Your One and Only in Camden, New South Wales, Australia | Business service
Your One and Only
Locality: Camden, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4655 1563
Address: 1/14 Hill Street 2570 Camden, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Brilliant.
23.01.2022 Here's Stace's tip for proofing your design. Hit Command+I and check your spelling BEFORE outlining any text. Sounds simple I know, but it happens a lot. Often as designers when we're given copy to place into a design we often assume that it's correct, that it's been proofed and the only changes that should be made to the copy from there onwards should be in the form of word culling (in case there's too much copy for the page). And though... most of the time we read through it thoroughly there's always the odd 'practice' instead of 'practise' or 'their' in place of 'there'. If a design needs to be printed or uploaded online, often it requires the designer to create an outline of the text so the font that's been used isn't changed on the screen for the end-user. The last thing you want is a deliciously thick sans serif font being defaulted to Times New Roman right before it goes to print. Whilst you're at it, always duplicate your files so you have an active font version and an outlined version. Even though everyone's signed off on it you never know if it will come back with 'one last change' and you end up with a file that ends in R53_fuckthisshit_final.pdf See more
23.01.2022 Legit. While we still watch what's going on around us (you'd be ignorant not to), we don't waste time sweating the small stuff. Sure, there are people out there doing what we do. ... Sure their prices may differ and they may be getting work. But do you know what they can't be? Us. There is a very unique vibe with us here at YO&O. If you've met us, you'd know it. We're bloody good at what we do, but we know how to have a good time doing it. If we spend too much time focussing on what's going on around us, it detracts our attention from zoning in on what is important. We invest our time into us. At the end of the day someone is ALWAYS going to do what you do, in some cases better. Though it's not just about what you do, it's about HOW you do it. That my friends is the secret ingredient. Your brand isn't just a price, it isn't just a service, it's a whole being. Once people buy into your culture and your people, you've created a relationship. And if it's a good one, then no competitor, regardless of how good they are, can break that. Focus on your path, you know where you're headed. Ignore the rest, if they're following you, they're always 2 steps behind. #youdoyouboo See more
23.01.2022 It's a 'push Stacey into a bush' type of day. Note: This was a love tap.No-one was harmed in the taking of this photo. Except maybe Nikki's (Heist Creative) abs as she lost her shit laughing as she took it. GOOD TIMMMMMMES.
23.01.2022 Here’s to the weekend (and an extra long one for us in NSW, QLD & SA ) and longer days! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS COME AT USSSSSSS. @storyofmyfuckinglife
22.01.2022 Looking for more ways to engage your audience with your content? I (Stace) have written a blog about how graphics like illustrations and icons can help connect your audience to your brand and help you communicate messages with ease and a bit of fun. I even give you a few handy hints on where you can start if you have, well... no idea! ... Check out this blog for more >> PS. These illustrations? Just part of the growing collection we’ve done for The Digital Picnic
22.01.2022 What does a creative look like? Look we dunno what everyone else looks like, but this is what our crazy creative nutters look like. You do you boo.... #insaneinthemembrane See more
22.01.2022 Look, we understand the importance of maintaining good relationships, this isn’t what we’re referring to with this post. What we are referring to is businesses being beat down for someone else’s agenda, whatever that may be. Thankfully we have amazing clients who value and respect us, but do you know why? Because we put out the right messages that attract the right people. ... Read through all of our channels and the message is consistent; who we are, what we do, why we exist, who we’re here for. And in a lot of instances, who we’re not here for. Because guys... we can’t please them all. True to form if someone gets in touch and we find we don’t mesh (honestly they’re usually from community notice boards where people haven’t even read anything about us) we tell them straight up. There’s a reason we ask for a budget on our contact page. We don’t want to waste your time and if we’re being honest, we don’t want ours wasted either. The people who know what we’re about value our opinion and that’s what they’re essentially paying for. It also makes the relationship so much more authentic because the connection is there before the process has begun. It’s not about the money, it’s deeper than that. Aka BRAND. When you bring your vibe, you attract your tribe (ha, like that one?) So if you find yourself getting stuck with horrible clients, it might be time to have a geezer at the content you’re putting out and the message your sending. See more
20.01.2022 Yeah, no sorry. This is a massive step backwards. EDIT: Not replacing the Australian Made logo, it's replacing the 'Australian Unlimited logo'. More in comments.
