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About A Girl Book


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25.01.2022 Google celebrating the legend that is Marsha P Johnson.

24.01.2022 I founded Transcend back in 2012 when there was no help for trans kids in Australia or the families that love and support them. In 2020, we have taken the next BIG step forward and become a registered charity with deductible gift recipient status. If you have read About A Girl, you will know the challenges our family have faced and that my daughter Georgie Stone most especially has faced. Our family is but one in many hundreds of families aro...und Australia who have and continue to face systemic discrimination, unfair hurdles, challenges, rejection and bullying. You can help us tackle these obstacles by making a tax deductible donation to Transcend Australia so that we can continue to fight discrimination and make the world a safer place for the kids we love and are so proud of, for our families and for generations to come. Every dollar donated can transform lives! Help us to support and celebrate TGDNB kids and their families so they can thrive, flourish and transcend those challenges. Donate now and thank you Transcend Australia Ltd [email protected]

23.01.2022 Please consider making a tax deductible donation as EoFY draws near. Transcend Australia is a charity dedicated to supporting trans, gender diverse and non-bina...ry kids and their families and making the world a better, safer place for diversity We offer peer support, reliable information and resources, advocacy, community connection and referral to professional services and celebration of our beautiful children and young people. Support our programs and youth by donating here You can make enquiries here Subscribe to our newsletter here Pictured: Oliver, a young person with dark hair and a polkadot shirt smiling at the camera at a picnic in a garden.

22.01.2022 On this day 10 years ago, 28th August, Wear it Purple day began as a day to raise awareness for LGBTIQ+ youth suicide. Today Switchboard continues in this legac...y through all of the work we do in addressing suicide prevention, supporting LGBTIQA+ mental health, and addressing social isolation. During Covid-19 Switchboard has stepped up our service to support the LGBTIQA+ community in a time that many of us are struggling. Please reach out to Switchboard Victoria if you would like to chat, proud Victorian partner of QLife Australia. Phone: 1800 184 527 (3pm-midnight, everyday) Webchat: (3pm-midnight, everyday) If you would like to support the work of Switchboard, please donate for Wear it Purple day. #wearitpurple #beproud #lgbtiqsupport

22.01.2022 Locked Down Trivia are raising funds for Transcend Australia and Minus18 on WEAR IT PURPLE DAY, Friday August 28 at 8pm! Georgie and I will be jumping online to say hello, so sign up for a night of fun, Wear It Purple pride and fundraising. Support two great charities! Just want to donate? Follow the link below.... #WearItPurple See more

21.01.2022 Introducing Jax. Jax has just been awarded a Surfcoast Youth Award for Service to the Community! Congratulations Jax Help us continue to support awesome kid...s like Jax by making a tax deductible donation today. Transcend Australia is a charity dedicated to supporting trans, gender diverse and non-binary kids and their families and making the world a better, safer place for diversity We offer peer support, reliable information and resources, advocacy, community connection and referral to professional services and celebration of our beautiful children and young people. Support our programs and youth by donating here You can make enquiries here Subscribe to our newsletter here Image description: Jax is holding a gold sparkly sign that says SHINE. Jax is smiling at the camera and is shining. Social media tile reads. "My hope for the future is that there'll be a world where your gender does not define who you are". Jax

21.01.2022 ABOUT A GIRL Join Georgie Stone OAM, a transgender advocate who has overcome prejudice, bullying, and legal barriers to become the remarkable young woman she is today, with Rebekah Robertson OAM, author, actor, advocate for transgender rights and Georgies mum! Rebekahs book About A Girl charts her experiences raising Georgie from birth through to adulthood and catalogues her familys appeal before the Full Court of the Family Court of Australia and then to the Federal Parl...iament to remove harmful and discriminatory laws. Join Georgie and Rebekah as they discuss their inspiring journeys as brave and visible advocates for the trans and gender diverse youth in Australia. Thursday 3 September, 7pm-8pm. ONLINE Event. Suitable for ages 14 and up. Free event. Bookings essential:

20.01.2022 Australian families with school aged LGBTQI+ kids, please consider participating in this survey to help make schools safer for queer kids. families with school aged LGBTQI+ kids, please consider participating in this survey to help make schools safer for queer kids.

