Zig Zag Young Women's Resource Centre Inc in Camp Hill | Housing assistance service
Zig Zag Young Women's Resource Centre Inc
Locality: Camp Hill
Phone: +61 7 3843 1823
Address: 575 Old Cleveland Road 4152 Camp Hill, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.zigzag.org.au
Likes: 1164
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25.01.2022 The Blue Banded Bee is keeping things cheery during winter! Whilst there continue to be many things to challenge us, and the cooler weather may make it seem like things are a little less bright, seeing a recent visitor to our Camp Hill garden brought a smile. PS Hoping all the school students reading this are smiling today too, as the school holidays begin. Keep safe and enjoy!
24.01.2022 This week (8th 15th November) marks NAIDOC Week for 2020. It is a time to celebrate the rich and diverse cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is a time to note achievements, learn about tradition, and connect with your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. NAIDOC stands for ‘National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC is usually celebrated in July each year, but for 2020, with the impacts of Coronavirus, t...he week is being marked in November. The theme this year is ‘Always Was, Always Will Be’. It is about recognizing that First Nations’ people have been present in Australia for thousands of years and have a deep connection to this land and its history. This year’s poster (below) is titled Shape of Land and speaks strongly to this theme. As part of NAIDOC, you might like to consider what you can do this year to be involved to learn more about Australia’s Indigenous history and culture. There are a number of events happening this week as part of the celebration and you could get involved! For more information on NAIDOC you can go to the national website - naidoc.org.au. For some ideas on what you could participate in: https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/naidoc-week-events; or https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/whats-on-and-events/search. You might even decide to host your own NAIDOC event, even if it is just getting together with work mates/friends to have a cuppa, talk and honour what this week means. (You can find some ideas that could help at https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/plan-your-event.)
24.01.2022 Child Protection Week - Putting Children First How can you help? Creating space for connection and conversation with children can be helpful in a range of ways giving the message that it is okay to talk about things with a trusted person can be powerful. So often at Zig Zag young women share that they have felt isolated when they have been in difficult or confusing situations they have not felt able to trust anyone or felt comfortable to talk with anyone about things they were unsure about. As part of Child Protection week, think about ways that you can support children to know it is okay to talk about things with people they trust. Here are some ideas you might like to consider:
23.01.2022 Service changes in responding to COVID-19. For important information update: https://zigzag.org.au//important-information-update-zig-z/
22.01.2022 Zig Zag are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Dignity First Funding, from the Department of Housing and Public Works Housing for Queensland. These funds will provide essential support to the young women and their children who are experiencing homelessness and/or at risk of homelessness, as they transition from our medium-term Supported Accommodation to long term independent housing. Zig Zag provides housing support services to young women aged 16 - 25 years, ap...proximately 60% identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and 35% are from African refugee backgrounds. Dignity First Funding will provide essential support through Welcome Home starter packs for young women as they transition into independent living. The project has allowance for young women to establish a household and includes emergency food voucher relief; recharge phone vouchers; kitchen items, whitegoods, laundry and linen; contribution to removal costs; and brokerage to maximise young womens capacity to live independently in long term, secure housing in the community and provide a safe environment for their children. A big thank you to Dignity First! www.hpw.qld.gov.au/DignityFirst
22.01.2022 QSAN Media Statement... calling on the Government to increase safety for vulnerable people within their homes.
22.01.2022 Are you creative or arty? Would you like to win $100? Are you 17 years or younger? If so, DVAC, (the Domestic Violence Action Centre & Service Against Sexual Violence in Ipswich) is having a Rights of the Child poster competition and you might like to enter. ... For more info see their website (https://www.dvac.org.au/) or facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/DVACIpswichAndToowoomba). See more
22.01.2022 This week is YOUTH WEEK! From the 10th to the 18th April Qld celebrates the many ways that young people, (12 25 of age), contribute to our community. The week provides spaces for young people to come together to share ideas, participate in workshops and to have some fun too! Activities this year include the Qld government’s ‘Speak Out’ Series asking for young people’s ideas about how they would like a future Queensland to look. Zig Zag knows what important contributions y...oung women make in the lives of their friends, families and communities, so encourage everyone to take a moment this week to celebrate the young people around you! If you would like to be involved some organised events this year you can get more info at: - https://www.des.qld.gov.au/youthweek/about - https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au//young/brisbane-youth-week
21.01.2022 May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month - a time for raising awareness in our community about the prevalence and impact (social and personal) of this violence. It is a time for reflection and a time to consider what actions both individually and as a whole community we can take to stop this violence. During May 2020, Covid 19 means we are not able to gather together to take action/raise awareness, however people are finding other ways to mark this month ... to stand with those whom this violence hurts and work to stop Domestic & Family Violence. There are a number of virtual - social media, or web based - events happening. This week there are a candle light events on-line that you may be interested in participating in. Have a look below/other posts. If you want to participate in any other virtual events/campaigns during this month there is a calendar of events for Qld available at https://www.communities.qld.gov.au//domes/events-calendar Please note, if you would like to talk with someone about this violence there is a 24 hour help line (1800 811 811) or you can talk with a domestic violence service in your area.
