Zig Zag Farm in Sulphur Creek, Tasmania, Australia | Farm
Zig Zag Farm
Locality: Sulphur Creek, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 455 949 911
Address: Zig Zag Road 7316 Sulphur Creek, TAS, Australia
Website: http://www.zigzagfarm.com.au
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24.01.2022 We love seeing what people are doing in the kitchen with our olive oil - a simple but delicious potato dish using our extra virgin olive oil and Michelines tasty chicken salt made with bone broth. Check it out! #zigzagfarm #tasmanianoliveoil #bonebroth #takeabroth
24.01.2022 We are very excited that our beautiful Manzanillo olive oil is going to be a key ingredient in the new vegan broth strips made by Take a Broth - Tasmania. Each wafer is equal to a cup of nutritious broth, but in a convenient, grab and go form. We love that our olive oil (being an early harvest, cool climate type) is extremely high in antioxidants, adding to the long list of health benefits of these tasty little wafers #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #takeabrothtasmania #tasmanianproduce
23.01.2022 Sunshine! The cows enjoying breakfast and some warming sun after a frosty start to the day #zigzagfarm #cattle #farmlife #feedingout #sunshine #winter #tassiestyle
20.01.2022 A very merry christmas and happy holidays to everyone from us all at Zig Zag Farm, including my very own Santas helpers! #zigzagfarm #merrychristmas #santashelpers #whoneedsreindeers
20.01.2022 Hay harvest time at the farm. Only 365 bales this year as we didnt do our big paddock - still took a while though. Thanks Jason and Danny French for cutting and baling it for us, and I need to thank my partner Jason (coz I dont thank him enough!) for stacking it all by himself. I got the easy job of driving his decrepit, old ute which I managed to stall on numerous occasions Now, one day left to get ready for Christmas... #zigzagfarm #hayharvesting #farmlife #tassiestyle
19.01.2022 Thankful to the brave souls who served our country. We will remember... #anzac #lestweforget #redpoppies #zigzagfarm
19.01.2022 We are getting ready for the 2020 harvest next month and have some surplus 2019 extra virgin olive oil available in 3 litre tins. These would normally retail at $110 but we are offering them at $80 to make way for this years oil. An absolute bargain for those who love their high quality olive oil! Free local delivery and can post Australia wide. Numbers are limited so get in quick! #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #tasmanianolivegrove #tasmanianoliveoil #getinquick #sale #tassiestyle
18.01.2022 Bottles, bottles, bottles this week! Our 2019 extra virgin olive oil is available and tastes amazing. Not as strong as last years, a bit more mellow but still has the zig zag peppery kick! #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #tassiestyle #evoo #tasmanianmade #tasmanianolivegrove
17.01.2022 Restocked at Lemon Tree Providore, Wynyard. Love an excuse to go road tripping along our beautiful coast #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #lemontreeprovidore #northwesttasmania #cradlecoasttasmania
16.01.2022 Goodbye Zig Zag Farm, hello Glasgow! Taking some time off (6weeks) to explore Scotland and visit family in the UK. Our olive oil is available at all of our local stockists and also from the farm gate as Jason and Grace are staying behind to take care of things (I cant guarantee the labels will be straight though!) Will be making the most of this holiday as the year ahead at Zig Zag Farm is going to be busy with renovating our 1889 farmhouse and redesigning the old, cottage style gardens. Think I will soak up some of the Scottish highlands to bring back with me (but maybe not the thistles!) #zigzagfarm #farmlife #timeout #scotland #holiday
16.01.2022 Quite a system we had going today with the Zig Zag Leaf Blower 2.0! Jason has worked on this handy machine over the last couple of months in his spare time and boy does it make harvesting a whole lot easier. Leaves, be gone! #zigzagfarm #olivegrove #extravirginoliveoil #harvest #tasmanianproduce #sulphurcreek #tasmanianolivegrove
14.01.2022 Cottage gardens in spring and summer are gorgeous but with that comes work! The weeds in our garden are on a whole other level. Think Day of the Triffids and youre somewhere remotely close! My ultimate aim is to keep the character of the cottage garden but with more low maintenance plants. In the meantime youll find me somewhere in the Zig Zag Amazon weeding... #zigzagfarm #dayofthetriffids #cottagegarden #gardening #weeding
14.01.2022 Ive had a few people asking lately where they can purchase our olive oil. You can buy direct from us or pop into one of our stockists along the north west coast and support local business. This is a list of current stockists heading into 2020. Id also like to take this opportunity to thank them all for supporting our olive oil farm/business. They are all amazing, lovely people providing us with great cafes and providores along the coast - thank you! #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #currentstockists #northwesttasmania #cafes #providores #smallbusiness #supportlocal
14.01.2022 We have been a bit quiet on social media lately as we navigate through these uncertain times like everyone else. Just letting you all know that our farmgate sales are closed for the time being. Jason is a FIFO worker and has just returned from the mainland so he is in strict self isolation at the farm for a fortnight. We are so relieved to have him back home even if we cant see him for a bit yet (Grace and I are staying elsewhere). All of this makes you realise just how important loved ones are. Stay safe everyone and stay at home Photos: Grace Donohue #zigzagfarm #lovedones #family #covid19 #selfisolation #uncertaintimesahead
14.01.2022 You get busy doing other stuff and all of a sudden this happens! #zigzagfarm #springtime #magnolia #blossoms #cottagegarden #spring #tasmania #northwesttasmania
13.01.2022 A stunning winter's day for walks on the farm with Belle #zigzagfarm #farmlife #brumby #winter #tassiestyle
12.01.2022 Very excited that our olive oil is now being made available in gifts hampers from Just Hampers Tasmania alongside a wide range of other great Tassie products. Check them out, their hampers are amazing!
