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25.01.2022 There are numerous sounds that resonate the chakras. When working with Manipura, the solar plexus chakra try: The keynote E ... Chanting the Vowel Oh A crystal bowl tuned to frequency 320 Hz. Chanting Bija mantra Ram The sound of roaring Fire Big wind instruments such as a trumpet Are you a Yoga Teacher who wants to learn Sound Healing? I have the perfect workshop for you! On Saturday 19th September, I am spending the day with a small select group of yoga teachers to show you step-by-step how to use sound healing in your classes, workshops, and /or retreats. You dont have to be a musician, and you will walk away ready to start now. Your students will love you even more! This is a live face-to-face workshop on Gadigal land, Innerwest Sydney Australia
23.01.2022 Butterfly Dreaming One night, Zhuangzi dreamed of being a butterfly, A happy butterfly, showing off and doing things as he pleased, unaware of being Zhuangzi. ... Suddenly he awoke, drowsily, Zhuangzi again. And he could not tell whether it was Zhuangzi who had dreamt the butterfly or the butterfly dreaming Zhuangzi. But there must be some difference between them! This is called 'the transformation of things' Its a full moon in Pisces, a great time to meditate, restore and dream big
23.01.2022 Happy Spring / Fall equinox ! Light and dark, yin and yang, day and night become equal Its the perfect time to practice balancing poses ... This requires strength, alignment and concentration... but most of all a sense of fun. If you fall out, fall out with a smile.... its just a yoga pose:)
22.01.2022 Are you working on opening your Heart chakra? Sounds that help balance Anahata include: The keynote F... A crystal bowl tuned to 341.3 Hz Chanting the vowel Ah Chanting Bija mantra YAM The sound of the wind String instruments like the violin or the harp Wishing you a weekend full of love and compassion Are you a Yoga Teacher who wants to learn Sound Healing? I have the perfect workshop for you! On Saturday 19th September, I am spending the day with a small select group of yoga teachers to show you step-by-step how to use sound healing in your classes, workshops, and /or retreats. You dont have to be a musician, and you will walk away ready to start now. Your students will love you even more! This is a live face-to-face workshop on Gadigal land, Innerwest Sydney Australia
21.01.2022 There are numerous sounds that resonate the chakras. When working with Vissudha, the throat chakra try: The keynote G... A crystal bowl turned to 384 Hz. Chanting the vowel Eye Chanting Bija mantra Ham The sound of crickets A wind instruments such as a flute Are you a Yoga Teacher who wants to learn Sound Healing? I have the perfect workshop for you! On Saturday 19th September, I am spending the whole day with a small select group of yoga teachers to show you step-by-step how to use sound healing in your classes, workshops, and /or retreats. You dont have to be a musician, and you will walk away ready to start now. Your students will love you even more! This is a live face-to-face workshop on Gadigal land, Innerwest Sydney Australia See my website for more information
20.01.2022 APANASANA Knees to chest pose Hug your knees in Give yourself a hug Give yourself thanks for getting on your mat ... As an act of self-love, self-care, and self-respect Have you given yourself time to yourself this week?