19.01.2022 Orange the World Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect. The United Nation’s Women’s section UN WOMEN takes a very active role in 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. They use the colour Orange to draw attention, unite all activities run over the 16 days, and to represent a brighter future. Whilst there have been advances in the last 29 years in relation to women’s rights there is still work to be done. Additionally, in 2020 many households, families and communit...ies spent significant time in lockdown to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The toll of these lockdowns was seen in a range of ways, including increases in violence against women and girls. To help you take action during this campaign you might like to have a look at some of the resources that UN Women has produced to help people spread the word. They provide a range of resources to help people understand the issues and get involved. They remind us that even just little things can help. Check out their page Take action: 10 ways you can help end violence against women, even during a pandemic - https://www.unwomen.org//e/take-action/16-days-of-activism. #16daysofactivismagainstgenderviolence #16days #orangetheworld
19.01.2022 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence being part of the conversation. This campaign invites us all to take action and find ways to stand together against this violence. Attached is a speech given by one young woman at last year’s Reclaim the Night march and rally in Brisbane. The young woman has given Zig Zag permission to share this on our facebook page. It shows how this young woman has found a way to have a voice against sexual violence/gendered violence an...d how she continues to take her stand every day, even when it is tough to do so. Giving a speech is not for everyone, but the ideas she shares and the source of her inspiration may help others consider what might fit for them as part of 16 Days. NOTE The content in this video may stir difficult memories/feelings as the young woman talks about her childhood. If you choose to watch, please take care of yourself and talk to someone if you need to. #16daysofactivismagainstgenderviolence #16days
18.01.2022 Today was also a day to celebrate - Congratulations to all Year 12s! After years of hard work, we send best wishes and congratulations to all those who marked their final day of schooling today! After a particularly challenging year during which to complete your senior year we hope that all senior students now have a chance to celebrate and relax. Whilst the traditional schoolies events will not be happening, we are sure people will note this significant milestone in other w...ays. Whatever graduates choose to do to celebrate, remember to watch out for each other and stay safe. (And if you do need support turn to people you know and trust, have a chat with support lines like Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) or the Qld Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline (1800 010 120), or talk to your local sexual assault support organization (such as Zig Zag).)
18.01.2022 You are Invited- Come and join us for Community Action and Resource Project- Womens Resilience Across Generations!"... We cant wait to meet you!!!
18.01.2022 Zig Zag would like to extend a big thank you to StreetSmart Australia for their donation to purchase emergency relief vouchers and also Life Church Salisbury for their kind donation of Christmas Food Hampers. These donations will be distributed to young women who are transitioning from homelessness to long term secure and sustainable housing. Thank you for your support!
18.01.2022 Following National Reconciliation Week (#InThisTogether2020), we join the many voices saying Black Lives matter. First Nations Peoples Lives Matter. #BLM
17.01.2022 International Womens Day is fast approaching. Dont forget our afternoon tea on Monday! (And dont forget to let us know if you are able to drop in. )
17.01.2022 May is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic and family violence affects all women from all walks of life, and their kids. Zig Zag would like to honour all young women who are struggling with issues around domestic violence, those who have survived past experiences and those who have tragically lost their lives due to domestic violence. Free telephone counselling and support is available for women experiencing domestic violence at:- -1800 RESPECT; -DV Connect's Womensline 1800 811 811. If you are in immediate danger please call 000.