19.01.2022 I am posting here Alastair Lawries excellent article explaining why this bill is so dangerous. Please use Equality Australias platform to write letters in support of trans, gender diverse and non-binary kids, and all LGBTIQ+ students who will be effectively erased from education if this bill is successful. Please show your support for vulnerable children who should be celebrated and included, not vilified and rejected. ...

19.01.2022 "Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professio...nal health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I. According to The Trevor Project, 78% of transgender and nonbinary youth reported being the subject of discrimination due to their gender identity. Its clear that we need to do more to support transgender and nonbinary people, not invalidate their identities, and not cause further harm". Daniel Radcliffe :// See more

19.01.2022 Love, support and family. All the good stuff A lot has been going on lately lockdown, Parliamentary inquiries, fighting the never-ending battles that the animals we share our planet with endure on a daily basis. During all of this, and indeed for years, our eldest Kielan has been on a journey. One that is unique and personal, and one that (with permission of course) Im now proud to share with you all, said Meddick.... Just like our youngest (Eden), Kielan has been searching for understanding of who they truly are. And so now Im pleased to announce the arrival of my daughter Kielan, aged 25 years. Your Mum, brother and I are proud of you, we love you. And no Im not paying your phone bill, added Meddick.

19.01.2022 Today is the last day to vote for Georgie!

18.01.2022 Mark Latham has proposed an Education Legislation Amendment Bill for NSW prohibiting schools from teaching that trans or gender diverse people exist and should be treated with respect, prohibiting school counsellors from affirming a trans or gender diverse student or providing them with any support or referrals and putting teachers at risk of losing their job when they support a trans or gender diverse student. Please sign this petition. This cannot be passed. It is wrong, unfair and it is discrimination. A school should be welcoming, supportive and encouraging of all kinds of gender identity and sexuality not frowned upon or ignored.

18.01.2022 PLEASE DONATE: Transcend Australia is an Australian charity that supports, empowers & celebrates trans, gender diverse & non-binary kids & their families. Your tax deductible donation will help us continue to provide & develop the important work we do.

17.01.2022 Please donate today

17.01.2022 EoFY!!! Please consider making a tax deductible donation as EoFY draws near. Transcend Australia is a charity dedicated to supporting trans, gender diverse and ...non-binary kids and their families and making the world a better, safer place for diversity We offer peer support, reliable information and resources, advocacy, community connection and referral to professional services and celebration of our beautiful children and young people. Support our programs and youth by donating here You can make enquiries here Subscribe to our newsletter here

16.01.2022 This is Marsha. 48 years ago Marsha put on a dress (when that was against the law) and rode the subway to Greenwich Village to go dancing (where that was agains...t the law) with men (when that was illegal). She partied until sometime after one am with a bunch of homeless kids, sex workers(1), butch lesbians, effete gays, and other non-gender conforming people(2) who just wanted to dance. That was the chief draw of the Stonewall Inn - the dancing. When the police arrived, as they did nearly every month, those in dresses would be "checked" to see that their genitals matched their owner to the officers satisfaction. If not, there was a police wagon(3) waiting outside. Their pictures would be in the paper for cross dressing. They might horrify their families. They would probably lose their jobs. When youre out celebrating pride this weekend, when you read the news about violence against black people, remember Marsha. The reason any of us can go to a three day Pride festival(4) as casually as we please with whomever we love and celebrate our lives, is because Marsha P. Johnson, an African-American street queen picked up a goddamn shot glass, shattered a mirror in that bar(5), and resisted arrest. Never forget our lives are easier because of the sacrifices of our black and non-gender conforming siblings(6) who are STILL dealing with prejudice and discrimination on a scale the broader gay community hasnt experienced in twenty years or more. Because of people like them(7) we are free, while people just like them(8) are marginalized, brutalized and murdered. Never forget who you owe your freedom to. Never forget that your Pride was once against the law. And when the discussions about the reduced police presence at Pride come, I want you to remember Marshas face and ask yourself, who needs the greater protection, support, and solidarity? Who has the power, and who is still struggling for the enforcement of their civil rights? Remember them(9). 1. Edit. Previously prostitutes. 2. Edit. Previously trans women. 3. Edit. Previously paddy wagon. 4. Edit. Previously festival. 5. Edit. Previously slum bar. 6. Edit. Previously trans brothers and sisters. 7. Edit. Previously her. 8. Edit. Previously her. 9. Edit. Previously her.

