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Zig Zag Railway in Lithgow, New South Wales | Tour agent

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Zig Zag Railway

Locality: Lithgow, New South Wales

Phone: +61 1300 944 924

Address: 840 Chifley road CLARENCE 2790 Lithgow, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Its great to see Zig Zag Railway depot as viewed by the passing Blue Mountains Flyer. Some of our hard working volunteers can be seen taking a break to watch the passing train and whistle greetings.

25.01.2022 How do you replace a worn out piston on a 75+ year old steam locomotive? You make new one! Luckily our borer was not damaged in the fires, and has been pressed back into service making new pistons for 218A. Just one of the many projects underway at #ZigZagRailway #wewillbeback #builtnotbought

25.01.2022 With the #gospersmountainfire getting ever closer, and the NSW Rural Fire Service predicting worsening conditions over the next couple of days, we urge our supporters and members of the public to stay away from the railway until the fire danger has past. Volunteers have been working hard in recent weeks to prepare for the worst. Our thoughts are with the people who have been impacted already by this devastating fire, and with the people of Lithgow in the coming days. Whatever happens, WE WILL BE BACK!

24.01.2022 The line is reopen for section cars, a small crew have successfully cleared the line from Bottom Points all the way through to Clarence Station. Roughly 1,500 sleepers to replace in the near future but above all the team is positive and we are rising to the challenge. Fancy trying your hand at track work? PM us for more information about getting involved as a volunteer

22.01.2022 Proud to be able to assist the local community, many of whom have lost so much. If you have been affected by the fires please drop in to see the RSPCA tomorrow, here is a link to the event for more info:

21.01.2022 Our first full day on site since the bushfires. We had a fantastic response from last weeks shout out for volunteers to help with trackwork and other restoration activities - lots of new friendly faces. Hope you all enjoyed your day and dry off properly before the next adventure onsite!

20.01.2022 It’s the big reveal! All of you who guessed green and red as the colours for our restored locomotive were on the money - with a fresh coat of paint, this 77 year old locomotive is looking brand new. We have a bit of work to do before you see it puffing up the hill but we think it’s safe to say we’ll be the only ones on Santa’s nice list looking forward to coal under the Christmas tree this year!

20.01.2022 Everyday we get one step closer to opening for passenger operations. Today was a milestone as our Diesel locomotive travelled all the way to Clarence station for the first time since July 2012. Bring on the next key milestone, a steam locomotive to Clarence!

20.01.2022 The Gospers Mountain fire is currently burning in the vicinity of Clarence Station. A strike team from Sydney is assisting local crews including Clarence / Dargan Bushfire Brigade who have been working tirelessly for many weeks. A spot fire from Oakey Park Lithgow burned up towards Top Points this afternoon, hopefully there hasnt been too much damage. So far the fire has skirted around Bottom Points Workshop but with Catastrophic conditions in the Blue Mountains and districts tomorrow - we are not out of the woods yet! We request all concerned ZZR members and members of the public to stay away from the area until it is safe, falling trees are of particular concern. The Bells Line of Road is closed, the Great Western Highway is closing periodically. Our thoughts are with the people who have already been impacted by this devastating fire, and anyone near the various firegrounds in the coming days. We are also deeply saddened to learn this morning of the death of Geoffrey Keaton & Andrew ODwyer, two NSW Rural Fire Fighters. This world would not function if not for the generosity and sacrifice of dedicated volunteers and these two men have paid the ultimate sacrifice wanting nothing more than to make a positive difference in their community Photo from Oakey Park: Chris Lithgow

20.01.2022 We just love this image from Andrew Miller of locomotive 1072. It brings back memories and increases our excitement for the not too distant future when we will be operating again! Do you have a memory or photograph from your visit to Zig Zag Railway? Please share them in the comments so we can reminisce with you!

19.01.2022 Our locomotive 218A recently got a fresh coat of paint and she is looking brand new ready for when we can operate again. Can you guess what colour it is? Stay tuned for the answer!

