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Young Medical School in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Child protection service

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Young Medical School

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


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24.01.2022 An Arm Sling should be applied to a wrist, shoulder or arm injury Here's why: It stops the arm from moving ... It protects the arm from further damage It provides comfort to the patient It also improves healing and recovery time Who wants to know how to apply an arm sling? Comment below

21.01.2022 Educating children on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body builds and promotes health and wellbeing

20.01.2022 Did you know the medical instrument doctors and nurses use to check your heart and lungs is called a stethoscope

20.01.2022 Do you have a First Aid kit in your home? Do you know by having a First Aid kit at home you can reduce pain and scarring, minimise the recovery and may even remove the need for a casualty to be treated at a hospital Pretty cool hey

18.01.2022 Learn how to confidently help your baby in a choking emergency! Share to save a life

17.01.2022 Happy New Year Thank you for your support We cannot wait to continue to educate and empower you with life saving skills, techniques and medical knowledge ... May 2021 be a year filled with good health and happiness

14.01.2022 Salim is a brave little boy. He is severely allergic to something that people consume everyday. He does his best to avoid all things dairy however it is everywhere. This causes him to have a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis which he needs emergency medicine called an epipen to save his life. Australia has one of the highest rates of food allergy and hospital anaphylaxis admissions in the world. That is why it is so important to know how and when to give an epipen. Watch the next video to learn about signs and symptoms of allergies, anaphylaxis and how and when to use an epipen

13.01.2022 This is Josh. He is five and when his mum slipped into a diabetic coma he called for help and saved her life. What a hero! This is the reason we do what we do ... Repost BBC News

13.01.2022 Allergies, Anaphylaxis and when & how to use an Epipen

12.01.2022 Swimming is very fun but drowning is a real danger People drown when too much water gets into their lungs. When that happens the lungs can't put oxygen in the blood, brain and the rest of the body. Stay safe this summer ... Never swim alone Don't swim out too far If you're tired get out of the water and rest up Wear a life jacket if you don't know how to swim Always have an adult watch you when you are in water Walk slowly in the pool area, don't run. Don't push or jump on others, you can accidentally hurt someone or yourself Remember if someone has drowned, pull them out of the water if safe to do so. If they are not responding to you and not breathing normally dial 000 ask for an Ambulance immediately and start 30 compressions to 2 breaths. Keep going until help arrives

12.01.2022 Research indicates children will not help their friends in need and generally feel dependant on adults for help. This is also linked to childhood anxiety. Hence, it is a better approach to make children feel responsible and independent by teaching them the skills required to give your child the confidence to assist someone in need and potentially save a life all while having fun.

12.01.2022 Playing sports, accidents and falls often lead to sprains, strains and even fractures The First Aid technique you need to apply is RICER which stands for: Rest. Sit or lay the person down. ... Ice. Use an icepack wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling and pain. Compression. Bandage the area firmly but not too tight. Elevation. Raise the leg by using pillows or using an arm sling for arm injuries. Referral. Have the injured person checked by a Doctor to diagnose the injury. You Hero. You've got this!

11.01.2022 The brain is the most amazing organ in the body It controls everything we do from thinking, remembering, worrying about stuff and dreaming about our future It is a ball of grey tissue which sits in our heads protected by fluid and the skull. ... It is about the size of your 2 fists put together It sends signals using nerves to muscles to make our bodies move. How amazing is that!

09.01.2022 Head Injuries Dial 000 if the person is not responding to you or if they are confused, vomitting or bleeding. If they are responding to you:... Lay them flat Reasure them Support their neck Encourage them to remain still If bleeding, apply direct pressure to wound and wait for help to arrive. If they are not responding to you and they are not breathing normally start CPR (30 compressions and 2 breaths) until help arrives You hero!

09.01.2022 A bone can break in so many different ways and sometimes we cannot see it but we can tell by the amount of pain the patient is in also by the swelling and bruising and a deformity where the body part looks crooked. It is important to apply First Aid and go to the Doctor where they will request an X-ray to determine a fracture. Ever wondered how a bone heals without surgery? ... Within hours the body forms a blood clot around the broken bone to protect it and deliver the cells required for healing The healing tissue joins the broken bones together. It is soft at first but over the coming weeks it gets harder and stronger #amazing Which above fracture would you be able to see without an x-ray?

08.01.2022 Children often become fearful at the sight of someone bleeding or falling unconscious. We eliminate this fear by empowering them with the skills required to deal with a emergency situation no matter where they are.

08.01.2022 The Bladder is a muscular sac that holds your pee until it's time to go to the toilet When the bladder is empty it's about the size of a pear but it can store up to 600mls As you drink your bladder gets bigger and bigger. The nerve endings in the bladder wall send a message to the brain that you need to pee ... During urination the bladder muscles squeeze and two valves open to allow urine to flow out Pee (also called urine) gets rid of the toxins and extra fluid in your body. That is why it is so important to drink plenty of water The darker your pee the more water you need to drink Don't hold your pee in. When it's time to go, you should go. Girls, make sure you wipe front to back to decrease the risk of urinary tract infections

08.01.2022 Someone is having a Seizure What do you do? Remove harmful objects from around them so that they don't injure themselves ... Do not restrain them Time the seizure (If more than 5 minutes dial 000 and ask for an Ambulance Once the jerking stops, turn them onto their side (Turn them immediately if food, vomit or fluid are in their mouth and dial 000 and ask for an Ambulance ) Once the seizure stops they may be confused and drowsy Stay with them Offer reassurance Wait for help to arrive You Hero

07.01.2022 The majority of accidents happen in your own home and its not always the child that requires first aid from the adult. What if something was to happen to the adult or a sibling while your not home? Would your child know what to do?

07.01.2022 Jellyfish Stings Swipe to see If you or someone you know gets stung by a Jellyfish at the beach this summer this is what you need to do: ... Do not rub the sting area Pick off any tentacles and rinse sting area well with SEAWATER Put sting area in hot water for 20 minutes (make sure it's not too hot) If they're still complaining of pain apply a cold pack or ice in a plastic bag for pain relief Call 000 and ask for an Ambulance immediately if: They are still in pain or the sting area is large or in a sensitive area e.g. the eye If they are complaining of nausea or vomitting If they start to complain of muscular pain, chest pain or have trouble breathing. Provide lots of reassurance and stay with them until help arrives

07.01.2022 Over 2.5 million Australians have Asthma and hundreds of deaths are recorded each year. The lack of awareness contributes to this record. Would you know what to do if your friend or class mate has an Asthma Attack?

05.01.2022 An inspiring Doctor Kids enjoy real hands on experience while learning what it takes to become a Doctor at Young Medical School We also teach children the good qualities of a doctor including bravery and remaining calm in an emergency situation, being creative and having compassion.

04.01.2022 Our programs are developed by experienced educators and health care professionals We educate, inspire and teach our kids the skills to protect themselves, their families, schools and our community through health awareness.

03.01.2022 At Young Medical School we dont just teach your child on the importance of hand hygiene, we educate them on germs, how they spread and how they can make us very sick. More importantly we demonstrate ways in which they can protect themselves by providing them with practical and fun activities.

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