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25.01.2022 Youth Legal Service Director David Kernohan spoke on ABC Radio Perth yesterday to commence the launch of a new cyber bullying awareness campaign. Listen to David's personal story and connection to the campaign, and why it is so important to him. #stopbullying #stophate #youth #bullying
24.01.2022 Guys Do you criticise your boyfriend and make fun of him in front of other people? Do you really need to put someone else down so you can feel good about yourself?... A healthy relationship is based on respect, not disrespecting your partner. #relationships #respect
24.01.2022 Resilience is your ability to bounce back from difficulties. With COVID-19 our ability to bounce back is being tested. When we feel down and alone it is easy to feel we dont have any resilience. Its easy to think resilience is what other people have not us. The good news we all have resilience. Resilience is like a muscle; it needs to be... exercised to grow stronger. Just as we are learning to do exercise from home to keep our physical and mental health in shape, so now is a good time to start exercising the muscle of your resilience. How do you start? Remember! Remember times when you have gone through difficulties and you came through them. Remembering is not to re-live the difficulties you went through but to remind yourself of your strength in getting through that situation. When we feel overwhelmed, we forget our strength, our resilience. Take time to remember you are resilient! #mentalhealth #wellness #resilience
24.01.2022 PLEASE SHARE: SAY NO TO CYBER BULLYING What we say online is incredibly powerful: words can have an instant and dramatic impact on others, but also stay around forever. It's brilliant to see that the Youth Legal Service has launched a new cyber bullying awareness campaign, educating young people on how to best to respond and act when personally bullied online. We don't want kids to suffer in silence. But it's also a reminder for adults too. You only need to see some local community Facebook news groups, where adults can be personally cruel or make attacks on others: this needs to be called out immediately. Often its the same people, driving hate and toxicity. We all have a responsibility to make social media as safe as possible. For more info on the campaign, head to:
23.01.2022 Drug Driving? Don’t be an idiot. Driving with an illicit drug, including cannabis, in your system is an offence. It doesn’t matter how much of the drugs is in your system. Police have the power to stop drivers suspected of driving while impaired by any drug and those found with illicit drugs in their oral fluid, including cannabis can be charged with the office of Driving with Prescribed Illicit Drug in Oral Fluid.... Source:
23.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day, to kick start Mental Health Week which runs from October 10-October 17 this year. We'd like to offer everyone a reminder to take 3 minutes for yourself today. And if you have taken 3, take another 3! . .... . #worldmentalheathday #mentalhealthweek #mentalhealth #wellbeing #wellness #take3 #mental #health #mentalhealthday #3forme #awareness #youth #parents See more
23.01.2022 Guys - are you checking your girlfriends mobile phone or logging into her social media account? A healthy relationship is based on trust. If you trust, you dont need to check her mobile phone or social media #trust #safety #respect
22.01.2022 Feeling anxious? All the uncertainty around COVID 19 creates a sense of unease and anxiety. If you already struggle with anxiety, what is occurring in our community, the panic buying, social distancing, the constant talk of isolating yourself and the uncertainty can increase the anxiety you are dealing with. How to manage our anxiety?... This is stuff you many already know but its good to be reminded again. Be present in the present. How can I be present in the present? 1. Take a deep breath. Often when we are anxious, we take shallow breaths. When we are scared or anxious, we start to breath quickly and from our upper chest. As you read this, take a slow deep breath. Feel your stomach expand as you breath in. 2. What if? When we are anxious, we image what if scenarios. What do we do with our what ifs? Write them down. We get caught up in our thinking. We think because we think something it must be true. But it may not be. Most of our what ifs never happen. Get your what ifs out of your mind and onto paper so you have some distance. As you are writing out your what ifs bring your mind back to the present moment. As you breathe deeply notice how you are sitting or standing. Notice if you are frowning? Consciously relax your forehead and try smiling to yourself. How tight area your shoulders? Roll your shoulders a couple of times to relax them. Become present to your body and how you are sitting or standing. 3. What is one thing you are grateful for today? Anxiety and fear find it difficult to co-exist with gratitude and joy. When we are anxious, we often forget what we enjoy. Remember what you enjoy doing listening to music, watching a series, reading. Remember to do at least one thing you enjoy doing each day. These are simple things that can help us manage the anxiety we may be experiencing at this time. . . . #anxiety #mindfulness #beingpresent #breathe
