1-UP Hair Ties in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Health/beauty
1-UP Hair Ties
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 Happy New Year! As promised the 1-UP Hair Ties shop is open for business from the new website 1uphairties.com. Many can use the 1-UP Hair Tie, even if: You have broken your arm or wrist You have paralysis in the hand, arm or shoulder... You do not have hand(s) or arm(s) You have other upper limb mobility challenges 1-UP Hair Ties can be used with: One Hand Residual Limbs Two Hands Feet Get a handful of independence use the 1-UP Hair Tie for: Ponytails Buns Bunches a Headband Get #AHandfulofIndependence by ordering online from www.1uphairties.com #itssoeasy #1uphairties #limbdifferent #amputee#QuadSquad #paralysis #hemiparisis#strokesurvivors #cerebralpalsy#armparalysis #brokenwrist #brokenarm#wheelchair #holtoramsyndrome #burnsurvivors#occupationaltherapist #ability #independence#nohelpneeded #hair #longhair #hairties #ponytail#onehand #nohands #twohands
25.01.2022 Still waiting for things to return to normal before I reopen the online shop (including reliable mail delivery). If you can't wait, here's how to make your own Double Loop 1-UP Hair Tie! This has an extra sliding loop that creates a bit of extra security - especially for those with limited functionality in their hands. #ahandfulofindependence ... #1uphairties #diy #hair #hairties #ponytail #onehand #amputee #limbdifferent #bilateral #paralysis #hemiparisis #strokesurvivor #cerebralpalsy #armparalysis #brokenwrist #brokenarm #wheelcair #handmade #independence See more
24.01.2022 So cool to see Kyle getting the unique tools needed to help him to succeed in his dream... looks like a great new series to watch from BBC2.
24.01.2022 For my French speaking peeps, check out www.normal-persons.com
24.01.2022 Sunday evenings at the 1-UP workshop; what to watch while making up orders from the last few days. #AHandfulOfIndependence #1uphairties #onehand #nohands #twohands #hairties #ponytail www.1uphairties.com
23.01.2022 It lasted the whole day! My first go at combining a mini pinned bump/pompadour and a hair wrap covering the 1-UP hair tie on my ponytail. Have you used your 1-UP to start a similar hair style? 1-UP One Hand Hair Ties are successfully used by people living with:... limb loss hemiparisis hemiplegia phocomelia breaks, strains and more #AHandfulOfIndependence #1uphairties #minipompadour #hairwrap #ponytail #hair #onehanded
23.01.2022 Thrilled Virgin Hotels have partnered with Mobility Mojo, which allows people to easily see a hotel’s accessibility features upfront and gives them a rating https://virg.in/wCD
22.01.2022 Last chance for international Christmas delivery (from Australia) of 1-UP One Hand Hair Ties! I will close the shop to international orders Sunday 1 December because, based on the last few years, so many hair ties do not make it to their destination during the holiday season. Australian orders are still accepted. International orders will resume in 2020. ... #apologies #ifonlysantadelivered #snowandchristmasdostaythecouriers #AHandfulofIndependence
22.01.2022 https://www.ossur.com.au//ossur-mobility-clinic-on-the-sno
20.01.2022 Cool things for the gamers!
19.01.2022 Looks like we all have similar experiences...
19.01.2022 While I do weight training for strength and an independent lifestyle, I'm also a fan of the easiest way to get things done. Like many of you I want to get all my shopping out of the car in one go, but sometimes it's not possible. I bought a WestMix adjustable trolley today and got all my flatpack shopping craziness in the apartment in 4 trips with no sweat, fumbling, dropping, damage, pulled muscles or swearing. Now to build all the things..... https://www.westmix.com.au/.../multi-adjustable-trolley-250k/ #AHandfulofIndependence #dolleytrolley #makingiteasy #flatpackqueen #flatpackfurniture #ikea #bunnings #amputeelife #onehanded
19.01.2022 Many can use the 1-UP one hand hair tie, even if: * They have broken an arm or wrist * They have paralysis in the hand, arm or shoulder * They do not have hand(s) or arm(s) * They have other upper limb mobility challenges... 1-UP Hair Ties can be used with: * One Hand * Residual Limb * Two Hands * Feet 1-UP Hair Ties can be used to create: * Ponytails * Buns * Bunches or Pig Tails * or as a Headband Get a handful of independence by ordering online from www.1uphairties.com
18.01.2022 An interesting read and hope for many of us.... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas/2018//180906082022.htm
18.01.2022 Cards only a Grandma would love! While I know the finished product looks like the work of a 3 year old, I have to start somewhere! It's been a while since I did any stump painting, but after a recent @corkandchromabrisbane session I'm keen to get back into it this holiday season - cards seemed like an easy start. #idpwd2018 #christmascards #fingerpainting #acrylic #stumppainting #montemarte #sharpie #hookdrawing #amputee #amputeelife #dontneedtwo #fivefingersareoverrated #...AHandfulofIndependence @sharpie @montmarteart See more
