Youth Matters in Engadine, New South Wales | Religious centre
Youth Matters
Locality: Engadine, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 9548 2495
Address: 80 Banksia Ave 2233 Engadine, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Come join us and our panel in exploring the topic of vocations! Message any questions you have for our panel in the comments!
25.01.2022 HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!! Thank you to all the Fathers, father-figures and Priests for the support, sacrifices and for helping us grow into the people we are today #youregreat #fathersday #thankyou #gratitude #weappreciateyou #youreamazing
24.01.2022 Have you heard of Ecosia? Ecosia is a search engine that uses their ad revenue from your searches to plant trees where they are needed the most. By searching with Ecosia, you can help offset carbon by reforesting our world. Give it try! #MissionMondays #SeasonOfCreation #DontGoogleItEcosiaIt
24.01.2022 WAITING One holiday with my family, we had a chance to go on a road trip in New Zealand. It was super exciting. We were going to stay at an amazing farm with amazing food, AND we were going to swim in the hot springs. I was so ready. On the road, we had to travel for a few hours to get to each place. At the start of the journey, I was bouncing and wriggling in my seat, trying to contain my excitement. Every few minutes, I would ask how long left? Are we there yet? As the tri...p went on, the driving felt like it was never going to end, the road went on and on and on. I slowly started to get bored, and tired, eventually falling asleep as the excitement of the trip slowly fades. This Sunday we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent, a time where we are waiting and readying our hearts for the birth of our Saviour Jesus, at Christmas. Waiting is hard in any normal situation, especially when we are anticipating something exciting. But, after this year where the whole world almost seems to pause, waiting for a chance to return to some sort of normality, being asked to wait, yet again, can seem even harder. This Sunday's gospel challenges us to stay awake, be on guard; that this isn't the time to slow down; rather, we need to gear up. Despite all the challenges we've had, Can we wait and prepare our hearts allowing the season of Advent to rekindle the hope, peace, joy and love? Some of the ways we can help ourselves stay awake, include, reflecting on the gospel readings, reaching out to a spiritual director, joining the parish, going to mass, Advent group, pray the rosary. What's one thing you can do this Advent to stay awake? -Raq #stayawake #advent #preparation #waiting #salesianyouthministry #donbosco
22.01.2022 Sometimes all someone needs is someone who can make them smile. #MissionMonday #LoveYourNeighbour
22.01.2022 A steward is a person, who looks after the kingdom when the king is away. The Earth has been given humans as its Steward, and it is up to us to not let it down. Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them be stewards for the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and the cattle and over all the earth, and and every creature that crawls upon it... #MissionMonday
20.01.2022 R U OK? Sometimes it's hard to recognise when people are struggling, asking the question 'are you okay?' is one of the best places to start. But, there's more to say afterwards, especially if someone says no. If you are unsure how to start this conversation the ‘r u ok’ website has resources to help you out!! At Youth Matters, we are always here to support you in any way that we can. If you are struggling or just want a chat, please do not hesitate to message us ... #ruok #ruokday See more
13.01.2022 Have you seen our Youth Matters Return and Earn charity bins? Return and Earn is an initiative to reduce the amount of litter in our world, by giving people a financial incentive to recycle. With the amount of soft drink cans we use at YM we decided it would be a great idea to use the return and earn initiative to raise some money for various charities chosen by our youth community. That way we can ‘Love two birds with one heart’ and reduce litter while helping people! If you have any other charity ideas that you would like to see us raise money for please let us know! #MissionMondays #LoveTwoBirdsWithOneHeartNotKillTwoBirdsWithOneStone:P #CareForCreation #SeasonOfCreation
