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25.01.2022 With life so up and down these days managing our mental well-being has been such a focus for us all. It has never been more challenging. Employees and leaders alike are finding it harder maintaining momentum in keeping up motivation and engagement. Especially with so many juggling work from home, carer responsibilities and social restrictions like not being able to be with friends and family as much. Over our next few posts we will reveal hacks that you can use to help unlo...ck the 4 major feel good hormones to help improve not only your own well being, but potentially that of of others. Our first Happiness Hack is Dopamine! This hormone plays a role in how we feel pleasure. It's a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan. Ways that can increase the dopamine hormone in our brain include: Completing a task Self-care activities like reading a book or listening to music Eating nourishing food Celebrating little wins
24.01.2022 14 days straight without any new cases or lives lost from coronavirus is worth patting ourselves on the back about...why? We’re so glad you asked! Professor and Doherty Institute Director Sharon Lewin said Victoria has now gone one whole incubation period without any new COVID-19 infections which is good news in the world of health.... The last time Victoria recorded 14 or more days straight of zero new COVID-19 cases or lives lost was way back between February 1st and 21st this year. And may we just say...What a fantastic effort fellow Victorians! We have sacrificed so much to get here, and whilst we still have a way to go and we should feel proud of our efforts. Let’s give ourselves a pat on the back Victorian’s, we deserve it!
23.01.2022 Have you heard? The Fair Work Commission has announced a 2.5% increase to the minimum wage. So how does this affect you and your business? The minimum wage for Australia's lowest-paid workers will rise to $20.33 an hour, or $772.60 a week for full-time workers effective from 1 July.... Whilst most awards will increase as of 1 July, some awards won’t. These awards will see 2.5% increase applied later in the year. From 1 September, retail workers on award conditions will receive the 2.5% pay increase. From 1 November, those in the aviation, tourism, fitness and certain retail sectors on award conditions will receive the 2.5% pay increase. If you have award based employees start preparing now. Key tips: 1. Have processes in place to implement these changes: Talk to your accountant or bookkeeper about what backend work is needed so these wages are paid on time. 2. Talk to your workers: Let your employees know of these changes and how they apply to them. 3. Identify risk: Conduct a review of any employees who are paid ‘above award’ conditions including those on annualised salaries so they aren’t adversely impacted by these changes that results in underpayment of wages or entitlements. 4. Seek help: If you are poor on time, get in touch with a HR expert who can assist you. Need HR support? Talk to us about how we can help make it easier for you. For more information go to, https://zenhr.com.au//increase-to-minimum-wages-for-2021-a ZEN HR CONSULTING
23.01.2022 In recent news for all businesses in Victoria, from 28 July 2020, employers are now required to notify WorkSafe Victoria immediately on becoming aware that an employee or an independent contractor or a contractor’s employee has received a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis and has attended the workplace during the infectious period. Which is considered to be 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms or a confirmed COVID19 diagnosis (whichever occurs first) and until the day on which the person receives a clearance from isolation from the Department of Health and Human Services. This is important for all Victorian businesses to know. For more information please visit the WorkSafe Victoria website www.worksafe.vic.gov.au
22.01.2022 Pay reviews are an important element of all business compliance especially when modern awards apply. Why? Underpaying employees is a real risk to businesses, especially where there are regular changes to minimum wages, annualised salary administration requirements to meet and wage theft legislation due to come into effect next year (Vic), there has never been more of a focus on paying workers correctly. Conducting a regular pay review is a good starting point to ensure pay ...rates don’t fall below minimum pay and entitlements potentially putting your business in breach of employer legal obligations. We care about businesses having peace of mind when it comes to things that could land them in hot water if not properly handled. How sure are you that your paying your employees correctly? If in doubt, contact us for some support today.
21.01.2022 It might be hard to see it now, but the sun is always shining behind clouds. The next 6 weeks are going to be tough for all of us here in Melbourne, there is no doubt about that. May our solidarity in doing the right thing see this situation fall behind us so we can heal, pick ourselves up again, renew and be stronger than ever before. ... Let’s make sure we check in with each other to see how we are going and continue to stay connected - family, friends, colleagues, workers, clients, suppliers and associates. It's okay if it feels harder this time round, none of us have to go through this alone- together we will see the sun shine again. #ruok? #beyondblue #lifeline #melbourne #victoria #australia #pandemic #sunshine #stage4lockdowns #staysafe #itsokaytonotbeokay #stayconnected #hope #support
21.01.2022 Time to clear away the glitter, streamers, leftover cheese platter and say HELLO to 2021! 2020 was so yesterday! And yes, monumentally tough. So this year, please remember to ask for help if you need it, work out who and what matters to you the most, be kind to one another and take it one day at a time.
