Zen Beach Yoga in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Yoga studio
Zen Beach Yoga
Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 438 552 505
Address: Mudjimba Beach Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Likes: 490
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25.01.2022 Tomorrow’s forecast Sunny low tide a little crisp perfect for Yoga on the Beach Yoga https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
25.01.2022 SATURDAY - 8am - Beach Yoga @ Mudjimba with Ganga ... down these steps and turn right ( for ... if we will post any cancellation here by 7.30 ... but at this stage its looking good! ... remember bookings are essential)
25.01.2022 So Beach Yoga went ahead this morning. Right on 8am the sun came out and the yogis emerged from the car park ... we started 10 minutes late but managed to get a lovely full class in before the dark clouds rolled back over ... So ... as I have no control over the weather ... and it is constantly changing I can promise you this .... 1. If the class is cancelled I will post that cancellation up on the Facebook pages and Instagram stories 30-60 minutes prior. 2.... If the weather is doing its thing and its too hard to call ... I WILL turn up and show up on the beach ... fully prepared to teach .. but also fully prepared to call it off and make a run for coffee meditation. 3. If you have booked and paid online ... and we have to cancel OR you choose not to risk iffy weather - you can reschedule that class to the next week or whenever you like ... through the booking system. Your payment goes with you. I hope all of this makes sense ... in these uncertain times I just wanted to bring some clarity to your Saturday mornings .... 8 times out of 10 we are very fortunate and the sun shines down on us! Have a wonderful weekend
24.01.2022 Looking out the window here in Mudjimba right now - it doesnt look much like this pastel sky photo of our beach yoga space - some say "it wont happen over night" but I say it could happen ... the sun could come out and it could be beautiful on the beach in the morning. So until then .... Beach Yoga is on at 8am - and should the rain keep falling and we need to cancel - I will post up here by 7am (I need to make the call early as we have yogis coming from further afield). Until then BEACH YOGA - 8AM - MUDJIMBA BEACH with Jules (Spaces still available)
23.01.2022 Currently on the beach waiting for the Yogis .... and here is the sign Im in the right place! See you at 8 for YOGA (and Qi Gong, and meditation and optional coffee!!)
23.01.2022 BEACH YOGA ~ MUDJIMBA It’s looking good for beach yoga tomorrow morning at 7am with Clare This is our last at 7am for a while ~ the following week we move to 6am for Summer... Remember to book in here ... https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
23.01.2022 *** Update - come to the park by the playground! Wind just went from zero to 100!! Sun is shining. Birds are chirping! Time for Beach Yoga Lifeforce Wellbeing
22.01.2022 SATURDAY ~ 6am ~ Beach Yoga at Mudjimba Please join us afterwards in the park for coffee meditation and perhaps a light picnic style breakfast. Bring a plate (with something on it) ... I will supply the games ~ and they will be fun, light hearted games (no brain strain at all) ... it’s a great opportunity to get to know your fellow beach yogis and form some new friendships! All welcome! A family/kid friendly morning! You can book beach yoga here ...... https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga Thank you to Janie for the photo
22.01.2022 Saturday - 7am - Beach Yoga - Mudjimba Weather - 13 degrees ( so wear something warm .... perfect weather for coffee meditation) Only a 20% chance of rain! Tide - Incoming - but only to 1.44m - so we should have plenty of beach... Wind 28km/h - but from the West so on the beach it should be fine! Numbers - only 10 (including me) but we are planning a break off group with social distancing - so I say - just show up - would love to see you.
21.01.2022 Sunny Saturday Morning Beach Yoga at 8am Lots of sand, sun and space to practice
21.01.2022 Looking out the window here in Mudjimba right now - it doesn't look much like this pastel sky photo of our beach yoga space - some say "it won't happen over night" but I say it could happen ... the sun could come out and it could be beautiful on the beach in the morning. So until then .... Beach Yoga is on at 8am - and should the rain keep falling and we need to cancel - I will post up here by 7am (I need to make the call early as we have yogis coming from further afield). Until then BEACH YOGA - 8AM - MUDJIMBA BEACH with Jules (Spaces still available)
21.01.2022 Beach Yoga at 8 this morning https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
20.01.2022 Saturday - BEACH YOGA - 8am - Mudjimba Beach ... join us on the beach tomorrow morning for yoga beach style Plenty of spaces still left ... but please book in so we are complying with all the Covid rules. : Mudjimba beach at dawn on a particularly chilly morning - I snuck up on this couple practicing their tai chi