13.01.2022 Today is the day!!! Super keen for tonight's Vocation Panel Q&A. WATCH THIS SPACE for our live video!!
13.01.2022 Only one day left until our Vocations Panel and Q&A Check out our event for more details! #Vocations #Priesthood #MeetOurPanel #DrumRoll #1DaysToGo
12.01.2022 Thoughtful Thursday In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus tells a story of a man with two sons. He asks them both to go and work in his vineyard that day. The first replies no, but then changes his mind and goes. The second says yes, but doesn’t go in the end. Jesus asks the people, which of the two did his father’s will? I grew up in a Catholic family where I was made to go to mass each Sunday and say my prayers. When I went to High School, I was embarrassed by this part of me a...nd pushed Jesus away because it wasn’t cool to go to Church. In Year 10, I went to World Youth Day 2008 and I was forever changed by what I encountered that week. That was the first time that I made a decision to follow Jesus and say yes to Him. Since then, my yes to Jesus has evolved as I have grown in my faith, but it always requires me to have an openness to Him. I have been that first son in the story. Every now and then, I am that first son again. When I get confused and lose my way, I sometimes say no to Him. And when I realise how foolish I was, change my mind and sheepishly turn back to Him, God does something beautiful. He takes me back into his vineyard, again and again. God knows exactly who we are. He isn’t fazed by our fickle nature, he does not worry about us making mistakes. Instead, He invites us into His own vineyard, He waits and He rejoices when our no turns into a yes. #salesian #donbosco #faith #invitation #jesus #love
12.01.2022 MOVED WITH COMPASSION This Sunday’s gospel postulates one of the greatest challenges for us in our faith forgiveness. Jesus tells the parable of the servant who owed a great debt to the King. The servant says to the King, Be patient with me and I will pay you back in full. The King was so moved with compassion that he let the servant go and forgave him of his loan. As I reflected on this story, the words moved with compassion struck me. What does that mean? To me, it... shows that love is an action. The King’s compassion for the servant compelled him to act - not only to grant the servant’s request for more time to pay the debt but actually abolishing the requirement for payment at all! Forgiveness isn’t something that is necessarily deserved or earned but it is an action that will naturally spring forth from a compassionate, loving heart. This is the kind of love that Jesus shows to us and we are called to model this love for each other. Today is R U OK Day, a reminder to reach out and connect to those important to us. Let us be challenged to be moved with compassion for one another. Let us use kindness, patience and empathy to create meaningful and supportive relationships with each other. - Mel #movedwithcompassion #ruok #love #reachingout #salesian #salesianyouthministry #donbosco #thoughtfulthursday
11.01.2022 Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for all the believers in your speech, conduct, in love, in faith and in purity 1 Tim 4:12 St Therese of Lisieux lived out this passage and set an example of how the little things can impact people as well. Today we honour her on her feast day. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness - St Therese of Lisieux
11.01.2022 From the 6th- 12th of September, we celebrate National Child Protection Week! Children are one of the most vulnerable people in our community. Therefore, we all must work together to create an environment where all children can grow up feeling safe and loved. Like Don Bosco says "it is not enough to love the young; they must know that they loved". During this week, we are encouraged to not only reflect on the past but also on the challenges ahead and take steps to prevent ...child abuse and neglect. If you are unsure where to start, the NAPCAN website has heaps of resources. There's also a book called Only For Me which aims to help parents and carers educate kids about body safety. Both are great starting places and can help you take steps towards child protection #childprotectionweek #Safety #donbosco #youth #love #value #cherishe
10.01.2022 "It was the stone rejected by the builders that became the corner stone. This was the Lord’s doing and it is wonderful to see? " Rejection. It's hard. No one ever wants to experience being rejected. Each one of us has a need to be loved and wanted. Human beings are social creatures that crave connection in some form or another. This is part of the reason why rejection hurts; because the need to connect, to be loved, to be wanted, is turned away. With rejection comes many feel...ings; anger, betrayal, it might even impact your self-esteem. The passage above from this Sunday's readings reveals that God can bring something positive, even from rejection. A corner stone is the first stone set in construction, providing reference for the placements of all the other stones. God can help us use our rejection as a tool to grow from, and we can set an example for all those around. I invite you to join me in prayerful reflection and explore the below questions: What's something that has impacted you this week? Have you feel rejected? How can you allow God in to help you grow from this experience? #thoughtfulthursday #growing #faith #Salesian #donbosco
