Zopa Noble Park Buddhists | Other
Zopa Noble Park Buddhists
Phone: +61 424 262 888
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25.01.2022 Second session of "How to face death without fear" with Venerable Robina is starting a little earlier: 11:30am Melbourne time (AESDT). Video will be up on our YouTube this weekend. https://youtube.com/c/ZopaNobleParkBuddhists
24.01.2022 STARTING IN 45 MINUTES !! You can still register for our retreat with Venerable Robina Courtin, teaching on Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche's book, "How to Face Death Without Fear". Register at our events page below! https://fb.me/e/1W0vJLGBH
22.01.2022 Just two weeks to go til our online retreat with Venerable Robina Courtin! You can still register here: https://forms.gle/Qn4nsUVBMKCZaj9G8 Venerable Robina will be teaching and guiding meditations based on Lama Yeshe's book, "Mahamudra: How to Discover Our True Nature". You can find out more about Mahamudra and get the e-book on the FPMT website: https://shop.fpmt.org/Mahamudra--How-to-Discover-Our-True-N... SESSION TIMES - Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 October 9am - 11am and 12noon-2pm AEDT (same both days) *Please note Melbourne will be on Daylight Saving time. See below for a guide to starting times or find your timezone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html NEW ZEALAND 11:00am VICTORIA / NSW 9:00am QUEENSLAND 8:00am SOUTH AUSTRALIA 8:30am WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6:00am DUBAI 2:00am EASTERN EUROPE 1:00am * CENTRAL EUROPE 12:00 midnight Friday 9 October * UNITED KINGDOM 11:00pm Friday 9 October * USA EASTERN 6:00pm Friday 9 October * USA CENTRAL 5:00pm Friday 9 October * USA MOUNTAIN 4:00pm Friday 9 October * USA PACIFIC 3:00pm Friday 9 October
22.01.2022 Bringing a whole new meaning to "Zoom" offerings... In last weekend's online teachings with ZNPB, Venerable Robina mentioned she was missing her Vegemite while living in Santa Fe. Our friend Matt Lovkis (who was joining the teachings from L.A.) took the chance to rent a sports car and drive - NON-STOP! - from L.A. to Santa Fe with a cargo of Vegemite, Violet Crumbles and other treats!
22.01.2022 Join us TONIGHT - and every Monday! - for Vajrasattva meditation! 7:30pm AEDT on Zoom! SAVE THE LINK below - it'll be the same each Monday! Join Zoom Meeting... https://tinyurl.com/yxoaf3h3 Meeting ID: 819 8318 8531 Passcode: 362338
21.01.2022 The prayer-a-thon to eliminate the Covid pandemic is happening again TODAY for 24hours! Join at the link below at any time. Venerable Robina is leading the hour beginning 11pm Melbourne time
20.01.2022 A reminder you can join the Saturday 24-hour prayer-a-thon today at ANY TIME! Each hour is lead by a different teacher of sangha member - Venerable Robina is leading the hour beginning 11pm AEST. Join the session to recite the prayer "Liberating Sakya From Disease" by Thangtong Gyalpo, to benefit all beings affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Zoom link will be the same for all Saturdays and all sessions with other monks and nuns as well: https://zoom.us/j/96834911387 (M...eeting ID: 968 3491 1387) Or You can watch the livestream on Youtube via the link below https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4cDLJadlquinkF8HVhuWbg
19.01.2022 THIS WEEKEND!! You can still register for our retreat with Venerable Robina Courtin, teaching on Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche's book, "How to Face Death Without Fear". Register at our events page below! https://fb.me/e/1W0vJLGBH
18.01.2022 Altar offerings all ready to go for today's Zoom teachings from @robinacourtin! Join us from 9am AEDT - link in bio! . Videos from today's sessions will be up on YouTube following the retreat. .... #offerings #bounty #theseareafewofmyfavoritethings #everyoneexperiencebliss #zoomtoenlightenment #mahamudra #TibetanBuddhism #blessingsoftheguru
17.01.2022 Videos from last weekend retreat with Venerable Robina are now up on YouTube! Chapters have been added in the descriptions below the videos so you can jump straight to juicy points such as: - What’s the difference from a karmic connection to exaggerating someone’s qualities? - How to "Meditate on your mind", and - "There's nothing wrong with your heart dear, it's just your behaviour!"
