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25.01.2022 LET GO BREATHE DEEP KEEP GOING! @thestorytellerco @morganharpernichols ... #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful See more

25.01.2022 Day 5 of World Breastfeeding Week 2020 #wbw2020 There is no one size fits all when it comes to breastfeeding. You dont have to feed exactly the way that you are told to or think you should. There are so many different positions, ways and styles of feeding and what is more important is to find something that works for you. ... If you want to feed lying down, then do it. If you want to feed in public, then do it. If you want to feed to sleep, then do it. If you want to exclusively express, then do it. If you want to feed whilst going back to work, then do it. You do you mama! @jeskapop #antenatalclassesperth #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingperth #dueinoctober #dueinnovember #dueinseptember #40weekspregnant #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #calmbirth #birthwothoutfear #yourbody #yourbirth #lovelysquares #birthphotography #birthphotographyperth #doulasofaustralia #doulasofperth #findadoula #postpartumdoula #birthdoula #birthpartner #birthsupport #perthsmallbusinesses #perthmumstobe #perthmumsandbubsclub #parenttobe #babydue2020

25.01.2022 #repost by the beautiful @kassie.callaghan Did you know that smiling during birth can release tension, encourage oxytocin and help relax that often tight jaw muscle? When youve given it all youve got and it feels like theres nothing else left. Past the point of tired. Feeling the urge to push but being too scared for that process to begin.... I cant to this! I cried. I dont want to anymore, I dont want to! Then your midwife looks up like this (swipe)... Everyone in the room suddenly knows what she knows when she says: Oh, but you already are. Barely a moment passed before that strength that only a mama would know came from the depths, roared through every cell of my body. Two new souls were born - a beautiful babe breathed her first breath, and although I had been a mother for over a year before, a new one awoke from the enlightening experience of a healing labour and birth. @barefootsoul_photography #thenaturalparent #gentleparenting #perthmumsandbubs #lovelysquares #thisisdarling #wombwarrior #wombhealing #womenshealth #fertility #godisawoman #pregnantandperfect #placenta #pregnancybump #babygrowth #labouranddelivery #yesthebump #thirdtrimester #mamatobe #motherly #newmommies #motherhoodintheraw #mymotherhood #breastfeedingjourney #mothering #doula #letsdoulathis #birthkeeper #postpartumhealth

25.01.2022 Anyone else look through old photos of their baby and think how did you grow without me realising!? Its hard to realise just how quick they grow when youre with the almost everyday. I think Aubrey is about 5months in this photo and she is now 16months! She has grown so much, but those chubby cheeks have stuck around. ... #thenaturalparent #gentleparenting #perthmumsandbubs #lovelysquares #thisisdarling #wombwarrior #wombhealing #womenshealth #fertility #godisawoman #pregnantandperfect #placenta #pregnancybump #babygrowth #labouranddelivery #yesthebump #thirdtrimester #mamatobe #motherly #newmommies #motherhoodintheraw #mymotherhood #breastfeedingjourney #mothering #doula #letsdoulathis #birthkeeper #postpartumhealth See more

23.01.2022 Clinical reasoning should always be evidence based!

23.01.2022 Day 2 of World Breastfeeding Week. Boobie fact 1: Backwash is magic! #repost by the ever informative @boobtofood ... Probably my favourite thing I have learnt about breastfeeding is that it is ALIVE and EVER CHANGING to our babies specific and individual needs! Breast milk IS medicine and it is ALWAYS beneficial! Have you heard of the backwash effect before?? That your breast milk composition changes when it detects illness in your baby through their saliva, and then produces antibodies for that illness which is delivered to them in the subsequent breast feeds - this will never not astound me! @chaneensaliee #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #worldbreastfeedingweek #wbw2020 #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

23.01.2022 Birth trauma week

21.01.2022 Caesarean birth is also birth. You are no less of a mother, a woman or a person by having your baby via c-section. It is a shame that there is such a divide in the birth world about what you should and shouldnt do. I feel that the method of birth is important but not THE most important thing. What we should be focusing on is how the mother (and partner) feels afterwards. Often we dictate and tell women you should be having such things as a natural birth, an epidural, an e...pisiotomy, a stretch and sweep, a water birth or a home birth. Instead we should be asking the questions instead: have you had a positive experience? (positive in terms of YOUR perception, not anyone elses) have you any regrets coming away from your birth? have you felt a sense of body autonomy? do you feel content and confident in the choices you made? There is no set way you should give birth. But there is a set way in which you should be treated and respected no matter what birth path you take. As your doula, I will support you no matter what method of birth you choose. Vaginal or c-section, its all birth to me. You are still a mother and you deserve support and care. @wildoakbirth #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful . Posted from @feedpreview.official ! Try now for free!

