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25.01.2022 Silent Exhaust Fans - Schweigen With German engineered Isodrive motor and Australian durability for Australian homes.
25.01.2022 Sound Level Meter - Noise Meter Sound level meter instruments and analyzers by Brüel & Kjær are designed for class 1 measurement accuracy, ease-of-use and unprecedented flexibility. In fact, latest generation of sound level meters can be directly managed via smartphones, and with the addition of B&K feature-expanding apps. ... B&K 2245 sound level meter is a complete measurement solution with class 1 measurement accuracy. While the instrument can be used as a stand-alone noise measurement device, it works seamlessly with specially-created mobile apps, as well as a PC, bringing an entirely new level of efficiency and control.
23.01.2022 Flexshield - Australia’s industrial noise control specialists SOUNDPROOF ACOUSTIC PANEL SYSTEMS ARE IDEAL FOR: Soundproof Enclosures... Sound Rooms Engine Test Cells Dyno Booths Transformer Enclosures Acoustic Louvers Acoustic Doors Silencers Acoustic Screens Generator Enclosures Blower Enclosures Pump Enclosures Air Compressor Enclosures Air Conditioner Enclosures Attenuators Splitters Mobile Acoustic Panels Acoustic Dividing Walls Noise Rooms Acoustic enclosures, acoustic rooms and soundproof walls erect by sliding and clipping the Sonic System acoustic panels into steel capping profiles. Their versatility also allows for windows, doors and ventilation to be incorporated. Modular `clip together` system, soundproof panels are easily disassembled and moved in the event of a re-arrange or shift. All of Flexshield’s Sonic System acoustic panels have NATA accredited test results for Noise Transmission Loss and Noise Absorption. There are several different style designs, thicknesses and acoustic performances available. FEATURES OF FLEXSHIELD SONIC PANEL: Soundproof panels are pre-fabricated and can be cut to suit the exact application size requirements They are in a modular tongue and groove style and install easily Large areas can be covered with modular soundproofing panels very quickly The sound insulation panels are lightweight, easily handled, and can be used to create complete acoustic enclosures or rooms, mobile screens, dividing walls and even treatment of walls for reverberation. Flexshield’s modular acoustic panel system is available in a pre-finished ‘off white’ Ideal for industrial soundproofing and portable soundproof walls Fireproof and will not support combustion Acoustic modular panels are available as straight panel supply, or Flexshield can custom cut the modular acoustic panel to suit your requirements. Flexshield also provides a complete range of capping channels, flashings and fixings.
23.01.2022 AWS Windows and Doors Acoustics Product Testing
22.01.2022 DAMTEC Multi and Standard acoustic underlay products are manufactured and engineered in Germany using the highest grade of recycled rubber and cork materials. Due to its uniquely formulated composition and acoustic properties, these products when typically installed under a Direct Stick tiling application will acoustically enhance the flooring system’s overall impact sound performance. The DAMTEC Multi underlay is a cost effective, 100% black rubber compound underlay ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 The Loudest Underwater Sound Ever Recorded Bloops are some of the loudest sounds of any type ever recorded in Earth's oceans, their origin remains unknown. The Bloop sound was placed as occurring several times off the southern coast of South America and was audible 5,000 kilometers away. ... Although the sound has similarities to those vocalized by living organisms, not even a blue whale is large enough to croon this loud. The sounds point to the intriguing hypothesis that even larger life forms lurk in the unexplored darkness of Earth's deep oceans. A less imagination-inspiring possibility, however, is that the sounds resulted from some sort of iceberg calving. No further Bloops have been heard since 1997, although other loud and unexplained sounds have been recorded. Source:
20.01.2022 Traffic noise and lack of green space in large cities heighten the risk of stroke Road traffic noise has been linked to heart disease and its complications in earlier studies. But there is scant research assessing the possible influence of this form of noise pollution on the risk of stroke, a medical condition that has the same risk factors as heart disease. To this end, the international team of scientists studied the data of 2,761 patients that had been hospitalized for isc...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Reduce noise pollution inside your home Use Rugs and Carpets. Rugs, carpets and even drapes help reduce ambient noise Seal the door... Install Acoustic Panels Cover Windows with Heavy Drapes Plug up sound leaks Consider acoustic windows. Soundproof the Laundry Room Add a Layer of Drywall. Drywall is a dense material that stops noise, so it's a perfect soundproofing addition Reduce Reflected Noise Install Soundproof Curtains
18.01.2022 See the video (just 50 seconds) Residents in this building in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality literally live within the station. When city planners and engineers were asked to design a new train some ten years ago, instead of demolishing people’s homes, they designed one that runs through them. ... The light rail passenger train’s Liziba stop is in a hole in the center of this 19-storey residential block.
