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YWAM Perth Africa DTS | Non-profit organisation

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YWAM Perth Africa DTS

Phone: +61 474 742 389


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25.01.2022 Question: How often do you get to see the pyramids? Better yet, how often do you get to go on missions, serve Jesus, and see the pyramids? #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadtsperth #makehimknown #pyramids #egypt

24.01.2022 BOOK REVIEW // ~During DTS, students get the opportunity to choose three books from a variety of authors to read over lecture phase. Here is a student review of A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards. ... A Tale of Three Kings is a simple and quick read, but the content is rich. The author deeply dissects the biblical characters Saul, David, and Absalom and leads the reader to self-reflect on their characteristics in comparison to his own. It is a book that requires heartlfelt introspection, while giving a message of hope and encouragement to the reader. I was really inspired by this book and it taught me a great lesson in humility as the author broke down the story of David. David was truly a man after Gods own heart. I am really glad that a friend recommended this book to me, and would happily continue in suggesting this book to others. -[student review] #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadts #makehimknown #bookreview

23.01.2022 Hearing the voice of God Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things that you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 We learnt in week 1 of lectures that hearing Gods voice comes through an intentionally cultivated walk with God. #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #godspeaks #gapyear

22.01.2022 HEARING GODS VOICE // YWAM is committed to creating with God through listening to Him, praying His prayers, and obeying His commands in matters great and small. We are dependent upon hearing His voice as individuals, together in team contexts and in larger corporate gatherings, as an integral part of our process for decision making. What is something God is sharing with you? ... #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadts #makehimknown #foundationalvalues

21.01.2022 FATHER HEART OF GOD During the week of 'Father heart of God' I came to understand the depth of God’s love and compassion for me. This encouraged me to accept His invitation of being a daughter in His kingdom instead of being a servant, and changed my whole perspective around serving Him. Serving God now naturally flows out of being His beloved daughter rather than fearful obedience to a master. This has brought tremendous freedom, changing my motivation for everything I do a...nd allowing me to pursue deeper relationship with God. Rachel - Africa DTS student #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

21.01.2022 Meet Brae! She is kind, compassionate and has a heart for caring for people & letting them know theyre loved! Whilst Brae has always had a desire for mission, it wasnt until after her house burnt down in 2019 that God repeatedly placed the word Perth, followed by YWAM on her heart through multiple different people and his word. During this time, God brought back a dream that Brae had 4 years earlier of Africa. This led to Brae signing up for the YWAM Perth Africa DTS. Brae ...says: Whilst doing street evangelism on DTS, God showed me areas in my life where I carried unforgiveness & needed healing from previous relationships. This has provided an opportunity to actually acknowledge these areas in my life and allow God to start the process of rebuilding areas of brokenness and unforgiveness. #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear See more

20.01.2022 Meet Grace! She is fun, loves adventure and the Aussie beach, and has a desire to share the love of Jesus with others! Grace grew up having a belief in God but never a personal relationship. During her third year of uni, whilst partying and relationships provided temporary satisfaction, she felt lost, overwhelmed and lacking purpose in life. This is when Grace considered the option of doing YWAM and signed up for the Africa DTS. Grace says, Since starting DTS God has touched my heart and shown me that he is bigger than the stressors of life. Im hoping to build my relationship with God, freely depending on him to continue to lead me. #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

19.01.2022 New Life in Jesus On the weekend we celebrated the baptism of Grace (@africadtsperth student) and the new life she has in Jesus! Praise God we're chosen, redeemed and adopted into new life with Him!... 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone the new is here! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

18.01.2022 OUTREACH ANNOUNCEMENT Less than six weeks to go before we head to Africa! Were so excited to share the hope we have in Jesus, and are expectant for an out pouring of all God has for the nations of Africa!... Team South Africa and Mozambique (photo 1) Team Uganda and Tanzania (photo 2) #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

