You Unlimited | Sport & recreation
You Unlimited
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25.01.2022 Parents of teens..Do you feel like an ATM? Is it time they got a part time job? You can support them financially. But should you? Did you know that teens leaving school in the next 3-5 years will have an average of 15 jobs by age 35? We are entering the ‘gig economy’. Your teens will be working in a labour market that we have not experienced before. Ultimately, your teens will be managing their careers like a small business of one. ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Love who you are! But love who you are becoming, more! x
23.01.2022 Your resume is often your best chance at a great first impression. Blow them away in the first second. Design, content, clear branding, layout and targeting it for the jobs / employers you want are critical. I know what works, evidenced by the 90% success rate. Contact me to get an awesome resYOUme today....last chance before my prices go up. Check out my packages here: Page 1 images of some of my awesome resYOUme e...xamples below - many different templates, styles and formats.....(I will be sharing more) Content is king and the language used needs to engage, use the right key words, reflect the company values and knock their socks off! You deserve a resume that reflects your aweomeness and your personality! Call me to discuss on 0423 171 234 or email me your existing resume to [email protected] for a free quote and consult. Get ready to ROCK-et! See more
22.01.2022 When you commit, change your perspective and put in the hard work, it all pays off! I have not been on social media posting as much as I 'should'. I have been so busy it is crazy. In the last week, I have had so many clients referred to me and commit to my higher level packages, that I now have a 2 week waiting list!! I have been to another school careers expo, did a short key note, launched a new online program for teens and got my first enrolments in it. 4 clients got the j...ob they wanted, many more have interviews and I am working on more awesome things on the side. I had a massive wake up call with a coach the other day and I have doubled my average client spend and rolling off the back of May with a big month,with June looking full as well. Big shifts and lots of positive healing been done on myself and the things that have been in my way for so long. When you do the work on yourself and you commit to making changes, the rest falls into place! So Yay for me, and YAY for all my super awesome clients! YOU rock and you are doing the work too. Congrats to all. Onwards and upwards we go! if your ready to invest in your awesomeness and career potential, I am right here waiting to share my awesomeness with YOU.....Seona See more
19.01.2022 New P.B set today! I have been working with a client on a career change and a re-brand (from security industry, to disability employment support). She gave me her trust by investing in me after a lot of unsuccessful attempts doing it herself. So we met, I worked with her to gain insight into EVERYTHING she had done...(I think of my consultations like 'digging for gold nuggets'). I found the gold, we developed an awesome new brand which 'jumped the gap' and marketed her as the... perfect, passionate fit she was. This morning I sent her the final versions of her resume and cover letter. She was stoked and applied immediately. She got a phone call 15 MINUTES later and after speaking with her she is now shortlisted! BOOM! You just got hit with a YU marketing pitch! You cant ignore awesomeness. #personalbranding #Lovemywork #mindset #thatswhathappenswhenaRESUMEslapsthemintheface #winning
16.01.2022 "Whether you think you can, or think you cant, you are right!" Your beliefs are what makes you, YOU. Thoughts create things. Fears hold us back. Overcoming fears is not easily done, but it needs to be done. Exposure therapy = exposing yourself to your fear, facing it head on. Until it is not scary anymore. Fear of heights, bungy jump. Fear of public speaking, grab the microphone. Fear of spiders....catch one. Fear of making cold calls....pick up the phone and call!! (I just ...did that one) and it feels good, I didn't die and people wanted to talk to me. So, my advice today: FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY. Go for the job you want, have the difficult conversation you have been putting off with your boss / coworker / partner, ask for that salary increase....Take a leap of have nothing to lose. Remember: YOU CAN! YOU GOT THIS! I BELIEVE IN YOU. Seona :-)
16.01.2022 Go where you are celebrated....not tolerated! I say this a lot. So many of my clients come to me, because they feel "stuck" in a job they hate, working in negative environments, being used, abused and overworked. They feel powerless. They don't know what to do. They are scared. They go to 'work' for the paycheck, That is no way to live. You should be happy to be in your work environment....there is no reason for you to stay there.....FEAR keeps you there. Release the fears t...hat you allow to hold you back. You can absolutely have it all, have a job you love, work with people who think you are awesome and be paid well to do all this!! Success is underpinned by your belief in yourself. If you believe you can't, you won't....if you believe you can, you will! Change your thoughts....and change your world. Back it all up with actions. To get out of a negative work environment....make the choice to change. Then take the steps you need to take to change it. I can and want to help you!! Lets celebrate everything you are, and all you have to offer! You are unlimited!!! I believe in you, Seona See how I can help at