11.01.2022 Small pops of winter colour around the farm Love this island of ours with all of its seasonal differences #zigzagfarm #farmlife #cottagegarden
11.01.2022 Why not take the hassle out of Christmas with these gorgeous gift hampers, featuring a great range of products, including our Manzanillo Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Lots of yummy goodness to be found in these hampers, and its supporting local business. Win win! #zigzagfarm #justhamperstasmania #gifthampers #supportlocal #smallbusiness #tasmanianmade
10.01.2022 Wishing all of our family, friends, customers and stockists a happy and prosperous new year. We hope 2020 is filled with many wonderful things for you all and wed like to say a big thank you for the support over the last year. We are amazed at the growing support for local products in Tasmania, its very heartwarming for small farms like ours Why not enjoy a drop of gold with your red this New Years! Photo: (the very talented) Anna Milic @the_velvet_banquet #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #tassiestyle #happynewyear
10.01.2022 Top nine Instagram pics for 2019! #zigzagfarm
10.01.2022 After galavanting around the UK for 6 weeks its great to be back on the farm. My travels have really made me appreciate our little island and the wonderful way of life that it allows us to live. Love Tassie! #zigzagfarm #noplacelikehome #farmlife #tasmania #northwesttasmania #cradlecoasttasmania
09.01.2022 In between all the gardening Ive been doing lately Ive squeezed in a few batches of soap. These are purely practice ones until I find my feet with it all but so far so good! This is my Lemon & Orange Butter Bar - citrus essential oils and shea butter for extra creaminess, all natural ingredients. Guess what friends and family will be getting for Christmas! #zigzagfarm #handmadesoap #oliveloilsoap #extravirginoliveoil #naturalsoap
09.01.2022 Hay harvest time at the farm. Only 365 bales this year as we didn't do our big paddock - still took a while though. Thanks Jason and Danny French for cutting and baling it for us, and I need to thank my partner Jason (coz I don't thank him enough!) for stacking it all by himself. I got the easy job of driving his decrepit, old ute which I managed to stall on numerous occasions Now, one day left to get ready for Christmas... #zigzagfarm #hayharvesting #farmlife #tassiestyle
09.01.2022 It is pouring down outside today so lucky I have an inside job to do - preparing 4kg of Manzanillo olives for dry curing in salt. Havent done this before so fingers crossed! #zigzagfarm #tableolives #olivegrove #manzanillo #rainyday
09.01.2022 We were blessed with some great weather and gorgeous sunsets this week during harvest Photo credits go to my daughter, Grace (who by this time of day was well and truly over harvest and decided photography was much more to her liking!) #zigzagfarm #olivegrove #extravirginoliveoil #harvest #tasmanianolivegrove
08.01.2022 This good weather means afternoon walks in the grove. Our Frantoio olives are coming along nicely. Not too long now til we start harvesting #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #olivegrove #tasmanianoliveoil #tasmanianolivegrove #olives #frantoio #harvest #tassiestyle
08.01.2022 We have another batch of beautiful soaps available, made with our extra virgin olive oil. Citrus Bliss, Poppy & Mint, and Lavender $8 each. Sadly Citrus Bliss is all sold already and doubly sad is that our talented soapmaker is not doing wholesale soaps anymore So this is the last batch of Zig Zag Farm Soap for a little while. Ive experimented making a couple of batches and will keep working away at it until Im happy with the quality, but perhaps they will be a lil more rustic! Id like to say a massive thank you to Sharyn of Sugar & Spud Handmade Soap for providing us with the absolute best quality soaps, and also to Billie Hardy Creative for designing our gorgeous little labels #zigzagfarm #handmadesoap #madeintasmania #tasmanianmade #soap #oliveoilsoap
07.01.2022 Restocked at Delish Fine Foods in Burnie. Pop in and say hi to Narelle and the Delish team to get your fresh, Tassie evoo fix! #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #evoo #tasmanianextravirginoliveoil #tasmanianmade #northwesttasmania