14.01.2022 Isabelle truly exemplifies the spirit and mission of Transcend Australia! Please consider making a tax deductible donation as EoFY draws near. Transcend Austral...ia is a charity dedicated to supporting trans, gender diverse and non-binary kids and their families and making the world a better, safer place for diversity We offer peer support, reliable information and resources, advocacy, community connection and referral to professional services and celebration of our beautiful children and young people. Support our programs and youth by donating here Image description: Isabelle is wearing a cape with the words Transgender Defender on the back. The cape is coloured pink white and blue in the trans pride flag colours, with some silver sequins and a unicorn in the centre of the back. Isabelle is turning back to the camera, smiling.

14.01.2022 The tides are turning for the better and also for the worse, and so it is no coincidence that nowyears after her coming-out story and her myriad accomplishments, and after the years its taken for the cries of Black Trans Lives Matter to have transformed into a righteous, empowering roarJanet Mock finally gets the magazine cover story she deserves.

14.01.2022 This years IDAHOBIT theme is Breaking the Silence". The voices of children have often been silenced. But our children have so much to say thats important, perspectives that change the way we look at the world and dreams that defy gravity. Listening to our LGBTIQ+ kids and amplifying their voices is part of our role as an organisation and as parents in fighting discrimination. IDAHOBIT Day commemorates the day in 1990 the World Health Organisation declassified homosexulaity a mental disorder. 29 years later, only last year, 2019, the World Health Organisation declassified the experience of being trans or gender diversity as a mental disorder. Pathologisation leads directly to discrimination and the significant harms that result from that. We have a long way to go. But we have each other and we have our incredible kids, whose voices will be heard more and more as they grow, thrive and flourish. Today lets celebrate them and celebrate our families who adore them and support them, who would and have moved mountains so they can be heard and seen better. Transcend Australia stands in solidarity with the LGBTIQ+ community as we tackle the effects of discrimination every day. You are all amazing. We know life is tough for many right now. The problems dont stop because long fought for goals have been achieved. There is always more to do. As a community we can help one another through. Its important to mark and celebrate those achievements. Its a tonic for the weary, wounded and sad. A compass for the lost. A reason to get out of bed and try again. Never Give Up. You are loved If you would like to show your support for trans, gender diverse and non-binary children and help celebrate and amplify their voices, please consider making a tax deductible donation to Transcend Australia.

13.01.2022 Today is National Sorry Day. I live on Boon Wurrung Country. I acknowledge the harm, hurt and devastation that invasion has caused First Nation Peoples. I recognise that sovereignty was never ceded. I recognise that discrimination still impacts First Nations people disproportionately, affecting the policies, laws, educational, health and well-being, family and traditional lives of Indigenous Australians. Im sorry. Treaty now.

12.01.2022 'Life-saving treatment' Jeremy Wiggins is the project manager of the clinics that are embedded in community health settings. He was driven to change the process from his own experience 15 years ago when he started medically affirming his gender.... "I felt judged I felt like I had to prove something, in order to gain access to something that I consider to be life-saving treatment," he said.

11.01.2022 Introducing Olivia. Olivia was part of the 2020 Four Corners program Not A Boy Not A Girl on ABC TV. You can watch it here Help us continue to support awesome kids like Olivia by making a tax deductible donation today. Transcend Australia is a charity dedicated to supporting trans, gender diverse and non-binary kids and their families and making the world a better, safer place for diversity We offer peer support, reliable information and resources, advocacy, community connection and referral to professional services and celebration of our beautiful children and young people. Support our programs and youth by donating here You can make enquiries here Subscribe to our newsletter here Image description: Olivia is wearing their school uniform, standing in a garden, smiling at the camera.