17.01.2022 Zig Zag would like to express our deep sadness about the tragic deaths that happened in our suburb of Camp Hill last Wednesday. Our thoughts are with all those involved and connected to this situation in any way. We are also aware that hearing about events such as last week, as well as other reports of violence in the media, affects everyone in our community. We would like to remind people to take care of themselves and each other to know that it can be important to talk ...about how things impact on us and to turn to friends, family or support workers when thoughts and emotions get tough. Zig Zag continues to commit to its work to end gendered violence in our community. If you feel you need to talk to someone there are also phone lines that can help: DV Connect Womensline 1800 811 811 DV Connect Mensline 1800 600 636 Qld Sexual Assault Helpline 1800 010 120 National 1800 Respect line 1800 737 732 (For those impacted by sexual violence and family/domestic violence) Lifeline 13 11 14 See more
17.01.2022 The Queensland Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce is now inviting women and girls to share their experiences and insights of the Queensland criminal justice system. Visit http://www.womenstaskforce.qld.gov.au to make your submission.
16.01.2022 Thank you to all the women on the front line... they deserve recognition, fair pay and respect.
15.01.2022 Zig Zag Young Womens Resource Centre Inc are deeply disappointed in the findings of the Queensland Law Reform Commissions (QLRC) Review on the operation of Queenslands laws regarding consent and the excuse of mistake of fact, and how it applies to rape and sexual assault in Criminal Justice Proceedings. The QLRC recommendations are limited and will not significantly strengthen laws or enhance access to justice for survivors of sexual violence in Queensland. Zig Zag and ...other services have long called for the introduction of affirmative consent in legislation in Queensland as has been in operation successfully in other States for many years. Queensland continues to lag behind other States with its consent laws and mistake of fact defence. The opportunity to make real and important change in response to survivors experiences within the Criminal Justice System is now. We encourage all survivors and allies to take action and demand more from our Government. The Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy (RASARA) have started a letter writing campaign which you can view here: https://consent.good.do/rapereformqld/email-ag/ You can view Zig Zags Submission to the QLRC Review here: https://zigzag.org.au//Zig-Zag-Submission-to-Qld-Law-Refor. You can view the full QLRC Report here: https://www.qlrc.qld.gov.au///qlrc-report-78-final-web.pdf Please join us in taking action to stand with survivors of sexual violence! See more
15.01.2022 The 25th November is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Today is also the 1st day of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence an international campaign which calls for an end to all forms of gender-based violence against women. The Centre for Women’s Global Leadership first launched the ’16 Days’ campaign in 1991, with a clear focus on highlighting that violence against women is a violation of human rights. Each year there are a num...ber of dates that fall within the 16 days, that highlight international recognition of human rights. For today, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and over the next 16 days, this campaign challenges us all to be a voice against gender-based violence and to find ways to support women’s rights to safety. To help get you started you might like to have a look at some of the resources that the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership has produced to help people spread the word and start conversations - https://16dayscampaign.org/downloadable-campaign-graphics/. #16days #16daysofactivism
15.01.2022 In Concert Together National Reconciliation Week. Friday 29th May 2020 9:05pm -10pm https://nrw.reconciliation.org.au//05/21/in-concert-toget/
14.01.2022 May Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Month As part of the focus of this month, today marks LGBTI DV Awareness Day with the #ImHereForYou campaign. The objective of the campaign is to:... Raise awareness of DV within LGBTIQ+ communities Remember LGBTIQ+ victims of DV who have lost their lives Recognise LGBTIQ+ survivors Acknowledge the struggles of those LGBTIQ+ people who may be in an abusive relationship currently. There is information on the Qld Government events page about how you can contribute to this day, help show solidarity and bring about change in this area. (https://www.csyw.qld.gov.au//domestic-fam/events-calendar) See more
14.01.2022 With Covid-19 continuing to be present in our lives in a range of ways, mask wearing is becoming more common in our communities, and in some parts of Australia it is currently mandatory. For survivors of trauma masks can be triggering that is they can bring up feelings and memories connected to difficult/abusive situations that have happened in their lives. Wearing a mask, or even just seeing others wearing them, can be hard. If this is something that you or someone you know finds challenging, then perhaps the below tips from The Survivors Trust in England might be helpful. Remember too, always take care of yourself when reading anything that might connect to upsetting memories. (Sourced from the Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violences facebook page.)
