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Your Finance Angels

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25.01.2022 #FunFriday ... What r you looking forward to on the weekend?

25.01.2022 #HotTip Believe it or not, interest rate isnt everything. Thats right! With the right product, used in the right way you can save thousands off your mortgage over the term of the loan.

24.01.2022 #WhatDoYouThink Theres a real debate about this ... Which is better? Plan A - Buy a home Or ... Plan B - Buy an investment property and rent See more

24.01.2022 Here I am out and about in my local area of Whitehorse. At the recent 4th birthday celebrations for the Women of Whitehorse event held Mitcham Social, I was lucky enough to be introduced to @CouncillorPrue Cutts and Councillor @Raylene Carr by @ElizabethDumonic Jennifer Brosnan Women of Whitehorse does a wonderful job of connecting the Women of Whitehorse and helping them grow their businesses And then to find my pic in the local paper was an added thrill!... Id love to know if youve had your picture in the paper?

23.01.2022 Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) - Undisclosed Debts Just when you thought lending couldn't get any more complicated, Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) for Home Loan, Personal Loan or designated Overdrafts is going live from mid-September 2019 for the remaining major lenders. You'll now have more detailed information displayed on your credit report than ever before. Those people who used to live in the UK or NZ have had this for quite some time, but here in Australia..., it's taken a while to be fully implemented. The CCR information includes: The financial institution where the account is held - ANZ, NAB etc The type of account that is held Personal Loan, Home Loan, Overdraft or Credit Card Account dates - open and closed (where applicable) Current account liability (for loans, the balance plus redraw amount) or credit limit The account repayment history, including: o When payments are made on time o When payments are more than 14 days late for the last 24 months Banks will now cross-references this new CCR information against loan applications to work out what lending you have at other financial institutions, and most importantly whether or not this lending has: been listed on the loan application; OR the limits or amounts owing that the same or different to what's been declared in the application AND ... this includes those Credit Cards you have tucked away ... just in case but don't use!! To ensure a smooth application process, you can make sure all your current lending is entered into the application correctly, including: a. The Loan Purpose - Refinance, Purchase etc. b. If you're refinancing, make sure the loan being repaid is listed as a current liability and confirm that it'll be cleared with the proceeds of the new loan c. And that all secured liabilities and assets are linked to the right owner(s) If you mess up at the time you submit a loan, it'll probably mean a delay in the overall decision on your application.

22.01.2022 Such a lovely surprise... a lovely, lovely note from some clients I so love working with ... anr a beautiful bunch of flowers as well.

21.01.2022 I SO love the joy that receiving flowers from my clients brings to my heart. Thank you very much Stephanie and Peter Kakris for this glorious bunch ... I lift my head up from my work and there are these beauties, a fabulous reminder of how much I love what I do!!

21.01.2022 #DidYouKnow #Freebie How To Make An Offer In Writing To Buy A Property This is a template you can use to make an offer on a property youre interested in buying. ======EMAIL OFFER TEMPLATE====== To whom it may concern,... I would like to make an offer on _______St ______ for $.. My preferred settlement time would be Weeks. This offer is subject to finance approval, my solicitor reviewing the contract and any Strata reports and or building and pest inspectiots I may carry out. ======= EMAIL OFFER TEMPLATE====== Best of luck... and if you need any ideas on finance, 2nd opinion or a pre-approval to go shopping... then I invite you to message me today for a complimentary chat.

21.01.2022 #WhatFun #LearntSoMuch Last night we learnt so much. Thanks Michael Mamasis for some really good information on what to keep in mind when were looking for a property AND grow our portfolios more quickly! If youre interested in finding out how to prepare yourself for buying an investment property, then I encourage you to get in touch and find out what you have to do to be Finance Ready!

21.01.2022 UNLOCK THE CASH IN YOUR ... OR SOMEONE ELSES BACKYARD Tuesday 7th August 2018 @Junktion... If youre interested in Property Investment and or development, then this will be a very interesting evening, Ivas got a lot of experience and is really enthusiastic about what she does.

20.01.2022 Id love to know Whats your funniest experience at an open inspection ... Post your comments below.

20.01.2022 #DidYouKnow ... a lot of Australians are paying too much on their Mortgage!! Home owners have yet to take advantage of Australias record-low interest rates. So many home owners who refinance are putting $$$ back in their pockets ... EVERY month. ... Refinancing is fast and easy, and can often save you thousands and thousands over the life of your home loan. If you havent looked at your mortgage in the last couple of years, chances are you are paying too much. Send us a PM, an email or give us a call and have a chat and find out if you could be paying less interest on your mortgage! #RecordLow #InterestRates #MortgageBroker #Mortgage #Broker #HomeLoan #Refinance #SavingstobeMade

19.01.2022 #Promo #Freebie #Event Is your business in need of an extra burst of money ... to grow, to re-model, to move premises, to add employees or that bit of extra funding just to make day-to-day-cash flow that little bit easier? Then Christine Stow and I invite you to come along and find out some of the options available to business owners here in Australia. ... Were holding a joint Meetup: Finding the Money for Your Business: What Are the Options? Well be discussing a range of different options that include Grants as well as traditional and non-traditional finance options and what you need to think about BEFORE you apply.