11.01.2022 This Thursday and Friday night Neighbours has Pride celebrations included in their storyline featuring the one and only Courtney Act and of course our Georgie Stone 6.30pm on 10 Peach #EverybodysWelcomeOnRamsaySt

10.01.2022 Help Transcend Australia raise much needed funds for their Youth Advocacy and Leadership Program

10.01.2022 Are you an LGBTIQ+ parent, guardian or care-giver? Researchers from Deakin University want to hear from you about your experience finding and reading picture bo...oks for children in your care, either now or in the past. You are invited to participate in an anonymous online survey. The survey is open until 31st July. Click here for more information and to take part. See more

09.01.2022 WPATH, EPATH, USPATH, AsiaPATH, CPATH, AusPATH, PATHA Response to Bell v. Tavistock Judgment Statement Regarding Medical Affirming Treatment including Puberty Blockers for Transgender Adolescents The Boards of Directors of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the European Association for Transgender Health (EPATH), the United States Professional Association for Transgender health (USPATH), the Asian Association for Transgender Health (AsiaPATH),... the Canadian Association for Transgender Health (CPATH), the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH), and the Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA) all strongly disagree with the recent judgment of the London High Court in Bell v. Tavistock. We believe this decision will result in significant harm to the affected children and their families. We oppose this ruling and urge that this ruling be appealed and overturned. See more

09.01.2022 Legendary actor Annette Bening has explained in the best possible way why cis actors should never play trans characters.

09.01.2022 Author JK Rowling has done it again and hit twitter with a tyrade of anti-trans tweets. Were not going to post them here because its distressing to read and ...just plain awful. However, there have a been a few lovely people who have donated to Transcend Australia in JK Rowlings name in support of trans, gender diverse and non-binary people and some who have donated today in their own name to show their support and solidarity. Thank you! At Transcend we support and celebrate TGDNB people and their families. Help us continue to provide resources, support, connection to community and #Pride #TransRightsAreHumanRights

09.01.2022 This will be a fantastic event. Really looking forward to hearing every single one of these trans trailblazers speak

08.01.2022 Please give generously

07.01.2022 Parents of transgender kids always seem to find each other, and when we do, there's an instant, almost comedic connection in how similar our journeys are. How often we hear the exact same comments and questions whether from strangers, family, or friends; well-meaning or not so well-meaning. And we get it. For many folks, gender identity is often misunderstood or seen as a new concept (even though we all have one).

06.01.2022 Transgender youth tend to suffer from higher rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm, and thoughts of suicide than their peers. But a new study published in Pediatrics found that early gender-affirming care may have a direct, positive impact on mental health.

04.01.2022 Trans, gender diverse and non-binary kids are often talked about or for and rarely listened to. Transcend Australia are raising funds to run a free national advocacy and leadership program for TGDNB young people 18 years and under. See below for details. You can donate here

03.01.2022 If you would like a copy of my book About A Girl with a personalised message and signed by Georgie and myself just shoot me a message. If you would like to send it as a gift to someone special I can arrange that too $40 including postage. ... #aboutagirlbook #transrightsarehumanrights #supporttranskids

03.01.2022 Don’t miss out voting for Georgie

03.01.2022 Melbourne woman Bridget Flack has died tragically. Although the Coroner has yet to make an official determination, I have the family’s permission to say that Br...idget has most likely died by suicide. I am proud of a community that has been there for each other. Bridget’s older sister, Angela Pucci Love, said her family is forever indebted to our LGBTIQ+ community for the support they received. You have included us in her world without question or judgement and for that we are forever grateful, she wrote. This network of amazing people ultimately led us to finding our beautiful girl and in turn meant we can put her beautiful body and soul to rest, and we too can begin to heal. No one on this earth deserves to feel less than worthy of an amazing life. I know that many folks in Melbourne, even across Victoria, are touched by her death. You may be distantly connected to Bridget, or never have known her when she was alive, but her death may still have a big impact on you. We can feel connected to people we don’t know because we are both a part of our LGBTIQ+ communities. Or it may be that we share an identity, like trans and gender diverse, and that we relate deeply to the issues they may have been facing. Angela has asked me to share a further thought with you: I want the world to know that my sister didn’t take her life because she was trans. My sister struggled with mental health issues that I believe led to her taking her life. I want people, all people to take that lesson from her death. That people who need help should reach out and seek it. And that help should be available for people when it’s needed. I have two favours to ask of you. Firstly, if you are feeling affected, I ask you to please talk to someone about your feelings. You can talk with your close friends about this. Or you can access mental health support from one of the services listed here. Even a one-off session talking about your feelings with a professional who supports you can make a difference. Secondly, while the family appreciates that Bridget’s images were shared during the search, they ask that those personal pictures are now removed. I’ve taken down the pictures in my previous post and ask that you do the same. Thank you. This is hard, on top of a hard year. But if this year has shown us anything it’s that we’re an amazing and strong group of people, and that our care for each other helps get us through. We'll take care of each other through this, and I look forward to doing great things with you all in 2021.

