Amanda Mannes in Coleambally | Health & wellness website
Amanda Mannes
Locality: Coleambally
Phone: +61 417 228 295
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25.01.2022 There is just something about water that makes me happy!
25.01.2022 I won't be taking any more bookings after the 11th of December this year to have some time with my family and enjoy the summer sun, so if you keen to not let the holiday season be an excuse there is still time to help figure out what are the best changes you need to make and how your going to make them there is still time to book your online or face to face appointment. If you have questions just shoot me a message. If you are really to book, just click this link. and start the holidays with motivation, direction and inspiration.
24.01.2022 Running on autopilot just trying to get everything done before you knock off for Christmas, and feeling like all your health goals are going out the window? Focus on ONE small thing such as your water. Breathe and be kind to yourself.... Then sign up to my NEW YEAR IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGE so you can enjoy your Christmas and know that your back on track from Jan 4. Click in the link below to find out more and sign up. I only take 6 people max and 2 spots are GONE!
24.01.2022 Today from 4pm I am at Anytime Fitness doing body composition scans. Scans are open to members and non-members!! Check out this video to find out more information about the body composition scans. Want more details about this afternoons session contact the Gym. If you can't make it this afternoon but are keen to book in locally in Coleambally you can go to
24.01.2022 What doesn’t cleaning a toilet and looking after yourself have in common? In our house we have 2 toilets that are around 40 years old. They look like they were cleaned with bleach by the previous owners as all the emable has eroded off the bottom of the bowl. They are stained and everything that I have tried over almost 2 years to clean them hasn’t worked. I had thought that I might just have to live with it the way they are because nothing worked. ... I have tried many toilet cleaners, CLR, portenian cleaning paste, denture tablets and much more. Then I saw a youtube video of a lady cleaning her toilet with just vinegar and water. I followed her process. And Wahoo!! It worked!! Something that sounds so simple worked so well. Although it was simple and I knew vinegar was a great cleaner. I didn’t use this process. It was easy and now I know what to do, I have that knowledge forever! This is much like the results my clients get. I often hear from clients that they can’t believe the change in the way they feel from small simple changes. But it is my 16 years of experience the means that I can quickly and accurately work out what that simple change might work for one individual compared to another. Yes, we all buy product after product hoping that this one will provide us what we need, when often what we really need to do to go get professional support and work out what process will work for our individual situation. What products have you brought in the last 12 months to improve your health that have had no lasting impact? Vitamins? Meal plans? Challenges? Are you ready to stop throwing money down the toilet by avoiding paying for individual support? Find out more about my services at
22.01.2022 Want to up your breakfast game? Here are some different chia pudding ideas.
22.01.2022 Let's talk OVERWHELM!!! There's so much that's going on at the moment everywhere. Christmas in seeking up and all the end of year functions and gift buying. Their work and all the accountabilities and responsibilities that come with that. Then add the kids, kids activities, keeping the house organized, keeping the yard tidy, making sure there is food in the fridge and clothes wash and every one happy. It can feel ridiculous at times. With so many things to think about at ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Yesterday I was given some cherries as a gift. It was really the best present. This year I am loving the cherries. They are delicious. Also they have load of health benefits including:... - helping with inflammation, arthritis and gout - high in vitamin c - high in antioxidants - high in fibre So for those that know me, keeping my inflammatory markers down is one of my main goals. It means that I do all the things I want to do without pain getting in the way! What is your fav summer fruit and why? Comment below.
19.01.2022 For those who are interested in eating meat free meet Nic! Nic is a plant based dietitian who discovered the benefits of plant based eating after a cancer diagnosis. Nic has a plant based workshop starting next week! The details are below if this is something that your interested in. Nic and I will be going LIVE here on Monday to have a chat round 11am AEST or just after when we get out tech sorted next Monday. Save it to your calendar now.