14.01.2022 As Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month draws to a close, we acknowledge that this violence continues to affect people, especially women and children, in our community and around the world. Working to stop this violence is something that more and more people are becoming concerned about. Some of the thoughts, ideas, and information that we have heard during May can help us all continue to work together to find new ways to move forward, and to stop gendered violence in particular.
13.01.2022 During October (SVAM) we registered 1000 LIKES on the Zig Zag Facebook page!! We want to take the opportunity to thank all our fb friends for your interest and support. We appreciate you keeping in touch with us on this platform and it is great to have our online community continuing to grow.
12.01.2022 NAIDOC is a time to remember, reflect and celebrate. It is a time to recognize positive initiatives and work happening within Australia’s indigenous community. Black Rainbow’s FUTURE FUND is one example for indigenous young people:... Black Rainbow is Australia’s only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ+SB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Sistergirl and Brotherboy) suicide prevention and health/wellbeing organization. It is a national organisation focused on finding ways to build positive health and wellbeing within community. Black Rainbow is running a Futures Fund to support self-selected career development and enhancement opportunities across all professions. To do this they will provide grants of up to $1,000 to eight indigenous LGBTIQSB recipients each year from 2021 2025. This will mean 40 individual grants in total. The fund is for Indigenous LGBTIQSB community members aged 15-35 years. Expressions of interest for 2021 were due to open in October 2020. Keep an eye on Black Rainbow’s social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/BlackRainbowAustralia/, Instagram, and their website for updates on this great opportunity. (You can also see https://australia.googleblog.com/.../black-rainbow... for information.)
12.01.2022 With all the changes and concerns happening at the moment with the corona virus Zig Zag is working to adapt and to continue to provide support to women and the community. Whilst we may not be seeing you all face-to-face at the moment, we plan to keep connecting however we can. We hope people are finding ways to boost themselves at this time and we know that the internet has been busy sharing ideas and stories. We thought the bellow link/u-tube could help bring a smile. Som...ething to remind us that the current situation will not last forever and that we can all keep doing things to help. Oh, and that a good rhythm and bright outfits are always helpful too! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMlgD8FmJKQ (The Ndlovu Youth Choir were in the final of Americas Got Talent) See more
12.01.2022 A little message from Zig Zag as we head into the long weekend. And a little message from the Easter Bunny too. (Published by a Canadian news provider - we hope it brings a smile at a time when smiles might feel a little harder to come by.)
12.01.2022 Here is a list of contacts for support services for those who may be self isolating or feeling unwell. Please take care and connect with support during these challenging times.
12.01.2022 Happy New Year to all!! Zig Zag wishes all our Facebook friends (and visitors) good things for the new year ahead. We know that many people around the country have had a very rough start to the year with bushfires and our thoughts are with them. Amongst all that has gone on, these challenges have highlighted how community can join together and support each other. We hope that 2020 continues to keep this spirit of community support alive and of course, that it comes into the... lives of all those we connect with. As a way to bring a smile at this time, we would like to share a few photos from our end of year celebrations with young women last year. It was a day full of fun and sharing for all who attended, and we hope that this positive spirit can be a boost to everyone who veiws the photos. Zig Zag looks forward to working alongside young women in 2020, to raise issues that are important for young women and to highlight the voices and opinions of young women. See more
11.01.2022 Today marked White Ribbon day A day to draw attention to gendered violence - men’s violence against women - and the need for action and change. The White Ribbon vision is to have a community where women and children can all feel safe. As part of working toward social change White Ribbon Australia is also very clear on the need for men to be involved in creating change. To find out more about White Ribbon, gendered violence, and actions for change you can visit https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/.
11.01.2022 To all those going back to school on Tuesday, we hope your first day goes well and that 2020 brings a positive academic year within a caring school community. (We also hope that getting up early on Tuesday morning wont be too hard! :/ )
10.01.2022 This week is also Child Protection Week. This years theme is Putting Children First How can we help all children to be safe, have supportive people around them, and ensure all children are treated fairly? Have a look at the ideas on the flyers/info sheets and see some ways that you might be able to help to do this.
10.01.2022 Sending greetings to all our facebook friends and followers, and sharing a few reflections/resources that might help as we all continue to find our way through this time of Covid-19. Hope you find something that connects for you. Remember too that whilst Zig Zag is not making office face-to-face appointments at present, Zig Zag workers are still working if you want to check-in on the phone at all, (we are even trying some zoom appointments too! ). Take care everyone.