20.01.2022 If you must read a book during your pregnancy, then pick this one!

20.01.2022 An interesting study on place of birth...

19.01.2022 Today's blog post on is an update of an article I wrote about the case of covert retention of urine after birth. It’s one of those things that... we learn or hear about, and accept, until we dig a bit deeper. At which point we find that it’s not quite as straightforward as we might have been led to believe. It got me to thinking, and ranting - again - about the importance of illumination. Or why we need to think AND consider the context of things rather than just accept what we're told, or what the guideline says. You can see the post at #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #duein2021 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme #informeddecision See more

19.01.2022 Day 6 of World Breastfeeding Week. What is the anatomy of lactation? The human breast contains fatty tissue, support tissue and milk-making glands. Breast milk is produced inside these lobes of glands. The glands contain clusters of alveoli. These are little hollow sacks containing milk-making cells around the outside, and milk that has been produced in the middle. Tubes, called ducts, carry the milk from the alveoli towards the nipple.... When a baby breastfeeds or a breastfeeding woman expresses (and the let-down reflex is triggered), the milk flows out. Pretty amazing right? #antenatalclassesperth #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingperth #dueinoctober #dueinnovember #dueinseptember #40weekspregnant #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #calmbirth #birthwothoutfear #yourbody #yourbirth #lovelysquares #birthphotography #birthphotographyperth #doulasofaustralia #doulasofperth #findadoula #postpartumdoula #birthdoula #birthpartner #birthsupport #perthsmallbusinesses #perthmumstobe #perthmumsandbubsclub #parenttobe #babydue2020 #worldbreastfeedingweek

18.01.2022 Day 3 of World Breastfeeding Week. Boobie fact 2: Our bodies and babies are designed uniquely to breastfeed. #repost by the amazing @gracefullbirth ... Babies mouths have two areas: the hard, bony palate up front and the soft palate at the back, just in front of where that little hangy downy uvula is. One of the reasons a nipple erects, everts, and stretches is to help to get it in the safe zone where the palate is soft. When a baby is latched correctly, the nipple tip stretches back to where the palate is soft, then the tongue massages the nipple to express milk. If baby has a shallow latch, the tongue pinches the nipple tip against the hard roof of the mouth and causes damage. This also happens when there is a tongue tie where the tongue is restricted in its movement. Instead of the middle of the tongue massaging the nipple, the the tongue is anchored to the floor of the mouth and it flicks the nipple, or the middle of the tongue where the restriction is pinches the nipple against the bony palate. Nipples are perfectly designed to withstand breastfeeding. Other than temporary tenderness in the first few days, there should be no pain or damage. If you do get damage, they should heal quickly (within 24-48 hours) if you can get a consistent deep latch. #wbw2020 #worldbreastfeedingweek #breastfeeding #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

18.01.2022 Some great tips for your second trimester. What you do during pregnancy will have great impact on your birth.

18.01.2022 Want some helpful tips and tricks during your pregnancy and in preparation for your birth and postpartum? Why not subscribe to my Doula Archive? I send out monthly newsletters full of information to help support and guide your motherhood journey. ... Want to know about things like: what is colostrum? best positions for birth evidence on gestational diabetes can I exercise during pregnancy? Perth recommended practioners And more! Ive got it all in one easy place for you to inform yourself so you can make the choices that suit you. Subscribers will also get a chance to hear about discounts and monthly deals before anyone else. Link in bio. #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

