Zuraida Ariffin Wealth Creation in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Financial planner
Zuraida Ariffin Wealth Creation
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6188 4266
Address: 204/27 Lonsdale Street, Braddon 2612 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Website: http://www.zawealthcreation.com.au
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25.01.2022 The current health crisis presents uncertainties for us all. One of the upsides of social isolation, however, is having the time to reflect on what is important in life. So take a break from the constant pandemic news cycle and spend some time exploring how you can plan your future in a safe way via the link below. Read more: https://www.zawealthcreation.com.au//the-benefits-of-havin
24.01.2022 Article Written by Zuraida Ariffin for PS News Independent news for the Australian Public Service. Mortgage holders don’t have to work for a bank when they already have a job says finance guru Zuraida Ariffin who has some plans to share for our future.. Getting out of the financial hovel By Zuraida Ariffin* ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 As the end of the financial year is fast approaching, we have put together a simple checklist of 10 strategies for you to consider before 30 June. The following is a quick summary highlighting the key areas. If you would like to engage with a financial planner to make sure that you have this checklist under control for the next financial year - head over to our website www.zawealthcreation.com.au or call us at 02 6188 4266 to set up your Initial Consultation Meeting
19.01.2022 Redundancy What do I do next? In our last article, we suggested some key immediate actions to take if you are experiencing redundancy in your employment. Today, our suggestions focus on actions you can take to move forward with your life and career....Continue reading
18.01.2022 3 Key money habits to start in your 30s A link to an article that Zuraida contributed to regarding the money habits you should be implementing that can help put young investors on the right track.
17.01.2022 When do I need advice about my superannuation? When it comes to seeking financial advice, the best time is now! If you are not sure when to seek advice about your super, it is a good idea to speak to a financial adviser if you are:... Wondering if you are on track to financially provide for your desired retirement lifestyle Unsure of which super fund option is best for you Considering consolidating your super funds into one fund Considering setting up a self-managed super fund Deciding whether to have your insurance within superannuation Interested in increasing your contributions to your super fund Retired and looking to receive an income stream from your superannuation We can assist with getting you financially ready for retirement or assist you in maximising your super when you do retire. Why not schedule a meeting with us now?
15.01.2022 Exciting news! Our website has been nominated for Kochie’s Business Builders’ $100K Rescue My Site competition! Please help Zuraida Ariffin Wealth Creation win the Local Legend category with your vote!... This prize could really take us to the next level! Click on the Link to the voting site: http://www.rescuemysite.com.au/nom/zawealthcreation-com-au/ Thank you for voting!
13.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago, Zuraida was invited to contribute to a round-table discussion at the Parliament House as part of an event series entitled Guided by Evidence: Articulating the value of risk insurance advice. We believe that having Zuraida involved in such events allows her to stay at the forefront of the industry and stay on top of the stricter rules and regulations being put in place. This ensures that we continue our focus on providing advice in the best interests of... our clients. Zuraida sat alongside some of the most experienced risk advisers in the industry, CEOs of industry representative bodies and leaders of the country's largest insurance companies. Among the participants was Senator the Hon. Jane Hume, Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Financial Technology, and the latest minister in charge of setting the rules which govern the advice industry. Read below for more information about the event.
12.01.2022 If you’re one of the thousands who have been made redundant either on a forced or voluntary basis it can be hard to know what to do next. Being made redundant can be shocking, unexpected and life changing. Losing your job can be one of the most dislocating and confronting experiences of your life, even when it’s an option you have actively chosen. The good news is that, even though redundancy can be traumatic, it’s also a great opportunity for a new start....Continue reading
12.01.2022 As the end of the year approaches, you may find yourself asking those same questions that you ask every year. Am I maximising the use of my financial resources? Am I protecting my wealth? What else can I do to set myself up for the future? These were just some of the questions that our clients Patrick & Lauren were asking themselves before they engaged Zuraida as their Financial Planner. Now, Patrick & Lauren no longer have to ask those questions and are able to enjoy the fe...stive season with family and friends and celebrate their financial successes over the past 20 years. Read more about their journey here: https://www.zawealthcreation.com.au/patrick-lauren And if you want to take control of your finances in the New Year, contact us at 02 6188 4266 or go to our website at https://www.zawealthcreation.com.au/ to book your Discovery Meeting.