08.01.2022 Thoughtful Thursday- Real Love In our Salesian charism, we used the phrase loving-kindness to describe the way Don Bosco asked us to love other people. This love isn't any ordinary kind of love but one that challenges and encourages a person to grow. Jesus describes what this can look like in Sunday's gospel where he encourages us to actually talk with the ones we love when they do something wrong. Not in an aggressive way, but from a place of love and respect.... Through reflection, I find myself challenged by this aspect of love. I want to bring happiness and joy into other people's lives, and so anything that steps outside of this is often confronting. But in the same way, I don't want to be someone that people can walk all over. Jesus and Don Bosco teach us that real love shouldn't just be all mushy and gushy, it should also help those around us, as well as ourselves, to grow Raqael #thoughtfulthursday #faith #reallove #jesus #donbosco #salesian #growth #lovingkindness
05.01.2022 A few years ago I was walking home from school when I saw an old man walking towards a nature reserve. He was wearing bright yellow gloves, a wide brim hat and was carrying a large rubbish bag by his side. As I walked towards him I saw the man slowly bend down and begin picking up the small pieces of rubbish hidden between the branches of the shrubs by his feet. I continued walking and wondered what he was doing there all by himself, Was he getting paid to do this? And if so ...where was his team? As I passed him, he wished me a good afternoon and bowed the tip of his brimmed hat stating what a beautiful day it was today. I smiled at him in agreement, and asked if he was working? He laughed and shook his head No, he said but someone has to pick this up, so it might as well be me. I smiled and complimented his efforts, then continued walking home. I had long regretted that day, I wished that I had put my bag down, put on a pair of gloves and helped him. I didn’t know why I made the decision to walk away, I felt so much guilt about this that I was blinded to the obvious path forward. I had always hated litter. I hated how it didn’t decompose, I hated that it contributed to the deaths of some many plants and animals, and I hated that humans are the reason it exists. It felt good to hate. It felt good to disapprove of other people’s actions, knowing that I wasn’t actively contributing to the problem. However, it wasn’t until I had this interaction with this man that I realised I wasn’t being part of the solution. This man saw that litter was a problem, and his reaction wasn’t to look at it disapprovingly, instead he put on his gloves, grabbed a rubbish bag and started to pick it up. Whenever I see litter now I am reminded of this man, and how obvious the solution is: If you see litter, put on your gloves and pick it up. This small interaction I had that day changed me. There is always something you can do to be part of a solution. - Sara #MissionMonday #SeasonOfCreation #BePartOfTheSolution
05.01.2022 SAVOURY MAIN MEALS AND ENTREES NEEDED: We need your help! Hello Everyone! There is only one week left to get your recipe in for the Parish Cookbook. We are looking for quick mid-week dinners, vegetarian meals, kid friendly meals, favourites for special diets (e.g. gluten, dairy free), picnics, BBQ salads. The deadline for submitting a recipe is the 1st of December. If you are interested in donating, please contact Sara (Assistant Youth Minister) for details: [email protected] We would love all the help we can get to make this initiative possible by Christmas! Thanks so much! Youth Matters and the Social Justice Team! Xx #MissionMonday
04.01.2022 THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY- matthew20:1-16 This Sunday's gospel parable has so many messages within it. Jesus tells a parable about a landowner that went out and hired some people to work in his vineyard. One thing that really stood out to me in this parable is the multiple opportunities that the landowner gave to the people to work in the vineyard. He went out at the daybreak, then the third hour, then the 6th then the 9th and then the 11th.... When I reflect on my own faith life journey, I can't help but see a parallel between it and the parable. No matter how many times I seem to stuff up or turn away from him, Jesus continually provides and gives opportunities to be with him. Even in the 11th hour when we may have given up on ourselves, Jesus will still come out and offer an invitation. It doesn't matter about what you have done or what you have yet to do, Jesus values and cares about the person you are now #thoughtfulthursday #opportunities #faith #salesian #donbosco #youth #Jesus #matthew20:1-16
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