17.01.2022 The 13th of November marks World Kindness day. Introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, it is a day to recognise good deeds being performed in the world and the power of kindness in our lives. The lovely thing about kindness is that it can take many different forms and still have a strong impact on us and our community. ... This could mean helping out a neighbour, supporting a coworker during a stressful time, or offering a compliment to a friend for no other reason than to make them smile. As we have seen this year, kindness can even be shown remotely, or from 1.5 metres apart through a funny phone call or a thoughtful goodie box delivery. Here at ZEN HR we want to wish you a very happy World Kindness Day and hope you not only reflect on the kindness in your life, but also how you can show kindness to those around you. Share with us your kind deed/s for the day- we would love to hear them!
17.01.2022 In the recent Federal Budget announcement, significant changes are coming to superannuation- starting from this year. So what does that mean for you and your workplace? Here’s what we know about the main changes:... Superannuation contributions will rise to 10% from 1 July 2021. The $450 rule will be scrapped as of 1 July 2022, meaning regardless of how much money is earned with an employer, the employee will be entitled to employer-paid superannuation. A reminder that the rate of compulsory super is also set to incrementally hit 12% by 2025. Yep, so this means an increase to the cost of employment despite the Federal Government giving consideration to calls from industry to delay the increase. Start budgeting for this now (if you haven't already started) and you need to be across all your employees with salaries that are inclusive of superannuation contributions. Why? Because typically when a salary is inclusive of superannuation, an increase to superannuation contributions could be absorbed into the salary/income component. This results in the employee having more of their salary going towards super, and less of their salary coming to them in their weekly pay (subject to wording in the employment contract). However, this comes with caution, because we know when employees are happy, everything else seems to tick along well. Right? Employees with these terms in their contracts may not take lightly to such changes leaving them disgruntled and that is no good for anyone. Agree? So we recommend avoiding the drama by reviewing employee contracts to identify those affected and seek some employment relations support to determine the best approach for you and your business. And to do this before 1 July 2021. Let us know if you need any assistance with your employment contract terms to avoid unnecessary workplace hassles. We are here to help. To find out more, get in touch or read our latest blog, https://buff.ly/35cvOtL ZEN HR CONSULTING
15.01.2022 Happiness Hack Number 2: Oxytocin The Love Hormone It's sometimes known as the "cuddle hormone" or the "love hormone" because it is released when people snuggle up or bond socially. Ways that can increase the oxytocin hormone in our brain include:... Playing with your pet or baby Holding hands or hugging someone for 90 seconds or more Giving someone a heartfelt compliment or sending a surprise gift Practicing gratitude See more
14.01.2022 What you need to know: 1. Group 3 occupational & industry awards will INCREASE by 1.75% from today's date. 2. Awards include HAIR & BEAUTY, RETAIL, HOSPITALITY, ENTERTAINMENT & MORE.... 3. Pay rates need updating ASAP to avoid underpayment/compliance issues . We suggest: CHECK LIST & FIND RIGHT PAY GUIDE Find out if your industry/occupation is listed in Group 3 & download your applicable Pay Guide from the Fairwork.gov.au website. INCREASE APPLICABLE RATES Update the payroll system before the employee/s first full pay (on or after) 1 February. CHECK 'ABOVE AWARD' RATES For employees who are paid 'above award rates', ensure they do not fall below the new award rates otherwise things can quickly become tricky later on (see point 3 in "What you need to know"). Remember to consider increases to allowances, penalties & loadings too. TELL YOUR EMPLOYEES Communicate the pay changes to your employees. Memo? Email? Letter? In writing is always best. If you, your bookkeeper or accountant need assistance, drop us a line! #hr #wageincreases #zenhr #zenhrconsulting #minimumwage #group3 #humanresources #bookkeeper #accountant #supportforbusiness #fairwork #fairworkaustralia
12.01.2022 Lest We Forget
10.01.2022 Keeping things in perspective and having a voice of reason can be hard when we are presented with the unknown. People respond and cope in a myriad of ways that are based on their own personal principals and life history- which are completely different from our own. If you have noticed an employee or colleague with behaviour or work performance that seems out of character we say please reach out and ask them if everything is OK in their world. Offer some support and if you c...an, help them with anything you can reasonably help them with. Listen with compassion and remember we are all doing the best we can with the resources we have got. #ruokay? #beyondblue #headspace #headsup #lookingoutforeachother #listenwithcompassion #leadership #copingwithchange
09.01.2022 We believe this year has been a HUGE year for the employee/employer relationship. The impacts of this pandemic on many businesses has shone a light on opportunities for improvement in their people management practices. It's important to know where you can go for the right HR support for your business. So. You might be wondering what HR resources and practices should a workplace have? ... Regardless of the size of the business, the minute an employee is hired, you need to have a HR professional to lean on when it comes to employment and people management practices. There are a lot of things us HR professionals do, and here are a few of the most common ones: Help review and set up compliant workplaces that are aligned to employment related legal obligations. Set up frameworks within organisations that support the entire employment lifecycle. One might say from hire to retire. Develop employee contracts and employment policies and procedures that set out clear standards and expectations, including employee terms and conditions. Adapt the business’ approach to their people strategy where there are changes affecting the workforce. Including internal influences and external influences. For more information on our services please visit our website!