18.01.2022 With the end of World Breastfeeding Week I think it only fitting to look back on my own breastfeeding journey. Breastfeeding doesnt always start as you had planned. This video was the beginning of mine. No breast in sight. In fact no breastmilk in sight. And those hands holding and feeding my daughter, arent mine. There are my husbands. My daughters feeding journey began with her father and not her mother. Why? Because after birth I needed surgery. I had lost an amount o...f blood after birth and my life was put into the capable hands of the doctors, nurses and surgeons. And my daughters life was put in the capable hands of my husband. With his wife in surgery and a newborn in his arms, and without breasts or any stored breastmilk (colostrum) in sight, he was left to use the only tools he knew to care for his baby - a bottle and some formula. Breastfeeding journeys are often centred around the baby and their mother. But we forget that often the father has some part to play in all this. To the fathers who have had to feed their child via bottle, syringe, tube, formula, pumped milk or colostrum, THANK YOU. To the mothers who like me didnt get the chance to feed their babies breastmilk straight away, YOU ARE AMAZING! No, you havent failed as a mother. Youre breastfeeding journey is just as important. And lastly, to my own husband, who cared and nurtured our baby in her first hours, with as much gentle kindness and softness as a mother would, I LOVE YOU. #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

18.01.2022 November is now booked for me as a doula for another beautiful mama! I only take on one mama a month at the moment, so get in quick! Remember the evidence states that continous labour support (from someone like a doula) is beneficial in many ways. ... Cochrane studies state that: Women who received continuous labour support may be more likely to give birth 'spontaneously', i.e. give birth vaginally with neither ventouse nor forceps nor caesarean. In addition, women may be less likely to use pain medications or to have a caesarean birth, and may be more likely to be satisfied and have shorter labours. Postpartum depression could be lower in women who were supported in labour, but we cannot be sure of this due to the studies being difficult to compare (they were in different settings, with different people giving support). The babies of women who received continuous support may be less likely to have low five-minute Apgar scores (the score used when babies health and well-being are assessed at birth and shortly afterwards). (Bohren MA, Hofmeyr G, Sakala C, Fukuzawa RK, Cuthbert A.) #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

17.01.2022 When you get vomited on by your daughter, then theres no reason not to have a bath with her. I mean just look at that smile of hers... shes planning her next attack for sure #mumlife #vomitcomet

17.01.2022 Due date, shmu date!

16.01.2022 What is the recipe for a calm, connected, confident birth? DARKNESS The birth loving and helping hormones thrive on darkness and dim lighting. Bring on the melatonin. ... SUPPORT Having a partner, midwife or doula who will be there every step of the way. Feeling cared for, loved and supported will bring on an abundance of oxytocin and make the mother feel encouraged and confident. QUIET & CALM Constant interruptions, general chit chat around the birthing mother, asking questions or invasive hospital noises, all have an impact on birth. Absolute silence, quiet talking or soft calm music is usually the best choice for a positive birth. WARMTH & COMFORT When mammals give birth, they find a dark, quiet, warm place that is comfortable and secure. Humans need exactly the same environment. The feeling of home and familiarity is key! BODY AUTONOMY One of the most important things! A positive birth experience, even one that changes or alters from the mothers original plans/wishes, will always be achieved if the mother feels some form of bodily control and respect. Its her body, her baby, her choices. She has the right to make the decision that best suits her. #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

16.01.2022 My absolute favourite photographer

16.01.2022 Skin to skin is just as important before and during birth as it is after birth. We all hear about the benefits of skin to skin post-birth in helping establish breastfeeding and bonding between mum and bub. But did you know that it is just as important while youre pregnant and during the labour and birth? ... Skin to skin during pregnancy: Having skin to skin time (such as hugging) with your partner or with your other children helps keep the love hormone of oxytocin flowing and helps establish bonding between the unborn bub and the rest of the family. Having skin to skin vis your hands touching your pregnant belly, gives you a chance to connect with bub and allow yourself to be more in tune with your pregnant body. Being intimate with your partner (the ultimate skin on skin) during pregnancy is a great natural induction method too! Skin to skin during labour/birth: Having skin to skin during your labour and birth helps calm the nervous system, connect mum and dad, and support all the important birth making hormones. Feeling the touch of your partner, midwife or doulas hand or arms around you during birth helps make you feel supported, secure and confident - all important feelings for a positive birth experience! So dont just leave skin to skin for you and the baby - skin to skin is important throughout your parenting journey @ourordinarydays #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