17.01.2022 Walking into my home office this morning made when I seen this gift from a lovely lady!
17.01.2022 October is only a few days away! Now is a great time to think about what you would be really proud of yourself for if you achieved it by the end of October. Weight loss goals are great, but really we can't control the number on the scale. It might be better to think about what behaviours that you want to change and what are your measures of success. Measuring behaviours can give you the feeling that you are getting wins much faster. ... When we get wins quickly we are more likely to stick with the changes. Today in the Well Women's Members groups, the members set their own goals around planning, cutting out refined sugars, daily yoga and walking. If you want to find out more about Well Woman's Members Group go to or PM me. I would love you to share your October goals with me in the comments below.
16.01.2022 Important dates for your diaries! Find out all you need to know at
16.01.2022 After I shared what a learn cleaning a toilet the other day, this now seems relevant too!
15.01.2022 The year is going so fast! It’s Friday again! Many kids start school holidays today. Today it is cold and wet. It is easy to say bugger it! But there is always a excuse. It is up to you if you choose to use it! ... Do you really benefit from using today as a excuse? No one expects perfection. But giving up gets you no where! What is the minimum that you could do today to keep your health and wellness goals in check? Let me know below!
15.01.2022 Hope you are had an amazing break. At this time of year don't feel bad if you over did the food or didn't do as much activity as you would have liked. It is really about enjoying time with your family and friends and switching off. AND, now if have intentions of starting Monday morning strong, but worried that you're going to keep pressing snooze at letting another day getaway without taking action on your goals then I have your back. REGO CLOSES AT 8 PM (Sydney time) TO...NIGHT and there are only a few spots left! This program is about your goals done your way with expert nutrition and wellness coaching support. It is not for you if: Being fit, strong and looking after yourself isn’t important to you. You just want a meal plan to follow (you can jump on my website and download one there You’re not ready to pull your butt out of bed for a 6 am Sydney time for a group zoom call each Monday in January so you can do something important for yourself. If you want to stop using excuses and get breakthrough results in 2021, take the first step and do January right with my New Year Implementation Challenge. The link will be removed when all places are filled so don’t delay. Click this link to find out more and register before all the spots are filled. Want to know more? We have 4 x 6 am calls each Monday morning in January to get you sorted and on track with your new year goals. You get motivation You get inspiration You get accountability You get support You get expert advice You get a cheer squad. Still not sure? Click the link below and scroll down to the bottom to see what past participants have said. Have questions, just email me back, I am happy to answer them. Can't wait to see you at 6am!
14.01.2022 The Run (episode 17) Businesses have vision statements but do you have one for your own life?
13.01.2022 Do you ever wonder what cause strong cravings? Are you someone that has difficulty losing weight? Are you someone that had gained weight slowly over time even while you watch what you eat? ... The main physiological cause of this is INSULIN RESISTANCE! What is you knew: - How to STOP the cravings - What you should eat for you and how much - What supplements you could try and how to evaluate if they are working for you. - How your body is working and how to activate fat loss. - How to read your bodies cues and eat more intuitively without feeling like your on an endless diet. - Understanding why it is hard to make changes and learn the science of habit change so you can make the changes stick. - How to overcome set backs and more importantly how to limit them in the first place. Next round of Kick-start for people with Insulin Resistance starts soon. Find out more at This is what one of my client had say after doing this program! " I feel like I’ve begun to accept the way my body works. I am no longer feeling sorry for myself.I think my biggest benefit is the little things I’ve picked up along the way, the little tips to feeling satisfied but not overdoing it e.g. having 3-4 bits of a treat and stopping. I realised my body feels crappy after eating heavy carbs so I no longer miss them. I’ve learnt to listen to my body and make better choices. I feel more confident, I also feel that’s there’s always something to be learnt. I’ll be keen to see how my next blood tests go!! Thank you Amanda! I am so glad we have a dietitian with a huge depth of knowledge that we can always go to for help! " Amanda
13.01.2022 I have been asked the Cherry, Walnut and Fetta Salad recipe I shared just before Christmas. Here it is! Thanks Woman's Weekly for a great recipe! ...