16.01.2022 Latest from the blog - Its all about your awesomeness....3 steps to elevate your awesomeness ranking
13.01.2022 Say yes to YOU! Stop putting yourself last. It is time to become the YOU you came here to be. #askmehow #yougotthis #youareunlimited #youunlimited #youdeservemore #seonacraig
12.01.2022 Remember these? My latest blog was inspired by these 3D posters from the 1990's.....I love them,.....look at your career from a new perspective......and put your heart into it. Enjoy! #flashbackFriday #careerpreneurs
12.01.2022 Reframe: Think of yourself as a Careerpreneur....rathe than an employee / slave / undervalued staff member....A CareerPreneur is an empowered employee operating in the new 'gig' based labour market, where permanent work is on the decline - CareerPreneurs know what they want, who they want to work with, what solutions they provide, what they aiming for.... and how they are going to get there....your career should be managed like a successful business: marketing your brand, wor...king with perfect clients (your employers), earning your worth and gaining new skills Whether your 'gig' is 12 months or 5 years....the important thing is that you LOVE what you do, learn from it, leverage it and then launch to the next level. Success within the new world of work is determined by whether you have the guts to be YOUrself and own it. Like the CEO of a business, you are the CEO of your career, you decide where you go, who for, and how much for - now go and launch yourself! To your unlimited success. Seona - leader of the CareerPreneur revolution
12.01.2022 Yes to this. Lack of real work experience is such a barrier to employability for graduates I work with. Parents often think it is a good thing to financially support their children through school and university, so they can "focus on their studies". This is one of the most unhelpful things parents can do. When I work with undergraduates, the most employable ones are the ones who have work experience relevant to their degree. So, if you are studying to become a nurse or doctor..., and you have 3 years part-time experience as a Pharmacy Assistant, or medical receptionist experience, you will advance past the other under grad applicants who only have good grades to show. You will have real life experiences to draw on in your interview and selection criteria responses regarding dealing with patients etc. It is critical to the future success of your children that you encourage them to gain real work experience and enables them to balance their priorities. Countless studies show that employers value experience over academic achievement. You are doing a great job - but it is time to stop being a helicopter parent and give your 'child' their own wings! Help your kids to succeed by helping them to get a relevant job while they are studying. I developed a program for just that - Teens: Market yourself with confidence and land your first job. Click here ....check it out and sign them up - we start with identifying the jobs that will build their skills and their brand.....and then we give them all the tools, coaching, templates, resources and support they need to succeed. This is an investment that will pay itself back - in a couple of weeks 'pocket money' savings alone. Use the code "teens" at checkout to get it for $57 instead of $99 until 31 August. To their unlimited success, Seona
11.01.2022 Are you gonna answer? Listen for the call...remember, you probably turned your "phone" to you have to listen hard to hear them vibrate! #dreams #purpose #calling #career #careerpreneurs #branding #youunlimited
09.01.2022 Did someone tell you you were "overqualified" for the job? This can mean a couple of things: 1. You are undervaluing yourself and applying for jobs below your worth. It happens when people get desperate. You are perceived as being too good for the job, and therefore also a 'flight risk' - as in you will be out the door in a heartbeat for better offer more suited to your capability. 2. You have too many qualifications and not enough real work experience. This is typical '...sugar coated' feedback given to graduates with too many academic achievements / qualifications / degrees ....and no or little work experience. It may also be a nice , vanilla way of saying, 'thanks but no thanks'. So do not take it personally and remember to apply for jobs that are a great match for your experience and qualifications. Don't ever "dumb yourself down" in your job applications to avoid being 'over qualified'. Own your awesomeness and find the best fit roles and companies you want to work for and want to contribute to. Target your job search and make sure your applying for roles where you will be celebrated for all that you are. Its always better to aim higher than lower.... but keep it real. To your unlimited success, Seona