15.01.2022 Do you know what the cervix is? So many people have either never heard of it, doesnt know where it is or what it does! But the cervix is such an important part of a females body, especially when theres a baby involved. Where is it? ... The cervix is found at the base of the uterus and is considered an organ of the female reproductive tract. It connects the vagina with the main body of the uterus, acting as a gateway between them. What does it look like? When closed and from a birds eye point of view, it looks almost like a closed donut. But the best description is visual, so I encourage you to Google it and see for yourself. It isnt very large, only about 3-5 centimeters thick and 2-3 centimeters across. What does it feel like? The cervix goes through a cycle of being hard like the tip of your nose to feeling soft and flexible like the lips of your mouth, depending on what stage of menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy and labour you are in. What does it do? The cervix acts as the door to the uterus which sperm can travel through to fertilize eggs. When your body is not carrying a baby, your cervix helps keep unhealthy things out of your body, like tampons and bath water. When youre pregnant, the cervix helps keep the baby in place until its fully developed and ready for birth. During labour, with the help of certain hormones and the uterine muscles, the cervix will soften, thin and steadily pull upwards to allow the baby to be born. How amazing is that?! #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

15.01.2022 Day 4 of World Breastfeeding Week 2020. The theme of #wbw2020 is: Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet. ... WHO @who and UNICEF @unicef are calling on governments to protect and promote womens access to skilled breastfeeding counselling, a critical component of breastfeeding support. Breastfeeding provides every child with the best possible start in life... But while breastfeeding is a natural process, it is not always easy. Mothers need support both to get started and to sustain breastfeeding. Skilled counselling services can ensure that mothers and families receive this support, along with the information, the advice, and the reassurance they need to nourish their babies optimally. Breastfeeding counselling can help mothers to build confidence while respecting their individual circumstances and choices. Counselling can empower women to overcome challenges and prevent feeding and care practices that may interfere with optimal breastfeeding, such as the provision of unnecessary liquids, foods, and breastmilk substitutes to infants and young children. Improving access to skilled counselling for breastfeeding can extend the duration of breastfeeding and promote exclusive breastfeeding, with benefits for babies, families and economies. @jennaraecakes

15.01.2022 Day 6 of World Breastfeeding week. #wbw2020 The size of the breast is not related to how well it can produce milk. The amount of milk stored in breasts varies between women; however, it isnt always based on size.... The amount of milk you produce usually depends on how much your baby feeds the more they feed, the more milk youll naturally produce. Many women store more milk in one of their breasts than the other (because that breast has a larger storage capacity). Babies might spend longer feeding on the side with a bigger capacity. This is perfectly normal. Finally, remember that feeding patterns (such as how often or how long they feed from each breast) can vary between babies born to the same mother. #antenatalclassesperth #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingperth #dueinoctober #dueinnovember #dueinseptember #40weekspregnant #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #calmbirth #birthwothoutfear #yourbody #yourbirth #lovelysquares #birthphotography #birthphotographyperth #doulasofaustralia #doulasofperth #findadoula #postpartumdoula #birthdoula #birthpartner #birthsupport #perthsmallbusinesses #perthmumstobe #perthmumsandbubsclub #parenttobe #babydue2020

14.01.2022 #repost by @iamtaniahart mood for the lions gate portal activated.... awake. aware. & in power. remember the potency of your energy. use it to shift worlds. by starting with your own. what you want is here. available. ready. & aching for you. go claim it. #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful See more

13.01.2022 This is the day you became a father almost 2 years ago. Such a beautiful moment captured only hours after birth. Quality skin to skin time at its best. Scott, you have proven yourself to be everything and more of a father that I knew you would be. Today, on Fathers Day, we didnt exactly have the best of days. For some reason or another, Aubrey decided that today would be a great day to test our absolute patience. She didnt want to nap. She didnt want to eat. She compla...ined, cried, whined, yelled and drew us both insane. BUT.... isnt that exactly what fathers day is all about? Being an amazing dad through the harder than hard times. Having stead fast patience, having the ability to be calm and try, try, try again to put her down for a nap. Cuddle her when she complains. Kiss her when she cries. Hold her when she doesnt know how to deal with those difficult toddler emotions. Attempt to make her laugh at your own expense. Play with her out in the drizzling rain, even though you dont want to. Being a dad, is so much more then having lame dad jokes or embarrassing your children. It is a badge of love and honour, that my husband wears proudly and fiercely. Happy Fathers Day! #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #fathersday #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