20.01.2022 SATURDAY 8am - Beach Yoga at Mudjimba Weather, Tide and Wind ... all looking good ... see you on the beach!!
19.01.2022 Beach yoga moves to 8am for Winter! . The best of both worlds ... a little sleep in but we still get to Yoga on the beach in the sunshine! (And of course the important coffee meditation afterwards!! ) You can book in here right up until 5 minutes before hand .... lots of space (a whole beach) https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
19.01.2022 Sunrise at 6.28 Beach Yoga at 7
18.01.2022 Picture perfect at Mudjimbasee you at 7:00am
18.01.2022 5.25am and already the sun is high! . See you at 6 for Beach Yoga!!
18.01.2022 SATURDAY! Beach Yoga ~ 8am ~ Mudjimba Beach (lots of space, fresh air, hopefully Sunshine ... and you can just show up or book in last minute .... its all pretty casual because ITS THE WEEKEND!!! ) If we have to cancel due to rain I will post up here at least 30 minutes prior
18.01.2022 See you at 7. It’s beautiful down here ... but rug up!!
17.01.2022 A beautiful sunny Saturday morning ... a man and his dog ... and a yoga teacher waiting for her yogis! Would hate for you to miss this! Beach Yoga 8am at Mudjimba
17.01.2022 Remember to book in for Beach Yoga tonight if you want a refreshingly cold lavender eye pillow for pose of a sunbaker tomorrow morning Beach Yoga ~ 7am ~ Mudjimba Beach https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
17.01.2022 Beach Yoga cancelled! Sorry everyone ... but I wanted to give you every opportunity for a sleep in! At 6am the tide will be super high ... the winds will be destructive, the surf huge and high probability of rain! Not ideal beach yoga conditions! Hopefully see as many of you as possible later in the day for Christmas drinks
17.01.2022 Beach Yoga ~ Mudjimba ~7am If you have been looking for a sign to try Zen Beach Yoga ... here it is ... Low tide, light breeze, blue sky! The sand between you toes takes away all your woes ... add yoga ... and all is well in the world again! ... Book here: https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
17.01.2022 Apologies ... but there will be no Beach Yoga this week ... see you next week on the Beach at Mudjimba
16.01.2022 Join us tomorrow at 7am for Beach Yoga. The tide will be low, the breeze light and the sun will be shining! (So they tell me). Perfect conditions for Beach Yoga! Mudjimba Beach! Book here: https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
16.01.2022 6:00am Beach Yoga with Clare Beautiful morning, beautiful start to this glorious day
16.01.2022 BEACH YOGA ~ 8am ~ Saturday ~ Mudjimba Yes ... still at 8am for just a little bit longer See you all on the beach tomorrow morning. : Beach Cats
14.01.2022 SATURDAY - BEACH YOGA @ MUDJIMBA - Winter Time - 8am!! Spaces still available - would love to see you there! ... (Just check here by 7.30 for any cancellations due to rain - but looking good at this stage - beanies, uggies, thermals or togs all acceptable attire! Sunnies are a good idea too!) Book here to save your spot.
14.01.2022 Currently at Beach Yoga Central Im here ... willing and able if you are
13.01.2022 So while we are on the subject of returning to some kind of normal - how about a Yoga Holiday - within Australia, within Queensland - in the heart of Winter - but to where it is warm and sunny??? 7 spaces left - Details at - www.lifeforcewellbeing.com//escape-winter-wellbeing-retrea
12.01.2022 8am ~ Saturday ~ Beach Yoga with Ganga Plenty of sand, space and fresh air ... book here right up until 7.55am on Saturday https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/?appointmentType=14313435
11.01.2022 Currently on the beach ~ no rain (yet) ~ low tide ~ looks beautiful ... and option for the park should the weather close in ... but I’m here waiting for you
11.01.2022 Rakey in the rain . Not looking good yogis. If you are booked in you can reschedule through the booking system .... or we can work something out. Coffee meditation is not weather dependant ... just sayn
11.01.2022 What: Beach Yoga Where: Mudjimba Beach When: Saturday 8am Who: Every BODY Why: Its the best way to start your day!! ... Weather: Sunny 15 degrees... outgoing tide : Old Woman Island ... our yoga view from Mudjimba Beach ... in the foreground a downward three legged dog (one leg is cocked ) Book in here: https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/
11.01.2022 Beach Yoga - 8am - Saturday (Weather is looking iffy right now but I will call it by 7.15am tomorrow .... ... stranger things have happened!)