20.01.2022 Practicing Yin yoga in bed means that there is plenty of cushioning to allow your body to hold for longer periods of time, and you can use your blankets and pillows for props so its perfect! Have you tried it yet? Ive just released a new workshop to show you how... enjoy
20.01.2022 There are numerous sounds that resonate the chakras. When working with Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra try: The keynote D... A crystal bowl tuned to 288 Hz Chanting the vowel Ooo Chanting Bija mantra VAM The sound of the ocean, river or waterfall A rain stick or ocean drum These vibrations aid to fill your cup with prana. Are you a Yoga Teacher who wants to learn Sound Healing? I have the perfect workshop for you! On Saturday 19th September, I am spending the whole day with a small select group of yoga teachers to show you step-by-step how to use sound healing in your classes, workshops, and /or retreats. You dont have to be a musician, and you will walk away ready to start now. Your students will love you even more! This is a live face to face workshop on Gadigal land, Innerwest Sydney Australia. See my website for deets
19.01.2022 Do you need some deep relaxation? Enjoy this FREE 20 mins SOUND BATH to rejuvenate the body and calm the mind. Find a comfortable seat or lay down, and allow the vibrations to soothe your nervous system. ... This is an easy way to find a deep meditative state. The link is in the comments X
19.01.2022 Do you love your body? Me neither... lets face it, its a big ask! We live in a world that is constantly telling us that were not good enough, thin enough, young enough, pretty enough and the list goes on... ... However what you can do is cultivate a friendly attitude towards your body. Watch it, listen to it, be kind to it. Yin yoga allows ample time in each pose to connect more deeply to your body. With practice this leads to more understanding, awareness and compassion for yourself. And then one day, the answer to my question might be YES! Do you need more Yin in your life? Join me on Sunday at my Yin and Sound workshop From Mud to Bloom. We will explore the transformational journey from the mud towards the light with gentle movement, sound and ritual. Sunday 27th September 4-6pm at Haven Wellness in Summer Hill. Link in Bio
19.01.2022 Do you need more grounding? Work with Muladhara the root chakra for a deeper connection to Mother Earth. Sounds that help balance Muladhara include:... The keynote C A crystal bowl tuned to 256Hz Chanting the vowel Uh Chanting Bija mantra LAM The sound of thunder rumbling the Earth Shamanic instruments like drums These vibrations will bring you more connection to your body. Are you a Yoga Teacher who wants to learn Sound Healing? I have the perfect workshop for you! On Saturday 19th September, I am spending the day with a small select group of yoga teachers to show you step-by-step how to use sound healing in your classes, workshops, and /or retreats. You dont have to be a musician, and you will walk away ready to start now. Your students will love you even more! This is a live face-to-face workshop on Gadigal land, Innerwest Sydney Australia
18.01.2022 Your legs connect you to the sacred Shakti energy of Mother Earth. When you open the channels of the legs, you clear the pathways to that divine force. This will help you to manifest your inner creative power.... Have a joyful weekend!
18.01.2022 Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I go on and on about the importance of conscious breathing to my students Pranayama, the fourth limb of Yoga is one of the most powerful practices we have at our disposal. You may not feel much in the beginning but when it kicks in, it will elevate your practice to the next level.... In Pranayama we use the breath to direct and expand the flow of prana (life force) through the energy channels - the nadis. Through a regular and sustained practice of pranayama you can supercharge your whole body. Your breathing will improve Your body will function better Your mind will be calmer
18.01.2022 When you practice Yin yoga its important to find stillness This will shift your focus to the internal landscape Its here that you can remember your True Self ... and learn to identify less and less with external desires Practice Yin with me for free at my YouTube channel YOGINITHREADS Wishing you a mindful weekend
18.01.2022 I really missed my sound healing sessions during Covid. I noticed that the reduction in vibrational healing played havoc on my nervous system. Im so happy that Ive got lots of sound healing sessions planned over the next few weeks. ... Are you a Yoga Teacher who wants to learn Sound Healing? I have the perfect workshop for you! On Saturday 19th September, I am spending the whole day with a small select group of yoga teachers to show you step-by-step how to use sound healing in your classes, workshops, and /or retreats. You dont have to be a musician, and you will walk away ready to start now. Your students will love you even more! This is a live face to face workshop on Gadigal land, Innerwest Sydney Australia LINK IN COMMENTS
17.01.2022 Look at all that lovely Chi running through my meridian channels! In Yin yoga we focus on the free flow of Chi through the rivers of energy in the body (meridians). In Lateral Shoelace pose you activate the Liver, Heart, Lungs and Small Instestine meridians all at once (see diagram)... Isnt that awesome!... Happy Friday Yinsters
16.01.2022 Manipura the solar plexus chakra has 10 petals representing the 10 major nadis and these 10 vrittis: Shyness Sadism Envy Lethargy... Melancholy Peevishness Greed Infatuation Revulsion Fear These unhelpful mind states can be stilled when we work on the solar plexus chakra with pointed attention and intention. The fire element is used to burn away and transform disturbances of the mind. The ram is the animal symbol for Manipura emphasising power, activity, and divinity. Understanding the symbolism behind the chakras helps you to bring more meaning and depth to your practice. Do you want to learn more? When you join Chakra Yoga Club you will deepen your knowledge of all the major chakras. This will enhance your practice with the awareness needed to transform the physical, energetic, emotional and mental bodies. Find out more about this short online course in my Bio
