Zode Kinesiology in Maroubra, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health
Zode Kinesiology
Locality: Maroubra, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 414 566 456
Address: McIver Place 2035 Maroubra, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.zode.com.au
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25.01.2022 What magic is in store for you today? Labradorite is also known as the Magician’s Stone.... the days is yours. Create your own magic
25.01.2022 B U I L D I N G T R U S T So important with our littlest clients! Using Elfen chimes to break the ice before hopping on the table to explore this little girl’s nervous system to support her sleep.
25.01.2022 F O C U S So much energy in that word. We can move in and out of it through the day, hour even minutes. Im lacking a bit of focus at the moment. Time for a dose bottle of azurite.
24.01.2022 The next added 6 weeks are going to be the killer. ... in. VIC... 100 people in the first lockdown committed suicide in the first week alone.... That was only in Victoria too. ... and 3000 nation wide since the panicdemic ... yet we seem to hear nothing of this ... because you cant catch Suicide, I have had some people respond... just repeat that a few times and think about it .... yes it is viral its growing at faster rates than COVID up 50% in Aus alone .. yet nothing...... no media ... nothing... The mental health issues related to lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. People need human contact ... The wonderful charity MIND have a helpline: 1300 554 660 Please could any two of my Facebook friends just copy and repost to share the helpline far and wide. Just two. Any two. Say done.
23.01.2022 Time to celebrate....The Pendulum Swings workshop starts at 1pm on 5th September. We are almost at capacity which is awesome. I've spent today doing the finishing touches, gathering the goodies and making sure everything is covid safe and ready to roll. To anyone who is attending from this group please remember to BYO towel to cover the yoga mats, unless you are BYO'ing your own low chair.... Looking forward to meeting you all and sharing the Swing!
22.01.2022 Check this out people. My sister on a new adventyre
22.01.2022 Today's crystal is Lepidolite, the simple purpose is Conscious Feeling. Animal totem - Manta Ray. Essential oil - Violet Leaf.... Chemical composition - Potassium Lithium Aluminium Silicate Hydroxide Fluoride. Affirmation - "My thoughts and emotions are united and in harmony with purpose." Keywords - Conscious Feeling, Thought and Feeling Balance, The Reaching of Goals, Decision-Making through the Heart, Children of Light, Follow Your Heart, Stress, Ascended Master Hilarion. Body Card Placement;- Can be confidently placed on all Chakras Heart and above. Color Rays;- 33% Pink, 33% Violet, 13% Clear, 13% Silver and 8% Indigo. All information from- The Liquid Crystal Oracle, By Justin Moikeha Asar @blueangelpublishing Llewellyn Worldwide #mind #lepidolite #MantaRay #feelings See more
22.01.2022 In the moonlight With the silent flap of a wing The Owl sees lifes Reality Open your eyes And let your truth sing
21.01.2022 A rewarding weekend.... as my gin n tonic smiles back at me.... I feel an elegant sufficiency in my life.
21.01.2022 Using a frontal/occipital hold on our little client recently supported her brain hemispheres to balance. As I held her head I asked her..... what do you think I can feel? This gorgeous 3 year old said my heart... How true she was. Using this hold, I feel for an equal and rhythmical pulse indicating that her frontal and occipital areas of her brain are balancing. How can this help young and old alike? It can reduce brain fog, bring calm and energise. Sound good? Yep, it is great. Grab your phone, search up Zode Kinesiology and get in touch. I work in Maroubra with kids and adults. A trusted service in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs.
21.01.2022 What passion stirs you at the moment?
21.01.2022 OMG To be honest - this image is how I feel right now. Just heard that we are in lock down now until 9th July. To the gorgeous clients that I have just rescheduled - I will be in touch. There is an option to have your session online - yes because kinesiology can work equally as well online as it does face to face. HOW?, I hear you ask......... Because we are working with energy and that stuff can go anywhere. Hope you, my clients, can continue to bear with me as I navigate this process. Call, text, email and even give an online session a go....I'm here for you regardless x In the words of that grungy ol' bloke......I'll be back.
21.01.2022 I am soooo excited to share this workshop with you. I've dabbled with the pendulum for clarity with decision making for decades. Its all about intention, trust and a bit of fun which makes this a great tool to work with. Tickets are selling so don't be disappointed. There is a QR code on the image which will work but if not - check out eventbrite.