17.01.2022 Losar tashi delek! Happy New Year of the Iron Ox! Here are Jampa Ludrup's Feng Shui tips for the next 12 months, to help you maximise prosperity, health and harmony for the benefit of all sentient beings! A former scientist, Jampa Ludrup became a Feng Shui consultant after Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised him to study the art. His tips make it easy to run a few experiments at your place and see what happens! May the Iron Ox bring harmony, health and prosperity to all beings https://jampaludrup.wordpress.com//feng-shui-for-the-year/
15.01.2022 Monday night is meditation night! Join us tonight at 7:30pm (AEST) for meditation on Vajrasattva, via Zoom. SAVE THE LINK below - it'll be the same each Monday!... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81983188531 Meeting ID: 819 8318 8531 Passcode: 362338 At 7:30pm sharp we will begin the meditation, using the recording of Venerable Robina leading us from our recent retreat. Afterwards, feel free to join us for a chat OR simply REJOICE in your practice and head off to enjoy your evening! We look forward to seeing you there!
14.01.2022 We're on Spotify! Now you can listen to teachings we've hosted in your car, on your walk, online, offline - whenever you like! Audio from our most recent teachings from Venerable Robina Courtin on "Mahamudra: How to Discover Our True Nature" are available now! These teachings are also up now on our YouTube channel https://open.spotify.com/show/3vHoyHPsBLKh4OVhMEQ5cU
13.01.2022 You can still register for our weekend of teachings with the indefatigable Venerable Robina Courtin, this weekend 10 & 11 October! Here she is recording the audiobook of Lama Yeshe's "Mahamudra: How to Discover our True Nature", which she will be teaching on this weekend! Register here: https://fb.me/e/1x784trM4
13.01.2022 Videos from this weekend's retreat with Venerable Robina Courtin are NOW UP on our YouTube channel! Link in bio! Thankyou @robinacourtin for your dynamic, inspiring and encouraging teachings! #buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #dharmaonline ... #zoomtoenlightenment See more
12.01.2022 The Saturday Prayer-a-thon to Heal the World, hosted by Chenrezig Institute is underway! Join the live stream any time via the Chenrezig Institute YouTube channel. Venerable Robina is leading the hour beginning 11pm Melbourne time https://youtu.be/0MMLkkfLxxc
11.01.2022 This beautiful #portrait of Venerable Robina was painted by our dear friend Julie as a gift to Zopa Noble Park Buddhists. She worked from a black and white photo of Venerable Robina, taken on the day of her ordination. Truly amazing! May anyone who sees it have all the causes and conditions for enlightenment! Thankyou Julie for your kind and beautiful gift! . @robinacourtin #buddhism #dharma... #TibetanBuddhism #rejoiceinthemerit #gratitide See more
10.01.2022 Join us Monday nights at 7:30pm (AEST) via Zoom for Vajrasattva practice! At our online retreat, Venerable Robina very kindly taught about the power of this meditation in purifying negative karma - and there is NO KARMA THAT CAN'T BE PURIFIED! Practicing with a group can be a great way to gain confidence in the practice and build the habit of doing it every day. ... THE SETUP: At 7:30pm sharp, we will begin the meditation practice, using the recording of Venerable Robina leading us After the meditation, please feel free to join in some discussion OR simply REJOICE in having done your practice and head off to enjoy your evening! Let’s keep it simple! Please join us with the link below - the same link every Monday. 07:30 PM Australia/Melbourne time Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81983188531 Meeting ID: 819 8318 8531 Passcode: 362338 We hope to see you there!
08.01.2022 Videos from Friday's sessions with Venerable Robina are now up on our YouTube channel! Subscribe to our channel to receive notifications when we post new videos! You can still join us for teachings over the weekend! Saturday 1 August and Sunday 2 August, 9am-11am and 12noon-2pm (AEST). Register at this link: https://forms.gle/eX2iF23qRS42CWEfA... https://www.youtube.com/playlist
08.01.2022 We're on Spotify! Now you can listen to teachings we've hosted in your car, on your walk, online, offline - whenever you like! Audio from our most recent teachings from Venerable Robina Courtin on "Mahamudra: How to Discover Our True Nature" are available now! These teachings are also up now on our YouTube channel https://open.spotify.com/show/3vHoyHPsBLKh4OVhMEQ5cU
08.01.2022 Join the prayer party at 11pm tonight (Melbourne time) with Venerable Robina leading recitations of the prayer "Liberating Sakya from Disease." This global event is happening every Saturday, until the Covid pandemic subsides!
