Zoo and Aquarium Association in Mosman, New South Wales, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Zoo and Aquarium Association
Locality: Mosman, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9978 4797
Address: PO Box 20 2088 Mosman, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.zooaquarium.org.au
Likes: 4617
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25.01.2022 It's NAIDOC Week and this year’s theme is ‘Always was, always will be’, inviting Australians to accept and recognise the rich history of First Nations Peoples as custodians of this land. The ZAA team are fortunate to work for conservation every day on Cammeraigal Land and we acknowledge the deep knowledge of First Nations Peoples about Australia's native wildlife long before we began to work with these incredible animals. There are many events on for NAIDOC Week around the c...ountry, including some at ZAA-accredited zoos so check them out: https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/naidoc-week-events #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC #alwayswasalwayswillbe
24.01.2022 Now that spring has arrived, have you seen more cats out and around your neighbourhood? If you’re in Australia, we’d love to know what you think about our feline friends in a ten-minute survey. Your contribution will help inform us on how to keep cats and native wildlife safe and healthy in the future. ... Tell us what you think here. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/X8TSSFL
24.01.2022 Attention Kiwi cat lovers! We’d like to learn more about attitudes towards cats and cat ownership in this ten-minute survey. Your answers will inform an upcoming initiative on keeping cats and native wildlife in New Zealand safe and healthy.... Whether or not you own a cat, we want to hear from you. Let us know what you think www.surveymonkey.com/r/XVRYR5H
22.01.2022 It’s International Red Panda Day! Last year, eight endangered cubs were born as part of the Australasian ZAA Breeding Program. We take a holistic approach to red panda conservation, combining breeding efforts in zoos with hard work to protect and restore their natural habitat.
22.01.2022 It's #nationalbirdweek in Aus which means it's time for the BirdLife Australia Backyard Bird Count! Check out their easy guide to adding your own bird count on the app: https://youtu.be/EUT4VnEzMq8
22.01.2022 ZAA-accredited member Territory Wildlife Park share how they work conservation, rescue and animal welfare messaging into their Flight Deck experience for visitors.
21.01.2022 Time to get ready for bed with Sasa! Though it might look like she’s creating a mess, Sasa is making sure her bedding is comfortable so she can get a good night’s sleep. Usually in the wild sun bears will build nests in high trees to protect themselves from predators and stay dry. This vulnerable species is facing multiple threats such as deforestation and hunting. So let’s work together to help preserve them ... : Keeper Sam, Wellington Zoo https://fb.watch/6gYTJ4ULjH/
20.01.2022 With only 3 months to go in 2020 and the challenges we’ve all faced this year, we want to celebrate some of our favourite moments with you! We hope to continue leading Australasian zoos, aquariums and wildlife sanctuaries towards an even better future of conservation, community education and most importantly, happier wildlife.
20.01.2022 Happy #FathersDay! We’re celebrating all the dads on the ZAA team and wildlife dads like Dean Reid, Head Mammal Keeper at Australian Reptile Park, who’s hand raised over 35 baby animals, including kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, wallabies, wombats, koalas, cockatoos and Eastern quolls.
19.01.2022 Happy Songbird Sunday! Exciting new research has found that teaching regent honeyeaters to sing helps them thrive better when released into the wild! Male regent honeyeaters are able to imitate the songs of other birds and animals and by learning ‘love songs’, this helps them to find their match. ... At Taronga Zoo Sydney they provide ‘song tutoring’ to their baby birds through playing the song of adults on the speakers or adult birds are placed in enclosures within earshot. Unfortunately, there are only around 350 of these critically endangered birds left in the wild, so well this research from the Taronga Conservation Society will help with their conservation. : Doug Gimesy / Taronga Zoo Sydney
19.01.2022 When we look at animal welfare, we're looking for something like this, where the overall experiences add up to positive welfare. We use the Five Domains of animal welfare during our Accreditation Program to validate if positive welfare like this is occurring. #animalwelfare
16.01.2022 Today is National Threatened Species Day in Australia and we recently celebrated Conservation Week in New Zealand so we're talking native threatened species. Today marks the day the last Thylacine died and it's a sombre reminder not to let our other species go extinct on our watch. But it's not all doom and gloom - great work is happening and we wanted to share this video with some of the amazing conservation and rescue work ZAA-accredited zoos do. Stay tuned for our update on some exciting bushfire recovery projects we've been working on in the background to help our native Australian species after the devastating bushfire season. #NTSD2020 #threatenedspeciesday #bushfires
16.01.2022 Do you care about cats? If you’re in New Zealand, we’d love to know what you think about our feline friends in a ten-minute survey. Your opinions will inform an upcoming project that will help companion cats and native wildlife. Please share this and hit the link to get started www.surveymonkey.com/r/XVRYR5H
14.01.2022 Tinder for zoo animals has been around in Aus/NZ for a while It's called the ZAA Australasian Species Management Program, under which we coordinate over 100 breeding programs - that's a lot of matchmaking! Managed programs play a role in protecting threatened species, conservation research and conservation education. It involves managing the animals at different ZAA-accredited zoos and aquariums as one big population and supports genetically diverse and sustainable species populations. See some of our programs here: http://ow.ly/utmH50C3mO1
14.01.2022 Less than a month left of 2020! While 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, we would like to look back at some of the highlights from the year that made us smile. Like Calvin the turtles release into the wild! ... SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium nursed Calvin back to full health and in March released him back into the ocean at Rangiputa. An amazing achievement from ‘Team Turtle’, a collaborative effort from SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium, the Department of Conservation, Auckland Zoo, and iwi, with generous support from Countdown Supermarkets. Well done ‘Team Turtle’ and Calvin! SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium
13.01.2022 When you realise tomorrow is Monday... Enjoy this footage of the critically endangered spotted handfish. Rather than swimming, this unique Australian fish chooses to walk.