07.01.2022 Grace and Belle the brumby. One of the reasons we bought Zig Zag Farm was to have pasture for the horses...we ended up with 350 olive trees If life gives you olives, make olive oil... #zigzagfarm #brumby #wildhorse #notsowild #farmlife #tassiestyle #olivegrove #cradlecoasttasmania
07.01.2022 Update on Rory: earlier in the year we had a very sick little calf called Rory, who was unable to stand and take his own weight. We nursed him around the clock and got him upright for small amounts of time, supported in a sling to get the blood flowing in his legs. Somehow he pulled through it all and gradually has gotten stronger. Hes always been our favourite and is such a sweet, gentle soul which is lucky as hes now growing a decent set of horns! #zigzagfarm #farmlife #cattle #sickcalf #rory #roryfromdrwho
06.01.2022 Some pics of harvest a few weeks ago. Jason, Grace and Rosie the mini schnauzer all hard at work. No pics of me, always the photographer! Lots of olives but sadly the ratio of fruit to oil once pressed wasnt that high a yield. Its been a strange year (in oh so many ways!) and our olives have been extremely slow to ripen. We are being patient now, waiting for the rest, hoping for more sunny winter days, and no birds #zigzagfarm #harvest #tasmanianolivegrove #olivefarm #cradlecoasttasmania #sulphurcreek
05.01.2022 Its been a while between posts as Ive gotten rather busy with farm life lately but thought I better jump back on the social media bandwagon for a good cause! Donating some of our award winning olive oil for the 7 Day Makeover Penguin Fundraiser this Friday night. This group have done some amazing and creative things along Penguins foreshore and are now raising funds to continue their work along the eastern end of town. Tickets available from Leah at Avalon - come along and support this small but dedicated community group, will be a great night! #zigzagfarm #7daymakeoverpenguin
05.01.2022 2019 harvest is underway! All under the watchful eye of Rosie, our grove mascot #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #harvest #olivegrove
04.01.2022 A stunning winters day for walks on the farm with Belle #zigzagfarm #farmlife #brumby #winter #tassiestyle
03.01.2022 Our 2019 Manzanillo Extra Virgin Olive Oil is available in handy, little 100ml bottles at Renaessance Cafe in Penguin. This size makes a great gift coming up to Christmas and pairs very nicely with their hand harvested olives in brine #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #tasmanianmade #shoplocal #christmasgifts #renaessancecafe #penguintasmania
03.01.2022 Some of our Manzanillo olives that produce our delicious, peppery olive oil. Theyve been extremely slow to ripen in our region this year due to a really wet autumn but were hoping a few more sunny winter days will finish them off #zigzagfarm #tasmanianolivegrove #oliveharvest #tassiestyle #manzanillo #olives
02.01.2022 Some of our Manzanillo olives that produce our delicious, peppery olive oil. They've been extremely slow to ripen in our region this year due to a really wet autumn but we're hoping a few more sunny winter days will finish them off #zigzagfarm #tasmanianolivegrove #oliveharvest #tassiestyle #manzanillo #olives
01.01.2022 Spring has most definitely sprung! What gorgeous weather weve been having #zigzagfarm #cottagegarden #springtime #spring #blueskies #tasmania #tassiestyle #discovertasmania #cradlecoasttasmania #cradlecoastcaptures
01.01.2022 Finally thought I better let people know that there wont be any Zig Zag Farm olive oil for 2020 We did do a partial harvest early on but the oil yield wasnt great so we were waiting for the rest to ripen up more. Unfortunately with the latest border restrictions, Jason has been stuck working over in Victoria so we have missed out on harvesting the rest. Trying to see the positive, that this year we can focus on doing up the cottage and gardens instead of it all being about the olive oil! We still have a small amount of 2019 oil remaining which has a shelf life through to July 2021 for anyone who wants their evoo fix! #zigzagfarm #extravirginoliveoil #oliveoil #tasmanianproduce #tasmanianolivegrove #tassiestyle #cradlecoastcaptures #discovertasmania
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