22.01.2022 First Exercise in Developing Resilience: Gratitude (1/3) Gratitude is a quality of being thankful. There is lots we can complain about. Its easy to complain. We cant go out. We cant hang out, we are bored. The list goes on. The more we complain, the more down we feel, then we begin to feel annoyed and frustrated and it is a downward cycle.... If resilience is the muscle we are exercising and gratitude or being thankful is a bench-press, what can we appreciate in our lives now? Sometimes, its good to write down what we like and appreciate. It helps us remember, it is also something we can go back to when we feel we dont have anything to be thankful for. In building resilience find at least 2 or 3 things you are thankful for each day. #resilience #gratitude #wellbeing
22.01.2022 Police have been given the power to prevent crime and protect the community. It is important to understand what these powers are and how to behave when the Police use these powers to avoid being charged. Police have the power to ask you for: 1. Your full name; 2. Your date of birth; 3. Your current address; and... 4. The address where you usually live. Before the Police ask for your personal details, they must have a reasonable suspicion that; a) You have committed, are committing or are about to commit an offence; or b) May be able to assist in the investigation of an office or suspected offence. If the police think the details you have given them are false, they can request you provide evidence of your identification. They can also request you to remove or adjust any face covering (hat, helmet, sunglasses, veil or headscarf) to enable them to see your face or to verify the details you have given to them. If you refuse to provide your personal details, give false details or provide false identification to the Police Office then you commit an offence. #knowyourrights #police #youth #law #safety #community
20.01.2022 Often, in the lyrics of Echosmith We wish we could be like the cool kids Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in. Yet as the lyrics also say... They dont know where theyre going In the fast lane, living life without knowing We feel insignificant We want to live, life in the fast lane Then we, think, we will be noticed. We feel we are A drop in the ocean Insignificant and small Yet as Rumi put it You are not a drop in the ocean You are the entire ocean In a drop #youth #teen #coolkids #wellbeing #rumi
20.01.2022 Whats the difference between banter and bullying? Bantering is light-hearted and friendly. It is a joke shared between friends that does not hurt another person. Bullying is when you intend to hurt, humiliate or cause another person distress. To keep it banter:... 1. Dont get personal. Gender, sexuality, physical appearance, race, religion is not the material for banter. 2. Saying I was only joking does not help when a person has been offended. You may have been joking but if a person is offended, it is best to acknowledge that and apologise. Put yourself in their shoes. How do you feel when someone does something that hurts or embarrasses you? 3. Dont be a bystander. When you feel something is going too far, take a deep breath and say what you think. Dont stand by and allow another person to be humiliated when you know it is wrong. #bullying #youth
19.01.2022 Being cyberbullied? Be prosocial Block Report Delete... Dont suffer silently! #cyberbullying #youth #bullying
19.01.2022 Guys Are you telling your partner who they can be friends with? Thats controlling not cool!... A healthy relationship is encouraging your partner to spend time with the people they care about. #relationships #health #control
15.01.2022 September 6 12th is National Child Protection Week and the theme is putting children first. Childhood and adolescence is a time of vulnerability. It is a time in our lives when we rely on people around us to put our care and protection first. As we mature and become more independent, we often don’t want to re-experience vulnerability because it takes us back to when we had to depend on others. This can be challenging particularly if the people we had to depend on were l...ess than dependable. However, this vulnerability is not weakness, this vulnerability is strength because it requires us to honestly re-visit experiences we would rather forget. It requires us to reflect on our experiences in the light of our children’s experiences and requires us to share openly and honestly our pain, our challenges, and our learnings. This is one way of putting our children first. We trust our children enough to show them all our hopes and all our fears so that we don’t have to talk in defence. In National Child Protection Week, let us have the strength to be vulnerable enough to put our children first. #childprotectionweek #parenting #children #vulnerability #youth #protection
15.01.2022 **Youth Legal Service continues to operate during COVID-19.** If you are a young person up to the age of 25 and are needing legal advice on: * Criminal matters, including traffic offences... * Motor vehicle accidents (not personal injury) * Contract law * Criminal injuries compensation * Violence and misconduct restraining orders Phone 08 9202 1376 or 08 9202 1375
