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Zone 34 | Medical centre

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Zone 34

Phone: +61 2 9056 0850

Address: Shop 2, 20 McGill Street, Lewisham 2049


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22.01.2022 After linking up with the UTS Randwick Sparks Netball Association in 2019 we are proud to again be the physiotherapy provider with the team in 2020. Due to COVID-19 the season has been postponed, but hopefully we will see the girls on court soon! Earlier this week our physio Alice Brown (also NSW netball physio) put the Olivia and Adrienne through a series of exercises designed to reduce the risk of netball related injuries. ... Young netballers will recognise components of the Knee Program developed by Alanna Antcliff, Australian Diamonds physio. If you are unfamiliar with the Knee Program, be sure to check out Video: Fancy Boy Photography

21.01.2022 NETBALL Thanks to @ojtree and @adrosactivities for dropping by this week. Looking forward to sharing the content on:... Warm Ups Injury Risk Strength : @fancyboyphotography and @milkandhoneyphotography delivering the goods again @ Zone 34 Sports Physiotherapy

20.01.2022 INTERNSHIPS Zone 34 interships are designed to allow final year physio students and new graduate physiotherapists learn from physiotherapists with experience in elite sport and dance. Applications will be considered from final year physio students and recent grads who are seeking additional private practice experience and mentoring. ... Before applying ensure you can commit to a 4 month internship and attend the clinic a minimum of 4 hours per week. Note that all internships at Zone 34 are voluntary roles. We enjoy training the next generation of physiotherapists and are offering internships to help bridge the gap between uni placements and starting work in private practice. That is why we have aligned out internships with Zone 34 small group rehab classes. Interns will have the opportunity to monitor, supervise and progress rehabilitation programs that have been initial set by our expert team. Additionally there will be fortnightly intern seminars covering 8 seperate modules, and interns will be welcome to attend our TWICE WEEKLY inservice program. For more info, visit the Learn link in our bio. If you are Send a 1 page Cover Letter and 1 page CV to [email protected] #intern #internship #physiotherapy #physio #physicaltherapy #exerciseismedicine #practical #experience #physiotherapist #rehab #mobility #prehab #rehabilitation

20.01.2022 WHAT TIME IS IT? GAME TIME!!! We are pumped for the return of the @netballnsw Premier League tonight. After the longest preseason ever, the @utsrandwicksparks will be ready to fire. ... (Newspaper headline writers just DM for more quality puns) #lessgo

19.01.2022 PHYSIO BY VIDEO In these unusual times our team are transitioning to telehealth video consultations. At the moment we have a skeleton clinical staff onsite for essential face to face appointments. Due to COVID-19 our preference is to have the majority of sessions conducted via telehealth.... Physio by video is a fantastic option when face to face sessions are limited due to health concerns, work or family commitments. Perhaps you are based interstate and would like a second opinion or guidance from one of Zone 34s expert physiotherapists. PhysiApp provides secure encrypted calls. We may send you questionnaires or physical tests to perform in advance to increase the information available to guide the session. The video call allows us to coach you through movements to assess and monitor your injury, and demonstrate injury management strategies and exercise techniques Our telehealth sessions provide the same high quality education, and tailored exercise based rehabilitation that you would expect from a face to face appointment at Zone 34. Get in touch if you would like to know more. Stay safe.

18.01.2022 Telehealth video consults are GO! Dave will be conducting video appointments from tomorrow. See his post below. Our experienced team remain available for 1:1 consultations. We have made a conscious decision to run a skeleton team to maximise safety for our staff and patients, so sadly you wont be greeted by a smiling receptionist for a little while. Please contact us if you would like to discuss what appointment time is right for you.

17.01.2022 Lots of exciting developments underway in the Zone. We are particularly excited about the launch of our online shop, where exercise products and Telehealth consults can be purchased. Our very own custom designed Spanish Squat belts are here, and Z34 trigger balls are on the way! Jump on over to the store to check it out. ... Huge thanks to Jen Boxer for continuing to inspire and developing our website to new heights.

14.01.2022 SPARKS ARE BACK! It was great to catch up with @utsrandwicksparks players Oliva and Adrienne today. With the government and Netball Australia clearing the way for modified team trainings, the girls are fired up to get back on court. Like this little teaser clip? Keep an eye out for future videos showing the girls performing netball specific warm ups, rehab drills, and strength exercises designed to improve performance and reduce injury risk. ... Bring on the 2020 NSW Premier League season! See more

12.01.2022 Zone gym access available June 15th! -

10.01.2022 Appreciate the love Sydney Kings. Being part of the basketball community is a major reason why we have so much fun at Zone 34 - Sports Physiotherapy . Doesnt feel like work when living the dream!

