Zonta Club Caloundra City Inc. in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Zonta Club Caloundra City Inc.
Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 488 283 555
Address: Caloundra 4551 Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Website: https://www.zontacaloundra.com.au
Likes: 524
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25.01.2022 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Day 3: Prior to COVID-19, 1 in 3 women worldwide experienced physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner. According to UN Women, since the onset of COVID-19 and lock downs to prevent the spread of the virus, calls to domestic violence helplines increased up to five fold in the first few weeks of the pandemic. For every three months the lock downs continued, an additional 15 million women were estimated to be affected by violence within their homes.
25.01.2022 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence DAY 4: Did you know that early marriage compromises the development and well being of girls and limits their opportunities in life.
25.01.2022 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence DAY 5: Are you aware: That this then makes girls vulnerable to sexual transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS, plus early pregnancy which can lead to further complications.
25.01.2022 Thanks to Caloundra State High School for their sanger-on-bread-holders and a mysterious apron donor whose donations have contributed to our Bunnings BBQ stash. Jo sewed bits of orange fabric to the aprons to make them look more Zontarish. Every contribution helps to serve our Caloundra community!
24.01.2022 Zonta Birthing Kits have saved thousands of Mothers and Babies worldwide!!
24.01.2022 Pam presenting Greg from Forget Me Not with a Zonta Honorary Member Pin. Forget Me Not rescues children and returns them to their families in Nepal, India and Uganda. If you would like to help the families please donate at the following link: https://fmn.org.au/
23.01.2022 Shoeboxes of love have been collected by Drought Angels last week for distribution with their hay runs to properties affected by drought. Thank you to all those who kindly donated to such a worthy cause.
21.01.2022 The Zonta Prospective Member Information Evening is still on tonight at 6 pm! Come along and find out about what great things we are doing in the Community!!
21.01.2022 Simone presenting our new President, Pam with the gavel.
20.01.2022 The latest shipment of Uniforms 4 Kids clothing has arrived in Adelaide and will be distributed to children within bushfire affected communities. We would like to thank Craig and everyone at Toll Group for their generosity in making this delivery happening in such a short time.
19.01.2022 ZONTA Rose Day is coming up! Did you know that the yellow rose is a symbol of ZONTA International? Zonta Rose Day coincides with International Womens Day and our clubs Advocacy Committee each year presents yellow roses to women in the community to acknowledge their courage and determination to improve the lot of women, children and others in the local community. Most of the recipients are women who beaver away quietly at their jobs, or their volunteering, with no expectation of a reward. We applaud these women and all women and community members who strive to make their community safer and kinder for all who live there.
19.01.2022 Eight Months ago today, we had our Zonta Australia and New Zealand Convention in Brisbane, with special guest, Quentin Bryce, what an honour and how powerful was her speech!
18.01.2022 AMELIA EARHART BURSARY APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN. The Zonta Club of Caloundra City Inc. offers a Bursary of $2,000 to girls in Year 12 who are planning to study science, engineering, mathematics or aeronautical studies at tertiary level, if you would like to apply for the Amelia Earhart Bursary, please email Dorothy Barnes, [email protected] for an application form.
16.01.2022 28 August is Equal Pay Day in Australia, marking the additional 59 days women must work from the end of the last financial year to earn the same amount as men. There are lots of everyday factors that contribute to the gender pay gap including discriminatory pay decisions, gender segregated industries, female dominated industries attracting lower pay and womens high rates of unpaid labour.
16.01.2022 https://www.zonta.org//Changing_the_world_Women_in_Techno/
15.01.2022 Zonta 100 years Certificate of Appreciation given to Zonta members at tonight's dinner meeting! Congratulations everyone for a wonderful effort!
15.01.2022 Knit a blue heart to fight against human trafficking!!!
13.01.2022 Thank you Rosanna Natoli for doing such a wonderful job as MC at our International Women's Day!
13.01.2022 100th Birthday Anniversary Certificates signed by our International President presented at our Dinner Meeting!!
12.01.2022 Theres no doubt that our local business owners are a generous bunch and so too is our community! Jo and Shiree at To Hold & To Have are always up to something wonderful to help others. Heres Jo to explain the beautiful Shoe Boxes of Love collecting in reception.
12.01.2022 The Advocacy Committee once again presented yellow roses and certificates to local women who have showed courage and determination in their efforts to provide assistance to women and children. Senior Sergeant Kim Cavell for her police work and work with The Vulnerable Persons Unit, Anne Macdonald, former police officer and now directing Uniforms for Kids and Joan Fitzgerald, Caloundra Zontian. Congratulations to each of these women; their commitment is both heartwarming and inspiring. We warmly and sincerely thank you for your work.
