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22.01.2022 ATTENTION Runners, Joggers potential joggers. Have you thought when you run you how to might IMPROVE your run/jog? I am writing a book to HELP with those questions you may have and give you answers that could help.... Can I ask a favor? Please fill out this survey with as much detail. I need as much information, to help YOU improve your running. Thank you in advance for helping out. Cheers John C PS, If you know any other runners/joggers please share!
21.01.2022 Following on from a few weeks ago. A few ways to help you get out. Join a walking group. Walking groups are an enjoyable way to get active and provide an opp...ortunity to socialise and meet new people. Just join a group that like to move Get back on your bike with AustCycle. AustCycle provides cycling courses for people who want to ride bikes for recreation and transport. Courses are run by trained teachers who help participants improve their riding skills and safety, and encourage them to ride more often. Try some strength training by joining a Lift for Life program. Lift for Life is a strength training program designed specifically for people with, or at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Do not give up before you start to see the benefits. Be patient and keep at it. Have fun! Physical activity can make you feel good about yourself and it’s a good opportunity to have fun with other people or enjoy some time to yourself. Walk rather than rest on escalators... or better still, use the stairs. Have a fantastic day #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe
19.01.2022 About fruits Trying to build muscle or tone up. Fruits may not be the first choice that comes to mind. The importance of fruit is often overlooked by some. It s...imply cannot be overlooked any more if you are wanting to build muscle. The potassium content in fruits helps make and build muscle, Carbs spare your body using muscle for energy, and antioxidants defend your muscles from stress. 6 fruits that can help Bananas - good source of potassium and magnesium (natural muscle relaxant). Rich in carbs. Water and a banana similar to a sports drink minus the sugar Cranberries reduce damage associated with intense workouts and helping with exercise recovery. Helps reduce inflammation, cholesterol and artery stiffness. Avocados - Good source fiber, and potassium. Has healthy fats has nutrients for sustained energy, muscle signaling and muscle growth. Blueberries Antioxidant rich helps protect the body against free radicals. Antioxidants are one of nature’s wonders that help protect our bodies from a range of diseases and illnesses. Oranges Good for vitamin C helps in muscle growth and high Antioxidants, Helps post workout recovery Watermelon high amounts fiber, high water content keeps you hydrated post workout. Choline is an important and versatile nutrient, it aids our bodies in sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Have a fantastic day #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe
19.01.2022 I have been wanting to to try a recipe. Its called banana cream. Here is my first attempt and a home made chocolate sauce to go with it. Tasted OK. Will definitely have some more. Lucky i made extra. It can be fun and tasty trying new things
18.01.2022 Get some Fibre Fibre helps with your gut and getting it to function properly.It has also been related to risk reduction of a few diseases including heart diseas...e, certain cancers and diabetes. The currently daily intakes of fibre for adults are women 25g/day, men 30g/day. There are 2 3 different types of fibre, Soluble, insoluble and resistant starch. Dietary fibre is important for our digestive health and regular bowel movements. Fibre also helps you feel fuller for longer, can improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels these are some great facts especially if you are wanting to lose weight. Eating a variety of plant-based foods will help you get enough fibre each day. This includes: Choosing wholegrain, wholemeal and/or high fibre varieties of rain-based foods like bread and pasta Enjoying a variety of whole grains, such as rice, oats, quinoa, barley, polenta and buckwheat Having two pieces of fruit and five + servings of vegetables a day. You can also boost your fibre intake with: A sprinkle of bran or psyllium husk on cereal, muesli or yoghurt A small handful of nuts and seeds as a snack Adding legumes to meals. Have a fantastic day :) #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe
17.01.2022 Here is some interesting information for you. Time poor no excuse!
16.01.2022 Discipline to some people is only about when someone does something wrong. Far from it. We all have goals we want to achieve. We all want something more to our... lives. Well, discipline with how we do things is what is needed. Not for things we do rightnot a punishment. To have discipline means control ourselves, doing the things it takes to get a result. To give an example. Someone wanting to get healthier will have to change something. For them to be healthier, they have found what they do currently not as healthy as it should be. So they start to build discipline about being healthier. It could be watching what they eat, going for a walk. Whatever fits for them at the time. Then sticking to it. That takes discipline staying with it. Small steps is where you begin (more on that another time). So decide on what areas you need discipline and choose to take action. If you don't you are just playing a victim. As always i am here to help, guide you through. ASKING FOR HELP CAN BE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN SOME ONES LIFE. Have a fantastic day #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe
13.01.2022 Hey all on this last day of 2016, be safe and enjoy this last day. bring in the new year whichever way it suits. Next year is a mystery let's explore this new y...ear with an intention of peace and good will and that we all get on in a better way than what we have. Those people that do not understand us or who judge us can keep doing that as they know nothing else and do not want to be apart of something greater than themselves. I wish everyone the best and if i don't get to say hi through 2017 know that you are my friend no matter what. Peace and good things await us. See you all next year.
