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Absolutely Healing in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Absolutely Healing

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 400 088 638

Address: Aspendale Gardens 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Amazing mandala configuration - in most veggies too! It’s said that vegs and herbs can correspond to the body organ/system it can heal/support! Avocado for the womb, broccoli for lungs etc

23.01.2022 OMG looks like we're doing the Totalitarian Tiptoe to global communistic control!

23.01.2022 This is going to be truly spectacular as will appear as a bright star! I’ve been watching Pam Gregory’s astrology you tube on it and it’s when Jupiter and Saturn move from Capricorn (earth sign) to 0.29 of Aquarius (air sign much faster energy) beginning of 20yr cycle - Pluto still in Capricorn (deconstruction of old) and now Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius = new world View values etc Tome to really focus on your highest version of self, what you really want to pull to you in the future - feel excited whilst shielding and blinkering self from fears and negativity - stay healthy body emotions and spirit and love and support each other in this very tumultuous times! Nx 3 months rapid changes so fasten your safety belts!! Enjoy the rude laugh and have fun with the Drama unfolding - help us at hand go within abd mefitate

22.01.2022 Hi I’m sharing this as I’ve just joined this free inspirational challenge too and thought some of you maybe interested to join too !! It starts on 21 Jan for 5 days

22.01.2022 Hi, I came across this short video which makes a lot of sense to me, and as I've done some Intermitant fasting in the past (i.e. gone from dinner the night before till about 1pm the next day before eating) I think I'll be able to do this ok and mainly make my one meal a day about 2 or 3pm. However, IF I'm out for dinner I'll stretch it out till then! so wish me luck - and will hopefully lose some... of that stubborn fat along the way - I'll let you know my progress in a few weeks. I'll probably start the day with lemon juice in water, as usual, then a green tea and a couple more green teas before the main meal after midday. See more

22.01.2022 This is truly amazing - showing that even though memory (short term) is fading the body’s muscle cells still hold past memories!

19.01.2022 Quite long but v informative!!

19.01.2022 Cairns Post newspaper clip - see previous post too: We are officially now living in a police state! Other states please get ready, because this will be coming to you soon as well. This may be what they have planned, but together we can stop it and create a different reality for ourselves! Let’s stay positive and live in hope rather than fear!... Common Law is the solution & key, plz be aware of your god given basic rights, which they cannot take away. Knowledge is power! Common Law Court Meeting August 2, 2020 Part 1 -from Joey Smith, See more

18.01.2022 Sleep better and wake pain free !A bit long winded, but some v.g. tips to sleep better, seems like on your back ismaybe one of the best ones! Tips like a small rolled towell in the base of your pillow case, so that when you lie on side or back it supports neck and along with a 'roll' like a big sausage pillow, tied around the waist so even if you lie back or side it supports the waist area etc. Enjoy!

17.01.2022 What is love? Out of the mouths of babes! Think it’s when my 2 1/2 yo asked me to Show my (v bright batik) dress and said ‘nanna you look v beautiful’!

17.01.2022 This is a very simple and easy way to relieve self of stress/fears and any negative programming - just by sitting and doing 30 rounds of breathing etc. Share if you Care as this is a self healing mechanism we should all practice!

15.01.2022 In these testing times a benefit or silver lining can be that we can spend more time reorganising our lives and especially the health and healing elements of it. Giving oneself a healthier regime even for a few days of lighter, healthier eating and hydrating along with more exercise is one way of envigourating oneself (in what could become a v. 'sluggish' time!).... I've always recommended binaural and isotonic beats as such an easy way to go very very deep into theta and delta states and with EMFs and EMRs being such a problemt these days, causing all sorts of health issues from headaches to depressions etc it could be a great time to start a course of listening to these freely available tones from youtube. And here's the latest one I've sourced to add to my big library of a variety of them. With so many of us affected by EMFs and EMRs and not even knowing it its great to find some wonderful binaural beats t 741 Hz for removing toxins and Electromagnetic radiations too. Remember though if you are using this nightly for a while make sure you drink plenty of pure water or good fruits to help 'move' toxins out of your system too. Enoy and share if you care! Best listened through earbuds or headphones and even to go to sleep too - which I'll be doing tonight! Enoy - and Share if you Care!

