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Verity Mansfield Coaching and Mentoring

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25.01.2022 Sometimes life doesn't work out how you expect it to. And letting go of those expectations and things we've collected can be tough. . .... . . Maybe its a relationship. Maybe its a house. Maybe its a friendship. Maybe its a life style. . . . . When things leave your lives it can panic you, leaving you grieving, stressed, triggering abandonment or loss. But what if these things and people needed to leave in order to make way for MORE things. . . . . Different things Better things. Healthier relationships. More soul aligned friendships. . . . . You can receive with open hands if youre desperately using those handing to clench onto things and relationships that no longer serve you. . . . . Tune in. Trust. Let go. Receive. . . . . And if you need help getting clarity on what to let go of or how to move forward PM me for a FREE clarity chat. Let's connect and get clear on what's really going on and how you can move forward in a way that serves you.

25.01.2022 #truthbombs 50 | The romanticised ideas of relationships (thanks Disney) and patriachal society has led to some pretty warped ideas about relationship roles. Too often I hear my female clients expressing that they feel they've lost their identity within their relationships. Which leds to the question, when do we need to seek our partners approval? -

24.01.2022 How to have a healthy and happy relationship? Make them more

24.01.2022 "Oh my God he just doesn't get it", I heard myself say, crushed. Its the same old argument and you just want to hit your head against a brickwall. "You NEVER listen to me!" I'd exclaim. And then you find yourself talking/ranting endlessly trying to get him to see the point.... Often to just get met with silence. F*ck. How is this EVER going to work? In my case, it didn't. We got divorced. Why? Because at that point in my life no one had given me the right tools to; 1) understand how evolved relationships actually work 2) understand internal and external boundaries 3) communicate effectively 4) break the good girl rules & negotiate conflict assertively 5) understand HOW to practice unconditional love 6) love myself FIRST and foremost. Navigating relationships is exhausting and depleting without these tools, and breakups, separations and divorce are traumatic for everyone involved. Its painful. Excruciatingly painful. Welcome The FREE Relationship Toolbox! Its a 5 x 60 min masterclass series each covering a different aspect to help you consciously change the way you think and feel about your relationship. Its FULL of practical tools and tangible tips you can utilise straight away. This is not your typical counselling relationship class, but a whole new unconventional way of understanding relationships! We kick start Monday 30th Nov. Register below to find out more and receive the free workbook to keep you on track. There'll be homework and a chance to win a spot on The Relationship Revolution 8 week online program for anyone who completes all 5 days, to help transform your relationship into a powerful and passionate partnership as my clients are doing now! Register for free below and come and join the fun!

22.01.2022 I bought Lila a white board to keep track.of homework and help her build some new routines to reach her goals. The last few weeks Lilas been explaining that she has these ideas and goals but she can't seem to reach them. Goals like falling asleep quicker instead of tossing for 3 hours.... Goals like moving up a maths group because she wants to get into a specialist science program in highschool. Goals like getting into good study habits because she wants to be a paediatrician. All her. Nothing to do with me. We headed down to Officeworks to get her a white board that we can write down new routines and mark off streaks of wins. Ie going for walks before bedtime to ground and to release any tension, for fresh air and space to talk about the day. If these are done 3 days in a row, that's a streak and gets a reward. I woke up this morning to find this on the back.of her whiteboard (we hadn't yet written up her goals/plan). "You can do it. And if you think you can(t), go and look yourself in the mirror. You are beautiful. I love you". She might not have written anything on her actual whiteboard yet, but finding a secret note to herself to remind herself to love and honour herself warms my heart. Mindset is everything. And achieving our goals always starts with loving ourselves enough to believe in ourselves.

20.01.2022 People often avoid making choices to avoid taking 100% responsibility. But the issue is that even when you refuse to make the decision to change something- thats still a choice. Every change we make is out of love or out of fear. And the reluctant or resistance to change is still a choice to remain as is, even when we're unhappy with what is.... When this happens though its not because we want to be unhappy or we want to remain stuck, its often because while we aren't happy with our current situation we do not know what we actually do want to experience. Do the work. Get to know who you are. Find out what you want. And learn how to get it. But remember; whatever you are not changing, you are choosing. And if you want to.learn how to change those things, PM me for a free 45min clarity call. Let's get you crystal clear on what's going on and what you can do about it!

19.01.2022 The Relationship Toolbox is about to open again for FREE! YES! That's right, it's free! Its a 5 x 60 min masterclass series across 5 days, kick-starting 30th November!... They will be saved and available to you for 2 WEEKS! Register via the link in the comments below.

13.01.2022 Are you a woman in a long-term relationship who is feeling frustrated, anxious, and worried about where your relationship is heading? You don't just stumble across a great relationship. Great relationships are consciously created. And it even only takes ONE person to change a relationship.... The Relationship Revolution helps you to get 100% clear on what you really want in your relationship, and walks you through the action steps to not only turn your relationship around, but to actively CREATE the relationship you want to expereince in a loving and healthy way. You'll get; - 8 online module - Weekly homework tasks - 8 group coaching calls - 1 x 1:1 private session - A private and safe Facebook group to share, support, inspire and celebrate. - 10 weeks email support. AUD$697 (Earlybird AUD$476) Comment below or PM me to find out more.