16.01.2022 Ohhhh.... who's getting one?
15.01.2022 Who's watched Despite The Loss? How did it make you feel about your abilities?
15.01.2022 R U OK? Day is our (Australia's) national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask, Are you ok? and support those struggling with life . Taking part can be as simple as learning R U OK?’s four steps so you can have a conversation that could change a life. The day is about inspiring people to start these conversations every day of the year. Help get your school, workplace and community asking, "Are you ok?" with the resources from https://www.ruok.org.au
15.01.2022 13th #ampuversary today! #flashbackfriday to when 10 fingers, two hands (and a great set of pins) was all I knew. #ash #bushfire #kidsgettingdirty #AHandfulofIndependence #amputeelife #10fingersareoverrated #dontneedtwo
13.01.2022 Borrowed a scooter, didn't stack it! @micro_scooters #shreddedthegrip #workcommute #gonnabuyone #onehanded #tryingnewthings
13.01.2022 Many can use the 1-UP hair tie, even if: * They have broken an arm or wrist * They have paralysis in the hand, arm or shoulder * They do not have hand(s) or arm(s) * They have other upper limb mobility challenges... 1-UP Hair Ties can be used with: * One Hand * Residual Limb * Two Hands * Feet 1-UP Hair Ties can be used to create: * Ponytails * Buns * Bunches or Pig Tails * or as a Headband Get a handful of independence by ordering online from www.1uphairties.com
13.01.2022 Is it a hair up or hair down day? Wear your 1-UP on your wrist and you always have a choice. Some styles like the Silver Butterfly 1-UP will look like a charm bracelet. #ahandfulofindependence #hair #hairtie #wrist #onehand #onehanded #ponytail #amputee #limbdifferent #limbloss #choice #independent ... Be sensible when attempting this #sensibile #keepcirculation #nottootight #dontcatchonanything
11.01.2022 Sorry everyone, I’ve closed the online shop while I take a long awaited vacation. The store will be reopened 1st June 2019.
10.01.2022 Cook up some chimichangas; we’re getting closer to being like Deadpool IRL.
10.01.2022 Here's another person helping to give children a handful of independence
10.01.2022 Just sharing cause it's a lovely piece.... Who else here can make beautiful music?
10.01.2022 Check out these tips from Active Hands, I think I want a muggi...
09.01.2022 It's National Amputee Awareness Week in Australia. What would you do to show the world how amazing and awesome we all are?
09.01.2022 New stock in! Updating the online shop now. Let's see how long 150 meters of black lasts.... www.1uphairties.com #1uphairties #onehand #twohands #nohands #limbdifference #hair #ponytails #AHandfulofIndependence
08.01.2022 After watching this I'm on the search for a dance partner! How lovely is this awesomeness? Lauren Steadman who was born without her right forearm, dancing on the current seasons of the UK show Strictly Come Dancing. Lauren is a double World Champion para-triathlete and six-time European Champion. Lauren also has a first class degree in psychology, from Portsmouth University and has since achieved her Masters in Business. And she can dance, how impressive!... As a swimmer, she competed in two Olympic Games, debuting in Beijing at 15, before qualifying for the final of both the 100m freestyle S9 and the 400m freestyle S9 in London 2012. In 2016, Lauren secured a silver medal in the inaugural Paratriathlon event at the Summer Paralympics in Rio. https://youtu.be/BFUt78YU_Xk
08.01.2022 1-UP HAIR TIES - A HANDFUL OF INDEPENDENCE 1-UP One Hand Hair Ties are successfully used by people living with: limb loss hemiparisis hemiplegia... phocomelia breaks, strains and more This assistive technology can be used with one hand, residual limbs, two hands and feet to make: ponytails buns bunches/pig tails View the range of colours, styles and instructional videos at 1UPHAIRTIES.COM Order online or request a quote today. Compartment Seventy6 #AHandfulOfIndependence #onehand #hairties #amputee #limbdifferent #bilateral #paralysis #hemiparisis #strokesurvivors #cerebralpalsy #armparalysis #brokenwrist #brokenarm #wheelchair #hair #ponytail #independence #independent #1uphairties #handmade #australianmade #amputeemade #diyadverts #ndis
06.01.2022 Just a general shout out and apologies to anyone waiting for a hair tie order....it's going to be late. I'm a little bit worn out from helping out at AMP CAMP. If you're aged 12 or over and living with a limb difference or amputation you should check out AMP CAMP! #AMPCAMP2019 #ihurteverywhere
04.01.2022 Christmas delivery for international orders (from Australia) of 1-UP One Hand Hair Ties has passed. Today I have closed the shop to international orders because, based on the last few years, so many hair ties do not make it to their destination during the holiday season. Australian orders are still accepted. International orders will resume in 2019. #apologies #ifonlysantadelivered #snowandchristmasdostaythecouriers #AHandfulofIndependence
02.01.2022 May the force be with you all!
02.01.2022 Looking forward to being "super able".....
02.01.2022 Back open for business! Order #AHandfulofIndependence from www.1uphairties.com Many can use the 1-UP One Hand Hair Tie, even if: you have a #brokenwrist; you have #paralysis in the arm or shoulder; you do not have hands or arms; or you have other #upperlimbmobility challenges. The 1-UP One Hand Hair Ties can be used with: #onehand; #nohands; #residuallimbs; #twohands; and feet.... Use the 1-UP One Hand Hair Tie to create: #ponytails; #buns; #bunches and #pigtails; or as a #headband. #amputee #QuadSquad #amputeelife #limbdifferent #bilateral #strokesurvivors #armparalysis #hemiparisis #cerebralpalsy #hairties #hair #independence #independent #1uphairties
02.01.2022 Since using @casemate Rings I've dropped my phoneabout 80% less than I used to! I have better control over my phone when typing and it's secure when walking. Perfect for those of us living life #onehanded I had to buy a new one as I have been using the ring like a fidget toy and busted it after 5 months of playing with it! #AHandfulofIndependence... #amputeelife https://case-mate.com/
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