12.01.2022 Just found these 5 essential exercise - look really good, and will write them on a sheet of paper and do these too as they address balance and posture too while using a lot of essential muscles and core strength too.

11.01.2022 A very inspiring post and a v. healing one too - share if you care!

11.01.2022 TO V OR NOT TO V - THAT IS THE QUESTION? Hi just reading just in the first paragraph that "whether the sequence and combination in which vaccines are given matter. " truly concerns me as I witnessed with my grandson's recent vaccine 'program' how they are forced to have 4 different injections of vaccines at once with one of them... being the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) all in one. I did enquire at the time if that MMR could be given singularly and was informed that NO it could not, and really looking back we should have insisted in doing 4 visits and having one at a time! "They" push to make babies have them all at once. And seriously is a Hep B vaccine really needed at such a young age, if at all??? I'm not against SOME vaccines given at an appropriate age (i.e. once a babies immune system has built up) but am questioning the amounts of various diseases which are now included - whilst when I was young it was maybe only 4-6 jabs now its innumerable ones with many repeats! Again I'm not against immunisation but the taking away one's rights to choose and the timing of them - as now its all totally documented on government website and no admission to school etc without the necessary 'certification' and child allowance would be withheld if you chose not too, as whilst 'they' say you have a choice there is the non admittance and non payment IF one does!! See more

11.01.2022 Re destructive patterns - worth a watch!

11.01.2022 Really give yourself a health overhaul now to get ready for huge galactic change coming from 21st Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius plot of earth sign Capricorn !

10.01.2022 Love is the true Healer!! Share if you Care!

09.01.2022 Yes and every week following it too!! thanks for the reminder to LOVE!!!

09.01.2022 The following outlines a lot of the excellent probiotic foods and how to choose the right ones, i.e Pickles that DONT contain vinegar for example, so a good article to make informed choices!

09.01.2022 This is short but very true, v. inspirational about CHANGE/CHOICE and see who you want to be - so can be v. healing too! Share if you Care shows how many are living their lives unconsiously and the way to being fully consious - CONTINUE TO DREAM AND DREAM BIG! What Reality do you want?? Share if you care - thanks. If you're going to Try then... go ALL THE WAY - do it do it!(from video) See more

09.01.2022 Thats it I'll start learning Greek and retire to this island in Greece, Ikaria - where they live to 100 with all their faculties etc and RED wine a plenty! Very low population too.

08.01.2022 So who are true guinea pigs or Rats??

08.01.2022 I’m sharing this as I find through my practice as a Naturopath/Homoeopath that a lot of clients test positive to heavy metals - especially aluminium, mercury, lead and pesticides too! I use homeopathics of these to ‘detox’ over a few weeks! I can test at a distance (dowsing) and mail remedies - so distance is NOT a problem to healing and detox. So IF you think you may have a problem or a health issue that just won’t seem to clear up - it could be these underlying toxins preventing your wellness - so why not invest in your health and book a video (or in person ) appointment now? Ph 0400 088 638 Lynda Allamby ND

08.01.2022 Essential hormones and how we can get more of these ‘goodies’ to counteract the ‘baddies’ like cortisol from stress!