11.01.2022 It's #internationalzookeeperday & we want to celebrate all the passionate conservationists caring for animals in ZAA-accredited zoos & aquariums. Especially for their essential care of animals during a difficult year in and out of lockdown.
11.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who donated to the Port Moresby Nature Park Wildlife Appeal! We’re 40% closer to our goal to help the Park continue to care for and support positive animal welfare for over 550 unique native animals to Papua New Guinea. Get involved here https://au.gofundme.com/f/port-moresby-nature-park039s-wild
10.01.2022 It's #mentalhealthmonth and boy, has this year put us to the test! This year the theme is TUNE IN and we want to remind everyone to take the time to take care of yourself and tune in to nature
08.01.2022 It's #savekiwimonth - a great time to visit your local accredited NZ zoo or wildlife park & see some of the kiwi in the ZAA conservation breeding programme! Otorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park
08.01.2022 It's #nationalfrogweek & we're excited to share that ZAA is supporting frog recovery from the 2019-20 bushfires with a strategic biobanking project for Booroolong Frog, Northern Corroboree Frog, Southern Corroboree Frog & the Spotted Tree Frog led by Taronga zoo and Zoos Victoria. Learn more: http://ow.ly/MWQT50C3meN Zoos Victoria
06.01.2022 Exciting to see news that some of our Melbourne ZAA-accredited zoos are set to open again soon! It's been a long road for our Victorian members, but they have COVID-19 plans in place and are ready to welcome visitors back to reconnect with nature
06.01.2022 Check out what's going on in the lab! Since #nationalfrogweek Taronga Zoo Sydney has been working on a strategic biobanking program to safeguard as much genetic variation as possible in living, frozen sperm biorepositories of threatened amphibians. The experiments are ongoing but a sneak peak at some of the samples after thawing has shown some good looking swimmers. Excitingly, this is the first time that sperm from these species have been cryopreserved!... The project is funded by a ZAA grant as part of our Drought & Bushfire Wildlife Response Appeal and Taronga is working with partners UOW: University of Wollongong, Australia, The University of Newcastle, Australia, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Zoos Victoria. Great work team! Taronga Zoo Sydney
04.01.2022 Did you know you can choose to visit zoos and aquariums that have received accreditation for positive animal welfare? Jump on our website to see which ones are welfare accredited with us: https://zooaquarium.org.au/public/Locate/Public/Locate.aspx
04.01.2022 As we head back into bushfire season in Australia, the ZAA Conservation Team continues our hard work on wildlife recovery from the 2019-20 bushfires & drought. We are now working on initiatives in our second and third phases focused on species assessment and long-term recovery.
04.01.2022 10 months on from the devastating bushfire season, Zoos Victoria have released a video update of some of their work to help Australian wildlife recover http://ow.ly/srX050BHhXO
03.01.2022 Attention Australian cat lovers! We’re curious about cats and we’d love to know your thoughts in this ten-minute survey. Your answers will inform an upcoming project on how to keep cats and our wildlife safe in the future. Whether or not you own a cat, please share this with fellow cat lovers and hit the link to get started https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/X8TSSFL
02.01.2022 For #reptileawarenessday we want to introduce you to these 2 cuties from our ZAA regional breeding programs. The tuatara is an amazing ancient reptile found in New Zealand & the Western Swamp tortoise is Australia's rarest reptile! Have you seen either before? Perth Zoo
02.01.2022 Did wombats really need to get any cuter? During ZAA welfare assessments, some zoos told us they saw behaviours that suggest their wombats may be stopping to enjoy the sunset on their way out of the den. Happy #wombatday