20.01.2022 By now, you should all be aware that it's World Suicide Prevention Day and R U OK Day. I (Tara) want to share my experience with you all. Most of you would know that Ive been through a shit storm the past year. It all became extremely overwhelming in May when my son Ari, had a transplant in the midst of a pandemic all whilst trying to run a business. At the time I questioned whether I wanted to share what I was going through, in the case that some may have judged me for a classic over-sharer who just wanted attention. Given the nature of the topic, I felt it was more important to talk about it, not only to share awareness of the disease Ari had but to somewhat journal my feelings. We're often relying on our strong friends to lean on, but sometimes, our strongest friends are the ones who need help the most. In my case, I am that strong friend, and while some people would find it hard to show what they would consider 'weakness, I chose to reframe it as strength, because it's not a weakness to speak. The point is, my support network REALLY came to the party and I cant imagine what life would have been like without them. We had people offering bottles of hand sanitiser that was (at the time) stripped from the shelves so that our family could protect our immunosuppressant baby. We had friends cook for us, look after our dogs, collect our mail, message us and so much more. This isn't just about us asking others if they're OK, but it's also about asking ourselves if we're OK and reaching out for help if we're not. Everyone's version of being 'OK' is different and it's important that we all be a little understanding of what one person can handle. While the problem may seem minute on the outside, deep down, it could be a series of things that lead to one big problem. Especially now with Covid. Someone that could have seemed completely fine before may be experiencing their first bout of anxiety or depression, whether it be financial stress, isolation, or the feeling of complete and utter overloading (homeschooling, working, home life juggle.. hello mums I SEE YOU, I FEEL YOU). It's OK to not be OK but ask for help if you need it. Please know that if you need to reach out please know there are services available, like Beyond Blue(1300 22 4636) and Lifeline (13 11 14), available to speak to in person or online in a live chat.
20.01.2022 Stace, Tara and Sam
19.01.2022 Well, this is cool! An informative and emotional video done very creatively.
18.01.2022 34 ain't so bad you know.. #itstarasbirthday #midthirtiesyo
18.01.2022 This awesome planner right here? We did this one with Emma from CANVAST a few months back and just quietly it sounds and looks AH-MAZE. BUT GUESS WHAT? We've been working on Canvast 2.0 and it's coming out soooooon! We can't wait to share that with you, Em has done a bang-up job on this one. #goalchaser
17.01.2022 Technical design is just as important as having a design eye. I (Stacey) was lucky enough to be trained by someone who would drill the importance of this into me. When I first started in the industry, I met Shane. We didnt know each other well but after seeing my portfolio he laughed and said I didnt expect it to be that good, Ive shown it to my boss and he's keen for you to come in for an interview. 2 weeks later I had started at his agency as a Junior to be trained as ...a Finished Artist. Not exactly what I had in mind but I was stoked to have a foot in the industry. A Finished Artist role is technical. It's about taking a piece of created artwork already developed by a designer, then rolling it out across a variation of sizes/layouts, then setting it up correctly for output. I worked under Shane for a while as he taught me the ropes before funnily enough, my colleague who worked in the creative team, Tara (lol!), would suggest that I should be trained under her instead. She saw potential in me for creativity and who knew wed be here today?! We were a tight-knit team and Id send all of my artwork to Shane to proof and was often met with Stacey, come here and tell me whats wrong with this. This happened a lot as I was learning. Hed explain to me why I should be using certain colours, layers, and resolution for different executions. How to resize images correctly, how to breakdown die cuts, and setting up rulers and guides. He taught me most of the program short keys that have now become second nature and would tell me off when I would slack on using them. Id have a notepad scribbled full of notes at my desk. He was incredible at what he did and I dont think Id be the designer I am today without him. Its all about building with a strong foundation and a piece of creative that has been technically set up will always stand out next to a design thats been whipped up with little consideration.
17.01.2022 Oh look, we have a definition for 2020. #thefuckeningisuponus
16.01.2022 You may have seen some of the reels we've been posting recently on Insta? If you haven't, we've been making sure that we're showcasing a little behind the scenes stuff of the extensive work behind design, cause we hate to break it to ya, Photoshop doesn't have a magic tool that goes 'WHOOSH' magic, have a logo (and for the record, 99.99999% of logos are done in Illustrator). So what actually goes on? Well, a SHITE load of research, we mean some of that is o...nly just seen by the clients experiencing the project first hand. Hours of reading, researching, scamping, drawing, erasing, drawing again, finding typography, changing the weight, transforming the shape you get the point. This is simply why we have always been a 'quality over quantity' brand. Our whole philosophy is 'don't put shit out to market' meaning we aren't about doing fast projects in order to gain a buck. We're about the ideation, thinking, planning, finding that hidden meaning that creates a point of difference - and as we said, these things take time. It's usually a case of that idea is good, but is it really great? When we have that feeling in our guts that says something is special, we'll make sure the strategy is heard by our client. Thing is with design, we can see the trends emerging before they've hit, that's our job. We make sure we take the things of importance and build some form of longevity, all of this takes a lot of reading and research. And that friends, is why we take our time. See more
16.01.2022 "Let us put it this way, if some people get offended over something you believe in, are they even people you want to be working with anyway?" Premium member Tara Ladd, Founder and Creative Director of Your One and Only, shared her thoughts on the social responsibility of businesses today.