10.01.2022 34 seconds with Dave A quick insight into what Dave has been up to during the COVID-19 period. Check out our other videos in this series to meet the rest of our team. Visit our YouTube channel here...

09.01.2022 A huge thank you to the Sydney Kings for taking Zone 34 - Sports Physiotherapy along for an amazing ride this season. It was an honour to support a humble, team focussed athletes, dedicated coaching staff, collaborative performance department, and management who walk the walk on player welfare. The finals series ended in a way no one predicted nor wanted. ... Proud to be part of the Kings family. See more

08.01.2022 A quick insight into what our receptionist and track star Lora has been up to during the COVID-19 period. Check out our other videos in this series to meet the rest of our team.

08.01.2022 Looking forward to getting our hands on this little unit.

07.01.2022 Simon Hall (@simon_the_physio) demonstrating how to tape for a Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) knee injury. This technique is typically used to provide additional stability to the knee when returning to activity following MCL sprain. For time reasons this video shows the minimum amount of tape we would recommend. Most athletes prefer additional criss cross pieces. Heavier and stronger athletes require more tape. ... If you experience skin reactions to tape, be sure to apply the hypoallergenic tape (such as Fixomul mentioned in the video) liberally, so that the brown tape does not touch your skin.

07.01.2022 Age is not a barrier when it comes to strength training. Love this story about a group of 70+ year old Victorians getting Interested in joining a revolution? Contact us to see how our Healthy Bodies and Strong Bodies sessions can benefit you!

06.01.2022 Get behind Cam and his efforts to run a marathon and support Beyond Blue at the same time. Smash that 42.195 km Cam!

05.01.2022 A quick insight into our Physio/Hand Therapist Gloria has been up to during the COVID-19 period. Always upbeat and committed to helping others, Gloria has approached this time with her usual positive attitude. Check out our other videos in this series to meet the rest of our team.... Visit our you tube channel via

05.01.2022 Excited to launch a new website The goal is to share the recent evidence on the diagnosis and management of common basketball injuries, along... with practical tips for athletes, their parents and treating therapists world wide. Early days but look forward to also sharing injury rehab drills and exercises aimed to reduce the risk of injury in junior athetes. I am available for telehealth video consults for basketballers throughout Australia and overseas. Email me at [email protected] to get in touch, or visit the website to find out more.

05.01.2022 El Toro vs The Silverback Who won this wrestle for the ball? Brad "The Bull " Newley or Simon "Silverback " Hall? ... Keep an eye out for upcoming videos featuring @sydneykings player Brad Newley for @physioaustralia . This wrestling drill is just one example of exercises that could be used to prepare for a return to the courts in July. Check out the biceps on @simon_the_physio! Looks like can retire from running any contact drills with the Kings next season. @fancyboyphotography @milkandhoneyphotography

02.01.2022 PRE SEASON TESTING A return to training is hopefully just around the corner for a lot of sporting codes a nice reward for the great work Australians have done during the last 6 weeks. A short pre season leading into competition is a recipe for a spike in soft tissue injuries. The TIME IS NOW to get back into an exercise program aimed at reducing the risk of injury. To get a head start on your programming start off with a sports specific musculoskeletal screening by one of ou...r physiotherapists. This screening is further individualised based on your past injury history. Check out the video with Simon demonstrating just a few tests we can perform with our Strength By NumbersAxIt push/pull dynamometers and force plates. These measures are a great way to identify any previous injuries that may need some extra rehabilitation, and also to monitor improvements in strength and performance at regular intervals. Our team have experience in elite sports and we have developed screenings specific to each sport. Zone 34 clients undergo the same testing procedures that we utilise with Australian basketballers, the Sydney Kings, Netball NSW athletes, and have successfully used with NEAFL and Football NSW players. We will provide you with a individualised program targetting any assymmetries or evidence based risk factors, and provide recommendations on safely increasing your weekly training loads. Want to know more? Call the clinic on +612 9056 0850 or email [email protected]

02.01.2022 A quick insight into what Cameron has been up to during the COVID-19 period. Keep an eye out for upcoming videos in this series to meet the rest of our team. Great to see todays news about a 3 stage plan to re open Australia slowly and safely. We hope this gives an opportunity for our community businesses and sporting teams get back on their feet soon.

01.01.2022 Outstanding message and leadership shown by UTS Randwick Sparks Netball Association coaches and players last night

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