08.01.2022 Hi i'm taking up yoga again - and these 6 Asanas (poses/positions) can apparently give you a full body workout and think maybe spend 20-30mins on it daily. I noted that the first one is actually the famous Salute to the Sun, which is one that I practice on and off being mindful to breath in deeply and then exhale when carrying out the pose. Even just doing a few 'rounds' of Salute to the sun can ... get you up and moving as that alone seems to work each body system too. Enjoy and share if you care! See more

08.01.2022 Yes even walking barefoot on your garden is b ‘grounding’ and important to deflect so much EMFs we’re bombarded with - from wifi, tv, computers and smart meters too! My ‘smart meter’ is literally in a box on the wall at the back of my bed head abd I can’t position bed anywhere else because if wi dues and doors! So (as s Dowser) I’ve put foil in the metre box - some pieces of copper pipe under the bed head abd some quartz crystals on the table by the bed - and ‘cross my fingers!!! Plus I wear a medallion - made of a special stone substance that’s supposed to ward off EMFs (and a Scala Energy card stuck inside mob ph case)! All and anything helps to ‘cleanse’ home/body of these v negative frequencies- and obviously intention counts a lot for our own wellness!

07.01.2022 From: CHILDRENSHEALTHDEFENSE.ORG There are 3 or more videos when you click this link (hope it shows up or I'll post separate link vids) Gates also hints that they may NOT prevent spread and Fauci says ' he'll settle for 70%" effective on 7b of us!! Under the Oxford one is: Both pathetic vaccines share a sole hope: They are both too big to fail. The Oxford jab got 111 million from the British government, and is already manufacturing billions of doses. Moderna got $500 mil...lion from Fauci and has 2 billion doses in production. Poor us! AND While vaccine developers have never dared to conduct testing against a true inert placebo as such tests would likely reveal safety problems, lead Oxford developer Andrew Pollard will now give trial participants a notoriously reactogenic meningitis vaccine as a control a common ploy to mask injuries from experimental vaccines Important to see /share what is going on and WRONG with these - so much so they've ditched billions of doses already sourced!!!

07.01.2022 An excellent fact checked explanation - share if you care! There is a transcript available if you prefer to print it

07.01.2022 This is well worth a watch!

06.01.2022 During these tumultuous/difficult times its truly a time to focus on ones own health and wellbeing, especially mental and emotional health, with so many of us isolated and living alone and not able to see our friends and loved ones (in Victoria at least!) and during these times its good to look around one each morning and being grateful for our lives, health, family and home etc I find starting the day with giving thanks for at least 3 things/people helps set the mood for th...e day to a positive one. Sending a few uplifting texts emails or even phone calls with a focus on giving a positive vibe for the day is very helpful. As a Naturopath I find my herbs, and especially homeopathics and flower essences very useful in bringing me back to harmony/balance in this every changing voitex called life. So many are suffering severe depression during these difficult times and should know there is help. If I can be of assistance with a Naturopathic consultation (at the moment it would have to be a video call, via Whatsap or Zoom or Facetime) then please call on 0400 088 638 (Australia only). Necessary herbs, homeopathics and flower essences (for emotional wellbeing) can be mailed out or picked up if you are local. Meanwhile, good nutrition, deep breathing and a few good laughs a day should help a lot. kind regards Lynda

04.01.2022 Keeping your probiotics up daily will enhance your micro biome - excellent info please read abd ‘digest’!

03.01.2022 Well worth a share

02.01.2022 A Sample of this excellent post: "A secretly recorded meeting between the editors-in-chief of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine reveal both men bemoaning the 'criminal' influence big pharma has on scientific research. According to Philippe Douste-Blazy, France's former health minister and 2017 candidate for WHO director, the leaked 2020 Chatham House closed-door discussion was between the [editor-in-chiefs], whose publications both retracted papers favorable... to big pharma over fraudulent data. The email continued with a quote from that recording: 'Now we are not going to be able to ... publish any more clinical research data because the pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude,' said The Lancet's editor-in-chief, Richard Horton."

02.01.2022 Let’s shift from sickness-disease model to Wellness preventative model!

02.01.2022 Very good tip and reminder how gt fruit is! Pineapple had enzymes which aid digestion plus an anti inflammatory called bromelain!

01.01.2022 Great advice a friend posted, so thought I'd put in here too - print it off is a good idea too....enjoy - share if you care!

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