11.01.2022 This is me in the midst of labour, attempting to cope with the dreaded car ride to the hospital. Almost any mother who has had to make her way to the hospital while in labour, can vouch that it isnt the most comfortable of experiences. During labour, most women will find their bodies want to sway, stay upright or have freedom to go with her contractions.... In the car, you dont have that freedom. You are locked into a seat that only reclines so far. You are strapped in by a seat belt that digs into your bulging belly. Unless you have the darkest of dark tinting, you are out in the open, sometimes in sunlight, with any onlookers from outside looking in. The car is unfortunately, almost always uncomfortable and a vulnerable place for birthing women. One of the many reasons why some women choose to birth at home instead. Because the damn car is just so damn horrible. So what can you do then to make that inevitable (for some) car ride more bearable? Find darkness. We know that labour progresses when you are in a dark or dimly lit place. So close those eyes mama! Or wear an eye mask. Partners, put a t-shirt over her face if you need to. Protect her from the disruption that is light. Find focus. Labour is often made more bearable when mamas listen to music or meditation tracks. Put calming tunes or even sounds of the ocean onto your car radio or wear earphones. Find your focus and zone out. Find familiarity. Something I wish I had remembered was to take a pillow or blanket from home in the car with me. The smells and feelings associated with home act as a barrier to adrenaline and your fight or flight response. Labour needs comfort and homeliness to progress. Lastly, make a plan. Partners its up to you to map out and drive the quickest and safest route to the hospital. Make sure you know where your going before the big day. If you know youre going on a route that goes over speed bumps, find an alternative one! I speak from experience here. Labour and speed bumps do not mix! #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas

11.01.2022 BREECH BABIES Breech presentation occurs when your baby is lying bottom first or feet first in the uterus rather than in a head first position. In early pregnancy, a breech position is very common. Usually a baby will turn into the head first position ready for birth, near the end of your pregnancy. Not all pregnancies are the same however, with about three babies in every hundred presenting as breech. There are three types of breech positions that babies can get into - frank..., complete and footling. First of all, I want to reassure you that having a breech baby doesnt mean you are failing in your pregnancy. It also doesnt mean you have to give up all hopes for a positive birth or a vaginal one. It doesnt mean theres something wrong with your baby or your body. Breech is another mode of NORMAL. This is important to say because I was that mum who felt like a failure. My baby was breech and I remember crying in my car thinking all my preparation had gone to waste and I no longer had control over my body. But I was wrong. I had choices and I could gain the power of body autonomy in other ways. Birth is unique to every single woman and baby! There cannot be one size fits all in birth. There are always ways to make choices that suit you and your breech baby. It never means you have to give up and give over control. It just means your original birth plan has to deviate slightly. So what are your options then? have a ECV performed to turn the baby manually by a trained OB get acupuncture swim do what relaxes you get massages do @spinningbabies exercises do @hypnobirthingaustralia moxibustion chiropractor manipulation go for regular walks talk to your baby Your baby may turn eventually on its own. Or it may not. Control what you can control. Youve got this mama! @bumpsandboobs #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers

09.01.2022 Is breastfeeding a learned skill or a natural instinct? What was your breastfeeding journey like? Mine was definitely on the learned skill side of things. Me and my daughter had to learn how to feed together and it was a challenging first few months to say the least. ... But some mothers, it just comes as easy as breathing. Following instinct and their own natural cues. @misskyreeloves #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

09.01.2022 Have you thought about how your partner will go during your birth? When I asked a mothers group what the main reason they hired a doula was, one of the most popular answers was: to help my partner. So for one, this shows me just how selfless women can be. For a mother, who is about to go through something as epic as birth, to think about helping her partner as one of her priorities, it pretty darn beautiful.... Secondly, this saddens me that women either dont have confidence in their partners, or partners dont have the confidence in themselves. For a long time, fathers were not allowed in the birthing room. Men would wait, and maybe even go to the pub (big generalisation) while his wife would give birth, and not get the opportunity to witness their child being born or a chance to learn how they can even help. And trust me, they can help. Partners of birthing women have a role to play in the birth too. In fact, you could argue that partners have one of the most important parts. Birth is more positively experienced if the mother feels safe, loved and supported. Birth hormones love these three things! And these three things, partners have the ability to influence. How to make her feel safe: hold her be her strength when she feels she has none left ensure her space is set up with familiarities be there beside her or near her (dont browse on your phone ) How to make her feel loved: kiss her hold her hug her give her back or belly rubs whisper that you love her dance with her sway with her connect with her How to make her feel supported: physically support her body when she needs it let her cry on your shoulder if she needs it let her yell, roar, moan and squeeze your hands get in the bath or shower with her stand up for her when she cant voice her wishes to medical staff Other things you can do: do external birth education classes with her practice with her work alongside her doula and other support team (dont expect them to do it all) I mean just look at the safety, love and support that this partner is showing this mama!