15.01.2022 If you could sit on this bench for 1 hour with anyone from the past or present, who would it be? #Inspiration #Mentoring

15.01.2022 #Inspiration Your life is right now. Its not later.... Its not in that time of retirement. Its not when the lover gets here. Its not when youve moved into the new house. Its not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because its not ever going to get better than right now ... until it gets better right now! ~ Abraham Hicks

15.01.2022 #DidYouKnow Despite everything in the media on the mortgage broking industry, some of which has been pretty critical particularly in the last few months ... and some of which hasnt even been correct, Heather Baister from Deloittes has said ... People may look at general media to get an understanding of how mortgages and products might work, but for decisions they seek specific support.... In the Deloitte Australian Mortgage Report 2018, based on a roundtable discussion and survey of some of the biggest decision makers in the mortgage industry, it found that the popularity of mortgage brokers among the public continues to defy media criticism and ongoing scrutiny. IN FACT, there was a resounding vote of confidence for whara called the third-party channel ... brokers are viewed as a significant source of information for consumers. If youre thinking of doing anything that involves applying for finance, then I invite you to touch base with me and find out if youre finance ready and potentially what you can start doing to put yourself in place where youre more likely to get a YES to your application.

15.01.2022 #HotTip: Watch your credit card limit! Even if your balance is zero, the higher your limit the lower your borrowing capacity ... Depending on the lender ofcourse! If youre paying your credit card IN FULL EVERY MONTH, then there are still a couple of lenders who understand that youre really good with your money!... So I invite you to get in touch with me and have a chat ...

14.01.2022 That lovely warm feeling you get when you give a client good news far quicker than anyone would have thought possible ... and the client lets you know that you've made their day!!

13.01.2022 #DidYouKnow Your borrowing capacity can vary by over $200,000 depending on which lender you use?? Big contrast! So if your current lender isnt giving you the funds you need - get a 2nd opinion ... you may just get the loan you want ... and possibly with better terms

13.01.2022 A lovely note with some beautiful flowers from an incredible young couple with some amazing dreams and goals. I loved helping them achieve the purchase of their first home together. Thank you Tom and Carla.

13.01.2022 Your thoughts are magic. Not one of them goes unheeded by the Universe. Whatever it is you think and feel the great Universal energy stands up and says, "I second it." Pam Grout

10.01.2022 #DidYouKnow There are around 2.5 million casual employees in Australia, thats a quarter of working Aussies. This number has remained steady over the past two decades, only rising one percent since 1996. Thats why there are now some lenders who accept applications from customers who work casual, part time, and in probation periods ... not just those who are in full time roles.... If this is you and youre thinking of purchasing or refinancing property, then I invite you to get in touch and find out just how much you can borrow. :)

10.01.2022 Its #FunFriday !! Life doesnt always have to be so serious REMEMBER to laugh and have Fun. What will you do to MAKE IT FUN today?

10.01.2022 #Inspiration Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. Its a dare. Impossible is potential. ... Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. ~ Muhammad Ali to happiness.

10.01.2022 #Inspiration I think this is a much more fun way to live ... what do you think? Live out of your imagination, not your history. Stephen Covey

09.01.2022 Im really looking forward to this

09.01.2022 Thank you to Adela and Didier for the beautiful flowers, they made my day. It was a pleasure to help you into your first home together!

09.01.2022 I'm so lucky, I have such beautiful clients. Thanks to COVID, this one was a bit more challenging than usual, but we got there in the end.

08.01.2022 Its so exciting to receive messages like this ... thanks Stephanie Kakris!

08.01.2022 Im passionate about helping people understand the world of mortgages. Not many people have the money to buy property with cash alone :) ... most of us need a mortgage if were going to fulfil the dream of owning property, whether thats to purchase a home to live in or to rent to someone else. I didnt grow up in banking, so I completely understand how daunting the mortgage world can be ... and I simply love either watching the person in front of me ... or hearing the ch...ange in their voice on the phone ... transform as understanding dawns on them and the pennies drop into place. I invite you to get in touch and make a time to catch up to see whats possible for you

08.01.2022 How lucky am I ... I received this beautiful bunch of flowers from a client with the most wonderful note thanking me for my help ... I helped these clients purchase their first home when no-one else was able to and now Ive helped them turn that home into 2 stunning townhouses. I love what Im able to help my clients achieve.

06.01.2022 If youre interested in what may or may not be happening in the property market this year, then I invite you to come along to our Meetup on the 19th Feb at the Junktion in Kew and join in the conversation.

04.01.2022 And the note read ... You literally are my finance angel! I cannot tell you how amazed & happy I am (although you probably wouldve gathered already!) Thankyou for making my dream come true!!