21.01.2022 Smell is a wonderful sense to trigger memories, calm your emotions and inspire your soul I find working with oils and Bush Flower Essences bring a creative and nurturing twist to any kinesiology session.
20.01.2022 Fabulous new business opening in covid times. Congratulations Liz Jack
20.01.2022 R I P. One of the greats. Fitting that Sean Connery passed away in a Blue Moon. An amazing actor and would be a person on my list to have dinner with Photo Jason keith
19.01.2022 Today I used my Pendulum to.......What??Today I used my Pendulum to.......What??
19.01.2022 B R E A T H E I lie in bed every morning and do a series of deep breathing before I get out of bed... what’s your breath routine? If you are a shallow breather it can quickly affect your ability to drop out of F I G H T / F L I G H T I show all my clients, young and old, how to breathe properly.
19.01.2022 Sometimes our full moon sits behind us. Sharing its gentle feminine light, showing us where weve been and our lessons learnt. Then morning rises and shows her power, bright presence and a future of possibility. At rare moment this yin and tag energy collide and share the stage of NOW.
19.01.2022 You may have missed this!!!
19.01.2022 Our recent sunrise. Stunning growth and rising
18.01.2022 Oneness. Who are feeling at one with today....?
18.01.2022 @chalk-espresso for a coffee meeting with a lady whose looking for a chat and support about #womencircles #zode #kinesiology #newthingsfor21
18.01.2022 New workshop being planned The Pendulum Swings Join Zode Kinesiologys group called Creat Heart and be first in the loop to express your interest to attend in Sydney. ... Create heart members get a little added bonus. Stay tuned. If your interested put your name in the comments.
17.01.2022 ZODE is CLOSED ~ Honouring Covid Rules ~ We reopen on Sat 3 July.ZODE is CLOSED ~ Honouring Covid Rules ~ We reopen on Sat 3 July.
15.01.2022 S H I F T I N G B E L I E F S It's not uncommon. At times we clearly see through the trees. Warm sunlight streams in, the undergrowth shines after a cleansing rain, the earth smells of new growth and we feel grounded, guided and capable of navigating the trees in our personal forest.... At other times all we see is the dead wood. Missed opportunities, poor choices, apathy, guilt and overwhelm all wrapped up in a neat (or I wish I looked fitter and healthier) package of self-limiting beliefs and comparisons. Stuck in our own personal BlackForest. No sense of sunlight, growth or richness. I have done my fair share of self-help and holding a space of curiosity to learn about myself. I have, at 53, connected to my passion through kinesiology. I still have my Black Forest days. And yes! these moments feel shit, and can consume me with negativity, resistance, apathy, and fear. But over the years I have shifted some of my dead wood. I have seen myself in moments of assured personal power, aligned to my purpose. Moments of vulnerability such as asking a circle of 25 people for help as I knelt before them. I didnt get far past the fourth person before I crumbled and allowed myself to truly feel my sadness and vulnerability. What caused me to lift the veil of my life and connect to my path and passion? I began listening to myself instead of others. I decided to ask for help with confidence and a willingness to hear the response without reaction. I made a choice to take self-responsibility and put myself first. Not in a selfish way but in a manner of preservation and commitment to my heart. This has taken a while. Yes I sought help and absolutely I failed and got stuck, time after time. But all those small steps have led me to here; doing what I love. I can see my limiting beliefs and I give myself a choice to sit in my passion in a shimmering forest of new growth and possibility or to hide behind my black forest of apathy and fear. Crazy as it seems I do still choose the latter. But I do it more consciously. I bring this experience into sessions with my clients. To let them know I understand. Ive been where you are. There are people, tools and techniques that can help with S H I F T I N G B E L I E F S just as I did. But your biggest asset in this process to find the real YOUIs YOU. Stop, ask, listen and move forward with your heart. Do you resonate with this? Pop a GIF in the comments that reflects your S H I F T I N G B E L I E F S.