10.01.2022 Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month Financial Abuse. As part of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month calendar of events Womens Legal Service (WLS) are drawing attention to their Financial Abuse Awareness and Prevention Campaign today. Click on this link to see an easy to understand video that WLS put together on this topic. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsTK40kWxzHskT6nJxof46A
10.01.2022 Don’t forget our Survey Monkey on Group Work closing soon! You’ll only need 5 or 10 minutes. This survey will finish next Wednesday (28th April) so if you can, please take a few minutes to share your thoughts before then! We are very keen to hear young women’s ideas about what might work best with Zig Zag groups. ... We are particularly interested to hear from those whose lives have been impacted by sexual violence. We want to know how groups could help you to connect to information and engage with other young women. Thanks so much in advance for helping out with this! Here’s the link to go to: - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VMLZRDX.
08.01.2022 16 Days continued As part of 16 Days of Action Against Gender Violence we are reminded to believe survivors. This was also a theme with Sexual Violence Awareness Month (SVAM) in October this year. So, perhaps it is a good time to watch the video that the Sunshine Coast Sexual Assault Organisation, Laurel Place, shared at the end of SVAM. It reminds us to #startbybelieving and that believing and respecting women survivors of sexual violence is a very powerful and important... action we can all take toward ending gender-based violence. And as always, if watching this video brings up anything upsetting, remember you are entitled to support and can talk with someone you trust, or a support organisation. https://www.facebook.com/1906859889343127/videos/2516601248639874/ #16daysofactivismagainstgenderviolence #16days
08.01.2022 Today marks NATIONAL SORRY DAY and Zig Zag joins with all people throughout Australia to remember, reflect and acknowledge. We remember the pain that was brought to children, families and communities, we acknowledge the strength of the Stolen Generations and we reflect on how we can all contribute to ongoing healing and reconciliation. Observed annually on the 26th May National Sorry Day acknowledges the mistreatment of aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were f...orcibly taken from their families and communities - The Stolen Generations. The first sorry National sorry day was held in 1998. This year, Covid 19 restrictions, have meant that joining with others to recognize this day has been more challenging. So we thought it might be helpful to share a resource developed by the Benarrawa Community Development Association in Brisbane. It was developed to help people find ways to mark this day and to share information. The total resource is available at: - https://drive.google.com/open and a direct link to a beautiful lullaby, Ngaree-Ba Kaba, in Yagarabul language is available at https://drive.google.com//1I--JZmH42qb0OaO0Rb9-4ZbgYdowNOj1 . Lullabies are a way that parents and babies bond and this lullaby was shared as a way to contribute to hope and healing. See more
07.01.2022 Resources that might help at this time: Community Plus, a group of community centres on the inner South side of Brisbane, have a resource booklet that they have recently updated and which may be of use to people. It lists organisations and phone numbers for a range of supports from accommodation, to health support, to legal services, phone support and youth organisations. As well as a range of other areas. NOTE The opening hours and accessibility for organisations li...sted in this booklet will need to be checked due to Corona Virus social/movement restrictions. You can find this booklet at: http://communityplus.org.au//CP-Information-Referral-Bookl The following government numbers continue as a resource in certain situations: If you need information about the Australian Governments support for people impacted by COVID-19, including Economic Support Payments and allowances for people who are in self-quarantine and cant work, visit the Services Australia website (https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/) or call 132 468. If you have been quarantined at home by a medical professional, Queensland Health or through government direction and have no one to deliver food or essential items to your address you can call 1800 173 349 the Qld Government Recovery Hotline. Take care everyone.
05.01.2022 Wednesday is National Sorry Day. National Sorry Day is a significant day for First Nations people and particularly for Stolen Generation Survivors. Sorry Day provides opportunities for the general community to acknowledge the historical and cultural impacts of forcible remove of First Nations people from their families and country, and to honour the Stolen Generations.
