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24.01.2022 LinkedIn reports that I came up in 425 searches in the last week. No marketing or promoting done. If you have a business or looking for opportunities make sure you're on LinkedIn!

24.01.2022 Growth Strategy Risk - what do these 3 have in common? As I sat in a conference listening to Matina Jewell, a former Army Major, navy diver and UN peacekeeper tell her story of her leadership decisions in combat, I started to see some things in a new light. Matina was constantly faced with situations where she had to make decisions really fast in the face of danger as she held the lives of many others in her hands. I learnt that in life as well as in business that, strategy and risk cannot exist without the other. You need all three in order to help you make effective decisions. Sometimes these decisions need to be made quickly. Sometimes there is alot at stake. Your ability to make the decision will determine the leadership within. If you think that time to plan and strategise is only a luxury for some and not others, then you will stay where you are, continue to be reactive and stay stagnant. How you then analyse the risks you face will be key to how effective your decisions will be. The only thing standing in the way of progression is the understanding of how to manage the risks.

23.01.2022 It's amazing to see how the world has changed in the last decade. Thanks for the tweet Bill Gates.

22.01.2022 What are you doing each day that makes you smile? #lovewhatyoudo #livingmybestlife #designyourlife

16.01.2022 Acknowledge the learnings, be grateful for the lessons and growth.

14.01.2022 An old boss of mine once told me to never be afraid to give feedback and that she encouraged everyone to contribute. A few days later I happily shared my viewpoint in a meeting on a business review we were conducting with a stakeholder. Thereafter, I noticed my boss's engagement with me on work matters changed. She excluded me on discussions which involved that review. She began to pick on everything that I didn't do, despite the reasons why. Every suggestion I had thereafter... was met with instant feedback that I was not being a team player or my performance questioned. It was quite clear to me that truthful feedback was not appreciated. "Titans as Blackberry, Kodak and Nokia have paid the price for leaders who refused to listen. Their leaders operated in a bubble and engaged in group think. The greater your success, the more you need to stay in touch with fresh opinions and perspectives and welcome honest feedback. Raw truth is needed to make well-informed decisions and steer the organization in the right direction. As a leader, your job is to encourage others around you to be open and honest without a negative consequence. When employees offer their ideas and differing opinions - be open-minded. Companies that remain strong in this competitive market, understand the need to embrace change and continuous improvement. More than ever, leaders will need to master the skill of Lead with Listening. The success of your business will depend on it!" - Bridgette Hyacinth (Author of The Future Of Leadership: Rise of automation, robotics and artificial intelligence)

08.01.2022 3 COMMON MYTHS ABOUT WOMEN’S INABILITY TO BUILD BUSINESSES All too often I hear numerous reasons as to why a woman can’t run a successful business, or be able to run a business at all. Everything from ‘lack of ambition’ to being branded as ‘too emotional’. I wanted to knock down some of these myths to help women realise their potential and achieve real growth. Myth 1 - Having Children Slows Down Female Leaders... This is the number myth in my experience to be busted! What having children does for a woman is make her more determined! Having children does not slow you down, having children simply changes the way you work and how you manage your time. If it wasn’t for my children, yes I would have so much for time, but guess I would not be affectively using that time to do business! I would not be a fraction as motivated as I am today because of them. They inspire me to be a leader, to grow, to be empathetic and to find courage I did not have before they came along. Jessica Bruce, found of Run 3D (a gait analysis system that helps people to walk faster following surgery) and mother of 2 who won government funding to build her technology states that Successful entrepreneurs with children are determined, efficient and hard-working, doing whatever it takes to be both excellent mums and great leaders simultaneously. Myth 2 - Female Entrepreneurs Lack Confidence to Lead or Negotiate Contrary to this belief, research by Norwegian professors Oyvind L. Martin Sean who heads up Leadership and Organisational Behaviour at the BI Norwegian Business School found that, of 3000 managers studied, female leaders outperformed their male counterparts in the majority of areas. Women are more often better than men at finding reasons to collaborate and compromise, this is a massive strength! Women are also more likely to maintain relationships better, which tends to achieve better long term results! So ladies, recognise you have some massive strengths and use them to achieve your goals! You don’t need to be aggressive and cut throat in order to be successful! Myth 3 - Women Are Too Emotional About Business Guess what ladies? Being emotional is a strength! Yes you heard me! Being emotional is a strength that leaders require in order to be successful! Understanding emotions increase your Emotional IQ - also known as EQ. It is one of the most important attributes needed in order to be successful in business. The ability to tap into your emotions and those of your customers, partners etc is vital for building a successful business and an outstanding team. Emotions can inspire creativity, growth and self-awareness. Don’t ever be afraid to embrace what you have to grow your businesses. So lets use your strength to build some businesses ladies!!

07.01.2022 3 Reasons Why Women In Business Fail When starting a business, failure is one of the downsides to put into consideration. Similarly, success in business is possible with effective strategies around the strengths and weaknesses of the business. Even though Australia has robust economic growth and booming business, some women with small business startups fail tremendously. Thus, businesses owned by women are bound to fail due to these reasons. 1. Conformity To Expectation... Women tend to conform to what the society expects of them and, thus, have insufficient time to work on building their business. 2. Multi-tasking Mentality Most women fear to ask for help from other people or entrepreneurs. Asking for help ranges from asking for professional advice to hiring staff so that they can run the business efficiently. Women are known to be multi-tasking beings and thus tend to want to do everything on their own. 3. Emotional Decisions Women are regarded as emotional creatures. At times, this gets in the way of business when financial and vital decisions are made based on emotions.

06.01.2022 This pandemic is so much more than a health crisis, if you can even call it that! Millions of jobs lost and many more to follow! 1. Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy. 2. Zara closed 1,200 stores. 3. La Chapelle withdraws 4391 stores.... 4. Chanel was discontinued. 5.Hermes is discontinued. 6. Patek Philippe discontinued production. 7. Rolex discontinued production. 8. The world's luxury industry has ceased production. 9. Nike has a total of $23 billion US dollars preparing for the second stage of layoffs. 10. Needless to say about the travel industry. 11. The founder of AirBnb said that because of pandemic, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 weeks. 12. Even Starbucks also announced to permanently close their 400 stores. Under the weight of the new crown pandemic, many giants are facing the crisis of failure. Five months of pandemic caused severe debt and tens of thousands of companies went bankrupt. If your company is still here and there are no pay cuts or layoffs, please treat your company well. They will continue carrying all the tests and challenges that you can't see. And then there are individuals that may be facing direct and indirect impacts of facing the pandemic. The second half of 2020 will be a challenge of corporate strength. Stats repost credit - Felma

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