18.01.2022 Why is it called a Zig Zag... because our railway is in the shape of a Z, and the line Zigs and Zags it’s way from the top to the bottom. The ‘Top Road’ is marked in Red, ‘Middle Road’ in Yellow & ‘Bottom Road’ (The main western line from Sydney to Perth) is in Blue. . Thanks again to for the photo . #ZigZagRailway #WhoLikesMyCrudeDrawing #GettingCloserEveryday #ZigZag #WorldFamous

18.01.2022 Over the last few weeks, the Army have been assisting us in recovering from the bushfires. Working alongside Defence Australia reserve and full time soldiers are a large contingent from the Pusat Penerangan TNI (Indonesian National Defence Force). When the tsunami hit Indonesia devastating their infrastructure, Australia was the first on the scene. Now that we are in trouble our friends from the north have come down under to help us out. On behalf of the members and supporters of Zig Zag Railway, we thank you all for your service and dedication

18.01.2022 The fire is officially out, but the long recovery continues

17.01.2022 Along with the rest of Australia, we are in awe of the Rural Fire Service and all the other various agencies and their efforts in these disastrous fires. We cannot thank them enough for everything they have done for Zig Zag Railway and the Australian community. A special thanks from Zig Zag Railway to Clarence / Dargan & Kanimbla Rural Fire Brigades for their efforts saving our infrastructure.

16.01.2022 UPDATE: Video audio updated with interview between Chairman Ben Lawrence speaking on ABC radio with James Valentine. A number of our volunteers who live in Lithgow are now under ember attack. EARLIER TODAY: Fire crossing from the Lithgow Valley into the Hartley Valley about 12:30 today. This is why we dont want people in the area when the fires come through. Fingers crossed all around, so far what we do know is that we are going to need to put an order in for some new sleepers

16.01.2022 9 News Central West came to speak to our operations manager and engineer regarding the fire damage, its going to be a long road back!

16.01.2022 More support from The NSW Government this week, things are looking great for our 150th year.

15.01.2022 Zig Zag Railway has been successful yet again, picking up two grants to help restore signals at our Top Points and Bottom Points stations. Zig Zag Railway has some of the finest examples of semaphore signals in New South Wales, and this grant will ensure they are preserved for future generations

13.01.2022 EDIT: Yes this is the same post as 2 days ago, not sure why...? How do you replace a worn out piston on a 75+ year old steam locomotive... you make a new one! Luckily our borer was spared from the fires and is still up to the job. Just one of the many tasks currently underway #zigzagrailway #builtnotbought #wewillbeback

13.01.2022 Its International Volunteer Day, and we would like to thank to all our dedicated volunteers who are working to help Zig Zag Railway reopen again. Our 150th year is going to be a big one, and we will need more Volunteers to join our organisation as we get closer to operating passenger trains. If you are interested in getting involved, please send us a PM #volunteer4inclusion #IVD2019 #zigzagrailway #volunteers #fun #getinvolved

13.01.2022 Always looks great at night, waiting patiently for the next train

13.01.2022 3801 is in the central west this weekend. We would like to congratulate all our friends both volunteers and staff at Transport Heritage NSW and NSW Rail Museum who have worked so hard to get this magnificent steam engine back to it’s former glory. We look forward to doing a mutual event with our locos as soon as possible Andrew Miller #ZigZagRailway #GettingCloserEveryday #CentralWesternNSW #NswRailMusuem #TransportHeritageNSW #WhoLikesGreenSteamEngines

12.01.2022 We had diesel locomotive 1004 out Friday and Saturday hauling ballast wagons which will be used to support drainage and track improvement work. Just a reminder that rail vehicles are now regularly travelling over the entire network so please do not walk the tracks.

12.01.2022 Who could imagine that 6 months after a heavy snowfall, this same location just near Clarence Tunnel would be surrounded by bushfire. Once the area is safe to access then we can get an idea of any damage but at the moment we understand our critical infrastructure survived. We request all concerned ZZR members and members of the public to stay away from the area until it is safe, falling trees are of particular concern and there are still active fires.

12.01.2022 Lots of work still happening around the railway, including routine maintenance to our 151 year old viaducts which will shortly commence. In preparation for the works, our volunteers have been busy running water pipe along the side of the track which will be used to give the stone masons access to water at the various locations.

11.01.2022 Volunteer Michael lights 218As fire in preparation for our 150 year celebrations today. While she wont be running, it will be nice to have some coal smoke around the depot after 8 long years

10.01.2022 Our loyal Facebook followers - YES YOU who have clicked the like button over the years are our biggest supporters! 2020 is going to be a massive year for our railway. Please consider sharing this post so others can help us by coming along for the ride . #bringon40000

10.01.2022 Thanks to the volunteers and the Onrail Industries team, we can finally bring a heavy engine, the first since 2012, all the way from the Bottom Points Depot to Clarence Station - its a moment we have been working to for a very long time.

10.01.2022 Today marked the start of National Volunteer Week (18-24 May). 2020 is going to be our biggest year since the cessation of passenger operations in 2012, and it is all happening because of the continued dedication and sacrifices made by our volunteers! #NVW2020 #waveforvolunteers #nationalvolunteerweek #zigzagrailway #wewillbeback

09.01.2022 Flashback Friday, but this flashback is only from last week because we are still excited! However we want to take this opportunity to remind you that locomotives are now running on the network and could be operating at any time. Its important you do not walk the track as this poses a serious safety risk to your life and others.

