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25.01.2022 This refers to people who have just given birth and have been given a shot of Pitocin or Syntocinon in AU/ NZ (the names for synthetic oxytocin) to assist with the birth of their placenta. So feel confident to decline if this massage is offered. It can be incredibly uncomfortable at a time you need to focus on bonding with your baby, not to mention unnecessary. The evidence does not support this practice. "The uterine massage in addition to synthetic oxytocin did not reduce blood loss compared to synthetic oxytocin alone."
24.01.2022 What a great illustration of what can result when you meet someone with calm - or having our own storm met with calm. Here’s hoping your Friday is smooth(er) sailing.
24.01.2022 Oh my goodness, such a beautiful birth story.
23.01.2022 Nice to see a fairly balanced article about the childbirth experience from mainstream media today. https://www.smh.com.au//what-happens-to-a-woman-s-body-as-
21.01.2022 #HomebirthAwarenessWeek2020 Because of contemporary cultural messages about how dangerous birth is, I can understand why homebirth is not an option many women c...onsider. Nonetheless research around the world suggests it’s one that should be more widely considered. Recent Australian research comparing home and hospital births tells the story: for low-risk women choosing homebirth we see no increased risk for babies, but stark differences in intervention rates. Of the women who planned homebirth 10% transferred to hospital for necessary interventions, emergency caesarean 2.5%, instrumental birth 2.5%, epidural 3.2%, episiotomy 2.9%. In contrast, for low-risk women choosing hospital the rates were caesarean 12.5%, instrumental birth 17.5%, epidural 27.5%, episiotomy 21.2%. Merely by choosing a hospital, a low-risk woman increases her chances of intervention. Of the homebirth women 95% had spontaneous vaginal births, while only 70% of women birthing in hospital did. This difference between 95% and 70% might already seem stark but it’s important to note, too, that the figure of 70% for spontaneous vaginal births in hospital doesn’t equate to normal physiological birth. It merely means the baby was born vaginally without the use of forceps or vacuum, so this 70% statistic can also include induction, augmentation, artificial rupture of membranes, managed third stage and other procedures. In contrast, the spontaneous vaginal birth statistic of 95% for women choosing homebirth equates predominantly to normal physiological birth. These positive stats are reflective of homebirth research worldwide. Yet in Australia, in contrast to other countries and despite the evidence of its safety and benefits, homebirth is neither routinely promoted nor easily accessible. Hence the need for an ‘awareness week’ and for me to maintain my passion for promoting homebirth. Happy Homebirth Awareness Week 2020!
20.01.2022 This is important!
20.01.2022 TICKET SALES are now OPEN for the long awaited release of ‘Birth Time: the documentary’. #ItsTime for this baby to be born! Head to http://www.birthtime.world ...to purchase your ticket. Woo hoooo!
16.01.2022 We have the evidence, let’s shout it from the rooftops so that both parents and practitioners can make the best informed choice for families! Preterm-born c...hildren are at higher risk for more developmental needs and delays when compared to full-term peers. Inaccurate understanding of bilingualism leads many to abandon their home language to help the child! But research is suggesting otherwise so our decisions and recommendations should be otherwise. September is NICU awareness month - Would you please help spread this information, whether via social media or by word of mouth!? The more of us who know it, the better chance these kiddos and families will have of sustaining family languages Thank you to these researchers for advancing our evidence that bilingualism is beneficial and not harmful EVEN for those at higher risk or with delays and disabilities: Baralt, M., & Mahoney, A. D. (2020). Bilingualism and the executive function advantage in preterm-born children. Cognitive Development, 55, 100931. See more
16.01.2022 My absolute favourite breastfeeding position, especially in those early days when you and bub are still working things out. It's easier to relax and release tension in your body if you can lie down, which will in turn promotes oxytocin, which is what we need to "let down" the milk into the milk ducts for your baby to access. instagram.com/fleurlisepalue
16.01.2022 Feeling unresolved about aspects of your birth? This is a call out to anyone ready to take some steps towards healing their birth story. I'm offering a number of Birth Story Listening sessions from now until the end of October for no charge. For more information or to book in your session, please send me a private message. Sessions can be held face to face, via telephone or via zoom/ skype. Quote below: "Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before ...her, and all those who came after her." Dr. Christiane Northrup FREE BIRTH STORY LISTENING SESSIONS - on offer until end of October 2020.
