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Your Pathway To Health

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23.01.2022 Did you know you can quit cigarettes with my new online program from the comfort of your own home? Here is a $50.00 gift voucher for you to use towards your quit cigarettes appointment or please feel free to share it with your friends who you know want to quit. As we all know no one can make you do anything you don’t want to do even under hypnosis. When you are ready is the key. ... This voucher is available to use throughout the month of October. The average person spends around $100 - $200 a week on cigarettes. Imagine the saving by Christmas you’ll make if you quit. That’s a saving in 12 weeks of $1200 - $2400. What else could you do with that money instead? Most know it’s not all about the money, it’s about your current and future health, it’s about being fitter, to be around longer to enjoy life and being with your family longer. This quit voucher is my gift as a token to help towards that saving. 95% quit in the first session with the program I work with, those few who don’t generally do in the second. Please contact Sheila on 0428759300 for your complimentary consultation to discuss your suitability, as conditions do apply. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

23.01.2022 I’ve finally updated my address and details on google search. If you’d like to click on the link to leave a review for my hypnotherapy business Your Pathway if you’ve worked with me I’d really appreciate it. Please feel free to share as little or as much as you like, it doesn’t have to be about your personal information just in general would be very much appreciated. ... Your Pathway To Health would love your feedback. Post a review to our profile.

23.01.2022 Just for today I’ll to decide to do what makes me feel happy. Reminder to self, to Read this message each day. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

23.01.2022 Please note if you are wondering if I can help you with any issue with hypnosis and NLP coaching please feel free to call me any time to discuss your needs and suitability with a complimentary phone call. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

22.01.2022 Our 24 year old mandarin tree is in full bloom this year. Last year we cut it back to bring it back into shape, needless to say there were only about 20 mandarins on the tree this season compared to the normal hundreds. Sometimes you have to sacrifice and have things a bit lean to bring you the best rewards. Perhaps that’s the sign of the current times. Trust and have faith abundance will come again. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

22.01.2022 Thankyou to the lovely lady who shared this post with me this morning. I think it follows on nicely from my knock knock post I shared this morning.

18.01.2022 Good morning. Please join me in my live share with you this morning. Lots of messages from nature coming through from the clover patch in my garden that I actually pulled out this morning. As soon as I did would you believe I found a 5 leaf clover then a 4. I’ve never before this found a 5 leaf clover. Miracles do happen when you believe. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

17.01.2022 If you want to feel special pick or buy yourself some flowers. I was going to go on and say or give them to another which is always lovely but just for today it’s ok to think of yourself. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

17.01.2022 So beautiful, allow your unique Self to Shine along with all the other beautiful stars that surround you.

16.01.2022 Just a reminder if you’d like to join my next 4 week online weight loss group program commencing next Wednesday 14th January at 7pm. RSVP 11/1/21 Or you may like to work with me individually over 6 mths to make it happen in 2021. Reduced Package offer by 16/1 for 10 people Only. Is one of them you? ... Please contact me to secure your place. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

15.01.2022 Here is the weekly reading for the week 11/10/20 from the animal oracle cards. Thankyou to those who were with me live. It’s a short and sweet 10 minute reading this week. Please feel free to let me know if the cards resonate with you, please let me know we’ve connected by clicking on the love hearts and ticks to let me know we’ve connected. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

15.01.2022 Please be my guest to attend my find your inner peace event. Monday 5th October on zoom at 7pm - 8.15 pm RSVP by Monday 5pm To receive your link in time. This is a free event. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

14.01.2022 I’ll be bringing you the live weekly reading for the week 5/10/20 at 6.15 aest. See you soon. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To HealthI’ll be bringing you the live weekly reading for the week 5/10/20 at 6.15 aest. See you soon. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

14.01.2022 Just a reminder if you’d like to join my next online weight loss group commencing Wednesday 2nd December 7pm- 8.30 RSVP is tomorrow Saturday by 5pm please. Thankyou Sheila

14.01.2022 Just enjoy the moment, it’s that simple. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

13.01.2022 Be like a dandelion & float in the breeze. I’ve found myself saying w bit the last few days. How freeing is it. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

12.01.2022 Thankyou everyone who joined in Live for the weekly reading for the week 5/10/20. If you missed the live please feel free to join in as a recording. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

12.01.2022 Just a reminder I’ll be going live tonight on my dear friend Robyn Ridley’s page Embrace Your Essence at 7pm. We hope to see you there, where I’ll be sharing with you how to make it happen 2021.