17.01.2022 ...The World Health Organization has calculated that at least 1m healthy life-years are lost every year in western European countries because of environmental noise, with cardiovascular disease contributing to the vast majority of these deaths, especially high blood pressure, heart attacks and coronary heart disease. It is thought that noise triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which damages blood vessels over time. Humans evolved our acute hearing millions of... years ago, when we were prey animals and had to pinpoint predators, so it is no wonder we find noise stressful. It is hardwired. A leading acoustics engineer, Trevor Cox, hypothesises that the noises we find most stressful are distress calls screams with an unhinged roughness to them, caused by the vibrations of the vocal folds when someone is truly terrified. The frequencies are similar to the archetypal horrible sound, fingers scraping down a blackboard; and to an electric drill angrily ripping through plasterboard....
16.01.2022 It might be tempting to think that noise isn’t a serious health issue, after all, it’s just noise. It won’t kill us right? Well, maybe. Exposure to prolonged or excessive noise has been shown to cause a range of health problems ranging from stress, poor concentration, productivity losses in the workplace, and communication difficulties and fatigue from lack of sleep, to more serious issues such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, tinnitus and hearing loss. In ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 DOORS - ACOUSTICAL PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS To successfully soundproof a door you need to add significant density and ensure all gaps are sealed. To provide effective sound isolation, doors need to be solidly built with sufficient mass. ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 ...According to a new study out of Germany’s Mainz University Medical Center, an increasing amount of noise can actually throw your heart out of rhythm. Called atrial fibrillation, this irregular heart beat can lead to blood clots, stroke, and even heart failure...
12.01.2022 Noise pollution is an invisible danger. It cannot be seen, but it is present nonetheless, both on land and under the sea. Noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms... ..
11.01.2022 These are the secret sounds of fish. (sound on)
11.01.2022 Earth’s Quietest Place Will Drive You Crazy in 45 Minutes Inside the room it’s so silent that the background noise measured is actually negative decibels Everybody seems to be looking for a little peace and quiet these days. But even such a reasonable idea can go too far. The quietest place on earth, an anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories in Minnesota, is so quiet that the longest anybody has been able to bear it is 45 minutes.... Inside the room it's silent. So silent that the background noise measured is actually negative decibels, -9.4 dBA. Steven Orfield, the lab's founder, told Hearing Aid Know: We challenge people to sit in the chamber in the dark one person stayed in there for 45 minutes. When it’s quiet, ears will adapt. The quieter the room, the more things you hear. You’ll hear your heart beating, sometimes you can hear your lungs, hear your stomach gurgling loudly. In the anechoic chamber, you become the sound." But the room isn't just for torturing people. Companies test their products in it to find out just how loud they are. And NASA has sent astronauts to help them adapt to the silence of space. For you and me, however, the room is a deeply disorienting place. Not only do people hear their heartbeat, they have trouble orienting themselves and even standing. "How you orient yourself is through sounds you hear when you walk. In the anechnoic chamber, you don't have any cues," Orfield told the Daily Mail. "You take away the perceptual cues that allow you to balance and manoeuvre. If you're in there for half an hour, you have to be in a chair." So the next time you wish for some quiet time, remember that it could also drive you crazy.
09.01.2022 Kids living near major roads at higher risk of developmental delays Young children who live close to a major roadway are twice as likely to score lower on tests of communications skills, compared to those who live farther away from a major roadway, according to a new analysis. FULL STORY...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Sounds of our life (Video 9 minutes) A film directed by Antonio Fischetti, showing aspects of sounds in our life, produced by the International commission for acoustics, for the International Year of Sound 2020-2021.