15.01.2022 https://www.abc.net.au//gold-coast-indigenous-ba/12852470
13.01.2022 This post by the @thepostnatalproject resonated with me so much. I'm offering a limited number of Birth Story Listening sessions via Zoom - for free - during October. Please get in touch if you think you could benefit from some dedicated help processing your birth story. Your story matters. You matter. #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #healthymothersmatter
13.01.2022 The BEST bit of advice I ever received before giving birth was an almost throw away comment about 'The Ring of Fire'. It didn't make much sense at the time, as ...I was expecting my first baby. The comment was something along the lines of: If you feel the Ring of Fire, don't push. Just breathe through it. When my time came, I was blissed out in the bath, my body was pushing. Then I thought to myself "it is burning". BURNING! FIRE! RING OF FIRE! BREEEEEEEATHEEEEE. I actively prevented the pushing, and just breathed. The burning passed. And on we went, a baby born on the next contraction. AWESOME. No tearing. The burning, or stinging, felt at this point is the body's way of saying 'slow down, I am not quite stretched enough'. By panting or breathing through the burning contraction, you give your body more stretching time. Your body adjusts to make room, and you can move on. Working with your body, not against it. So to avoid tearing here is a bit of sage advice: If you 'breathe your baby down', this can help. As can waterbirth. Warm compresses on your perineum, if you are comfortable with that. Stay off your back! (upright positions help open your pelvis) If you feel the 'ring of fire', a burning like sensation, don't push. Pant, breathe, slow down. When it passes, with the next contraction, push. Only bear down on contractions that don't 'burn'. Of course, sometimes, our bodies just do it, and we can't control it so much. I have seen some awesome warrior birthers, who do tend to tear, because they push through. I have seen others do the breathing down, and not tear...even with a near 5kg baby! Interestingly, it doesn't seem to take longer. A bit like weaving through traffic. If you rush, you really only use more fuel and wear (and tear) on your car, if you relax and take your time you save fuel and energy, arrive more relaxed. Often both cars arrive at the destination very close together. This post appears at https://www.bellabirth.org/b/birthing-with-the-ring-of-fire
11.01.2022 Info regarding the Foley bulb/ balloon (or sometimes called a balloon catheter) used for labour induction from Evidenced Based Birth.
11.01.2022 1000% this. Wondersuits all the way.
11.01.2022 Listened to a great talk with Jacqlin Richards @YourParentJourney yesterday. Something that really stood out from her talk was how we as mothers are very good at scheduling important things for our families, but how often do we schedule in time just for us, to refuel ourselves? She gave a new perspective on this when she talked about not just refilling your tank, but aiming to overfill it, because we all know too well that anything that overflows from our tanks generally gets invested straight back into our families anyway. Seems like a win, win. So who's organising that girls night out? I am!
09.01.2022 Rest in power RBG.
05.01.2022 ''All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four month old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg... begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother's womb, and she in turn formed in the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythm of our mother's blood before she herself is born, and this pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way back through the grandmothers to the first mother.'' ~ Layne Redmond, When The Drummers Were Women Mara Berendt Friedman New Moon Visions Sacred Art
03.01.2022 100% this . But just add in a scooter or balance bike as well I think. When I was in this phase of motherhood, I lived in cotton scarves so I could easily turn them into a makeshift sling/ Rebozo for carrying bub (or toddler for that matter). Big love to parents of small babies and toddlers just trying to get outside for a walk today. The effort is real.
01.01.2022 Anyone in need of a new business idea?
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