12.01.2022 Do you have any questions about The Relationship Toolbox? It's a FREE 5-day masterclass series run in a safe/private Facebook group, starting November 30th. All live videos will be saved in the 'units tab' in the private FB group and you'll have nearly 2 weeks to access them.... Plus if you complete the homework posts, you have the chance to win a FREE place on The Relationship Revolution program. Day 1: Revolutionising Relationships 101 Day 2: Boundary Bootcamp Day 3: Communicate with Confidence Day 4: Learning to Love Day 5: Selfish Self-love If you register here, you'll get each masterclass directly emailed to you, plus the workbook! And if you do have any questions, comment below or PM me x

10.01.2022 Yes its BACK! The Relationship Toolbox is opening again, starting Nov 30th. Want a relationship that's fun, loving and intimate?... Where communication is key? Where you feel loved, heard, valued and respected? There's nothing worse than feeling exhausted and depleted from your relationship. And there's nothing better and more powerful in feeling than being able to turn things around, to ooze with confidence as a womxn. To create a safe, loving and healthy relationship for all involved. The Relationship Toolbox is a free 5 x 60min masterclass series spread across 5 days. . . . Day 1: Revolutionising Relationships. Why the relationships Society encourages DON'T work. Learn a whole new way of showing up! . . . Day 2: Boundary Bootcamp. Learn about external & internal boundaries and why the Internal ones are the most important and yet never taught. . . . Day 3: Communicate with Confidence. Why & how your communication can be a weapon, and learn how to communicate effectively. . . . Day 4: Learning to Love. Saying you love someone doesn't always mean we act lovingly. And actions speak louder than words. Learn HOW to actually love your partner consciously and unconditionally- and what it takes to do that. . . . Day 5: Selfish Selflove. Why its the #1 CRUCIAL foundational stone of your relationships. And why your relationship won't survive without it.. . . . Join me on these FB Lives or watch the replay! You'll have 2 weeks to access these amazing masterclasses! And if you know any other glorious women who are struggling in their relationships invite them along. . . . Register to join in order to get; Free pdf workbook Email link for each masterclass Chance to win a FREE spot on the Relationship Revolution Online 8 Week Program (worth $976). Im so excited to run this again and ESPECIALLY before the crazy Christmas period when relationship tensions are often at their highest! Join below! Can't wait to see you there! We kick start Nov 30th.

09.01.2022 "Every time you pretend to be less than you are, you steal permission from other women to exist fully". Dr Maya Angelou"Every time you pretend to be less than you are, you steal permission from other women to exist fully". Dr Maya Angelou

08.01.2022 #inspire I LOVE this quote! So many times we find ourselves in crisis and we get stuck feeling all the negative feels. Esp in our relationships. ... When we're in conflict with our partner we assume this is something bad and we either ignore it hoping to sweep it under the carpet and hold tightly onto peace, or we blow it up and try push through the shitty stuff and try to force a return to peace. Neither way works. When we're experiencing an unwanted state its just contrast thats showing us what we want. Its opportunities for new ideas, a hunt for new resources, a place to create new solutions and the chance to learn someone new about your partner. This week my clients were working on boundaries and they had some incredible experiences as a result in their relationships; they either were surprised with their needs being met or they were gifted a rare opportunity to see their partner be vulnerable in baring their own pains and fear. Regardless big things shifted. Learn to be comfortable in the unknown. Stop romanticising peace in your relationships. Conflict is needed to keep things moving, to keep creativity flowing and to keep waking you up to evolve further. Don't avoid conflict. Understand conflict. It will become you're greatest learning tool!

03.01.2022 Inclusion and diversity are incredibly Important to me. Though I may not always get it right, it’s the intent to be open to learning and the willingness to be corrected that matters. Firstly, I serve women AND anyone who identifies with being a woman. And I don’t care about your sexual orientation. If you’re willing to transform your relationships and love the crap out of your partner(s)- you’re always welcome. Secondly the willingness to learn and be curious about those in y...our life are crucial foundations of any relationship. Many people do struggle including others who do not identify as male or female regardless of the body they were born into. Instead of judging, instead of complaining it’s too hard for you ( remember this experience is harder for them than it is for you), choose to see this as an opportunity to learn and to love those around you unconditionally. You don’t have to get it perfect right away. No one expects you too. But don’t let the fear of offending stop you from trying to understand and learn either. Times are changing and we all struggle with change. That’s completely human. But don’t make your struggle someone else’s problem. Our identities are important and affect how we show up in the world. Criticising and judging others for how they show up in the world is not loving. Don’t be the person who crushes other humans. Be the ones willing to include, to unite and to create safe spaces for every human. After all every human shares the same fears of being unseen, Un-acknowledged and unloved.

01.01.2022 On Remembrance Day we pay our respects and support to those who fought in wars to secure for our freedom so that we hold so preciously and enjoy today. For that we give eternal thanks and gratitude. And I would like to take a moment to think about those still today fighting wars - not only external but internal wars.... The internal wars that stop individuals from experiencing their own personal freedom. Those that are fighting a different war with addiction, mental health, eating disorders, abuse, disease, cancer, abandonment, depression, anxiety...... For all those who fought in wars, past and present, external and internal - this poppy is for you. May we honour the struggle you face(d). May we remember the humanity within all of us. May we continue to create a world full of compassion, of tolerance, of forgiveness, of curiosity to understand, & willingness to learn, of desire to serve from the heart and of love so that each one of us is free to be who we are and free to not only experience peace, joy, and love but experience the freedom to thrive.

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