09.01.2022 On this day in 1908. A fatal accident happened on the night of 8 December 1908 when an overloaded goods train stopped short of Clarence Tunnel, its J class engine unable to lift the load up the grade. When divided to allow the locomotive to haul part of the load to Clarence, the rear portion rolled down the grade to Top Points where it derailed and demolished the cab of a stationary locomotive on a train waiting to leave for Penrith. The guard of this train was struck by a bale of wool launched from a derailing wagon and died later in hospital. there were some twenty railway workers travelling as passengers in the van of the runaway train, but were miraculously uninjured. Extract from Black Smoke Blue Mountains, James Bentley, 1988.

08.01.2022 Very Sad, our first trip up to Edgecombe siding yesterday to inspect the damage and clear the track. The carriage in the middle of the video had a timber chassis and when running was the oldest of its type in Australia. We cannot go through this again - Would love to construct a museum building to be able to store these precious assets away from future fires

08.01.2022 Double demerits this long weekend , our driver & fireman spent a considerable part of the afternoon trying to convince the local law enforcement that 218 was not doing 88mph along the section of line next to Chifley Road ... Stay safe everybody, drive to the conditions and get plenty of rest before hitting the roads. . #ZigZagRailway #NSWpolice #88milesPerHour #DoubleDemerits #ThatFeelingYouGetWhenYouSeeAPoliceCarTurnAound #WeWillBeBack

08.01.2022 Dam, 12 months on and the dam is no longer full, in fact it only has a foot of useable water left! We used a lot of it saving our carriages, and a leak in a 100 year old pipe a couple of months ago didnt help, lets all pray for rain. A picture taken last week is in the comments below

07.01.2022 Is there any better way to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Western Railway line through to Bowenfels than a whistle off?

07.01.2022 First Fire, Then flooding rain, Now this?

06.01.2022 It’s a wee bit chilly in Clarence this morning, our infrastructure manager snapped this picture of the Clarence tunnel cutting on his way to the shops to buy an extra pair of socks. Meanwhile our neighbour Linda Anderson snapped this picture of a local taking shelter. Trains run in all weather, so we remind people to stay off the tracks . #ZigZagRailway #GlovesGoingBackOn #TooColdForMoreHashTags

06.01.2022 As the clears from yesterday and we all prepare for the long weekend, our volunteers will be out on the network today and across the weekend. We remind everyone to stay off the tracks . #ZigZagRailway #GettingCloserEveryday #StayOffTheTracks #HaveAsafeWeekend

06.01.2022 Hard to stomach, but it could have been much worse. We were able to inspect the damage at Clarence today, the worst impacted area. Toilet block: Lost Office: Lost Sleepers & Signaling equipment: Damaged... Storage containers: Lost Safeworking & Communications Huts: Lost Power & Water: Severely Crippled THE GOOD NEWS: With the help of Kanimbla RFS & Clarence / Dargan Bushfire Brigade our Station Building has been saved, along with the Hospital carriage parked at the station. The other good news is that all our volunteers are safe. This is no doubt another setback for us, but we are still determined to be back as soon as possible!

06.01.2022 Bottom Points Workshop faired much better this time around compared to the 2013 fire. Advanced warning allowed us to move most carriages into safer positions. All locos and carriages in this location survived. Damage has mainly been limited to infrastructure eg Water pipes, Electricity cables, a demountable building and an estimated 1500+ sleepers, but we also lost a couple of containers of spare parts and a section car. Unfortunately we have also lost 4 passenger carriages parked at Edgecombe siding, one of these BV270 was once the oldest running passenger carriage in Australia. These carriages had been heavily vandalised so could not be moved to safety. We lost a small shed at Top Points, with everything else there coming through unscathed On the bright side, our vegetation management is going to be a lot easier in 2020!

06.01.2022 A great 6 minute video from the UK. If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer, please send us a PM. If you would like to donate there is a secure link on our website

05.01.2022 Even with burnt bush lands, the landscape at Zig Zag Railway is beautiful especially with a dusting of snow on this chilly winters day. Andrew Miller

01.01.2022 The blood, sweat and tears from our volunteers makes it all worthwhile being able to see this view again from the drivers seat, I think youll agree its the best! A reminder for Rail Safety week, visitors to the Zig Zag Railway reserve are always asked to remain clear of the rail line as locomotives and track maintenance vehicles may be operating on the railway at any time.

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