11.01.2022 Hello I thought I’d pop on live tonight to share my online promotion for the month of October for my Quit Cigarettes program. I shared a post last night with a $50 voucher to use for yourself and or friend for the month of October. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

10.01.2022 This complimentary helping you find your inner peace event is my gift to you. Please join me tonight at 7pm aest. Please contact me through the event page to receive your registration zoom link by 5pm please. With Sheila Henley ... From Your Pathway To Health See more

09.01.2022 I was thinking last night of making up a post and wondered what it would be about, and in a split second this phrase just popped into my mind out of no where. So here it is. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. (Song by Jackie DeShannon)

09.01.2022 Good morning. Just being a bit light hearted this morning for a little bit of fun as this thought that came to me this morning. Saying an affirmation for what you want as though you have it now allows your mind and body to think it’s real right now even if you don’t. This is the mind and body connection. ... Knock knock Who’s there Healthy Healthy who Healthy you. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

09.01.2022 Thankyou so much to the lovely lady who shared this lovely post with me. A combination of the dandelions, the dragonfly’s, the moon, stars and night sky. Remember to look up, send your dreams out to the universe, watch and wait. Remember the stars are still there through the day it’s just so light from the sunshine we just can’t see them. Trust all is unfolding as it should. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

09.01.2022 This Follows on from my post yesterday, what the world needs now is love sweet love, Give love and care to yourself first, when you give the universe naturally allows you to receive. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

08.01.2022 Just a reminder RSVP is today by 5pm if you’d like to join my next online weight loss group program commencing next Wednesday 2/12/20. Bring a friend and both save $25.

07.01.2022 Due to last minute unexpected circumstances this event will now be on Tuesday 6th at 7pm. You now have the opportunity join in if this date suits you better. Please register to receive your zoom link. ... Sharing my upcoming complimentary Helping you find your inner peace online zoom presentation Monday 5th (tomorrow) at 7pm-8.15pm. I thought it a great way to finish off the long weekend. The link is below in the comments. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

07.01.2022 A lovely post. We will be a part of history. A time when if we weren’t awake before for appreciating life we are now I’m sure. They might explain how we were before and how we are since.

06.01.2022 Good morning. It’s that time again to turn the hour Forward so we have more day light in the evenings. It’s amazing how just a slight change can make all the difference just as we can create change in our life, in our thinking by a making a slight shift in time. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

06.01.2022 Here are the beautiful self care cards from Cheryl Richardson chosen during the weekly live reading on Monday. I also shared a guided meditation to the stream of magic if you’d like to tune into the recording for a more in-depth reading. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

04.01.2022 Here are the cards chosen for the live reading this morning. Please tune into the recording for more guidance and Inspiration. Also sharing the amazing clouds whilst travelling soon after. Just amazing. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

03.01.2022 How beautiful do these two dance together, I was a ballroom dancer in primary school, the moves have changed a bit since then he he, watching reminds me of that feeling in life when you know when things are just flowing perfectly, remember it takes time to perfect the dance.

01.01.2022 Beautiful. Thankyou to the lovely lady who shared this with me. You know what to do. Make it count

01.01.2022 If you want something to happen, make it happen. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

01.01.2022 I've been very busy in my office today. Can you believe I am sharing with you the December Christmas Newsletter. The topic of the month is Creating Joy and Happiness this Christmas. For those who suffer from depression or have loved ones or friends you may find it interesting. I've just sent it out by email to those who are on my newsletter list list. Now I'm a little more up with technology I have an online version I can share with you here as well. If you'd like the pdf version as well please private message me your email address so I can add you to the list. Enjoy. Sheila Henley Your Pathway To Health

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