16.01.2022 Visuddha, the throat chakra Every choice you make, every thought and feeling you have, every word you speak is an act of power that has biological, environmental, social, personal and global consequences Before you speak ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
16.01.2022 Yin in Bed 2 hrs of bliss Do you want more to feel more comfort and ease in your body?... Join me on this delicious Yin workshop without leaving the comfort of your bed I know you will love it! Link in comments
14.01.2022 Do you want more insight and wisdom? The Sounds to open Ajna the third eye chakra are: The keynote A... A crystal bowl tuned to 426.7 Hz Chanting the vowel Aye Chanting Bija mantra OM The sound of the space Bells In case you havent heard Im hosting a special workshop this Saturday for YOGA TEACHERS to show you how to bring SOUND into your classes, workshops and retreats. You will walk away with a plan and the confidence to start now. Sound adds a whole new dimension to your teaching and your students will love you even more! This workshop is suitable for beginners and you dont need to be a musician. This is a live face-to-face workshop on Gadigal land, Innerwest Sydney Australia LINK IN BIO #soundhealingsydney #deepenyouryoga #deepenyourpractice #chakrasounds #tibetanbowls #tibetanbowlsoundhealing #crystalbowls #crystalbowlssoundbath #crystalbowlsoundhealing #soundhealingyoga #savasana #meditations #soundmeditation #soundmeditations #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #soundhealingsessions #soundbath #soundhealingtraining #soundhealingteacher #soundbathmeditation #bhaktiyoga #yogaworkshopsydney #yogaworkshopnsw #soundhealingworkshop #bijamantra #bijamantras #learnsoundhealing #nadayoga #ndayoga
12.01.2022 Do you consider Yoga a spiritual practice? For me thats an absolute YES. From a chakra perspective its Sahasrara the crown chakra that connects us back to the greater whole. ... Some people call it the Universe, some call it God, I call it the Divine... the vibration that resides within everything both seen and unseen. Sound is a powerful way to open ourselves to that divinity, to feel it in our bodies and in our hearts. The sounds that open Sahasrara the crown chakra include: The keynote B A crystal bowl tuned to 480 Hz Chanting the vowel Eee Silently chanting OM The sound of all the elements The sound of chimes In case you havent heard Im hosting a special workshop this Saturday for YOGA TEACHERS to show you how to bring SOUND into your classes, workshops and retreats. This is your last chance to book... get your 30% discount today (thats a $60 saving!) You will walk away with a plan and the confidence to start now. Sound adds a whole new dimension to your teaching and your students will love you even more! This workshop is suitable for beginners and you dont need to be a musician. Use discount code SOUND2020 to claim your discount.
10.01.2022 The art and science of Yoga came about largely through a deep observation and understanding of nature. Every element, every plant, every animal has a lesson to teach us. The ancient Yogis imitated nature to create shapes that allowed them freedom in their bodies.... When the body is free of pain, when the mind is free of attachment, then stillness can be achieved. We sometimes forget that the physical practice of Yoga is only the beginning. Ultimately, we need to find stillness so that we can dive deep into our internal landscape. Can you find some time to pause this weekend? I send you peaceful vibes
10.01.2022 Yin yoga is a powerful passive style yoga stemming from the Tao tradition designed to work on the deeper connective fascia tissue and the joints in the body. Ideally we practice Yin on a cold body and hold the poses for longer periods to allow time for the stressing of the fascia and joints. This prolonged pressure results in more flexibility and fluidity in the tissues and joints. ... Do you need more Yin in your life? Join me on Sunday at my Yin and Sound workshop From Mud to Bloom. We will explore the transformational journey from the mud towards the light with gentle movement, sound and ritual. Sunday 27th September 4-6pm at Haven Wellness in Summer Hill. Link in Bio
07.01.2022 Would you like to get up in the morning feeling at ease and fully alive? As you age your connective tissues harden causing stiffness and tension in the body... thats just a fact sorry:) Yin yoga specifically addresses this by targeting and lubricating dense tissue... If youre a morning person and you wake up early, doing Yin poses in bed before you get up will help you to feel more flexible I can show you these techniques in my YIN IN BED workshop which you can do at any time If mornings are not your thing, doing this gentle practice before bed will help you find deep blissful sleep Once you learn these simple techniques, use them regularly and you will feel rejuvenated Do you want to learn how to do this safely? The link is in the comments
07.01.2022 Monday Morning stretch... Open your heart... To extend your backbends you need:... 1. Strong foundation (Muladhara Chakra) 2. Confidence (Manipura chakra) 3. Connection to breath (Anahata Chakra) To deepen your practice, join Chakra Yoga Club
07.01.2022 Are you ready to bloom? In Yoga the lotus flower is a symbol of the light that comes from darkness. The lotus begins her journey with her roots in the dark mud and makes an emotional journey through the water of life to reach the light.... It is only then that the lotus can fully bloom and share her true essence with the world. Join me on Sunday at my Yin and Sound workshop From Mud to Bloom to explore this transformational journey with gentle movement, sound and ritual. Sunday 27th September 4-6pm at Haven Wellness in Summer Hill. Link in Bio
07.01.2022 Today Im delighted to be teaching Yoga teachers ways to intergrate Sound to their offerings. Sound adds a whole new dimension to the Yoga experience inviting deeper rest and relaxation. I cant wait to see and hear the different interpretation of this work.... Im sure I will learn as much as my students. This is why I love teaching so much... I am always learning! And my spirit thrives on it What makes your spirit soar?