13.01.2022 Hey, Tara here. It's been a red hot minute since I've actually sat down and reassessed our last year. As most of you would know, it's been a fricking ride. Pregnancy > Post Natal/Mat leave > Sick kid > Return to work > Bushfires> Floods > Pandemic > Iso > Transplant > Growth. Add like 10 hospital stays in the mix there and WTAF was this past year. I just feel like I was thrown in a washing machine and have been trying to get my way out ...since. But do you know what else I made sure I gave myself? Some damn recognition. Not only was I trying to put on a brave face, but I was also still managing to keep everything afloat. Not without dropping a few spinning plates along the way. Because as we all know, in order for areas to thrive, some areas fall down. I'm the type of person who likes to be in control, so I found out when I spoke to all-round legend Megan Luscombe *looks away awkwardly*. Yet all of those things above? TOTALLY UNCONTROLLABLE situations. So even though it's been a really, REALLY hard year. I've come out with this whole new outlook and perspective. An understanding of how I work as a person, what I need to improve on, but most of all, that I need to give myself a bloody gold star for what I just went through. When it was all happening, it was like an out of body experience, it's only now that I look back on it all and go shit. And while I was dealing with this, everyone else also had their own version of life they were dealing with. These past few months have been bloody hard. Things none of us expected and I think it's time we were all a little kinder to ourselves. It's not that we CAN'T manage, it's that it's impossible to in most cases. 1 plate will always fall to keep another 1 up. So, regardless of what you've personally been dealing with, give yourself some recognition x See more
12.01.2022 What is going on friends? We (Stace and Sam) are coming back to you today, hot for 2021. While we know that it's been another weird start, again we're braced and ready to expect the unexpected. Less do this.
12.01.2022 And then there were 3. Sam (far right) is our new Studio Manager - aka, our gatekeeper. We've just been growing and growing and we were well beyond the point of needing someone, it just happened at a time where things were a little uncertain. But, we bit the bullet and went for it. We'll give you a better intro as the week goes on!... For now, we FINALLY feel back in control and are giving our current clients that much-deserved love that they need from the creative team (Tara and Stace) while Sam manages all of our new peeps and studio stuff* *Stuff being a shit tonne of other things. See more
12.01.2022 Tara here. Do you know how many times Stace and I have been asked if we're sisters? Like SO many times it's an ongoing joke now. The short answer is no, we're not. BUT, PLOT TWIST.... Sam and I are. And we legit look nothing alike. She's tall, I'm short. She's basically translucent white and I've got olive skin. Red hair, brown hair. Catch the gist. And to those playing at home, yeh, my kid also has red hair, just like his aunty. WHAT EVEN? So there's a fun fact for ya. REJOICE, someone is related after all. See more
11.01.2022 To all of our Victorian mates, we're feeling for you at the moment. Please let us support you and drop your business handles in our comments! Let's share the love far and wide! #supportoneanother
11.01.2022 Simplicity is key! When you're incorporating design into any form of communication be it branding collateral, social media posts or promotional posters the simpler the better. Too often we see people using design in the wrong way. Design is meant to communicate and/or enhance a message, not overpower or overwhelm it. It's used as an assistance to make the message stronger. ... For instance, if you're communicating a large body of copy, a great way to simplify it is to bring in some graphics like iconography to split the content into sections. It gives a brief idea of what the assisting content will consist of and makes it easier for the reader to digest. It's known that the millennial generation can absorb and skim read content quickly, so it gives them the ability to do that. Generally, most people have 3 seconds (I'm assuming less now) to grab someone's attention, if you don't have some kind of hierarchy message to quickly draw in and attract because there is too much going on, the whole message is lost. Less is more. See more
10.01.2022 When I (Tara) first signed the commercial lease for the YO&O studio, my heart was in my throat. What if I couldn't make the payment? What if I lost clients? Could I get out of it if I needed to? ... How much of a hit is this going to be to the bottom line? Well, the same thing happened when I made our new hire recently (more on that soon). I freaked out thinking I was becoming a little ambitious with cash flow (especially during Covid) and was I making a huge mistake. Same vibes reared their ugly head that I felt when I signed the lease. But do you know what? Once I signed the least and the contracts, the feeling of 'what if' kicked in and I bloody went to work on making sure that the 'what if' turned into a positive and that none of the above concerns would impact how we moved forward as a business. This is the type of stuff everyone talks about with taking risks, I mean sure we need to be risk assertive but the way I looked at it was - these things are an investment that will inevitably grow my business. Literally within weeks of making both of those two big decisions (18m apart), we signed two amazing clients (at each time) onto 12-month retainers. It's that (and man I hate this word, I don't know why) abundance mindset. It's also being shit scared you're not going to make bank so you work your damn ass off so you do. My point. Take the risks that are worth those rewards. If you know good things will come from it, go for it. You'll find you'll up your game automatically. As the goalposts move, you'll make bigger decisions, that's just business! And before you know it, you'll be dishing out your experience to those who follow behind you. See more
