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Danielle Reeve Clinical Family Therapist in Ballarat, Victoria | Mental health service

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Danielle Reeve Clinical Family Therapist

Locality: Ballarat, Victoria

Phone: +61 400 169 143

Address: 32 Camp Street 3350 Ballarat, VIC, Australia


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23.01.2022 We can understand our children’s behaviour when we understand the function of a developing brain.

22.01.2022 What healing looks like . I’ve seen this firsthand with the people I journey with . It’s not magic, it’s a commitment to the process of finding one’s authentic self by untangling the effects of the disruptions in their growth and development. I don’t take for granted the privilege I have to witness healing in the life of others.


18.01.2022 I am currently on annual leave until the 22nd January. During this time I will not be taking calls or attending to messenger or emails. Take good care.I am currently on annual leave until the 22nd January. During this time I will not be taking calls or attending to messenger or emails. Take good care.

17.01.2022 When chaos abounds and I try to control it I’m back to chaos . These are merely survival manifestations. A survival loop of sorts. Life is complicated, it’s not black and white. It is like the ocean. It moves back and forth, it’s deep in parts and shallow in others. In one moment it can be calm and next virocious. Transferring energy from one place to another. It can be tranquil and yet evoke fear. As humans we can to hold opposing emotions and sensations. We can sit with... grief over the loss of a loved one and feel joy over the birth of another in the same day . Transferring between one feeling to the another. When we realise this we can expand and become flexible, we can attune to our own needs and then the needs of others . We can be present. Not moved around by the waves but we can ride the waves. It is here we experience stability. See more

14.01.2022 Emotions are normal yet what makes them challenging is when we push them away . Take a moment and .....

12.01.2022 It can be hard not to take things personally, especially within a conflict discussion. The risk of feeling personally wounded may cause some couples to become c...onflict-avoidant. In an interview, Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. explains that conflict avoidance is a function of fusionwhen one partner attempts to merge with the other. The opposite of fusion is differentiation first acknowledging that you and your partner are two, separate individuals with different identities, and then developing a secure way to relate to each other. Differentiation requires the risk of being open to growth and being honest not only with your partner, but also with yourself. Listen to the full interview:

12.01.2022 Trauma leads to self betrayal Self betrayal vs self compassion

11.01.2022 Shame Guilt Vulnerability Real talk Brene Brown There are so many exceptional thought provoking life giving points made during this interview.... Interesting reflections .. I’d love for you to share your favourite quote that stood out to you.


10.01.2022 I’m am not taking on any new clients until February 2021. If you wish to go on my wait list email [email protected]

10.01.2022 When we are triggered, something occurs that bears some emotional similarity to early painful moments in our past and so we become reactive, impulsive, quick to... shut down, lash out, cling or walk away. It’s when we go into the modes of fight, flight, or freeze. It’s when the amygdala, the most primitive part of our brains is running the show. There’s little cognitive bandwidth for choices, creativity or curiosity. We become focused purely on self-preservation, and cannot see the other person or situation clearly. In triggered moments, one could say that our adult consciousness merges with that of the panicked inner child, overshadowing the prefrontal cortex, narrowing our awareness of the situation. As though in a time warp, we see the current situation through the filter of a fearful child. In this defensive mode, with an overwhelmed nervous system, we may traumatically re-enact the past. One could say that our collective history is a series of traumatic reenactments, over and over again, repeating similar patterns until we become conscious enough to perceive a new choice. What patterns have you noticed in your life that may be reenacting trauma? Have you found a way to move beyond these patterns? Let me know in the comments!



08.01.2022 In a triggered state, our main goal is DEFENSE. If you want to understand our most basic motivations, one can simply follow the money, and look at the United... States Defense budget to see where our priorities are. In 2020, the U.S. Defense budget was $750 billion, the largest ever and for the first time surpasses the total of all other programs combined. It’s also the biggest defense budget in the world, ahead of China and Russia. However, this virus, COVID-19, cannot be solved with any number of bombs, guns, or troops. It’s asking something much more sophisticated of us as humans, to go beyond primitive defenses of amygdala and into the emotional resilience and intelligence of the prefrontal cortex, where more choices, more possibilities can emerge. There is good news. Neuroscientists tell us that an old pattern cannot be transformed unless it is activated in the brain first. In other words, we cannot create change purely through the intellect or mental understanding alone, we have to feel it to heal it. But something important is needed to help widen that space, something that patriarchy has taught us to abhor. We need to feel a certain degree of emotional resilience within ourselves, in order to have the capacity to pause and not react, to not lash out, project or cling. In order to not perpetuate pain. If you are interested in diving deeper into this work, I would encourage you to download my FREE e-book on Healing the Inner Mother and learn more about the many ways triggers can be addressed through this healing process:

08.01.2022 We can understand our children’s behaviour when we understand the function of a developing brain. If our child behaviour causes a reaction in us it’s likely that the prefrontal cortex has flipped limiting your capacity to manage the situation logically and be calm . If you feel triggered pause for a moment. Take a deep breath. Quite your voice. Take another deep breath. We need our prefrontal cortex to be on so we can guide and care gently. ... Engage playfully, curiously and with empathy. Hear them out . Without judgment. Don’t tell them to shut their emotions down rather let them get their emotions out. Help them to understand their emotions. If anger could talk what would it say. Validate their emotions. There is no perfect parent but a good enough parent . Repair is equally important. Take responsibility for your actions. I’m sorry I yelled at you, I took my frustration out on you and that isn’t right. Let them know you love them and it was the behaviour you were upset with not them. This allows your child to understand that your human to and we all make mistakes. This dialogue establishes trust, love, safety, and connection with your child again.

05.01.2022 My happy place. My resource. We all need somewhere we can anchor ourselves, feel, dream.

04.01.2022 Parenting is absolutely the hardest job in the world . I’m a parent of a teenager and pre teen of both genders . I know this from experience . It’s tugs at our heart strings and for some it ignites childhood wounds. Our child parts that were harmed or weren’t attended to or understood are more vulnerable in the role of parenting and this can limit our capacity to attune to them. Don’t beat yourself up . There is no perfect parent . There is only the good enough parent. You may need help healing your inner child and resourcing your adult self . Here are some resources to start help you begin a new parenting journey . The African proverb It takes a village to raise a child reminds me that we were never meant to parent our kids in isolation.


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