02.01.2022 #ImHereForYou LGBTI Domestic Violence Awareness Day

02.01.2022 Please consider making a tax deductible donation to Transcend Australia here

02.01.2022 Happy 1st Birthday About A Girl! A year ago today, About A Girl hit the shelves. I was about as nervous as Ive ever been about anything. Its true to say, I made all the rookie mistakes when writing it. I probably fell into every trap and went down every dead end there was and I definitely experienced massive amounts of imposter syndrome, concept panic and spent extended periods feeling bad about not writing, aaaand still not writing. It was without doubt bloody hard work. ...I remember a period of a month where I was putting in massive days, my thighs trembling with fatigue and my left eye developed a constant twitch! The morning I sent my pages into my lovely publisher at Penguin Random House, Sophie Ambrose, I just wanted it out of my life forever. I couldnt see what I had written. I had no idea if it was any good. My judgement was shot. But, Id written a book, about a girl. About our girl, our story. From the moment it left my hands, it started connecting with people in a way I had hoped it would but never really believed possible. This is a quote from my acknowledgements: "I never thought I would write a book. And, once I started, I never thought that I could finish it. Ive found the process of writing About A Girl at times excruciating, but Ive shared it in the hope that you and I could meet somewhere suspended in the air, in the quiet spaces where hearts are open and understanding can be reached. I want to thank you the reader first and foremost, for taking the time to read this book and opening yourself to an experience you may be unfamiliar with or that you wanted to understand better. Thank you for joining me." So thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who have purchased About A Girl, bought copies for family, friends and professionals. Thanks to all those people who have reached out to me personally and offered their reflections and shared some of themselves with me too. I cant tell you how happy it makes me to know that this book has been useful. And of course, thanks must go to Georgie and Harry who provided me with endless cups of tea, hugs, times, dates and context when I had forgotten what day it was. Must we weird having book written about you, so Georgie thanks for trusting your Ma not to stuff it up. It still amazes me how big your life has been and youre only just 20 Harrys story has really resonated with folks too. I cant tell you the number of people who have said "Harry is my spirit animal" or quoted some of his now famous letter to himself. "Im putting myself through Yr 12 for your nuts." Proud of them both. And a big thanks to Greg and our clan for loving Georgie and Harry through all the swings and merry-go-rounds. What a ride #TransRightsAreHumanRights

02.01.2022 Please consider making a donation to Transcend Australia before the end of financial year. Donations of $2 or over are tax deductible. Help Transcend support and celebrate our incredible, wonderful, much LOVED TGDNB kids!

02.01.2022 Happy Coming Out Day! Sending big love to everyone, even if you’re not out yet You have a whole community waiting for you when you decide the time is right. Until then, hang in there and know you’re beautiful just the way you are Great resources from our friends at Minus18

01.01.2022 Thanks so much to everyone who so generously donated to Transcend over the last few months. Your donation means we can achieve more for TGDNB kids & their families now & into the future

01.01.2022 The holiday season can also be inordinately difficult for trans and gender diverse people. The misgendering and erasure that comes with the festive season isn’t as obvious as some other holidays, like Valentine’s Day, which is excessively heterosexual, and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, which revolve around the gender binary. But even though queer people are finally being treated to some representation in the holiday movie genre, and can turn to Mariah Carey’s blessed Christmas album for a pick-me-up, it still tends to be alienating, if not painful. Roz Bellamy

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