12.01.2022 Weight. Why is it so important? We know what weight doesn’t tell us how healthy or fit you are. So why do people put so much focus on it? ... Feeling uncomfortable in their body and wanting to lose weight are the main reasons people choose to work with me. And even though they say that what they want I get the same answer to one question but most of us never stop to think about this question. So what is this question? If you were to lose body fat and maybe gain some muscle mass, would you be happy with that result even if the number on the scale didn’t change? The answer to this question is always YES! People want to be healthier, fitter and stronger or leaner more than the number. They want to be a good role model, they want to prevent diabetes, they want to have the energy to do things, they want to feel good about themselves. Can a number on a scale do any of those things? I would say no. I see time and time again, people make changes and the number of the scale doesn’t change and the client's face falls, they think they have failed. Once the body composition scan is complete they then light up again. They can see body fat drop and muscle increase even if the weight didn’t change. They report more energy and other health improvements. And weight isn’t such a focus anymore. There is no way to tell how much muscle or body fat someone has by weighing them. There is no way to tell if their diet is adequate and reserving lean muscle mass while losing weight by weight. If you don’t have a body composition machine, the best way to know if you are looking after yourself, and your diet and exercise is right for you, is that you will have the energy to get everything you need to get done. If you feel tired and feel like you need a nap or a sugar hit in the afternoon, something is out of alignment. Anyone selling weight loss is selling bull shit. Nobody can control the number on the scale. We can only control how we chose to look after yourself. There is no diet plan that works for everyone. My role is to help people figure out what their own body needs, by teaching people how their own body works. Then I coach them to make the modifications work for them given everything going on in their lives. Yes, there are cheaper services out there, but once you know how your body works you finally start to feel in control of your health. If you feel like you need to get off the diet plan wagon and learn what is right for you, jump online and book an appointment now. If you live in Griffith (NSW) and are free between 8.30 am and 11.30 am tomorrow, pop down to Anytime Fitness, I will be there doing body composition scans.
12.01.2022 There is 6 weeks left of 2020? What can you achieve by the end of the year?There is 6 weeks left of 2020? What can you achieve by the end of the year?
11.01.2022 Looking for some quick easy dinners? 4 Ingredients has you covered. (Please note this is not a paid promotion, I just like easy meals and sharing meal ideas that will make your life easier)
11.01.2022 Image how you would go if your health let you down right now? Would you be thankful that you had been working on your health and wellness so that things were as good as they could be? Would you have to stop everything? ... Could you afford to stop everything? Would you regret that you didn’t make changes earlier? We can’t control everything. Sometimes health events are just going to happen. BUT we can control a lot. Now is the time to take control. Now is the time to make time for you. Now is the time to put you first. Now is your time! If you need directions, support, advice, clarity, motivation about your fuel or well-being, I am here. You just need to ask for help. You are allow to say, I am done, I don’t want to do this alone anymore. Message me or book your appointment online (face to face services in Coleambally or Griffith and Telehealth services anywhere in Australia).
09.01.2022 For those that follow a low or modified a FODMAP diet. You might be interested in this!
09.01.2022 First 6am zoom call for 2021 done. Doing work while on holidays isn’t hard when you love it! HAPPY MONDAY! If you back at work today, I hope you have a wonderful day!
08.01.2022 Body composition scans in Griffith today at Anytime Fitness between 8.30 am and 11.30 am today!Body composition scans in Griffith today at Anytime Fitness between 8.30 am and 11.30 am today!
07.01.2022 Can you tick all these off today? 2 FRUIT 5 VEGE 2 Litres (plus) of fluid mostly water ... 30 mins plus of activity Comment DONE IT at the end of the day.
07.01.2022 You DON'T need more WILLPOWER! Willpower is a mental muscle that doesn’t bounce back easy. We need to fuel our brains. When willpower is low (or runs out) we fall back on the default setting and our default is something that often not our ideal. Do you ever consider that you need to replenish your willpower? ... What tests willpower the most: - learning something new - filtering distractions - trying to impress others - doing something you don’t enjoy - repressing emotion - resisting temptation - taking tests - coping with fear or pain - and, selecting long term instead rather than the present. Let me know what is sucking your willpower today and how you're going to replenish it.