18.01.2022 ~Excitement~ Looking forward to having the Africa DTS 2020 students come from near and far in less than 2 weeks! Anticipating that God will do great things in and through this school. The excitement is building! #ywam #ywamperth #missions #dts #jesus #africa #outreach

17.01.2022 ~love~ Love one another as I have loved you (from John 13v34). We get to show God's love in practical ways and we get to share about His incredible love in the nations. He trusts us to do that! What a privilege! #ywam #ywamperth #missions #gapyear #jesus #africa

17.01.2022 PRAY FOR OUTREACH FINANCES We're expectant for all God will do as we head to Africa in just over three weeks! Praise God that He is our faithful provider who meets all our needs. We're trusting in Him and praying that all our finances will come through in the next week.... Please pray that our trust will continue to be fully in God and that He will bring the increase #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

16.01.2022 Happy Australia Day!! Enjoyed building relationships as a team, bonding over good vibes and making memories! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear #australiaday

16.01.2022 FORGIVENESS "Every week on DTS God has been revealing to me His truth. He showed me areas of unforgiveness that needed healing and has slowly been tearing down those walls, bringing me to a place of being able to forgive both myself and others. Since walking in forgiveness I feel like a burden has been lifted and there is so much freedom!" Kloe Africa DTS Student #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

16.01.2022 TESTIMONY // It was such a humbling experience to serve with a few of the YWAM Kilimanjaro students this week! Working as they do, specifically in the kitchen, made me realize all the things in my home I take for granted- like having a constant flame on the stove, and the convenience of western utensils and ingredients. Through this experience, God has shown me humility in asking for help from others. I was reminded that I dont do things the way others may do something (es...pecially in a different country), and its good to ask for help and to always be grateful for the resources God gives us. P.S Jesus loves you! - Love, Brynn #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadtsperth #makehimknown #humility

15.01.2022 FATHER HEART OF GOD During the week of 'Father heart of God' I came to understand the depth of Gods love and compassion for me. This encouraged me to accept His invitation of being a daughter in His kingdom instead of being a servant, and changed my whole perspective around serving Him. Serving God now naturally flows out of being His beloved daughter rather than fearful obedience to a master. This has brought tremendous freedom, changing my motivation for everything I do a...nd allowing me to pursue deeper relationship with God. Rachel - Africa DTS student #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

14.01.2022 Week 4 Worship and Intercession What is worship? The basis of our worship is our relationship with God. It is not based on emotions but on the very nature of who God is. The more we encounter God we develop a deeper understanding of who He is and who we're in Him that leads us to worship. Isaiah 25:1 LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.... #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear # worship

14.01.2022 D O F I R S T, T H E N T E A C H // YWAM is committed to doing first, then teaching. We believe that firsthand experience gives authority to our words. Godly character and a call from God are more important than an individuals gifts, abilities and expertise Today we had the chance to learn how to build a Bio Sand Water Filter. We are going to be building this really simple and effective water filtration system in our outreach locations, and teaching the people how to build... it themselves. The feedback of this filter has been so positive, and we are excited to be able to continue to share this method as embark to the nations of Africa. #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadts #makehimknown #thesend #foundationalvalues

13.01.2022 Testimony Trusting God Since starting DTS God has really been challenging me to trust Him. To trust Him in both the little things and what happens next in my life, to trust Him that I am where He wants me to be, and to trust His word and what His truths say about me. This had led me to inviting Him in and allowing Him to take control of my life and to take my worries, trusting that He will take care of it all. Africa DTS student... Philippians 4:6 Dont worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

13.01.2022 Meet Kayleigh! She is simply beautiful, fun, loves the outdoors and had a passion for people and Africa! Kayleigh grew up knowing God in a mission focused family and invited Jesus into her heart at the age of six. Since then Kayleigh has continued to seek God and grow in her love for Him. It was during her first mission trip to Africa in 2014 where Kayleigh saw the joy and contentment the people had despite their poverty, which developed her heart and passion for missions and Africa! This led to Kayleigh signing up for the Africa DTS in her gap year. Kayleigh says: 'Since starting DTS I've experienced God and grown so much deeper in my relationship with Him, including a deeper knowledge of Gods love and faithfulness particularly for the nations.' #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