04.01.2022 If you have ever been in the care of the Department of Child Safety, (statutory care), and are between 15 and 25 years old, the Create Foundation is offering some grants to assist people as they move forward in their lives. The link below has some information if you want to know more. (NB To apply, you do need to be a member of Club Create (free to join)) https://peakcare.com.au//CYF-Grant-Application-Form_2020.p
04.01.2022 Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week (BIEDAW) - 6-12 September 2020 #ChangeTheDialogue During this week Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ), a community organisation supporting individuals living with eating disorders and their families, is part of a national campaign to raise awareness around #ChangeTheDialogue which aims to change the common idea that our bodies define our worth as humans. ... EDQ knows people dont always feel great about their bodies, but want us to try to look at things differently they want us to acknowledge and respect how our bodies perform and sustain us daily; to respect all the amazing things our bodies give us and do for us. They invite us to help create safe, non-judgmental environments for conversations where bodies and people are not judged on their shape or size. There is #NoWrongWayToHaveaBody, so let us #ChangetheDialogue and instead strive to accept the ones we have. As part of the week there is an online zoom event TOMORRROW from 8.30 to 10.30am - Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Reconnect event. It is an opportunity to create individual art pieces that reflect on aspects of body image and eating disorders. (You can collect an art pack from EDQ, or use your own materials.) See flyer for details. Watch out for EDQ on social media during this week. You can help make change too by using hashtags #ChangeTheDialogue #BIEDAW #NoWrongWayToHaveaBody.
04.01.2022 National Reconciliation Week 27th May to 3rd June. #IN THIS TOGETHER Yesterday, the 27th May marked the beginning of Reconciliation week. ... The 27th May is the anniversary of the day of the 1967 referendum to include aboriginal people as part of the census and to allow the Commonwealth to make laws for Aboriginal people. (A referendum is when all people in Australia who are registered to vote, vote yes or no about a particular proposal.) The Theme for Reconciliation Week this year: In this Together. Recognizing that we all travel the road to reconciliation together and that we benefit from the contributions of others in the past. We journey as individuals and as a country. To start the week Reconciliation Australia invited everyone to take to social media to acknowledge country. So Zig Zag would like to do just that, (even if a day late): We respectfully acknowledge the First Nations People of Australia as the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and work. We acknowledge and honour local Aboriginal elders past, present, and emerging, for their role as the original custodians of the land and waters of Meanjin, known since colonisation as the Brisbane region - the Jagera people of Brisbane South, the Turrbal people of Brisbane North and the people of Quandamooka in the southern Moreton Bay region To check out things happening during this week you might like to visit https://www.reconciliation.org.au/national-reconciliation-/, or https://www.datsip.qld.gov.au//national-reconciliation-week.
04.01.2022 As part of Womens Week and International Womens Day, Zig Zag are inviting all young women to join us for a relaxing afternoon tea at our Camp Hill premises to Celebrate Our Diverse Community of Strong Women on March 9 at 3pm. For more info: https://zigzag.org.au//womens-week-international-womens-d/ And if you think you can join us it would be great if you could let us know beforehand. (Ph 3843 1823 or email [email protected]).
04.01.2022 We hope people are keeping well and finding ways to stay connected to others from a safe distance at this time. Here are some resources that government have shared on supports and where to go to for information which may be of use to some people. We know there is so much to take in at the moment, so if you are feeling a little overwhelmed, just know the attached is here when you feel ready to have a look.
02.01.2022 NAIDOC 2020 Celebrating Indigenous Art. If you want to get involved in NAIDOC week, you might like to check out and support the work of some indigenous artists. Maria Watson-Trudgett, an aboriginal artist who shares her culture through art and education will be sharing her work and thoughts tomorrow in Brisbane city. (For more info see - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/naidoc-week-event-maria-watson )... Or you could have a look at the NAIDOC 2020 Art Exhibition at Birrunga Gallery & Dining. (Adelaide Street in Bris City) This exhibition started on Monday as part of NAIDOC celebrations and will be continuing until the end of November. The NAIDOC 2020 Exhibition features Birrunga Wiradyuri, Kane Brunjes, and introducing Stevie O’Chin. Comprising of 21 original works, telling 9 stories. Each artist has produced 7 works each with 6 stories common to each artist. (See https://birrunga.com.au/events/ for more info.) Both events are Free Events
02.01.2022 Come and make some kokedama with us. Give Zig Zag a call and speak to Jacqui or Ritu on 3843 1823
01.01.2022 Zig Zag will be closed from 25th December and reopening 6th January 2020. "Together We Can Do It In 2020" Artwork: Roaring Softly Illustration [Tyler Feder]
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