14.01.2022 Third Exercise in Developing Resilience: Responsibility (3/3) You know in the gym, when you have finished using a machine and sweating all over the seat. Its your responsibility to wipe down the machine so it is ready for the next person. It is not ok gym etiquette to leave a sweaty puddle over a machine for the next user. We all have responsibilities. At this stage we have a responsibility to practice good hygiene, to wash our hands, to practice social distancing. ... In developing resilience, we also have a responsibility. This is a responsibility to ourselves. People can remind us we have resilience, but it is up to us to do the work of developing and increasing it. Life at the moment is giving us an opportunity to remember and develop our resilience, but it is our responsibility to take the opportunity and use it as best we can. #responsibility #resilience #strength
14.01.2022 A new BBC short film about abusive relationships has been widely praised on social media. Control by BBC, is a powerful story about how an abusive relationship can develop over time, even when things look perfect to your followers and friends on social media. The digital story is presented in a phone takeover format so you can follow along directly through the phone of the lead character Zara as her boyfriend Eds behaviour becomes increasingly manipulative and aggressive ove...r time. Youth Legal Service encourages young people and parents to watch this video noting the viewing warning below. *WARNING: Control is a fictional account of unfolding emotional and physically abuse in a relationship and some viewers may find scenes triggering or upsetting. #youth #relationships #safety
13.01.2022 Needing telephone advice and assistance on legal matters? Youth Legal Service continues to provide free legal advice for young people under the age of 25. Phone 08 9202 1376 or 08 9202 1375 if you are needing legal advice on:... - Criminal matters, including traffic offences - Motor vehicle accidents (not personal injury) - Contract law - Criminal injuries compensation - Violence and misconduct restraining orders #youth #law #community #legal #support
13.01.2022 *Watch the polydrug use.* Polydrug use is using more than one drug or type of drug at the same time or sequentially. For example, using stimulants before going out, drinking alcohol and using other substances while out during the night and then using a depressant to come down afterwards. The combined effects can cause an increased chance of Being extremely high and/or drunk Engaging in risky behaviour such as driving under the influence... Accidents and other injuries Getting into fights and other violent behaviour. #polydruguse #youth #safety
13.01.2022 Has your drinking been COVID creeping? Perhaps you have been: Having just one more drink than usual Starting to drink earlier in the day... Having trouble sleeping and using alcohol to help Using alcohol to help deal with anxiety With restrictions easing, now is a good time to ease back on your drinking. #safedrinking #alcohol #youth #safety #health
10.01.2022 Going back to the Pub to enjoy a few? Dont forget the safety practices you used before COVID to stay safe partying. Dont pre-load alcohol and drugs before you go out. Do eat before you go out.... Pace yourself drink at your own pace, dont drink to keep up with mates. Have a non-alcoholic drink or water every couple of drinks. Dont drink or drug drive. #staysafe #youth #alcohol #party
09.01.2022 Drug Driving? Dont be an idiot. Driving with an illicit drug, including cannabis, in your system is an offence. It doesnt matter how much of the drugs is in your system. Police have the power to stop drivers suspected of driving while impaired by any drug and those found with illicit drugs in their oral fluid, including cannabis can be charged with the office of Driving with Prescribed Illicit Drug in Oral Fluid.... Source:
09.01.2022 The Aboriginal Youth Conference will be held on Tuesday 24 March, 2020 at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle. The conference is an exclusive event for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth aged between 16 to 29-years-old to come together and have a united voice. This conference was established to support, network and provide information services for delegates and the wider youth community. It also provides an opportunity for personal and professional development and connection with other like-minded young people. This years conference theme is Healthy Country, Healthy Communities, with the slogan, Stand up, speak up!. For more information, visit @ahcwa_youth #standupspeakup #aboriginal #youth #conference #health #community
08.01.2022 With social distancing more of us are on-line either to connect with friends or because we are bored and trawling through social media. Just as we are encouraged to use good hygiene to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep safe, remember to keep safe when on-line. is a great website for parents, children and young people who want to stay safe online. For young people there is helpful information on managing cyber bullying, on-line abuse and how to manage yo...ur privacy. For parents, there is information on how to support your children if they are being bullied on line or if you are concerned they may have accessed pornography. Stay safe physically and on-line. . . . #ESAFETY #staysafe #online #cyberbullying
07.01.2022 Staff at Youth Legal Service are now working from the office. If you do require an interview with a lawyer on a legal matter please phone 9202 1688 to make an appointment. Legal Information, advice and assistance will be provided in line with the Government of Western Australias COVID Safety Plan.