10.01.2022 Sounds about right!
10.01.2022 Shhhhh. Monday loading...
09.01.2022 GUYS! We've been flat stick in the studio lately (brace yourselves there's an influx coming). This one? A little bit of a sneaky peek at something we're doing for the bloody legends over at Clever Cookie Academy Downright good humans that lot. ... In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the cute gif we made JUST FOR YOU. See more
09.01.2022 HEYYYYY, Sam here! So I'm not sure if you've noticed but in some of the photos I'm in, I'm wearing glasses (SHOCKED FACE). I have been a four eyes (HA) since I was 3 years old, I just woke up one morning and my left eye was completely turned in (freaked the hell outta my mum LOL) turned out my eye muscle was weak and I will need glasses for the rest of my life, (surgery wasn't an option for me). Now I don't know about any of you, but when I was 3 they d...idn't have the cool ass kids glasses they have now, NO they had huge ass coke bottle glasses and well I kinda looked cute but at the time I was not thinking of how cute I looked (especially as I was getting older), I was thinking I had these horrible ugly things on my face and will forever! (I was very dramatic as a child). But as I got older I realised a lot of people had glasses and well it was kind of a fashion statement and luckily (thank god) they started to make much better looking glasses! I did try contact lenses when I was about 12 and as I was trialing them, I got about 3 hours in when I started to have a panic attack because well after years of wearing glasses I couldn't feel them on my face and was freaking the hell out that I wasn't going to be able to see, even though logically I could see, but try explaining that to a teenager! So contact lenses were out, and I still haven't been willing to try them again (I'm 30 now). My motto, don't fix what doesn't need fixing, so I'll stick with my glasses thanks! Any other life long glasses wearers out there? See more
06.01.2022 What's been going on behind the good ol' YO&O scenes? A shite load. Not only have we secured some pretty damn good clients over the last few months, we've been working really hard on our own business development. Setting goals, aligning strategies, choosing channels, planning pitches. It's been full throttle but we're watching everything come to fruition and well.. damn it feels good. ... Y'see I (Tara) joined Business Club with Business Chicks this year and it doesn't matter how much you think you know, there is always... ALWAYS room to learn more. The things that I've found to be super beneficial are the smaller things to implement that make for the MUCH larger changes in the business. For instance, writing that long list of things that you want to accomplish by X date and then setting the tasks in order of priority from 'critical' to 'nice to have'. It just helped to refocus my mind on the 6 things that needed my attention most vs. the 90,000 others that didn't. And do you know what, by doing this and setting small actionable tasks we're KILLING IT. Not to gloat, but I'm just so damn proud of how far we've come. Plus, most of you know me by now. I'm not one to take all the credit, I believe that you get to places you want from the support of the people you surround yourself with your team, your business friends, your friends n' fam, and your community. So given that 2020 has been a little well, surprising. How are you all going with your goals and how have you reworked your plan and goals? See more