15.01.2022 Our doors open again on 4th January for some of our regular clients. I am really looking forward to getting back into what I do. In line with the new regulations, all clients will need to check in from the NSW app so please have it downloaded onto your phone. I have the QR Scan Code ready. I will also have available disposable masks and hand sanitiser should anyone require it. ... Not booked in yet? Easy give me a call 0414 566 456 to book in your appointment commencing 11th January 2020
14.01.2022 For all the mum's out there I've uploaded a simple little sleep routine for your baby....and there's no reason why you cant apply a similar approach to your older kids, partner or ask your partner to do the routine on you....OOOhhh Yeah! In uncertain times having a routine can help us feel less anxious. Give it a go. Let me know how your kid's (or your) sleep is going. You can find it in the "files" section of CREATE HEART - our little facebook group community......here's the... link https://www.facebook.com/groups/724417117963566/
13.01.2022 I work with kids and adults #zodekinesiologyI work with kids and adults #zodekinesiology
13.01.2022 Sometimes the top of our mountain seems unattainable. We look with fear, impossibility, confusion, inability to take the first step..... Other times our mountain is made of cake and we eat it up arriving at the summit in one happy, slightly full, delicious moment of achievement. Whats your personal mountain like today? #zode #sydney #climbthatmountain #wellness
12.01.2022 As kids we listened and learnt from our parents. As teens we often believed our parents knew dless than us. As adults we realise our parents gave us many pearls of wisdom which finally became understood and appreciated. What words of wisdom did your parents share with you? Leave a comment below......and tag ya mum or dad! #zode #kinesiology #wisdom #mumknowsbest #kids #teens
12.01.2022 Had my Pendulum Swings workshop yesterday. 12 people attended only 4 were existing clients and they brought a family/friend along - it was lovely to meet you al...l All day leading up to it I was excited and very calm. Set up was a bit rushed as I had to fit in with the last yoga class. But it looked amazing. Everyone was so excited. I started and it was like deep level knowledge that Ive not tapped into Rose to the surface and just flowed. Lots of questions which I answered, had a bit of my story, humour and lots of hands on things. The end saw them all use the pendulum to find their liquid crystal bottle to take for the next month. These all felt perfect. The whole event was like a perfect wave. Rolling into the shore. Got a survey completed and the feedback was ...warm, fun, relaxed, informative, inspiring, fascinsting, grounding and demystifying. Heres a few pics by the talented Shannon Rawnsley Thank you everyone who attended. It was great
11.01.2022 #thankyou Such kind words. Seems we’re both ready to embark on this journey. Looking forward to our next session.
11.01.2022 Today Im manifesting some resting space. What about you?
11.01.2022 Let your fire fly out. Enjoy your evening
11.01.2022 PEACE - how cool would that be for 2021! Find your inner dolphin, ride the waves and find your own sense of peace.
10.01.2022 I've been working out a statement to describe what I do. You know; my elevator pitch. My spiel. My reason for being a kinesiologist and connecting and supporting women, mothers, and children. This "pitch" is what may attract potential clients, open doors to new offerings and it describes the S H I F T that my clients make after working with me. I would love your thoughts on this. Do you relate? Is it speaking to your life? If not, why not? Here it is...... "I help women who find themselves juggling overwhelm, responsibility, family and work to achieve a fresh Rhythm of Life by guiding them to uncover their frustrations, simplify their stress and aligning them to their heart as they step out with confidence and freedom."