10.01.2022 All Men Welcome - whether you are new to Yoga, have no idea what Yoga is all about or are currently practising .... if you are a Man - this is a FREE class for you. We provide a safe, supportive, non competitive space to move, stretch, rest and relax. Bookings are essential.
09.01.2022 Thanks for a great morning yogis. Perfect on the beach for yoga ... and fun and games in the park putting some of our yoga tools into practice .... visualisation, drishti, mindfulness, patience, sense of humour and non attachment (just to name a few).
08.01.2022 SATURDAY ~ Beach Yoga @ Mudjimba @ 6am Book here:- https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga... I predict we will have an outgoing tide and mainly sunshine (perhaps a few clouds so it’s not too hot) ... there will be just the perfect mix of Qi Gong, moving meditation, Yoga flows and time spent in pose of a sun baker!! (Oh plus coffee meditation and d&m chats to follow) All Up ... a perfect morning! Join us
08.01.2022 Live from Beach Yoga Headquarters! See you on the beach soon!
07.01.2022 SATURDAY ~ 7am ~ Beach Yoga ~ Mudjimba We move to 8am next week ... because it is WINTER!! ... of course we could be forgiven for thinking Winter was last week .... here we are in puffa jackets and beanies ... but it was still very beautiful .... and we are still limited to 10 but not for too much longer! (From the 13th June we can have 20! Yay!!!) As always weather permitting .... you can check here for any cancellations! Its worth noting that coffee meditation is not affected by weather!
07.01.2022 The sky and Siri say different things at the moment ... but I will be back in 20 to update! (Staying hopeful)
06.01.2022 Beach Yoga SATURDAY ~ 8am ~ Mudjimba Beach (forecast is for all day) You can read about this class and book in here ~ ... https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/ there is plenty of space so you can also just show up ..... : thanks to Tracy B
06.01.2022 Beach Yoga ~ Saturday ~ 8am ~ Mudjimba Beach As always weather permitting ~ and although rain is forecast I am sure it will arrive AFTER yoga and coffee!
05.01.2022 Lifesavers ~ Sunshine, Fresh Air and Beach Yoga SATURDAY 6am ~ Beach Yoga Mudjimba with Clare
05.01.2022 SATURDAY 8am ~ Beach Yoga ~ Mudjimba Beach Its going to be warm and ... You can book online or just show up (Beach access 124-125) https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/
04.01.2022 Its quite beautiful down here this morning ... so far very still, some nice mood lighting and just enough beach for Yoga
03.01.2022 Beach Yoga Weather Report Warm, very sunny, slight breeze ... high tide but Beach Yoga goes on! ... Bring your hat and sunnies and water bottle! It’s not too late to book in! https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
03.01.2022 Its a beautiful morning for Beach Yoga ~ and we still have spaces! 8am on Mudjimba Beach ~ between access 124 and 125
03.01.2022 Really horrible on the beach this morning . See you at 8am for Beach Yoga
03.01.2022 SATURDAY 7am Beach Yoga Mudjimba Beach (A cool (semi frozen ) lavender eye pillow for everyone who books in before 6am) Wear your sunnies and bring your beach towel (no mat required) Book here ~... https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
02.01.2022 Flashback to December 2019!! (If only we knew ) But Yoga on the Beach Got us through ... (You know I love a little poem!) SATURDAY 7am - Yoga on Mudjimba Beach ( between beach access 124 & 125) ** In Summer we move to 6am *** Stay tuned during Summer for pop up beach classes on weekday afternoons and the occasional Sunday Sunrise session Our beach Yoga is specifically designed for the beach (sand between your toes not in your face) and is a beautiful fusion of Qi Gong, grounding yoga flows and mindfulness meditation. EveryBODY is welcome ... you can book in here https://lifeforceyoga.as.me/zenbeachyoga
01.01.2022 NO BEACH YOGA TOMORROW This is always such a hard call ... but with 12 hours to go here is a glimpse of the Marcoola Surf Cam (live only moments ago) ~ the wind is predicted to be around 20-30kmph tomorrow morning ... and 70% chance of rain ... I have to make the call now so you can all make plans for a sleep in (and perhaps an extra tonight?) Stay dry, safe and upbeat! See you back in the shed on Monday
01.01.2022 It’s just beautiful down here this morning! See you for Beach Yoga at 8am
01.01.2022 Beach Yoga ~ 8am ~ Mudjimba Beach This photo is from the NOW!!!
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