11.01.2022 FINANCIAL SUCCESS: How to work your plan He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind- Leonardo da Vinci notebooks (c 1500)...Continue reading
11.01.2022 What is insurance in superannuation? Many super funds arrange life and disability cover for their members. Insurance is arranged by the super fund trustee, acting on behalf of the members of the fund. Having insurance for accidents and illness can provide a sense of security for you and your family. Deciding whether to have your insurance within superannuation or outside super can be a complex decision and should be discussed with your financial adviser.... Three insurances can be written within superannuation Life, TPD any occupation, and Income Protection. TPD own occupation and Trauma insurance are not permitted within superannuation. Considerations for insurance through super The biggest appeal for writing insurance through super is that premiums are paid with pre-tax dollars, so essentially they are cheaper. Another benefit is that there is automatic acceptance up to certain amounts, with no need for a medical history check. However, there are some downsides to insurance through super that it is important to be aware of: You may not be able to access the benefits until retirement (payments are treated as superannuation moneys) Death benefits may be taxed, depending on to whom the benefit is paid There can be significant taxation of TPD benefits You cannot insure for TPD own occupation The cover is not portable if you change or consolidate funds The alternative is insurance outside of super. While this is generally a more expensive option, the biggest benefit to having insurance outside super is portability. If you have insurance inside super and you change employers and funds, you will have to apply for new insurance. A new insurer may look at your health history and cover may be declined or offered at higher premiums. Insurance outside super will mean you can be insured no matter where you work. While there is not a one size fits all solution, your financial adviser can work with you to identify the most appropriate insurance option for your circumstances. Why not schedule a meeting with your financial adviser now? Disclaimer Information current as at 11 June 2015 The advice is general in nature only. Before acting you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Document before making any decision about a product.
11.01.2022 Let us show you how to get on top of your debt! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpX2sn65BA0
11.01.2022 The use of self-managed super funds has grown rapidly in Australia over the past five to seven years. But, is this the most appropriate vehicle for you? Self-managed super funds are also known as DIY super funds. They can have up to four members and are generally established by an individual, a family or business partners to manage the investment of their own superannuation savings. Managing your own super can offer greater control and access to a broader range of investment... options such as shares, direct property and alternative asset classes not available to conventional super funds. However, SMSFs can be costly to run and all members are held responsible for their decisions, such as where legislative compliance is concerned. Members of the fund must also be trustees, unless a corporate trustee is appointed, and are responsible for all the investment and compliance decisions of the fund, including administration, trusteeship and taxation. The differences between individual and corporate trustees will be discussed in our next article. When determining whether a self-managed super fund is right for you there are some simple steps you can follow. Seek professional advice Make sure you have enough assets, time and skills Understand the risks and laws Make sure your trust deed and investment strategy are tailored to suit the members Make sure you can meet your record keeping and reporting obligation Make sure you understand the auditing obligation While self-managed super funds can be a very good way of looking after your super, it is extremely important that trustees understand what they are doing, and if in doubt, get some advice and/or assistance. The penalties for getting it wrong and becoming a non-complying fund are severe. Your Adviser is available to provide advice about whether or not a self-managed super fund is right for you. Why not schedule a meeting with us now? Disclaimer Information current as at 20 August 2015 - This information is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your particular financial needs, circumstances and objectives. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, it is not guaranteed. You should obtain professional advice before acting on the information contained in this publication. You should read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making a decision about a product.
09.01.2022 Hear from IFA's Innovator and Individual Excellence Award winner about her unique approach to advice. Please join me as I talk to Zuraida Ariffin about her uniq...ue way of working with clients, an approach she calls "Deep Strategy". https://www.audere.com.au/webinar-schedule/ #auderewebinar #financialadvice #awardwinning See more
07.01.2022 Zuraida has been featured in the latest issue of the IFA Magazine! Read about how Zuraida Ariffin Wealth Creation came to be, and what makes her stand out from other financial planners.
07.01.2022 It's been a year since Zuraida's double win at the 2018 ifa Awards night for independent financial advisers. The ifa (independent financial adviser) magazine presented Zuraida's Practice Profile in the Nov 2019 issue. The writer, Lachlan Maddock has completed a write up on Zuraida. He writes about, amongst other topics, Zuraida's journey on becoming a Financial Planner and her thoughts on navigating the current industry changes - as well as the factors that make her stand out from the crowd!