06.01.2022 I'm waiting at the Coffee Club to meet a new client - Greg, at 9am, who I have only spoken to on the phone. He sounds awesome and I'm looking forward to our 2 hour coaching session. A man comes up to me at 8.57. I try and hide my that a Ned Kelly 'such is life' T-shirt?. I am totes professional and non judgemental, so I ignore the suspicious red glazed eyes, smile, hold out my hand and say "Hi Greg?" He shakes it and tells me I look lovely. Thanks, I do. :-) H...e sits down. Greg has drove a long way, so I ask him how the drive was fine. I ask him if he received the questionnaire I sent him. He looks shocked and says "You sent me a questionnaire??".Um, Yes, did you bring it?.. No! He didn't...... I ask a few more questions...things are getting weird, so I hand him a business card. He looks at it warily. I clarify: 'your here to meet me for your resume etc, yes?' He says, NO, I have nothing to do with your business! (Yes! Thank God!!) I say...'are you here for an internet date???' He says yes. We look around and see a woman staring at us - just his type! He stands up, just as my 'real Greg' walks in, who is about 6'3".... 'Tinder Greg' stands up, puts his hands in the air and says "sorry mate, sorry" and walks off. I greet the real, nicely dressed Greg with "OMG I am soooo happy to see YOU!". Hilarious ice breaker ensues... never been happier to see a nicely dressed, non stoned person. The Tinder date ends after 15 mins. LOL. Hope she wasn't jealous he chose me first! haha The people around me are thinking I am running a speed dating service, (I meet clients there often several times a week)....then the real Greg tops it off by paying me few hundred in cash - to which I cant resist....I mock the onlookers by putting my sunnies on and fanning myself with the money and laughing like a crazy person to give them something to talk about. lol. What are we without our stories? Life is so crazy and I love everything that happens. LIFE IS GOOD. See more
04.01.2022 Thanks to Luke Howarth MP for asking me along to his Careers Bootcamp! Great day, fantastic initiative, good bloke, great contacts and an absolute pleasure to give back! This letter reminded me to share what I’m up to with you all. I have been awol on FB, (sorry) business never busier, so many achievements and milestones which I should have shared... making better effort to maintain my online presence and not be a best kept secret! All is good! I’ll share more, promise. You’re awesome! Much love!
03.01.2022 Latest awesomeness from my blog....
03.01.2022 Imagine are attending a TEDx of the key speakers cant make it....the producer knows you and has heard of you.....they come up to you and asks if you can fill in and talk for 10 minutes. You have to do it! You have 10 mins to prepare your thoughts and "wing it" on stage- you have a message within you..its your belief and your purpose. What is it? What do you tell the 1,000 people in front of you? In this moment,,,,you have no fear,,,,you just tap into your inner wisdom and speak your truth, it is get a standing ovation!! OMG - they LOVED you. What did you tell them? Use that "message" to help you identify your passion and purpose. Monetise that message and become that person. YOUareUNLIMITED #youareunlimited #truth #purpose #nofear #nofilter #TedTalks
02.01.2022 Employers hire on attitude. Your attitude is easy to assess. As a recruiter I will ask you questions which you perceive as small talk to see what you say, I will ask subtle questions with a smile to get you to open up.....such as asking about why you left your previous employers etc..... I will read the attitude signals on everything - from whether you thank me for my time, whether you put your cup in the kitchen on your way out.....but do you know where I can find out the about your attitude?........On your social media pages. I will google you and stalk you as much as I like - and 90% of employers in Australia do this too. Your Facebook page is a free 'attitude assessment' tool for employers. Change and manage your privacy settings. Recruiters love stalking you. Your attitude is everything when it comes to being successful and a valued employee or Careerpreneur. So google yourself and clean up any signs of bad attitudes or bad behaviour. Seona "I got your back" Craig :-) See more
02.01.2022 Att: Gen X and Baby Boomers: The 1980's were awesome years.....but when it comes to your resume and LinkedIn profile.....#whathappenedinthe80s..staysinthe80's Same goes for the 1990's largely....unless you achieved something epic, like OAM or Olympian etc. As always relevance to your targeted audience is key. eg. If your going for a TV hosting gig, and the most relevant experience you had was Co-Host of "It's a Knockout" in 1987 then sure it may have it's place (that show wa...s awesome - lol)....but generally, the 80's and 90's are over and your best years shouldn't be that far behind you.....they are in front of focus on the immediate lead up to them....and how you are preparing to become the next Olympian, OAM, CEO, Astronaut, Consultant or whatever it is you are aiming at. I literally just redid a resume that originally had 1980-1989 as Hairdresser / Salon Manager still listed on it.....and I cant get the image of blue eye shadow, crimped hair and white leather fringed jacket, with socks over jeans out of my mind. Even though this person is now super successful.... Your resume tells your story, be careful of the 'mind movie' you create with your words. Now that I have this image in my mind...all I want this client to say is "I owned the 80's... now I own 5 businesses".... #closure. :-) haha
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