09.01.2022 World Breastfeeding Week #wbw2020 01/08 - 08/08 A week of celebration. A week of education. ... A week of wonder. A week of thankfulness. A week of sacrifice. Did you know the world average age for being breastfed is 4 years old?! #breastfeedingweek #antenatalclassesperth #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingperth #dueinoctober #dueinnovember #dueinseptember #40weekspregnant #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #calmbirth #birthwothoutfear #yourbody #yourbirth #lovelysquares #birthphotography #doulasofaustralia #doulasofperth #findadoula #birthdoula #birthpartner #birthsupport #perthsmallbusinesses #perthmumstobe #perthmumsandbubsclub #parenttobe #babydue2020 #babycountdown

04.01.2022 Ive got a few new followers lately and thought Id say welcome! If youre a mama or mama to be then congratulations! What an exciting journey you are about to embark on. My name is Emma, and I am a birth doula offering services to women in Perth, Western Australia. A doula offers continuous non-medical emotional and physical support to women during pregnancy, birth and beyond. I am also a mother, a wife, an artist and a high-school teacher. I have a beautiful cheeky daugh...ter, and our little family of three lives in the Perth hills. Nothing makes me happier than being outside with a proper coffee made by my husband, and attempting to steal as many kisses and cuddles from my toddler. My mission is to be your bump, birth and bub companion. Through the beautiful and the challenging moments, I will be there. To help support you in discovering who you truly are and want to be as a mother. I will be your "birth sister" who believes in you, your body and your baby. You CAN have a birth that is calm, confident and connected. I am your support system, your cheer squad, your doula... YOUR BIRTH MAMA Are you looking for support during your mama journey? Book a free consult now (link in bio). @gracevivienphoto #thenaturalparent #gentleparenting #perthmumsandbubs #lovelysquares #thisisdarling #wombwarrior #wombhealing #womenshealth #fertility #godisawoman #pregnantandperfect #placenta #pregnancybump #babygrowth #labouranddelivery #yesthebump #thirdtrimester #mamatobe #motherly #newmommies #motherhoodintheraw #mymotherhood #breastfeedingjourney #mothering #doula #letsdoulathis #birthkeeper #postpartumhealth

02.01.2022 LOVE and CONNECTION IN BIRTH. #repost by @artshapedphotography The connection between the birthing person and the birthing partner is a love story of its own enchantment.... To witness a mother in between surges is to testify the extraordinary strength that allows her to travel to the realm of the unknown, grab her baby to bring him earthside and meanwhile stay anchored to her earthling love, her grounding peace, that brings them both back here and now. #thenaturalparent #gentleparenting #perthmumsandbubs #lovelysquares #thisisdarling #wombwarrior #wombhealing #womenshealth #fertility #godisawoman #pregnantandperfect #placenta #pregnancybump #babygrowth #labouranddelivery #yesthebump #thirdtrimester #mamatobe #motherly #newmommies #motherhoodintheraw #mymotherhood #breastfeedingjourney #mothering #doula #letsdoulathis #birthkeeper #postpartumhealth See more

01.01.2022 Something that is so important when on the path to a positive birth experience. The more in touch and at ease you are with who you are, in mind, body and soul, then the more in touch you will feel during labour and birth. For example:... if you are at ease with your body - comfortable with feeling it, knowing it, touching it, hearing it, really understanding it, then you wont need someone instructing you how to push your baby out. You will already know how. You will know your own bodys cues. You will already know your own instincts. You can trust and respect you own innate bodily wisdom! Youve got this mama! #mypregnancyjourney #newparent #wecantwaittomeetyou #ourlittlemiracle #doulaservice #birthcenter #birthsupport #birthsupportperth #perthdoula #perthdoulas #perthhillsdoula #perthmumtobe #mumsofperth #secondtrimester #due2020 #duedate #pregnantinapandemic #doulasofinstagram #informedbirth #evidencebasedbirth #birthworkers #prenatalcare #birtheducation #birthchoices #naturalchildbirth #empoweredbirth #ownyourbirth #hypnobirthingworks #birthisbeautiful

01.01.2022 I am only taking on one lucky mama per month at the moment. Are you feeling nervous or unsure about birth and labour? Do you want to feel supported and cared for during a special and transformative time? ... Lets have a chat and see if a birth doula is something for you? Book through my website or email me on [email protected]

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