04.01.2022 This month Ive been invited to speak to speak at the Mazenod College Expert Seminar and youre invited to attend. This is the link with all the details ... itd be great to have you along ... the more the merrier

04.01.2022 #HotTip Would you love to buy a home but the amount you need to save for a deposit so you dont have to pay a higher interest rate and Lenders Mortgage Insurance seems totally daunting? We have lenders on our panel who do whats called Guarantor Loans, where a family member with a home can help you get into a home of your own.... If this is something that youd like to find out more about, then comment below, pm me or give me a call and make a time to chat about whether or not this could work for you. #FirstHome #HomeLoan

03.01.2022 #HotTip How 1 Mortgage-Reduction Act Could Save You thousands of dollars, if not 10s of thousands ... depending on the size of your mortgage of course :) Theres no worse feeling than over-paying for something its like pouring money down the drain.... And yet, thousands of Australians waste millions of dollars collectively every day, by overspending on mortgage products they dont know how to use to their advantage and paying higher interest rates than they need to. There are some very simple strategies that can save you thousands off your mortgage if you understand the basics of how. If youre interested in having your mortgage reviewed, then I invite you to get in touch and make a time to see if theres a product better suited to your circumstances than the one youve currently got.

03.01.2022 It's so exciting to receive messages like this ... thanks Stephanie Kakris!

03.01.2022 Im hosting an event on the 27th November ... if youre interested in #PropertyInvesting and #SelfManagedSuperFunds (#SMSF) then I invite you to come along and meetup with a great group of people and pick the brains of some really knowledgeable and nice experts in the finance and investing space.

02.01.2022 #WhatDoYouThink It never ceases to surprise me just how many property owners and especially homeowners take a set-and-forget approach to their mortgage. This approach can potentially cost you thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars! Banks love these type of clients because they help them make more money.... Because ... interest rates go up and down; banks change their loan products and conditions from time to time; and your circumstances change over time as well ... ... the mortgage you took several years ago may or may not suit your current needs anymore. OR maybe you just never realised how much you could save in interest with a couple of very simple changes to the way you utilise the bank products youve probably already got. Some people think its too much of a hassle, while some others just arent aware of how much money they can potentially save if they keep an eye on their mortgage. If youre curious to learn how you can lower your mortgage debt more quickly, then I invite you to connect and make a time to chat. #mortgagereduction #savemoneyonmymortgage #beatthebanks

02.01.2022 #Event #Freebie TUESDAY PROPERTY INFO NIGHT @Junktion 7th August from 6:30pm Come along and enjoy Lamb Night @Junktion along with a group of very friendly and highly motivated property investors.... This time weve got Iva Norris AMAZON #1 BEST SELLING Author of Unlock the Cash in Your Backyard to talk to us about just that - How we can Unlock the Cash in our own back yards and/or - How we can do it with other peoples back yards. If youre at all interested in property investing and developing, then this is a great night to be hear in the Corner Bar, enjoying their great LAMB and mixing with some great people.

01.01.2022 #DidYouKnow We currently have the lowest interest rates in Australian history. So what does this mean for you? It means that you could be:... ~ saving yourself interest on your home loan by pretending the interest rate is higher and paying the higher amount, ~ possibly be able to borrow more ~ potentially become the owner of an investment property. Got questions? Then I invite you to message us or call 0409 558 809 to speak to a FBAA approved Credit Adviser today!

01.01.2022 Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) - Undisclosed Debts Just when you thought lending couldnt get any more complicated, Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) for Home Loan, Personal Loan or designated Overdrafts is going live from mid-September 2019 for the remaining major lenders. Youll now have more detailed information displayed on your credit report than ever before. Those people who used to live in the UK or NZ have had this for quite some time, but here in Australia..., its taken a while to be fully implemented. The CCR information includes: The financial institution where the account is held - ANZ, NAB etc The type of account that is held Personal Loan, Home Loan, Overdraft or Credit Card Account dates - open and closed (where applicable) Current account liability (for loans, the balance plus redraw amount) or credit limit The account repayment history, including: o When payments are made on time o When payments are more than 14 days late for the last 24 months Banks will now cross-references this new CCR information against loan applications to work out what lending you have at other financial institutions, and most importantly whether or not this lending has: been listed on the loan application; OR the limits or amounts owing that the same or different to whats been declared in the application AND ... this includes those Credit Cards you have tucked away ... just in case but dont use!! To ensure a smooth application process, you can make sure all your current lending is entered into the application correctly, including: a. The Loan Purpose - Refinance, Purchase etc. b. If youre refinancing, make sure the loan being repaid is listed as a current liability and confirm that itll be cleared with the proceeds of the new loan c. And that all secured liabilities and assets are linked to the right owner(s) If you mess up at the time you submit a loan, itll probably mean a delay in the overall decision on your application.

01.01.2022 I love this John Stavrakis!

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