10.01.2022 Saturday, 5 June, is World Environment Day, and we are pleased to share with you our new statement on climate change, a major global crisis that has a negative impact on people and the environment around the world. Though we are not an environmental or disaster response organization, we recognize that climate change disproportionately affects women and girls, and action is needed from a gender equality perspective. As an organization committed to empowering women and girls globally and locally and promoting justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, Zonta International is calling for action in favour of a fair and human rights-based approach to solve the crisis of climate change in the post-pandemic world and achieve a greener, cleaner and equal societies.
09.01.2022 Congratulations to our wonderful President, Simone who has done an amazing job with our Zonta Club for the past two years!!
08.01.2022 July 30 is the United Nations World Day against Trafficking in Persons. Our club seeks to provide a voice for victims of trafficking by wearing the blue heart symbol as designated by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. Club members receive a blue heart to wear and one to hand on to show their support for the victims of this crime. Clip it on! Sew it on! Hang it up! Rock your blue heart throughout July.
08.01.2022 Unchained At Last first realized in 2015 that the U.S. has a child marriage problem. Unchained had been founded in 2011 by a forced marriage survivor with a mission of providing free legal and social services to help individuals in the U.S. to escape forced marriages but more and more girls, under age 18, were reaching out to Unchained to plead for the same help. #unchainedatlast #zontaintl #zontasaysno
07.01.2022 SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL.... .... but she didn't know what that meant. When she was a little girl ... they told her she was beautiful but it had no meaning in her world of bicycles and pigtails and adventures in make-believe. Later, she hoped she was beautiful as boys started taking notice of her friends and phones rang for Saturday night dates. She felt beautiful on her wedding day, hopeful with her new life partner by her side but, later, when her children called her beautiful, she was often exhausted, her hair messily tied back, no make up, wide in the waist where it used to be narrow; she just couldn't take it in. Over the years, as she tried, in fits and starts, to look beautiful, she found other things to take priority, like bills and meals, as she and her life partner worked hard to make a family, to make ends meet, to make children into adults, to make a life. Now, she sat. Alone. Her children grown, her partner flown, and she couldn't remember the last time she was called beautiful. But she was. It was in every line on her face, in the strength of her arthritic hands, the ampleness that had a million hugs imprinted on its very skin, and in the jiggly thighs and thickened ankles that had run her race for her. She had lived her life with a loving and generous heart, had wrapped her arms around so many to to give them comfort and peace. Her ears had heard both terrible news and lovely songs, and her eyes had brimmed with, oh, so many tears, they were now bright even as they dimmed. She had lived and she was. And because she was, she was made beautiful. ~ Suzanne Reynolds, 2019 Photo credit: Nina Djerff Model: Marit Rannveig Haslestad
07.01.2022 FORGET ME NOT - STOP CHILD TRAFFICKING https://www.facebook.com/forgetmenotcharity/videos/530638490920846/
06.01.2022 Zonta May Dinner Meeting 2019 & May Dinner Meeting 2020 on Zoom - wow the world has changed in only one year!!!
04.01.2022 Watch this Friday, 5th June 2020 at 10 pm AEST:
02.01.2022 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Zonta Says No banner and Bev outside Kawana Police Station, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
02.01.2022 Taking her talents to the top for International Womens Day Jacinda Webb, 2019 Caloundra High School student is taking her talents to the top as the 2020 Amelia Earhart Bursary winner with the Zonta Club of Caloundra. #zontacaloundra #zonta bursaries #helpingothers #Left to right - Julie Pozzoli - Principal Caloundra State High School, Jacinda Webb - Bursary Winner, Kelly Callaghan - Zonta Club of Caloundra.... Tickets to the Zonta Club of Caloundra International Womens Day event can be purchased online now at www.trybooking.com/BHQMB
02.01.2022 Thank you Caloundra Quilters for your donation of quilts for the homeless. Deb Ridley from Caloundra Quilters. #zontahelpsothers #homeless #caloundraquilters
01.01.2022 It's a big mistake to dismiss grandmothers as past their used-by date Today's grandmothers spent their university years protesting. And they have nothing to lose by continuing the fight, writes Gillian Triggs. https://www.abc.net.au//grandmothers-protest-reje/12137482... https://www.abc.net.au//the-journey-of-gillian-tr/11549846
01.01.2022 United Nation’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Day 2: Are you aware that about 21% of women across the world are married as children-----about 650 million!!
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