07.01.2022 Remember to join us Monday night at 7:30pm (AEST) for Vajrasattva meditation on the Four Opponent Powers Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88298576305... Meeting ID: 882 9857 6305
06.01.2022 REGISTER NOW for our upcoming retreat with Venerable Robina Courtin, on How To Discover Our True Nature October 10 and 11. Register here: https://forms.gle/MFWcZzd8xd4bFw2QA #buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #zoomtoenlightenment ... #mahamudra @robinacourtin See more
05.01.2022 Join us TONIGHT - and every Monday! - at 7:30pm (AEST) for meditation on Vajrasattva, via Zoom. SAVE THE LINK below - it'll be the same each week Join Zoom Meeting... https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81983188531 Meeting ID: 819 8318 8531 Passcode: 362338 At 7:30pm sharp we will begin the meditation, using the recording of Venerable Robina leading us from our recent retreat. Afterwards, feel free to join us for a chat OR simply REJOICE in your practice and head off to enjoy your evening! We look forward to seeing you there!
05.01.2022 Join us TONIGHT - and every Monday! - at 7:30pm (AEST) for meditation on Vajrasattva, via Zoom. SAVE THE LINK below - it'll be the same each Monday! Join Zoom Meeting... https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81983188531 Meeting ID: 819 8318 8531 Passcode: 362338 At 7:30pm sharp we will begin the meditation, using the recording of Venerable Robina leading us from our recent retreat. Afterwards, feel free to join us for a chat OR simply REJOICE in your practice and head off to enjoy your evening! We look forward to seeing you there!
04.01.2022 Venerable Robina Courtin is teaching TODAY on Living With Uncertainty. You can still join the second session beginning at 2pm AEST, via Langri Tangpa Centre's event page - link below!
04.01.2022 "What is the role of emptiness in Buddhism?" Thankyou to Bruna for asking this essential question during Venerable Robina's recent teachings with Zopa Noble Park Buddhists! #emptiness #buddhism #robinacourtin #mahamudra... Robina Courtin https://youtu.be/wALby2vh1gU
03.01.2022 Join us for an Online retreat with Venerable Robina Courtin, Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 October! Venerable Robina will be teaching and leading meditations based on Lama Yeshe’s book, Mahamudra: How to Discover our True Nature Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th October... 9am 11am and 12noon 2pm both days (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time) Register here: https://forms.gle/kSTcdGrP3na1UNn47 We will send a Zoom link to registered people a few days prior to the retreat. . . . . You can find the book, "Mahamudra: How to Discover Our True Nature" on the FPMT website as an e-book! https://shop.fpmt.org/Mahamudra--How-to-Discover-Our-True-N . . . . A bit about Mahamudra, from the FPMT website: Lama Yeshe tells us that mahamudra is the universal reality of emptiness, of nonduality and its unique characteristic is its emphasis on meditation: With mahamudra meditation there is no doctrine, no theology, no philosophy, no God, no Buddha. Mahamudra is only experience. (from the FPMT website https://shop.fpmt.org/Mahamudra--How-to-Discover-Our-True-N) Lama Yeshe’s famous teaching style is fully present in this book, according to the book’s editor, Ven. Robina Courtin: His words are not only experiential but also direct, funny, deceptively simple, and incredibly encouragingenlightenment seems possible. (from the FPMT website https://fpmt.org//mahamudra-how-to-discover-our-true-natu/) . . . . Image credits: Venerable Robina Courtin by Zopa Noble Park Buddhists Mahahudra book image from https://fpmt.org//Mahamudra_How-to-Discover_Mechanical-201
02.01.2022 Bringing a whole new meaning to "Zoom" offerings... In last weekend's online teachings with ZNPB, Venerable Robina mentioned she was missing her Vegemite while living in Santa Fe. Our friend Matt Lovkis (who was joining the teachings from L.A.) took the chance to rent a sports car and drive - NON-STOP! - from L.A. to Santa Fe with a cargo of Vegemite, Violet Crumbles and other treats!
02.01.2022 His Holiness the Dalai Lama says that a practical way to apply #emptiness to everyday life is to simply see things from a different perspective. . It's possible to see these cute little daisies as #weeds, but @rosetta_isma chose to plant them here in a thin patch of grass to make the #lawn more beautiful! . So maybe weeds can become seeds of enlightenment? ... . #knowyourweeds #buddhistgardening #hhdalailama #Dalailama #growyourgoodness #tibetanbuddhism #Buddhistquotes #everydaydharma #applyingemptiness #emptiness #lawndaisies #cultivatevirtue See more
01.01.2022 Just one week to go til our retreat with Venerable Robina Courtin! You can still register at our events page below! https://fb.me/e/1W0vJLGBH
01.01.2022 Online retreat with Venerable @robinacourtin has started! You can still register for remaining sessions via link in our bio! Friday 31 July 12-2pm (Melbourne time) Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 August, 9am-11am and 12-2pm (Melbourne time) So wonderful to see so may of you via Zoom - over 70 people are registered already! ... #dharmaonline #zoomtoenlightenment #dharma #buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #karma #nokarmathatcantbepurified See more
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