10.01.2022 Endocrine System The endocrine system is made up of a gland throughout the body. They help to produce the body's long-distance messengers, or hormones. Hormone...s are chemicals that regulate body functions, such as metabolism, growth, and sexual development. The glands, which include the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, thymus gland, pineal body, pancreas, ovaries, and testes. They release hormones directly into the bloodstream, which transports the hormones to organs and tissues throughout the body. Have a fantastic day #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe See more
10.01.2022 Have you heard NO PAIN NO GAIN This is just a myth. Something is better than nothing. You don’t have to knock yourself out to get the benefits of exercise. ...This depends on what you want to achieve. 30-45 minutes of moderate-intensity on almost every day ending in Y. If you don’t do every day, then every second day and 30 minutes minimum. Some helpful tips Make time to be physically active and make an appointment with yourself. Like a meeting. Set a date for when you will start. Write the date down and stick to it. Tell the world, it helps. Create an activity planner so you can put the times and days you will be doing each activity. Set short-term and long-term goals. Make your goals specific, measurable and achievable. Vague goals like 'I will get fit', try 'I will walk every day for 10 minutes after’ just do not work Build up gradually. If you are new or have been inactive for some time, start at a level that you can manage easily and build up slowly. Choose activities that are right for you. Always do something that you enjoy or go for something different you've always wanted to do, such as walking, jogging, joining a team sport, taking a group fitness class, dancing and swimming. Plan physical activity with others. This can help you stick to your plan and achieve your goals. Have a fantastic day #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe
09.01.2022 Lack of confidence Just simply, if you don’t believe you can succeed,what’s the point in trying, right? When this happens, it may be because you’re focusing on ...what you want and forgetting about what it is you have now. We can justify anything to our ourselves internal and this can explanation for why you aren’t getting it. Then this creates negative thoughts about how you feel about yourself. Can you see a pattern here or a cycle that needs to be stopped. Your mind is ruled at this time by past failures, bad breaks, and personal weaknesses. You may become jealous of your competitors or just about anyone, which causes you to start making excuses for why you can’t succeed. When you function under these conditions, you can make bad impressions, assume the worst about others, yourself and lose self-confidence. So if you enjoy what is happening and I think some people do keep doing what you are doing. If it's not hurting others or the environment, then all good. If you are not liking it and want to do something about it. I have a plan of action for you. Things may seem hard at first and things are at the start. Things do intend to get easier over time. Step 1 Focus on gratitude. Take time to focus on all the positive things in your life. Step 2 Make and refer often to a mental list of your strengths, past successes, and current advantages. People often tend to take their strengths for granted and dwell on their failures. If you focus on feeling grateful, you start to see yourself as competent and successful. This restores your confidence and gets you motivated to build on your current successes. It may seem silly to repeat things you already know to help improve your mindset, but it can. The mind can and will distort reality to confirm what it wants to believe. The more negatively you think, the more things your mind will discover to confirm that belief. When you believe you are successful or will be successful, your mind will come up with ways to achieve it. You need to have belief that you will reach your goals. Faith in yourself will unlock the doors. People come across choices every day, and they never take action considering that they never believe they might succeed. Have a fantastic day #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe
07.01.2022 What is the biggest thing you could do today that would make life easier today? Have you procrastinated on it? Do you do smaller things first? Put off the impor...tant ones saying once I get little things out of the way I can focus on big.? Just for today do, the important thing first. The thing that will make the greatest impact to you for today. When it works repeat.!
01.01.2022 I have been talking to people about food of late. There is not enough time to eat a healthy lunch at work. the choices are just not there. Yet these same peopl...e say they watch tv they need to relax. "Well what if i could show you a way to eat healthy through the week at work," I ask. Usually, i get sure, Well spend an hour pre-making your lunch. I buy the food i need when i go shopping. Then spend an hour making it. I can still do other things as i don't physical do the cooking it does it itself. It's all about planning and be prepared. you will have a great lunch because, you choice and made it. Will fit in with work cos you made it tat way. If you need help with this i have a few ideas that can help. JUST ask!! Have a fantastic day #johncoorey #outdoorfitnessclub #OutdoorFitnessClubQueensland-FitnessWhereItShouldBe See more
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