05.01.2022 (REPOST). A client that I have known for years today told me something that stuck with me. She has always been hungry after meals and never felt satisfied. Today she confessed that didn’t say anything earlier because she was embarrassed and didn’t think she was normal. She only opened up because something I posted here made her think more about this and made her realised the other. ... Over the past month she has been making specific changes, now that she knows that is going on in her own body she can target her fuel and training according. This amazing client is now more energetic, she is losing weight much faster, and she was recently asked if she was having an affair because she is glowing! Why did everything change? She realised being hungry after eating, having cravings and having constant brain fog to the stage she thought she may have had dementia, and wasn’t something to be embarrassed about. Her diet wasn’t something that she was doing wrong. And the symptoms aren’t shameful. She has accepted that she can’t control her hormones and their impacts but when she understand her body and what it needs then it is much easier to manage things and treat herself more kindly when things don’t work out as planned. Sometimes things can take a while for all the pieces to come together. Don’t give up and be kind to yourself!
03.01.2022 The ONE THING YOU NEED TO KNOW to get better results with you diet, activity, body, your stress levels, your business or what ever it is you want to you IS SIMPLE! Figure out what you really want first, before you start chasing it. If you chase the wrong thing you want get the right results. Lots of people let me that they want to lose weight. But when I question my clients they are happy for the weight to stay the same if they build muscle and lost fat. So it this is the, why are so many people looking for general weight loss advice. If you were to lose body fat and gain muscle you would need to go to someone that can show you how to know if that is happening, teach you want you need for you body to gain muscle, understand you metabolic pathway that cause you as an individual to store fat when you should be burning it off. Before you invest in another meal plan decide if it is weight loss you want. Or do you want to have more energy, get rid of the brain fog so you stop losing your keys and can focus on what you need to do, so you have more time and energy to start enjoying your time with your family again and not feeling constantly struggling at work. Once you clear on what you want you then can find that key person that can teach, coach, support or mentor really achieve your goal. My tip for today, is to take the time to really decide what you want. If you are not yet clear on what you want but know something needs to change, pm or call or text me on 0417228295 and we can work out your next step.
03.01.2022 One of my clients shared with with my this morning as it was very relevant for them right now. What do you give permission for yourself to do today without guilt?
03.01.2022 Forgot to take a picture after it was cooked. I tried a new (for me) marinade recipe and it was very taste and super simple. Olive oil, fresh squeezed lemon juice, thyme, oregano, salt, pepper and garlic. Added some fresh lemon slices during cooking. Just remember when marinating chicken in lemon juice don’t leave it for more than 2 hrs because it will start to breakdown the structure of the chicken. I left this for only about 30mins and it was lovely and tender and fresh refreshing taste.
03.01.2022 Stretch goals are those that sound scary and hard but just maybe you could pull it off if you stuck to the plan. MY STRETCH GOAL FOR OCTOBER IS TO RUN MY FIRST HALF MARATHON What are you stretch goals for October? ... What is yours????
02.01.2022 Christmas slice idea. Not sure what is supposed to be healthier than, it is still a very high energy treat, but it does look yum.
02.01.2022 I want sunny days like this again! Can’t believe this was only a few days ago!
01.01.2022 7 days to Christmas!!! Drop me any GIFF to describe how your feeling at the moment? Have you started you wind down? Are to still Christmas shopping? ... Are you madly working? My GIFF will be in the comments. Today I had my last yearly morning calls for the year and starting to wind things up, starting with a lunch and a bit of trying to hit a golf ball to a impossible target.
01.01.2022 Birthday lunch with the kids! Perfect weather for my 40th!! Forgot to say no chips. Over 70 chips (yep we counted) on this plate and this side provided over 1/2 my energy I take for the day! No thanks, today I choose a wine for my side
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