05.01.2022 Us ready to start the week after a solid 3 days off. @giphy
05.01.2022 Covid brings new innovative thinking to retail spaces.
05.01.2022 Placement and layout matter. Let's run through 3 things about layout which makes for clearer communication. 1. Lead the reader through ... Its all about how you position your content. To the right is a simple example of typography structured to create the hierarchy. You can lead your reader through a piece of collateral if you keep things simple and structure it in a way that will create a path for them to follow. 2. Make sure the message is clear Design is meant to assist the message. A design can look damn beautiful, but if you cant see the message the design is a fail. The design needs to compliment the message so that everything falls into harmony together. 3. Keep it legible When it comes to minimum font sizes, design for those with bad eyesight. The general rule of thumb, keep things at a 6.5-7pt minimum. Also when creating ads, be sure to check the rulings align to the minimum font sizes for the ACCC. There are so many teeny tiny details that make all of the difference when you're creating content. Remember, it's not about just making it look good, it needs to serve its purpose and articulate a message in a structured way. See more
05.01.2022 Sometimes, we just need to show the illustration of the duck we did that one time because it's cute.
04.01.2022 If you're looking for ways to bring in a bit of creativity and individuality to your identity, why not try branded illustrations? Strong visual graphics help to not only attract the general eye, but create a point of difference for your identity. This can help to create an array of additional material off the back of those illustrations, assist in creating stronger marketing messages but also to build a recognisable brand hello memorability. So what are ...the first steps to creating branded illustrations? Well they need to somewhat tie into your identity aesthetic so it works in unison, but the graphic themselves need to have some kind of meaning at the foundation. Stace wrote a really great blog on this, so if you're keen, hit up the website and check it out. See more
04.01.2022 Sam: Hey Tara can you... Tara: YOU CAN'T SEE ME! Sam: I can, you're literally right next to me behind a fake tree. Tara: Damn it.
03.01.2022 Oh the designer snob VIBBBBBBES are strong.
02.01.2022 Let us take you behind the YO&O scenes and tell you a bit about how we all met. I (Tara) met Sam back in 1990 when my mother birthed her... LOL, we're sisters. Which, is funny because so many people mistakenly think Stace and I are related. I met Stace back in, uh... 2012? She was hired as a Jr Designer at our old agency and I took her under my wing lol. Actually, her folio was out of this world good and I stole her from the production team to join us in... the creative dept. Clearly it didn't take long for us to become fast friends. Fast forward some years and Stace left to work at Belkin as I stayed back at our old agency, until 2017 when I took YO&O full time and 6 months later asked her to work alongside me! Memmmmoriiiiiies. Growth was fast, we were literally getting slammed and I knew that I couldn't manage the tedious tasks that were BTS and I wanted someone I trusted to come in and just do all the things so I could continue doing what I needed to do without interruption... because y'know, backlog Covid, my kid had a transplant, the usual stuff. So, I called up Sam, who I knew had experience doing some of this stuff, and said here, be my slave (jokes). She's literally saved our butts, helped us to organise and keep things in order, PLUS smash our revenue goals because I NOW have the time to do the important stuff. We also get along like a house on fire so it's seamless and easy. We've also got someone joining the team this month who will get their VERY OWN POST #spesh From the get-go, having a strong culture and team vibe has been essential to the brand. At our old agency before it was acquired, our team were a force to be reckoned with. We trusted each other and our work showed for it. And, I wanted to replicate that in my own way. See more
02.01.2022 This whole Covid thing saw us decline slightly in March/April. And then, by the end of April.. we got ABSOLUTELY owned (cue the need for someone to join our team). To be honest, we were really looking forward to that time to just pull back, refocus and reset. BUUUUT the absolute opposite happened. It was really weird too, because we didn't want to take all the projects on because we don't want to have too much in the studio. Though on the flip side, we were living in some pre...tty weird times so we also didn't want to push back and absolutely screw ourselves later. We've just managed to get through the bottle neck. We're seeing some strong consistency in the studio again and we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Business development is really important to us, we spend almost 30-40% of our time working on YO&O as well as in it. So, we got a tad antsy when we couldn't do the things we'd planned. BUT, in the scheme of things, we were so damn grateful that we saw positives come out of such a hard time for many others. We're also lucky we're in an industry where work actually ramped up, mainly because everyone went hard with their marketing because they had a new found time to do it! So, how are you guys all going, have you been impacted positively or negatively?
01.01.2022 In James Clear's book 'Atomic Habits' he states that 'the most powerful human sensory ability is vision'. With over 11 million sensory receptors in the human body and approximately 10 million of those are used on sight. He also states that 'visual cues are the greatest catalyst of our behaviour'. This means a small change in what you see can make a large shift in what you do. Design isn't just about making things look good, it's about sh...aping the way we visually communicate. This means that with the right visuals, you can change the perception. We knew this, did you? See more
01.01.2022 In with the goods again!
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