09.01.2022 Do you feel like this some days? Join Create Heart. A safe group where youll feel supported, gain knowledge, hear wisdom and grab a laugh. Also the chance to grab exclusive offers from #Zodekinesiology
09.01.2022 BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Something I teach kids and adults alike in a kinesiology session. It a free, always ready tool to help you stay calm and settle your nervous system out of fight/flight. Does this hit a cord for you or your family? Find out more at www.Zode.com.AU
09.01.2022 The Pendulum Swings An interactive workshop My next workshop date and venue is confirmed. More info will be coming.... This will be great for anyone (teen to adult) who likes the idea of learning a skill to give you confirmation of your choices in life. For beginners. Pendulums will be available for purchase at the workshop. Due to covid there will be limited numbers so get in quick. I will be posting a Facebook Event in the coming week and can share that here THE PENDULUM SWINGS Date: Sat 5th Sept 2020 Time: Morning - 2hours (tbc) Venue: Tiger Lotus Yoga Studio, 1559 Botany Rd Botany Price: $50 per person Register your interest here and Ill ensure to connect with you when the event is posted Looking forward to it. #tigerlotusyoga #bayside #randwickcouncil #zode #kinesiology #whatsoninsydney #easternsuburbsmums #workshop #pendulums @ Tiger Lotus Yoga
09.01.2022 Rose Quarts people.... who is in line for a little forgiveness? Friends, family, YOU With the blue rays mixing with the pink we arrive a rose quartz. Many people thing Rose Quartz is the crystal of love but its actually Forgiveness. Why? My thoughts on this are that to truly love one must forgive first
09.01.2022 New Workshop LIVE in Eventbrite. Check it out at the link below and grab your ticket as numbers are limited. Anyone who joins Create Heart AND joins the workshop gets an added bonus. https://www.facebook.com/events/210978147003472
07.01.2022 This image is the front side of my new postcards. It seems appropriate today given we are all now in lockdown...."stay at home" rules. The protective smoke of white sage Holding Pericardium 6 - a wonderfully nurturing acupressure points The Singing Bowl - vibrating energies to align your chakras... All these images work to protect, support, balance your physical, mental and emotional bodies and beyond. Zode is closed for a week like everyone else - adhering to the covid regulations - but we will be back next week. Only a couple of appointments available next week so if you feel you need some nurturing, protection or balance - connect with me now and we can book you or your family in for the week of 12th July onward. www.zode.com.au or [email protected]
07.01.2022 I woke up this morning and could navigate Instagram. Now I’ve got no hope. Who made all the buts more complicated.
06.01.2022 Do you know how to laugh? I mean really laugh, from your belly, tears streaming, jaw aching. We dont do that much do we. Take a look at little kids....they do. We as adults seem to have forgotten. Ignite Amber and use this weekend to laugh, really laugh, wet yourself laughing.
05.01.2022 Dear Shoppers, This morning we were contacted by the NSW Health and made aware that a customer who visited the following stores at the dates and times listed ha...s returned a positive COVID-19 test result. Additionally, we have listed advice that is to be followed if you attended these stores at the identified times. Customers who attended the following stores at the specified times are considered close contacts and must immediately get tested and self-isolate for 14 days from the exposure regardless of the result Mad Mex - Wednesday 23rd June from 6.10pm to 6.40pm and Thursday 24th June from 6.10pm to 6.25pm Roll’d Vietnamese - Wednesday 23rd June from 6.30pm to 7.00pm Customers who attended the following shops at specified times are considered casual contact unless they are already close contacts as per above, must get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative test result. They should continue to monitor for symptoms and if any symptoms occur, get tested again. Coles Pacific Square Maroubra - Wednesday 23rd June from 6:00pm to 6.15pm Roll’d Vietnamese - Thursday 24th June from 6.20pm to 6.25pm Freshworld Maroubra Fruit Shop - Thursday 24th June from 6.20pm to 6.30pm Any other shoppers who attended Pacific Square Maroubra on Wednesday 23rd June from 6:00pm to 7:00pm and Thursday 24th June from 6:00pm to 7:00pm but did not attend the stores at the specified times listed above, is a casual contact and must get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative test result. Additionally, they should continue to monitor for symptoms and if any symptoms occur, get tested again. Both Coles and Mad Mex were advised of the exposure post trade yesterday evening and as such, completed an overnight clean. They have reopened this morning. Roll’d Vietnamese and Freshworld Fruit Shop will remain closed until they have completed their clean inline with NSW Safework guidelines. The general area of the Centre was cleaned this morning before trade.
05.01.2022 I feel I’ve gone thru some darkness in 2020. How fitting black coral brings light to this 2021. Time to reflect on where you put your energy..
05.01.2022 What colour do you see.
03.01.2022 Want find some joy? Join 5 other gorgeous women and myself at #zodekinesiology next workshop The Pendulum Swings. On Sat 5 Sept at 1pm in Botany. Info and ticket link in my Bio/links. Still a few spaces left.
02.01.2022 Red jasper day.... what a perfect day to hold my Pendulum Workshop. Not long now!!
01.01.2022 How do you ground yourself? For me its gardening, water, barefoot on earth, walking the dog.....of course oils and crystals help. What about you?
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