08.01.2022 Acoustic Treatment for Music / Recording home studios Professional studios are carefully planned out to eliminate naturally occurring acoustic issues in a way that residential rooms are not. A well designed one will have no parallel surfaces and ample acoustic treatment. To get the most out of your home studio, adding acoustic treatment can minimize many of the major problems that misrepresent what recordings and mixes actually sound like. Problems to Consider in Your Studio...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Soundproof Windows If you live in an urban area, the noise pollution from traffic and construction can be very annoying. In fact, it is possible that an excessive amount of noise can even lower the value of your property as well as affect your health, comfort & quality of life. ... Installing soundproof and noise reduction windows are the best way to stop the noise from coming or going out of your house. How do you make windows soundproof? The easiest and most effective way is to add a laminated layer to the double glazing unit to stop the noise. This is installed on the inside part of the window sill and cannot be seen from outside. It stops the noise and makes the property a more pleasant space to work or relax in. How does it work? Soundproof windows work by repelling soundwaves. The windows repel the noise by combining thick glass and laminated glass in the double glazing unit. Patterned, toughened or wired glass behave differently when it comes to acoustics, the lamination of the different glass types suppresses sound due to the interlayer in between. There are special acoustic grades of laminated glass which has two glass sheets and a layer of acoustic resin. Benefits Windows are the greatest source of noise entering the room. Soundproof and noise reduction windows stop unwanted noise from entering the house. Additionally, if you have a passion for music or desire to own a great sound system soundproofing your windows would ensure you have no complaints from your neighbours. How do you make a room soundproof? A room consists of building elements other than windows that can let in unwanted noise. In addition to soundproofing your windows, some of the other factors that can be considered while making your room soundproof are; Install double glazed doors that have similar soundproof qualities as double glazed windows Seal your doors with weathering strips Cover bare walls and ceiling with something soft to reduce reflected noise Fix loose floorboards Replace your hollow internal doors with solid doors These steps give you a completely soundproof room, a place where you can escape from the outside world and experience peaceful bliss.
06.01.2022 Many people would wonder why anyone would wear t shirt or put a bumper sticker on their car extolling the virtues of any noise, much less the noise of an airplane. Those people who love airplane noise probably do not live under a flight path and are not affected by the aircraft noise. Why exposure to airplane noise may be bad for your heart and is it a risk factor for stroke... More at: See more
06.01.2022 We are born with just two innate fears the fear of loud sounds and the fear of falling. Everything else is a learned fear, influenced by our culture and environment. Phonophobia, also called ligyrophobia or sonophobia, is a fear of or aversion to loud sounds (for example fireworks)a type of specific phobia. It can also mean a fear of voices, or a fear of one's own voice. ... It is a very rare phobia which is often the symptom of hyperacusis. See more
05.01.2022 Working from home? Here’s how to block distracting noises. Reduce sources of noise by installing double glazing to windows and doors and add a thicker insulation layer in the loft to control aircraft noise. If it proves difficult to control noise in the bedroom then think about changing rooms so that you sleep on the non-traffic side of the house
04.01.2022 Why ‘Pink Noise’ Might Just Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep Pick both the sound and volume that you find relaxing What the science says (and doesn’t)... In one study, pink noise increased deep sleep and dramatically improved memory in older adults. The pink noise actually enhances brain activity that’s associated with deep phases of sleep, Dr. Drerup explains. The researchers aren’t claiming that pink noise is better than white noise. (There hasn’t been research comparing the two types of sound.) They may both help, she says. But it’s important to note that the exact technology used in the study isn’t the same as what you’ll find in a sleep app or on YouTube. It’s not widely available. The apps will probably help, but not to the same level..... ******************************************************************* Pink Noise for Sleep, Relaxation, Meditation, Concentration, Studying and Tinnitus Masking
02.01.2022 Studies are now showing that the benefits of using binaural beats can help in many areas such as: Reduced stress and anxiety. Increased focus, concentration and motivation.... Improved confidence. Deeper meditation. Enhanced psychomotor performance and mood. ..
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