09.01.2022 In recent days the Victorian Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton has made assertions that the compulsory need to wear a face covering when we leave our homes was in response to the growing number of COVID-19 cases occurring through workplace transmission. With fines on the cards if individuals don’t comply, employers and their employees need to be prepared regardless. Our top 5 tips: 1. Create & implement a COVID safety plan. 2. Develop a policy that deals with handling COVID ...19 in the workplace to compliment your COVID safety plan. 3. Be sure to have enough personal protective equipment (PPE) for example, face masks, eye protection, gloves, hand sanitiser etc for your employees to use. 4. Communicate these important initiatives to all your employees via email and phone or/and video conferencing. 5. Ensure your key messages include keeping lines of communication open, maintaining social distances, good hand washing and hygiene standards when working together and, wearing employer supplied PPE including face coverings. Talk with us today about how you can be more prepared. #victoria #melbourne #mitchellshire #business #COVID19 #facemasks #communication #COVIDsafetyplan #heretohelp
08.01.2022 Happiness Hack Number 4: Endorphins -The Natural Painkiller Acting on the opiate receptors in our brains, the endorphin chemical reduces pain and boosts pleasure, resulting in a feeling of well-being. Try: Laughing out loud (memes and comedies often help with that!)... Burning essential oils or a scented candle Eating dark chocolate (indulgent we know!) Getting physical like exercising! See more
08.01.2022 Happiness Hack Number 3: Serotonin The Mood Stabilizer It is sometimes called the happy chemical, because it contributes to well-being and happiness. Ways that can increase the serotonin hormone in our brain include: Meditation Going for a run... Getting some sun light Getting amongst nature or sitting outside in the garden Gardening Swimming Cycling See more
07.01.2022 Let’s be honest, managing people can be stressful sometimes. Or all of the time... But it doesn’t have to be when you have the right support and advice around you. ... ZEN HR Consulting can help you make decisions that leave you feeling confident and at ease with your people management practices. We use a personalised approach to your business and employees, ensuring our informed advice, adaptable future proofing processes and the secrets to turning people woes into a calm, effective aspect of your workplace is shared with you! ZEN HR is here for you and always ready for a chat. Check out our website for our contact info!
06.01.2022 UPDATE to JobKeeper 2.0- A handy info graph from Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand In this seemingly ever changing landscape of the JobKeeper scheme, further changes were announced on 7 August 2020 resulting in adjustments to the reference date for determining employee eligibility (originally 1 March 2020, now 1 July 2020) and to make it easier for businesses to qualify for the JobKeeper scheme between 28 September 2020 and 28 March 2021. Please speak with your B...ookkeeper or Accountant to understand what the eligibility re-assessments mean for your business when it comes to qualifying for the JobKeeper scheme after 27 September 2020. #jobkeeperscheme #CAANZ #Infographic #bookkeepers #accountants
05.01.2022 A handy infographic found on the Chartered Accountants Aus/NZ website that we think is a useful overview of JobKeeper 2.0. After 28 September 2020, the JobKeeper payment will be extended until 28 March 2021, however reduced from $1500 per fortnight to $1200 or $750 per fortnight depending on employee hours worked in the 4 weeks before 1 March 2020. The test for the revised JobKeeper payments for employees is based on the 4 weeks of pay periods before 1 March 2020 that show ...the employee worked 20hrs+ or an average of 20hrs+. It is not based on the hours the employee may or may not be working now and may confuse some employees. For all other workers who do not meet that 20+ hours test, whilst still eligible for JobKeeper payments, they will instead receive $750/fn . Please speak to your accountant or bookkeeper about what these changes mean for your business more specifically. From an employee relations/HR perspective in this instance, seek out support from your professional HR contact. We can help you clarify employee eligibility, respond to employee queries or workplace issues as a result of these measures and provide support in the utilisation of the Fair Work Act amendments pertaining to JobKeeper employees. www.zenhr.com.au
03.01.2022 For the businesses who are permitted to operate during these Stage 4 restrictions in Victoria/Melbourne, a COVID-Safe plan will be required. What is a COVID Safe plan? It is a documented plan that every business needs to have, implement and refer to so they can operate safely in the:... Prevention Protection and Response to COVID-19 in their workplace and business operations. These plans should at a minimum cover: Staff Customers Suppliers Visitors Businesses who are allowed to operate during Stage 4 restrictions have until 11:59 pm on Friday 7 August to have one in place. See our latest article about what resources you can access in preparing and implementing a COVIDSafe plan for your business. See more
01.01.2022 Policies provide everyone in the workplace guidelines on how to make decisions and operate in ways that are consistent with the overall expectations of the business. This includes situations like working from home or remote working as well as managing and responding to COVID-19 in the workplace. Also having documentation like contracts and flexible work arrangements in place with your employees will help to clarify the relationship terms and act as a record of agreement if ever challenged down the track. Zen HR Consulting
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