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Youthful Transformations

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23.01.2022 CHANGE HOW YOU AGE! Would you like to change the way you age? Some people do not even believe that this is possible but as someone who is the wrong side of 70 and feeling amazing, I can tell you first hand, you can look and feel younger.

23.01.2022 STOP THE BLOAT To enjoy a healthy gut, most of us need to add a good probiotic to combat modern life. Probiotics assist our gut to function well.

21.01.2022 HEALTHY HABIT Quite often we reach for food out of habit. Instead of eating, why not drink a large glass of water and wait 20 minutes. More often than not, the water will satisfy you.

21.01.2022 HEALTHY HABITS If you sit in a chair all day long, remember to take regular breaks, stand and stretch. All this helps maintain good blood flow throughout your body. It also sends more blood to the brain making you more alert and able to concentrate.

21.01.2022 HEALTHY HABITS Just as drinking water is important, it is equally important to monitor how many caffeine-based drinks we consume in a day. Caffeine causes dehydration and has your liver working extra hard.

21.01.2022 FEELING HOT AND BOTHERED? Many women mistakenly believe that they need to suffer through menopause and that there are no real alternatives to HRT. I successfully navigated menopause drug-free and am determined to share this alternative. If you would like to know more, simply comment below or send me a PM.

19.01.2022 GOOD GUTS Not all probiotics were created equal! Taking a high quality probiotic can significantly improve your gut health. Have a read of my blog that explains why:

18.01.2022 Are You Sick and Tired of feeling Sick and Tired? You may have a mineral deficiency For our body to function at an optimal level it needs over 90 nutrients. These include at least 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids. ... Unfortunately, even if we eat a well- balanced organic diet we do not get these nutrients from our diet today. Our foods are grown in depleted soils. Plants need only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to thrive which by no means is enough for the human body. None of the functions of the body can occur properly without ALL the minerals present in the diet. Minerals are responsible for: Tens of thousands of biochemical functions Enzyme function All mental and physical processes Hormonal secretion of our endocrine glands The Biochemical activity of vitamins Neutralizing of toxic conditions within the body Regeneration of cells Vitamins are ineffective without minerals and vitamins and minerals are needed for herbal supplements to work. People who are seriously interested in maintaining good health should take a mineral supplement daily, as the basis of their nutritional program. With an adequate supply of minerals in the body we can help prevent premature ageing and disease, and maintain the energy and vitality we need for our 21st-century lifestyle.

18.01.2022 TOXIC LOAD DID YOU KNOW? Childhood diseases linked to chemicals are on the rise. Like adults, children are exposed to chemicals every day, many of which are in personal care products including shampoo and bubble bath. Major toxins including heavy metals such as lead and arsenic are also found in many cosmetics. Toxins in children's make-up are of particular concern.

16.01.2022 HEALTHY HABIT When it comes to sleep, remember your mind needs to unwind in order for you to have some good quality sleep. Be sure to go screen free for at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. And turn off your phone. The light and notifications can really impact your sleep.

15.01.2022 #dailyhabits Many of us think we need to completely overhaul our life and this can be overwhelming so we want to share with you one small thing you can do each day to improve your health. Add food to your diet that is rich in antioxidants. These perform so many functions that will really boost your immune system and help your body preotect itself.

13.01.2022 HEALTHY HABIT Most of us rarely get enough sleep. Why not try going to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal and see if you can unwind more before you try and sleep.

12.01.2022 When You Shouldn't Fast While fasting is one of the most powerful health intervention and disease prevention methods there is, there are some situations when it's not a good idea to fast. Fasting is not recommended if you are pregnant as the fetus requires a lot of nutrients. Muslim women who fast during Ramadan may get babies with lower birth weight.... Children should not fast but instead learn to follow their hunger more intuitively. Extended fasts are not recommended for people above 60 years of age as going without food for a long time may have side-effects on muscle mass. A 16 hour fast with an 8 - hour eating window is sufficient. The main thing is to consume calories and protein to maintain lean muscle tissue. When you are stressed you are more prone to over-eating and too much cortisol Not sleeping enough promotes weight gain and insulin resistance, which will negate some of the benefits of fasting. Suffering anxiety and mental turmoil may cause the same stress as physical pain and discomfort. Combining too much exercise with a lot of fasting may lower your thyroid function and lead to many plateaus. Poor food quality and not enough nutrients will lead to some deficiencies that make you more tired and can cause health problems. Should You Fast with Low Thyroid? If you suffer from low amounts of thyroid hormones or have Hashimoto's disease, thyroiditis or have had your thyroid removed, it is a good idea to shorten your fasting window to allow your body to recover. You also need to make sure that you get enough calories during your eating window. A slow metabolism isn't the result of time-restricted eating per se but more by not giving the body adequate nutrients.

11.01.2022 SICK OF FEELING BLOATED AND QUEASY? Bloating is a common symptom that your gut is not functioning well. Considering the heavy load that modern life puts on our system, it is little wonder many of us suffer with bloating and discomfort. If you would like to learn more about reducing the constant bloating that you live with, get in touch and let's chat.

10.01.2022 I had been with my Health & Wellness company for many years and while I loved the products, I had never been successful in building it as a business. Being an Introvert, I hated the idea of trying to sell anything, especially to family and friends. I began exploring taking my business on-line. I soon discovered that this required a very different skill set and finally after lots of research and learning I now have a program to help ladies. It is a step-by-step strategy ...for you to follow. The company is now expanding into India and registrations are open. Come on board with us. It could be the best decision of your life. See more

07.01.2022 ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT TO EAT FOR HEALTH AND LONGEVITY? Research now shows that the most effective diet is intermittent fasting combined with cyclical ketosis which allows your body to burn fat to optimize health and prevent disease. To efficiently burn fat for fuel, you need to supply your body with healthy dietary fats, dramatically cut down on carbs and limit your protein intake. According to Dr Mercola (, the inability to burn fat for fuel is the root cause of most degenerative conditions.

03.01.2022 Want to feel better? Drinking plenty of water (think 2-3L per day) will have a dramatic effect on your health. It will keep your body hydrated, help you to flush toxins and allow your cells to perform optimally. Next time you are hungry, grab a glass of water as chances are you just dehydrated.

01.01.2022 HEALTHY HABIT If you struggle to drink enough water in your day, why not add some slices of fresh fruit to add a new flavour to your drink.

01.01.2022 BEAUTY FROM WITHIN Would you love to look and feel younger? The secret lies in what is happening inside your body rather than what you put on the outside. This amazing new product will completely transform how you look and feel:

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