13.01.2022 Meet Hannah! She is absolutely beautiful, kind, fun, loves sport and has a desire to explore missions! Hannah was blessed to grow up having an intimate relationship with God. Experiencing first hand His steadfast love during seasons of loneliness when she moved to West Africa, Hannah continued to develop a passion for Jesus her best friend! It was after graduating from college that Hannah desired to explore missions in Africa, which led to her signing up for the Africa DTS.... Hannah says: Since starting DTS I've learned to lay down misconceptions about God, myself and others and allow God to transform the way I think. It has been so comforting to see that God has a bigger plan and that He is at work in my life. #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

12.01.2022 Meet Chris! He is a man of vision, with a humble and meek spirit. He has a passion for the individual, and loves to speak life into people. Chris lives as we are called in James 1:19: quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. God has big plans for this humble leader. G-day, Im Christopher Whitby, I grew up in Maclean NSW, situated in the Northern Rivers of Australia. As a young family we moved to the Hunter after my parents heard Gods calling. I gr...ew up in a Christian family and always called myself a Christian, but I see how much I had turned away from God. I moved to Tamworth two years ago after a difficult period in my life. God stepped in in a big way and began to work in my life: pursuing me and making himself known to me, and igniting a deep desire for intimacy with Him. In December 2018 God led me to join YWAM, and to follow a passion for Africa, to see restoration and unity across the nations. I am so excited and keen to see God continue to reveal more of himself to me and through me to others, to see Him to continue to restore me and to guide me, and to see Him move in and through my life and impact the people and nations. #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadts #makehimknown #thesend

12.01.2022 As part of DTS at YWAM Perth we take the opportunity to do street evangelism and open airs in Perth City. We have an incredible privilege of being the voice of God to the lost and hurting, and to declare His love and power to transform lives. Psalms 71:15 I will tell everyone about your righteousness. All day long I will proclaim your saving power... #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

12.01.2022 1 Chronicles 16:24 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. We're excited to announce that the Africa DTS will be sending two teams to Africa in April 2020! Stay tuned for Africa outreach locations in the next few weeks! Pray that God will be glorified across the nations of Africa and that many lives will encounter His love! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

11.01.2022 A F R I C A D T S 2 0 1 9 | | Outreach locations revealed! Take a look! #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadts #makehimknown #thesend

09.01.2022 Our fourth outreach location is Mozambique! Praise God we get to share the love of Jesus in Mozambique through youth and children's ministry, evangelism and discipleship! Please pray for Mozambique: - Pray that many hearts will come to know the abundant life that Jesus offers - Pray for an empowering of the Holy Spirit in the local church to see His kingdom come... - Pray that God will prepare our team to walk in the purposes He has for us in Mozambique #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #mozambique #jesus #adventure #gapyear #pray

08.01.2022 Here's a quick look at what this years YWAM Perth Africa DTS did on outreach!

08.01.2022 2020 Africa DTS has begun! 15 young people from 6 different countries all with a passion to see the nation's of Africa transformed by the love of God! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #Africa #God #Jesus #gapyear

06.01.2022 Second outreach location reveal for team 1 is Tanzania! Tanzania borders Uganda in East Africa. With 5,658,000 unreached people there is a desperate need for the love of Jesus to be proclaimed! Please pray for Tanzania: - Pray that many hungry hearts will receive the freedom and life that Jesus offers... - Pray that the local church in Tanzania will grow stronger and deeper with Jesus - Pray that God will open doors for His purposes to unfold in Uganda Stay tuned for our next two outreach locations! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear #pray