07.01.2022 With all that’s going on How are you doing? . . .... #ruok #ruokday #ruokday2020 #youth #mentalhealth #support #conversation See more
07.01.2022 Alchemy is the process of taking something ordinary and converting it into the extraordinary. In its esoteric form, it was the process whereby people sought to turn base metals into gold. We often dont think of it, but leadership is an alchemical process. We are not born leaders, we become leaders as we take three components and allow ourselves to be transformed into effective leaders. What are these three components? Link in bio for the full article.... #leadership
07.01.2022 Youth Legal Service is pleased to be supporting the work of Australias eSafety Commissioner by spreading online safety messages and promoting the positive use of digital technology. Safer Internet Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the role we can all play in creating a better and safer internet for our community. Celebrated in over 150 countries, the Safer Internet Day theme is: Together for a better internet. We are encouraging all Australians to start the chat to help improve online safety within their communities, and make every day a Safer Internet Day. #esafety #onlinesafety #bullying #internet
06.01.2022 We all want healthy relationships. If you believe there may be a problem in your relationship you are probably right. Trust your intuition! Do not ignore warning signs. Research has found those who tend to engage in relationship violence escalate their abuse over time. #relationships #warningsigns #wellbeing
04.01.2022 Going back to the Pub to enjoy a few? Don’t forget the safety practices you used before COVID to stay safe partying. Don’t pre-load alcohol and drugs before you go out. Do eat before you go out.... Pace yourself drink at your own pace, don’t drink to keep up with mates. Have a non-alcoholic drink or water every couple of drinks. Don’t drink or drug drive. #staysafe #youth #alcohol #party
04.01.2022 Today we partnered with Tonic Digital and the Youth Legal Service to help launch #stopcyberbullyingwa - a campaign to prevent on-line bullying and protect young people's mental health. Watch Channel 7 Perth tonight for more details, or listen to ABC Perth's Drive show this afternoon.
04.01.2022 Do I have to answer questions by the Police? The Police may want to ask you questions, whether or not you are under arrest and whether you are at a Police Station or on the street. You only need give Police your name, address and date of birth and address where you usually live. You may wish to answer police questions which is your choice, if at any stage it becomes apparent that you have been involved in an offence, the Police should give you a verbal caution which means tha...t you will not have to say anything else unless you wish to do so. There are some situations when legally you must answer questions that are put to you by the Police. If this applies to you, the Police should tell you that you must answer the questions by law and if you fail to, you can be charged. Examples where you must answer questions put to you by the Police include: 1. If you house is being searched for drugs, you must answer certain questions. 2. Certain questions about driving and whether you are the owner of the car. 3. Certain questions about your identification at Licensed Premises, e.g., Nightclubs. #knowyourrights #police #youth #law #safety #community
04.01.2022 Being cyberbullied? Be prosocial Block Report Delete... Don’t suffer silently! #cyberbullying #youth #bullying
03.01.2022 Second Exercise in Developing Resilience: Empathy (2/3) Empathy is the ability to understand what another person, your friend may be experiencing. According to Michelle Mitchel in her book Everyday Resilience, people who show empathy are better connected, more likely to manage social trauma better and more likely to resolve rather than escalate social conflict.... Its easy currently to make things about yourself. The its not fair routine. Well, life is rarely fair, which is why we are building resilience. Previously, when we went to the gym, you might go with a friend who would spot you when you lifted weights. They would be there to make sure you didnt hurt yourself or would help you lift those extra two couple of reps. Think of empathy as you are the friend who spots in developing your own resilience. One of the most damaging things for our mental health is a sense of loneliness and isolation. Empathy helps us safeguard ourselves against isolation because we know we are connected to other people. #resilience #empathy #wellbeing
02.01.2022 Guys Are you telling your partner who they can be friends with? That’s controlling not cool!... A healthy relationship is encouraging your partner to spend time with the people they care about. #relationships #health #control
01.01.2022 Cyber-Bullying is not OK Going back to school can be challenging enough. Cyber-bullying should not be part of it! #cyberbully #youth #safety #internet
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