06.01.2022 Do you need better quality sleep? Yoga Nidra is a Sanskrit word meaning "yogic sleep". Its a deep relaxation technique sometimes referred to as body scan meditation. ... It is often prescribed as an effective way to calm the nervous system and promote deep quality sleep. For this reason it is popular with those who experience insomnia. You can try it for yourself with my FREE 20 minute Yoga Nidra class.. Enjoy! The link in comments
06.01.2022 Yin and Yang are relative terms. Practicing Yin yoga in bed is more Yin than practicing Yin yoga on a hard surface. I am sending you the first 10mins of my Yin in Bed workshop so that you can get a taste of how good this practice feels.... https://youtu.be/CZYc_xSe0Rk Enjoy the last week of winter/summer!
06.01.2022 In case you havent heard Im hosting a special workshop this Saturday for YOGA TEACHERS to show you how to bring SOUND into your classes, workshops and retreats. This is your last chance to book... get your 30% discount today (thats a $60 saving!) You will walk away with a plan and the confidence to start now. Sound adds a whole new dimension to your teaching and your students will love you even more!... This workshop is suitable for beginners and you dont need to be a musician. Use discount code SOUND2020 to claim your discount. https://yoginithreads.com//sound-healing-training-for-yog/
05.01.2022 I like to do a little ritual and pick one of my Wise Yogini Oracle Cards at the start of each month. For September I picked The STAR... Engage the sensual pleasures of your worldly being,... Feel the ground beneath your feet, The fire in your belly, The yearning in your heart. Heal pain with love From a chakra perspective, this relates to: * Svadhisthana the sacral chakra for pleasure * Muladhara the root chakra for grounding * Manipura the sacral chakra for Fire * Anahata the heart chakra for love and healing What a powerful card! If you want your own deck, you can get them on my website. May September bring you much joy and healing X
05.01.2022 If youre interested in developing your intuitive powers, meditate on Ajna the third eye chakra This chakra is connected to your 6th sense, that deep intuition of clairvoyance Its here that you can play with visualisation to expand your consciousness... Come and join me at Chakra Yoga Club. Its a short online course that takes you through the chakra system to enhance and deepen your practice. I would love to see you there. The link is in the comments
04.01.2022 Are you a yoga teacher who you would like to include sound healing in your offerings? I have the perfect workshop for you! On Saturday 19th September, I am spending the whole day with a small select group of yoga teachers to show you step-by-step how to use sound healing in your classes, workshops, and /or retreats. ... You dont have to be a musician, and you will walk away ready to start now. Your students will love you even more!
02.01.2022 What an an honour to host Sound Healing Training for Yoga Teachers today. Bianca Teremi owner of Heart and Soul Yoga in Cronulla walked away inspired to start regular monthly music nights at her studio. If you live in the Shire, make sure you check it out. She has the most divine voice and is a great yoga teacher.
02.01.2022 In my happy place with my babies:) Where do you feel the most yourself and content? In case you havent heard Im hosting a special workshop tomorrow for YOGA TEACHERS to show you how to bring SOUND into your classes, workshops and retreats.... This is your last chance to book... get your 30% discount today (thats a $60 saving!) You will walk away with a plan and the confidence to start now. Sound adds a whole new dimension to your teaching and your students will love you even more! This workshop is suitable for beginners and you dont need to be a musician. Use discount code SOUND2020 to claim your discount. LINK IN BIO
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