06.01.2022 What does winning the IFA EXCELLENCE AWARDS mean to me?
05.01.2022 What is "Transition to Retirement " ? As you approach retirement, it’s worthwhile thinking about what you want to do with your super. The Australian Government has made it possible for you to keep working while drawing down some of your super benefits. ...Continue reading
04.01.2022 What is the difference between superannuation and other forms of investment? When it comes to saving for retirement, superannuation is specifically designed to help you accumulate funds in an easy, tax-effective way. Unlike other investments, superannuation is compulsory for most Australians. This is to ensure that people save some money for retirement. In 1992 the federal government introduced the Superannuation Guarantee making it the law for employers to make contributio...ns to their employee’s super funds. People who are not entitled to compulsory super are employees who are: Paid less than $450 per calendar month (this exemption only applies in relation to the particular month) Under 18 years of age and working 30 hours per week or less Employed for domestic or private work for 30 hours per week or less Covered by a bilateral super agreement. This is for people working temporarily in other countries. Even though compulsory super is intended to help fund your retirement, it may not provide you with enough money in retirement for the lifestyle that you want. To boost their retirement savings, many people chose to make additional contributions to their super over and above the compulsory employer contributions or they might invest in other areas such as property or shares. Disclaimer Information current as at 23 April 2015 The advice is general in nature only. Before acting you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Document before making any decision about a product.
03.01.2022 Self-Managed Super Funds: What’s the difference between individual and corporate trustees? Do you know the benefits and responsibilities of being a SMSF trustee? What structure will work best for your situation? Managing your own super can offer greater control and access to a broader range of investment options such as shares, direct property and alternative asset classes not available to conventional super funds. However, you need to be aware that all members are held respo...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Today, Zuraida will be attending the latest in a series of events led by AIA Australia and chaired by Hon.Bernie Ripoll at the Parliament House. Industry participants, such as Zuraida will join with policy experts and representatives of government in Canberra to bring facts and experience to the discussion around insurance and risk insurance advice ahead of the proposed industry review.
01.01.2022 Nationwide campaign about the highest credential in financial planning (April 2015) The Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) launched a new national consumer advertising campaign designed to raise awareness of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals.... The campaign - called ‘It’s all you need to know’ delivers a simple, clear message about the credentials of a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional. It informs you about the international recognition of the CFP mark, as well as the high education, professional and ethical standards that the mark represents. For many Australians, finding a financial planner can be overwhelming. Knowing who to turn to for financial advice is essential. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional has gone above and beyond to achieve the highest qualification in financial planning. I am proud to be part of the global community of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals and serve my clients to the highest standard in financial planning.
01.01.2022 Coping with change is difficult, no matter how old you are. The particular challenge for adults over 50 is the sheer number of changes and transitions that start to occurincluding children moving away, the loss of parents, friends, and other loved ones, changes to or the end of your career, declining health, and even loss of independence. It’s natural to feel those losses. But if that sense of loss is balanced with positive ingredients, you have a formula for staying healthy...Continue reading
01.01.2022 The IFA Excellence Awards is the biggest night in the Australian independent financial advice calendar. Over 400 guests converge at the sell-out black tie event to celebrate the achievements of the industry’s most successful advisors, offices and groups. I am delighted to announce that I was honoured with both the INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD and overall IFA EXCELLENCE AWARD. The process started in early June when I discovered that I had been nominated for an IFA award. I pr...esented a detailed submission to a judging panel made up of highly esteemed industry professionals. Submissions were assessed against specific metrics and business performance parameters, with real life case studies and client testimonials to determine the finalists. In July I received a surprise email informing me that I was a finalist in my category, Innovator of the Year. I was absolutely thrilled to be selected as a finalist. The Award winners for each of the 14 categories were announced at the awards night on 7 September 2018. The Innovation Award highlights the individual who has best developed and capitalised on innovation whether it’s related to advice delivery, client engagement, portfolio construction, service, business development, technology, staff/client management. My submission was based on my deep strategic planning approach to achieve the aspirational financial outcomes for clients. The Overall IFA Excellence Award was chosen from the winners of the 14 individual award categories. I was thrilled to also win this overall excellence award. I am proud of these awards and the financial and lifestyle success I have achieved for my clients. If you would like to know more contact [email protected] See more
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