoulajeweller

01.01.2022 Honoured to be teaching along side a stellar lineup of teachers from around the world. Would love all my friends and students to jump online and register for this free event : See some of you there virtually later this evening 6:30pm @dharmashalayogabondi @louisasetonphotography #yogidoulajeweller #celticyogawoodlandfestival #yogaforlife #louisasetonphotography

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