05.01.2022 ~Worship~ In spirit and in truth (from John 4v24) We regularly get to worship God together. It's so good to praise the King of kings and the Lord of lords! #ywam #ywamperth #dts #missions #africa #gapyear #jesus

05.01.2022 If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together - African Proverb

04.01.2022 D O D O M A // This past week, team #tanzamwe spent their week running a Discipleship Training Seminar! They had many opportunities to preach in the church, evangelize in the area, and help out in local clinics and schools. Meet Simon: ... We met Simon during one of our first prayer walks in Dodoma. He is such a soft hearted man, and had never accepted Jesus into his life. When we first started talking to him about Jesus, he was confused because he had been told that Jesus was only for wealthy and well off people. Thats when we told him the true gospel. When we finished, he said he wanted this man, Jesus, into his life. Praise the Lord. Over the next few days we would meet him outside his place and bring him to our seminars and had the opportunity to help disciple him and get him connected in church. Our last night we were also able to get him an audio bible, and he felt so blessed to be able to access the word of God. We love you Simon, and we are so happy to have met you. #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadtsperth #makehimknown #thesend #tia

03.01.2022 Serving with the South Sudan Ministry at YWAM Perth! Each week we have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus as we tutor African refugee background children at the local school! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

03.01.2022 M I S S I O N S / / This week the DTS have joined together to focus on missions. Through this, God has been giving us fresh perspective on how much our world needs to hear the good news of our saviour, Jesus Christ. ... David Livingstone once said without Christ, not one step; with him, anywhere! Where is God calling you? #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadts #makehimknown #missions #letsgo

03.01.2022 Third outreach location reveal is South Africa! Were so excited to see the love of Jesus proclaimed in South Africa as we do evangelism, discipleship, youth and children's ministry, and visit local orphanages. Please pray for South Africa: - Praise God for the opportunity to share the love of Jesus in South Africa - Pray that the church in South Africa will grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus... - Pray that the lost, hurting and marginalised will encounter the love and freedom of Jesus Stay tuned for our last outreach locations! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #southafrica #jesus #adventure #gapyear #pray See more

02.01.2022 ~Corporate Worship~ Such an amazing time getting together with the whole base to praise, worship and honor King Jesus! He deserves all the glory! #missions #jesus #kingjesus #ywam #ywamperth #gapyear #outreach #africa

02.01.2022 PERTH WA // We have the privilege to call this city our home for three months as we choose to grow in our relationship with God. One of the honours we have in living here is being able to freely and openly worship God on the streets throughout the entirety of this amazing city. Last Wednesday the Africa DTS took their class to the city and worshiped openly in the streets. As we were focused on the worthiness of God two ladies came up to our group: one was a christian and the other was a lady who had just given her life to Jesus. There is power in worship. #amen #ywamperth #ywamperthafricadts #africadts #makehimknown #thesend #transformationtuesday #trueworship

01.01.2022 First outreach location reveal for team 1 is Uganda! Uganda is a beautiful nation in East-Central Africa. Whilst 83.5% of the population is Christian, there is still 1,106,000 unreached people that need to hear of the love of Jesus! Please pray for Uganda: - Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people to receive His love - Pray that well be led by Holy Spirit as we prepare and go to Uganda... - Pray for our partnership with local ministries as we serve and reach out to the local community Stayed tuned for further outreach location reveals! #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear #pray

01.01.2022 LORDSHIP Lordship week was so challenging and eye opening. One of things that stood out was that often we run towards being less human and trying to get rid of our humanity, but Jesus ran the other way, becoming fully human. In the past I have sometimes hated being human, but Jesus delighted in becoming human forever, which is crazy. It was also so reassuring to realise that because Jesus was human, he knows how it feels when we are suffering and He is groaning and crying with us. I feel like this week gave me an amazing revelation on who Jesus is and about my humanity and I am so keen to see where God takes me. Ben Africa DTS Student #ywamperth #africadtsperth #missions #africa #jesus #adventure #gapyear

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